THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dillinger Associate Tried For Murder Of Lima Sheriff CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Associated Press Photo This was the courtroom scene at Lima, 0., as Harry Pierpont, associate of John Dillinger, went on trial for the slaying of Sheriff Jess Sarber during the jail delivery which freed Dillinger from the Lima jail months ago. Standing behind Pierpont, machine gun in hand, is Sheriff Don Sarber, son of the slain official. Seated at table are Miss Jessie Levy (without hat), one of Pierpont's attorneys, and Pierpont's mother, with handkerchief to face. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertions. Box Numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in Advance-11e per -reading line S (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month .................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ......3c 2 lines daily, college year ......'is 4 lines E. O. D., college year ....7e 100 lines used as desired......9c 300 lines used as desired.......8c 1,.000 lines used as desired...7c 2.000 lines used as desired ...6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 7% point Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. LAUNDRY WE DO your laundry work for one- half the usual price. Phone 2-3739. 8x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x TAXICABS TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. Ix ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x Expect Sell-Out For League Style Show (Continued from Page 1) and Miss Mayer. Julie Kane, who is assisting Miss Mayer, with the cen- tral plans, will also have tickets to sell. Tea will be served in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room directly after the style show which will begin promptly at 3 p.m. Dancing to the music of Bob Steinle's Union Or- chestra will also begin immediately after the display. A style supplement, which is to be put out by The Daily, will appear on the morning of the show, giving some indication of the type of thing that will appear in the show.. All styles, for both men and women, will be shown. WANTED PERSON interested in the liberal re- ligious educational field to form Round Table discussion groups. Lesson text available. Ask A. G. Livinghouse, 4121 Commonwealth Ave., Detroit. 375 WANTED: Two shotguns, one pump and one automatic. Price must be reasonable. Phone 2-2390. 132 Hill St. 370 WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office. 200 North Main. 5x LOST AND FOUND LOST: On Campus: black and silver Parker pencil and English journal. Reward. Call 488-2-3281. 377 LOST: An Alpha Gamma Delta sor- ority pin. Reward to finder. Call Betty Merrell. 8817. 372 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Newly decorated rooms for men. Steam heat, shower bath, 422 E. Washington. Also furnished apartment for young couple with- out children. 426 E. Washington. Dial 8544. 373 FOR RENT: Two single rooms, sleep- ing porch if desired. No other roomers. 1143 Forest, Phone 5416. 374 NOTICE BUY NEW AND USED CARS FROM FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x. FERA Checks Now Ready For Students Checks for students who worked on part-time Federal Aid jobs during February are now ready and may be obtained at the cost department in the University Storehouse Building, There were 188 students employed on part-time jobs during February and they earned a total of $808.33, John Christensen, controller of the University, a n n o u n c e d yesterday. These jobs ranged from clerical and research workers to soda-fountain and tea room attendants. There are now 633 students qualified for Fed- eral Aid jobs, and over 500 of them have been put to work, Photostatic Department Shows Great Progres s After 17 Years By MARSHALL D. SILVERMAN photostating colored illustrations or Among the small but important book bindings. University departments hidden away During her 17 years of work in the in various corners of the campus, is department, Mrs. Woodford says she the photostatic room in the basement has never been bored a moment be- cause she finds the work so interest- of the General Library. For 17 years ing. At one time she made 22 copies under the guidance of Mrs. A. M. of every page of every issue of the Woodford, it has quietly progressed Kentucky Gazette from the year 1787 from a small unit with one wooden to 1800. She also photostated every issue of the Detroit Gazette, printed machine to as completely-equipped during the years 1817 to 1831. and fine a photostatic department Almost all of Mrs. Woodford's work as that of any university in the is done for the University or persons country, connected with it. The department Copies of rare maps and books, makes no attempt to compete with newspapers, letters, manuscripts, similar commercial enterprises. The music, ancient pieces of papyrus - cost of the work depends on its size in short practically anything which and amount. can be photographed, are made by The only restriction placed on Mrs. Woodford and her assistant. A photostating is government law. It is considerable amount of work is done illegal to copy naturalization papers, for- graduate students preparing uncanceled stamps, or money, or to theses. Prints are made on good reproduce copyrighted articles and paper to last as long as the originals. books for sale or publication. One of the machines used permits copying on both sides of a sheet of Wisconsin Dean is paper. This is especially valuable in reproducing books. Any object 18 by L A ainst 'Hell Week' 24 inches may be photostated. Larger objects are reproduced by a process of reduction or by photographing A campaign to end "hell week" is them in sections. once more to be initiated by Wis- Students are familiar with one i consin's dean of men, Scott H. Good- type of the work as used in trans- night, according to the Wisconsin cripts of grades supplied