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March 08, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-08

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The Weather
Generally fair Thursday and
Friday. Continued cold.


4d&J~dhw 4,


Michigan's Endowments ...
Register Now If You WishE
Vote In April...

VOL. XLIV No. 113


New Air Mail
Contracts May
Roosevelt Proposes Idea In
Letter To The Congress
Postoffice Committee
New Legislation To
Protect The Public
President Recommends
Letting Of Agreements
For Only Three Years
WASHINGTON, March 7-(W) -
President Roosevelt todayproposed
that new contracts be negotiated
with commercial air carriers as soon
as possible for carrying the air mail.
The proposal was contained in a
letter he wrote to the postoffice com-
mittee of the Senate and the House.
He recommended contracts be let
for a period of not more than three
years "on full, open and fair com-
petitive bidding, with a limitation on
the rate of compensation above
which no contracts will be awarded."
Asks Protection Of Public
He proposed new legislation "to
protect the public interest."
The President said "obviously no
contracts should be made with any
companies, old or new, any of whose
offcers were parties to the obtaining
of former contracts under circum-
stances which were clearly contrary
to good faith and public policy."
He recommended that new legisla-
tion prohibit the 'award of an air
mail coitract "to any company hav-
ing connection with subsidiaries, af-
filiated, associated, orholding com-
panies, directly or indirectly, by stock
ownership, interlocking directorates,
interlocking officers, or otherwise, if
such subsidiaries, affiliates, associates,
or holding companies are engaged,
directly or indirectly in the operation
of competitive routes or in the manu-
facturing of aircraft, or other ma-
terials or accessories used generally
in the aviation industry."
Hears Of Investigation
The J'usic e Department was
studying air mail contracts as early
as- Jan. 1, the Black investigating
committee learned today, and upon
the order of Attorney General Cum-
mings, payments to the United Air-
craft and Transport Co. were stopped
on that date.
Testimony to that effect was re-
ceived from Paul Henderson, vice-
president of the company, after he
had told the committee his company
paid Lehr Fess, son of the Ohio
Senator, either $3,000 or $5,000 to
help expedite passage of the Waters
Henderson vigorously insisted the
company's air mail contracts had
been obtained by competitive bid-
ding. Since Feb. 9, when they with
all domestic air mail contracts were
annulled, he said, he has tried un-
successfully to obtain a hearing be-
fore Postmaster General Farley.
Seek Way To
PreVent Auto
Labor StriIe
Alabama Miners Ordered
Back To Work In 2-To-1
Decision Of Coal Board

(By Associated Press)
An agreement to postpone a threat-
ened walkout of 10,000 automobile
workers in Detroit pending the out-
come of conferences at Washington
next Wednesday was sought by the
National Labor board yesterday.
James F. Dewey, representative of
the Board, was in Detroit attempting
to persuade employes of the Hudson
Motor Car Co. to withhold strike
plans in line with an agreement he
negotiated at Flint, Mich., affecting
nearly 20,000 workers of the Fisher
Body Corp. and the Buick Motor Co.
Several thousand employees of the
Fisher Body Corp. called off a vote
on a strike today.
Meanwhile, striking miners in Ala-
bama coal fields were ordered to re-
turn to work next Monday in a two-
to-one decision of the coal labor
board, division No. 3. The board held
the men walked out in violation of
the bituminous coal code without at-
tempting to negotiate their dispute
with the operators over the "check-
nff" sstem nf enllecting union dues.

Roosevelt Asks Shotter Hours And Higher Pay

Library Drive
Raises Almost
$100 In Cash
Additional $50 Is Pledged
With Dormitories Still
To Be Heard From
Council Hopes To
Raise Full Amount

Dean Passes


Hours Permission
For SeniorWomer

Only 15 Fraternities.
Sororities Have So


-Associated Press Photo
President Roosevelt is shown as he addressed industrial leaders in Washington on the, future of the
NRA. In his speech he stressed a need for continued economic reform, and urged higher wages and shorter
hours in industry. Seated in foreground is Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administrator.

