THE MICHIGAN DAILY WE ReguIla (ions By Clearing House Tapping Speaks On Russia's Health sian health situation, it was said, for he carefully observed this phase Ba iStIUetS Savings Accounts (Continued from Page 1 Another section of the bulletin re- that they disapproved of the practice cently issued by the banks states that of sending money through the mails a charge of 5 cents is to be made for except in registered letters, recoi- accepting for deposit checks against mending the use of money orderst out-of-town banks, wnereas formerly in preference to the registered mail oto-onbns nra omry service because of the records which lthere was no charge for this service. are preserved of the transaction. A minimum of five free checks per month is set up for checking ac- Funds which the students have on counts, with additional free checks hand may be kept without charge being allowed on the basis of one for. in postal savings accounts, which every $10 or balance more than $50. may be opened at the main postoffice, The 3 cents which is to be charged Main and Catherine Streets. Certifi- for each check in excess of the num- cates are issued in even dollar de- ber permitted will be added to the nominations, which are convertible on Federal tax of 2 cents per check. sight at the postoffice. The postal A fee of 15 cents is charged non- savings office is open from 9 a.m. depositors for eachout-of-town check to 3 p.m. under $100 which is cashed, an addi- The changes in the banking rules tional 10 cents being charged for each have arisen, it appears from a state- added $100 or fraction. ment of the Clearing House Associa- k yI(iInJI) JtI V I t 1s l of Soviet life during his recent stay Problem Is To there. T. Hawley Tapping, general sec- The Roussky ,Kroujok, or Russian retary of the Alumni Association, B e i iseissed Circle, is a new student-faculty and spoke before Dean Joseph A. Bur- alumni organization whose purpose sley's freshman luncheon club yester- is to disclose the truth of what is day noon on Michigan honor societies Dr. John Sundwall, director of hy-istdscoeheruh fwats which have ceased to exist on the giene and public health, will lead the happening in Soviet Russia today. A campus. discussion on the topic "Health and program of authoritative speakers He discussed his own connections Its Problems in Soviet Russia," at the and discussions is the method by with the Owls, organized in 1863 as a!t which the club intends to achieve its second meeting of the Roussky-Krou- means through which aid might be purpose. The organization has abso- rendered to the dependents of Civil jok to be held at 8 p.m. Friday in lutely no political or nationalistic at- War casualties, and at the same time Lane Hall. #tachments and any person interested his connections with the purely so- Dr. Sundwall 'is highly qualified is eligible for membership, it has been cial order known as Toastmasters. to present information on the Rus- i announced. F_ h. _________________ _____ ______ ___ ___ .1 HUNDREDS OF VOLUMES COPYRIGHT'FICTION BROILED TENDERLOIN STEAK 15c THE TAVERN CAFETERIA Slightly Damaged 25C the Copy Many Banners, Pennants, Pillows... One-Half Off WAHRS BOOKSTORES STATE STREET a{ . politan Opera Company of New York in the .1