them at the Daily Cardinal. The Chi Phi chap- beginning of the first semester. By ter at Wisconsin will abolish "hell use of color filters, Mrs. Woodforr week" entirely as a result of the gets excellent color gradations indean's fight against all brutal prat- tices. Conferences with house presidents, ail Delivered To many the heads of those fraternities having the most severe practices, Byrd ExpeditionBy have preceded the campaign. In the past few years there has been a de- Short- Wave Radio cided disinclination to abandon old traditions and practices, although the severity of initiation ceremonies at The famous rapid-delivery system Wisconsin has been somewhat modi- >f Santa Claus has at last been sur- fled as a result of student dissatis- passed - by a mailman. Every two faction. weeks this mailman delivers mail to eager recipients 10,000 miles away- rnd is finished in less than an hour. harvard Refuses Offer The mailman is K. G. Patrick, an Of Murderer's Corpse. mployee in the Schenectady, N. Y., short-wave station of the General Harvard medical school authorities Electric Company, and he delivers have been offered the body of Henry nail by a special directive antenna C. Bull, recently executed in the o the Byrd Antarctic Expedition in Charlestown state prison, the Har- Little America. I vard Crimson announced recently. During the two weeks before each .The offer was made in accordance wDrin te to Admerach with a last minute request by Bull n oadcast, letters to Admiral Byrdthtiscrebelfto"mec- nd his followers pour into the sta-that his corpse be left to "some sci ion from all over America, and entific institution." }romptly at 11:30 p.m. every other George B. Wislocke, professor of aunday these letters are read to the anatomy, said unofficially, "Although ager listeners at the South Pole. I have not heard anything about the question, I am sure that Harvard, never accepts such a gift." Sigma Rho Tau Initiates 27 At Formal Dinner Cedric Marsh Is Awarded Pin Given Annually For- Best Speech Twenty-seven men were formally initiated by the Stump Speakers So- ciety of Sigma Rho Tau, engineering debating organization, last night at the Union. w Cedric E. Marsh, '36, was awarded the pin given annually for the best speech. Besides Marsh those initiated were Richard A. Ames, '37, Robert H. Baldwin, '37, Wheelock R. Bennett, '37, George J. Busso, '37, George F. Butterfield, '35, Harold Campbell, '37, Robert T. Cousins, '37, Robert C. Crouch, '36, Seymour H. Dembin- sky, '37, Frank W. Donovan, '37, Philip R. Ewald, '35, Robert W. Had- dock, '37, Richard D. Jay, '37, John F. Ingold, '37, William H. Jewell, '37, James R. Lientz, '35, Lyle F. Loukes, '37, George W. Malone, '37, Robert D. Minteer, '34, William C. Pierce, '35, Delmar J. Rogers, '37, William A. St. Jean, Spec., Orlando W. Stephen- son, '37, M a u r i c e Taylor, Spec., George F. Wahl, '36, and Eugene C. Whitney, '35. About 150 students witnessed the informal initiation yesterday after- noon at the stump near the Engi- neering Arch. English Journal Club Will Meet Tomorrow The regular monthly meeting of the English Journal Club for March will be held at 4:15 p.m. Friday at the League. The meeting is open to the public, but a business session which is to be held at 4 p.m. is for members only. The subject of the discussion is "The Place of Linguistics in Grad- uate Study." It will be presented by Arthur M. Coon, Grad., Frederic G. Cassidy, Grad., and Hanako H. Yam- agiwa, Grad. College Students Defended By Prof. Willis, R oosevelt Adviser According to an interview appear- ing in the Ohio State Lantern the long-criticized college student, for years buffeted by vitriolic gusts of comment from the Carnegie Founda- tions, Edna Ferbers, and W.C.T.U.'s, has at last received a pat on the back. There is no longer need for col- legians to sneak blushingly back to the home town in the clutches of an inferiority complex, for the compli- ment was delivered by none other' than H. Parker Willis, adviser to President Roosevelt, Congress, and other bodies ofslike importance. The Columbia government effi- ciency expert and one-time editor,, stopped viewing "with alarm" the present "economic crisis" long enough to evaluate the college men and women of today. Shaking his head, Professor Willis said in reply to the perennial charges of football mania and disinterest of students in vital questions, "Although he sometimes persists in voting for the best-looking man, the college stu- dent of today is singularly catholic in all his viewpoints, will look at all sides, and usually refrains from sec- tarian opinion. He is far ahead of the average individual "Until 'he 'is torn down by the school of hard knocks, the student will remain camped on the left wing," Professor Willis continued. He went on to explain that such a condition was a healthy one, since the liberal views of youth serve as a balance to the conservative and reactionary stand of old age. Until he begins to speak, Professor Willis scarcely looks the part of one of the more important members of the "brain trust." His words flow gently, but, tinged with mild sarcasm, they strike swiftly and accurately to the heart of his material. "I have found the college student cognizant, curious, and far more in- terested in economic trends than is generally supposed. Especially in the past year have unprecedented events stimulated him to be smart, concen- trate his knowledge and test theor- ies," he concluded. W U ERTH Daily Matinees . . . ..15c - ENDS TONIGHT- MARIE DRESSLER "CHRISTOPHER BEAN" Herbert Marhall "SOLITAIRE MAN" Tomorrow "TILLIE AND GUS" W. C. Fields Alison Skipworth and '"SMOKY" Victory Dory.. II Union Opera Those students who signed up for back-stage work will please report at 7 p.m. today at the offices of the Union. The rest of the groups re- port as follows: Groups I and II-4 p.m. Group III - 4:30 p.m. Group IV--7:30 p.m. _ _ _ _ A _ _ I I II i