Initiations And
Rushing Affairs
Occupy Houses,
Bianquets Are Feature Of
Sorority And Fraternity
Initiations provide the major in-
terests of fraternities and sororities
during the present week. Pledging is
still going on in some houses, and
rushing dinners are numerous,
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega sorority enter-
tained last night at .a rushing din-
ner for eight guests. The decorations,
carried out in red tulips and white
candles, and the dinner, were ar-
ranged by, Ileene Peters, '34.
Alpha Kappa
Alpha Iota of Alpha Kappa, pro-
fessional medical fraternity, held its
formal spring initiation ceremony
last week-end. Those initiated were:
John F. Wurz, '37M, Edward R. Nell,
'37M, Albert E. Heustis, Jr., '36M,
Peter Crabtree, '37M, Frederick H.
Fehlmann, '37M, Joe H. Gardner,
'37M, and Harry C. Matthews, '37M.
Prof. Max Peet presided as toast-
master at the banquet following the
ceremony. The principal speaker was
Dr. Robert Baker of Pontiac.
Among the alumni present were:
the Professors Henry Tiekls, John
Bean, F. H. Lashmet and H. C. Nich-
olsen; the Doctors J. P Belset, D. M.
Carr, W. H. Craddock, T. M. Currant,
Robert McClure, H. N. Rolland, S. M.
Rife, and H. G. Waller, all of Ann
Arbor; D. D. Yoder and W. S. Scott,
Ypsilanti; Lynn Fergerson, M. M.
Marrin, and A. B. Chapla, Grand
Rapids; an J. W. Rice and G. B.
Saltonstahl, Detroit.
Chii Phi
Chi Phi fraternity announces the
pledging of Mason Stevens, '37,
Bloomfield Hills.
Del'a Ta.u Delta
Lewis Kearns, '35, attended the
Northern Division Convention of Del-
ta Tau Delta fraternity which was
held in Toledo last week-end.
Kappa Nu
Initiation ceremonies and a for-
mal banquet were held at the Kappa
Nu f r a t e r n it y Sunday. Milton
Greenebaum, national president, was
the speaker of the evening. The
alumni present from Detroit were
Philip Stern, Joe Weiss, Arthur
Goulson, Robert Deutsch, and Arthur
Mozier. Others were William Zag-
gorin, Chicago, and Philip Arnoff,
The initiates are: William Deutsch,
'37, Sheldon Ellis, '37, Robert J.
Friedman, '37, Ardo Friend, '37, Sam
Pozin, '37, Robert Remez, '35, .
Robert Rosenblum, '37, David Schnei-
der, '36, Charles Weinstein, '36, Ber-
nard Weissman, '37.
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity an-
nounces the initiation Saturday of
Arthur Fisher, '37Spec., Rockford,
Ill., Bennett Thayer, '37, Youngs-
town, 0., HerbertH.,Baker, '37, To-
ledo, 0., and Peter Bowles, '36,
Springfield, Mass.
Sigma Kappa
Sigma Kappa sorority entertained
four guests at a rushing dinner Mon-
day night. The decorations, which
were candles and sweet peas, were
planned by Cecily H. Sellars, '35.'
Miss Ruth Weisenreder,
form erly of The Arname
Shop is now with
208 Michigan Theatre Bldg.
Film Contestants For Best Perforrmance Of Past Year
Frosh Frolic
Are Completed
Late Permission Granted;
Floral Decorations And
Novel Program Planned
Plans have been completed for the
decorations for the Frosh Frolic toC
be held Friday from nine o'clock un-
til two at tthe Union. Two-thirty
permission has been granted campus
women planning to attend the func-!
The ballroom will be decorated
with ferns and flowers which will
bank the platform and form a back-
ground for the orchestra. The fea-
ture of the decorative scheme will be
a floral wreath above the fireplace
ccniaining the numerals of the class
of '37.
During the evening the Union Tap
Room will serve refreshments. This
room which is usually closed to wo-
men will be opened to them from
12:15 until the end of the dance.
Programs for the affair will be de-
cidedly novel. They are to be of
white leather with a picture in black
on the front. The crest will appear
on the back of the cover and it will
contain in addition to the list of pa-
trons and committee members the
customary blanks for dances.
'Gung's All There' Will Prc
Variety Of Unusual Cost
Costuming a variety of characters
from underworld mugs to. rotund
Viennese doctoirs, Sue Calcutt. chair-
man of the costumes for "Gang's All
There," states that this musical show
has afforded excellent opportunity
for both imiginative and realistic de-
The plot deals with the troubles of
a young producer who is attempting
to put on a musical comedy that will
satirize the gangsters of that city
and so, many of the scenes are backj
stage views of his show, The costum-
ing for these has not been difficult,
Miss Caleutt says, nor have.the ac-
tual costtmjcs for this show, which
are of the usual musical comedy
But the scene which is a fantasy in
a Vienna hospital requires most un-j
usual, colorful, and wildly imagina-
tive costumes to be in keeping with
the comic, exaggerated, stylized danc-
ing of the choruses. Since this is to
represent somewhat the' nightmare-
like visions of poor Fannie, the hero-
ine, the psychological exaggerations
have been carefully worked out even
in the designs of the cloth of the
choruses. The raspberry colored flow-
ers in Fannie's own charming flannel
gown have been copied and stenciled
in a large pattern for the night gown
The 12 little doctors will be dressed
exactly alike but in different colors
with 12 nurses dressed on the same
pattern in colors to match them in-
stead of the conventional white out-
"I had a very difficult time trying
to get the design for a real doctor's
jacket," Miss Calcutt laughingly ex-
plained, "and I spent over 45 minutes
waiting in the Health Service trying
to see one of the doctors to get the
proper measurements."