Buyers Group
Makes Survey
Of Price Field
C a n v a s s Fraternities In
Association To Discover
Lowest Market
A survey of the prices paid by fra-
ternities and sororities which are
members of the Interfraternity Buy-
ers Association is being conducted by
William Mahey, association buyer, so
that he may-obtain the lowest pos-
sible prices when he starts buying for
the organization.
The survey is necessary, he de-
clared last night, in order to co-
ordinate the various prices which are
now being paid. Mr. Mahey pointed
out that the prices which he will pay
as association buyer will be less than
those which are now paid for the
same class of commodities'because he
will be able to offer a greater volume
of trade and insure the merchants of
prompt payment.
Under the new plan, the houses
which have signed up pledge them-
selves to buy co-operatively and at
prices probably lower than at present,
the same articles which they now are
Prompt payment is insured to the
merchants by means of a deposit of
$75 to defray current bills, which
each house is required to remit as it
applies for membership.
Additional houses which are inter-
ested in joining the association have
been invited by Bethel B. Kelley, '34,
president of the Interfraternity
Council, to send a representative to
a meeting of the board of directors to
discuss the plan.
Judge Hulbert To
Retire From Bench
DETROIT, March 7-() - After
44 years with the Wayne County
Probate Court as deputy, registrar,
and jurist, Judge Henry S. Hulbert
has resigned to become vice president
in charge of the trust department of
the National Bank of Detroit.
Judge Hulbert announced his res-
ignation Wednesday following receipt
of Gov. Comstock's acceptance. He
had asked to close his judicial ca-
reer March 24. Gov. Comstock re-
quested that he remain until March
Expressing regret in his letter of
acceptance, Governor Comstock re-
vealed his decision to fill the vacan-
cy immediately by the appointment
of Ferris H. Fitch, who has been his
personal attorney and went to Lan-
sing as secretarial adviser shortly af-
ter the Governor's inauguration.
Adelphi Pledges Four
Men At Weekly Meeting
Four men were pledged to Adelphi
House of Representatives, men's
speech club, at the organization's
weekly meeting last night. The four
who tried-out and wr accented ar-:

Athena Defeated By Alpha Nu
In .Debate On Women's Charm

The small woman has charm, and1
that is a rare pleasure to the man,;
but the large woman is always get-
ting us into difficulties. That was the'
conclusion to which members ofl
Alpha Nu, men's national debating1
society, came after an hour of argu-
ment with members of Athena Lit-
erary Society, national forensic league
for women.
The question under consideration,
"Resolved, That the Charm of
Woman Varies Inversely as Her Size"
was decided in favor of the smaller,
woman, whose appeal was upheld by
House Passes
Reduction For
Auto Licenses
36 Per Cent Slash Will
Mean Small Car Tax Is
Under $10
LANSING, March 7. - (AP) - A tax
slash of $5,100,000 a year for Mich-
igan motorists became a reality today
when the House concurred with the
Senate in a reduction of the license
rate from 55 to 35 cents a hundred-
Minor amendments over which
there is no controversy will delay
sending the bill to the Governor for
his signature for a day.
The action makes operative at once
the 10 days of grace granted by Sec-
retary of State Frank D. Fitzgerald,
for the acquisition of new plates, and
a rush is expected.
The passage of the bill by the
House marks the culmination of ef-
forts begun months ago to relieve
the burden on automobile owners.
The reduction is approximately 36
per cent, and means that most of the
smaller cars can be licensed for less
than $10. A 2,500 pound car, for
example, will require a tax of $8.75,
as compared to the old price of
Other proposals before the Legis-
lature included a bill to put all pas-
senger cars in three classifications,
with plates to cost $3, $6, and $9. This
proposal had the support of Frank D.
Fitzgerald, secretary of state, and
many others, but was shelved in the
special session because it would throw
highway budgets for 1934, many of
which have already been arranged,
seriously out ofbalance. The issue
is likely to be revived in the 1935
Gargoyle Out Today;
Hard-Wares Featured
The Gargoyle will appear today,
offered by campus salemen and
exposing to the unsuspecting cam-
pus a close-up of the wares pur-
veyed at the liquor store.
Fifteen cents will be the addi-

the men. The judges were Carol Han-
an, Grace Mayer, and Byron Vedder.
Karl Nelson, '37, John Finkbeiner,
'35, and Charles Rogers, Jr., '34, up-
held the affirmative side of the ques-
tion, against Mary Mildred Murphy,
'35, Vivian Young, '36, and- Eleanor
Blum, '35..
Mae West, Cleopatra, Helen of
Troy, and Josephine were cited by
the women on the negative to prove
their contention that charm is a
conspicuous attribute of the well-pro-
p'ortioned woman. Sirens of the past,
sirens of the present, and the prob-
able sirens of the future, all declared
large by the women speakers were
called to witness the negative's stand,
that the charm of woman varies di-
rectly with her size.
The woman of the future will be
well-streamlined; she will be large,
gracious, kindly-dispositioned, she
will be a pleasure to live with. So the
negative concluded their three-fold
theory of the charm of large women
of the past, present, and future.
The Alpha Nu speakers, the win-
ners, stated as their first premise that
"the charm of woman varies inversely
as the size of the separate parts of
her body," and exhibited a number
of drawings to prove their point. The
drawings, hung one by one before the
audience and judges presented the
face of the charming woman, perfect
in every detail, then that face dis-
figured by an oversized nose, mouth,
ear, and finally the portrait of the
whole woman, large in every part and
most uncharming.
"The ideal of charm is the perfect
Michigan co-ed; the President of this
University went to Egypt to spread
the report of the beauty and appeal
of the Michigan co-ed, and that per-
fect co-ed is small," said the final
masculine speaker. Dancing with the
large woman is a trial, taking her out
to eat hurts the pocketbook, and hav-
ing one's date a head taller than one-
self is hardly flattering, exclaimed
Alpha Nu debaters, as they won a
two-to-one decision.

Actual cash on hand in the Un-
dergraduate Council's drive to raise
enough money to keep the General
Library open Sundays for the re-
mainder of the year was just short of
$100 last night with an additional
$50 pledged and the dormitories still
to be heard from, Gilbert Bursley,
Council president, announced.
The number of fraternities and so-
rorities which has thus far contrib-
uted is very small, Bursley said, be-
ing less than 15. With additional
fraternity and sordrity dollections
during the remainder of the week
expected, and the dormitory dona-
tions yet to be tabulated, Council
members believe they will raise the
$375 which is necessary.
Independents, faculty, and other
organizations besides fraternities and
sororities which wish to contribute
were requested by theoCouncil to
leave their contributions at the Un-
ion desk or to call Bursley at 7956
or 4197.
The organizations which have con-
tributed $1 or more are: Chi Psi, $4;
Psi Upsilon, $5; Beta Theta Pi, $5;
Collegiate Sorosis, $4; Delta Delta
Delta, $3; Delta Gamma, $5; Theta
Xi, $5; Zeta Tau Alpha, $1; Alpha
Delta Pi, $1.40; Trigon, $4;50; and
Alpha Epsilon Phi, $3. Floyd K.
Riley of the speech department con-
tributed $1. These contributions,
plus those received in boxes and the
Undergraduate Council's $50, brings
the total .to $97.82.
The campaign will continue today
and for the remaind' of the week,
Bursley said last night.
One Liquor Violator Is
Acquitted, One Convicted
Steve Arnold, tried yesterday be-
fore the Circuit Court on a charge of
violation of the liquor law, was ac-
quitted after an hour's deliberation
by the jury.
Nelson Elums, tried on the same
charge, and taken into custody at the
same time and place as Arnold, wasj
found guilty and remanded for sen-
tence. Arnold and Elums, Ann Arbor
Negroes, were said by Leo Butler,
State's witness, to have sold liquor
at Arnold's residence at 617 N. Fourth
Clayton Thompson, 42-year-old la-
borer, was found guilty of taking in-
decent liberties with a 13-year-old
girl, his niece.
Virgin Islanders Cheer
Mrs. Roosevelt's Arrival

Wet Groups To Meet In
Press Building Today
A meeting of wet groups inter-
ested in repealing the East of Di-
vision Street Beer Ban when it
comes to a vote April 2 will be
held at 10 a.m. today in the Stu-
dent Publications Building on
Maynard Street, and all interested
in the repeal movement are in-
vited to attend, it was announced
by the executive committee of the
Ann Arbor Charter Provision Re-
peal League last night.
At the meeting it is expected
that a decision will be made as
to who will be president of the
league, Norman Kraft, chairman
of the executive committee, said
last night. Plans for the printing
of handbills and posters, the dis-
semination of publicity, the or-
ganizing of different groups of
voters, and the registering of qual-
ified voters will be discussed. All
qualified but unregistered voters
who wish to vote must register be-
fore Saturday noon at City Hall.
League Fashion
Show Expected
To Be Sell-Out
Twelve S t o r e s Entered;
Dancing, Tea To Follow
Promenade Of Models
A sell-out for the League Fashion
Show to be held tomorrow was ex-
pected last night according to late
reports of the ticket committee, Grace
Mayer, '34Ed., League president, said.
Although last year's show drew a
crowd of 600, this year's will prob-
ably equal or exceed that number.
Twelve stores which will display
the latest spring fashions are Jacob-
son's, The Marilyn Shop, Collin's
Shoppe, Hutzel's, Mack & Co., Kes-
sel's, Walk-Over Boot Shop, Van Bo-
ven, Inc., Wild & Co., Wagner & Co.,
Saffell and Bush, and Goodyear &
Co. Both professional and student
models will display the styles, and
those attending the show will have
an opportunity to see the outfits after
the show and make any purchases
they may wish.
Tickets, which are priced at 25
cents apiece, are divided into lots of
500 for the women and 300 for the
men. With each ticket will go a
chance on the door prizes which are
being offered. A $16.50 outfit will go
to the woman whose numbe is
drawn, and a sports jacket of similar
cost to the man who wins. In addi-
tion to these main prizes, each store
is contributing a $2.50 credit slip
which the winner may use in any
way he sees fit.
Tickets for the show are on sale
in the League lobby, at the Union
desk, and from any of the members
of Mortarboard, who, with the
League, are sponsoring the affair. The
Mortarboard members are Margaret
Allen, Marian Giddings, Josephine
McCausey, Ruth Duhme, Ada Black-
man, Harriett Jennings, Ruth Kurtz
(Continued on Page 2)

Ruling Applies Only For
Saturdays; Co-eds Must
Maintain C Average
Not To Grow Into
Late Grant For All
Chaperon In Dormitories
Problem Settled Without
Added Expense
Late Saturday permission to 1:30
a.m. will be granted to all senior
women with a C average or better
beginning this week-end as the re-
sult of action yesterday by Dean
Alice Lloyd on a resolution presented
to her Tuesday.
The new permission will last
through the remainder of the year
and will be made permanent if it is
considered successful. Dean Lloyd
said the success of the scheme would
depend upon the senior women rec-
ognizing the permission as a privi-
lege and seeing that it is restricted
solely to upperclassmen.
"The extra hour on S a t u r d a y
nights is not meant to grow into
1:30 permission for the entire cam-
pus but for seniors alone. And the
new plan can only be worked out if
the senior women will recognize the
distinction and enforce it them-
selves," Dean Lloyd stated.
The problem of night chaperons
in the large dormitories which had
been the main obstacle to the pro-
posal, has been settled so that there
will be no added expense in the ad-
ministrative system, according to
Miss Ellen B. Stevenson, business
The details of the plan have not
yet been perfected, Miss Stevenson
stated, but it will in no way impair
the present system. It was believed
that the sororities and League houses
which have small senior groups will
be able to work out their own in-
dividual methods of chaperoning sat-
It was emphasized that the extra
hour on Saturday nights was not to
be considered a permission to be
granted by the house chaperon but
may be considered the rightful privi-
lege of the senior as long as she has
as many honor points as hours,
The extension of the closing period
came as a result of a measure passed
first through the board of represen-
tatives and then by the board of di-
rectors of the women's self-govern-
ing body. The proposal was then
presented to Miss Lloyd and to Miss
Stevenson for revisal according to
the technical difficulties as presented
by the larger dormitories.

ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands,
March 7-( W) - Cheers and music
greeted Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt
this afternoon on her arrival from
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
A band played "The Battle Hymn
of the Republic," school children
sang a song of welcome and the
NRA song, and 12-year-old Elaine
Brown stepped forward with roses
as the President's wife and her party
stepped from their airplane.


'Honesty Towards Natives Aids
Michigan Expeditions' -Ruthven

Strict "intellectual honesty" tow-
ard natives and government officials
in the Near East has earned for Uni-
versity archeological exedition mem-
bers the cordial co-operation and
friendly attitude of the desert peo-
ple to a degree not usually experi-
enced by such outsiders.
This statement was made yester-
day by President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven, telling the Graduate Luncheon
Club of his recent trip to Egypt,
where he observed work done by the
University expeditions and studied
the relationships between the Mich-
igan men and the Egyptians.
"I went to Egypt not for a vaca-
tion, as most persons think, but pri-
marily to see how we are getting
along with the Egyptian government
anri + c Ta w a m 5wrchOn P(nn-

Dr. Ruthven said that from King
Fuad, with whom he had an audience
as the University's representative,
down to the desert natives of the
Fayoum district, he was greeted with
a courtesy that was "not just polite-
ness because I was the representa-
tive of the University."
The feeling toward members of the
University expeditions, particularly
the largest one at Karanis, was found
unique because the natives treat the
Michigan expedition members as
members of no other expeditions are
treated. It was the Michigan men's
attitude toward the natives, both
workmen and officials, that Dr.
Ruthven termed "intellectual hon-
"It s intereina +that nr men

House Investigates War
Department Expenditures
WASHINGTON, March 7- (P) -
An unanswered question whether the
Army had attempted to "cover up"
the employment of air corps officers
while on leave by commercial avia-
tion companies tonight challenged
the curiosity of the House commit-
tee investigating War Department
It turned to a search for informa-
tion on this subject after clearing up
a misunderstanding between Assis-
tant Secretary Woodring and Maj.-
Gen. Benjamin D. ,Foulois, chief of
the air corps. From the latter it re-
ceived an explanation that in previ-
ous testimony he did not mean to
say Woodring had changed specifica-
tions on aircraft purchases so less
efficient planes might qualify.

160,000 Patients
Visited Hospital
Largest Number Came In
July, President's Annual
Report Shows
More than 160,000 out patients
visited University Hospital during
1932-33, the total being approximate-
ly 10,000 more than that registered
in 1931-32, according to the annual
summary on the institution included
in President Alexander G. Ruthven's
report of the year in the Univer-
Of this number, comparative fig-
ures show that the largest numbei
came to the institution in July, there
being 14,201 out patient visits thai
month. Of the total number during
the year, 62,622 were new patients
and 99,101 had been in for treatment
University Hospital has a total ca-
capacity of 1,281 patients confined to
the building at one time. During the
year there were 31,272 cases confined
there, or an average of approximate-
ly 2,500 each month. Further statis-
tics show that women patients were
slightly more numerous than men
there being 16,141 of the former and
15,131 of the latter throughout the
year. There were but 816 from out
side the State in the total numbe
of hospital patients.
The average age of those who wer
nifinA at nn time nr anothr was

Senior Ball Committee
nn 33- 1 A N - . - -r -

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