Bright contrasts in color will fea-
ture the gowns for the "high yaller
gals," the entertainers in "Henriet
ta's" in Harlem.
Lessons in contract bridge will be
given at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday
at the League. Eight lessons will cost
Theta Xi
Theta Xi fraternity announces the
pledging of Richard E. Randall, '36,
and James A. Neill, Jr., '37E.
4Th - EERS-AU - 4.
-Associated Press Photo
The award for the best film performance of any actress in 1933 will go to one of the stars shown
here. These three (left to right), Diana Wynyard, May Robson and Katharine Hepburn, were nominated
by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the winner to be decided by votes of academy
members. Each is shown as she appears in real life and in the role which brought her the nomination -
Miss Wynyard in "Cavalcade;" Miss Robson in "Lady For a Day," and Miss Hepburn in "Morning Glory."
47c -- EVERSITARP - 47c
4-inch Leads - Latest Mechanism
302 South State St.
nternationa . ntramural Contest
Relations Club attracts Swimmers
Play Numbers
To Be Features
Of Stunt Night
Plans Agendaf
A report on Hungary, made at the
1932 session of the Model Assembly
of the League of Nations, ,was pre-
sented yesterday at the meeting of
the International Relations Club by
Charles D. Braidwood, '34. Braid-
wood is director of the minorities sec-
tion of the Model Assembly, sessions
of which will be held in April here.
The Hungarian report will be the
basis for this year's discussion on
minorities. Its .specific recommen-
dations to be considered are: that a
permanent minorities commission of
the League of Nations be set up by
the assembly for the protection of
minorities; that all members of the
League accept the obligations in re-
gard to minorities as they were ac-
cepted by the signatories of the mi-
norities treaties, and that the League
rules of procedure governing the
handling of minorities' petitions be
so modified as to permit petitioners
to present their cases directly before
the council of the committee.
The questions of disarmament and
of trade and tariff barriers, which
also have been placed on the agenda
of the Model Assembly, will be dis-
cussed in future meetings of the In-
ternational Relations Club.
Danes Hold Spring
Fashion Showings
Members of the Michigan Dames
paraded as mannequins in a spring
fashion show held last night under
the sponsorship of the organization
of wives of students, in the League.
About 40 outfits, each complete as to
accessories were displayed.
The home-making group in charge
of the program, presented the show
as a part of their work. This year
the committee is including in it the
art of dressing well, usual studies of
cookery, interior decoration, table
service, handicraft and similar ac-
The annual intramural swimming
meet is not designed for the Madi-
son or Ederle. Not that any one ca-
pable of extraordinary feats is ex-
cluded, just that in competition be-
tween the different houses the ma-
jority of swimmers are average. In-
deed, the 25-yard consolation free
style makes it possible for the adept
dog paddler to place.
These meets were started in 1925
in response to the denand of the
average swimmer for competition.
Since the participants are earning
points both for their houses and for
themselves, the event is spirited,
When such disasters as flat dives and
swimming in the wrong alley dur-
ing the relay occur, the audience be-
comes hilarious as well.
Several prominent sororities on the
campus may boast of victory in the
intramural swimming meets. Chi
Omega has been champion for the
last two years while Alpha Phi placed
first in, 1928- and 1929.: The initial
meet was held before the opening of
the dormitories, consequently zones
competed against one another and
the sororities. Zones 5-7 won in
1925 with Pi Phi running a close
second. The following year zones
2-8 were victorious and Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma rated second.
Final time trials will be held to-
night in the Union pool. The events
are: 25- yard free style, 25-yard con-
solation free style, 25-yard back, side,
and breast stroke, 25-yard relay and'
diving. Those women who distin-
guish themselves in Thursday's in-
tramural meet will compete Saturday
against most of the Big Ten and
some of the eastern colleges in a
telegraphic meet.
Wonen's Clu
Elects Officers
I""Im 0 T
Campus plays will contribute the.
main part of the Stunt Night pro-
gram to be held in the Grill room to-
night. The Junior Girls Play and
"The Gondoliers" are the main con-
Leon Kaye, '34, who has written
several musical numbers for "Gang's
All There," will play his own rhap-
sody, "Space," and two other num-
Virginia Chapman, '35, one of the
comedy leads of the junior play, will
sing several numbers. Bob Miller, '34,
and Jean Seeley, '36, will present one
of the features of the evening when
they do a duet from "The Gondol-
Finally an original skit of Romeo
and Juliet written by John Silber-
man, '34, will be acted by the author
and Louise Pliss, '34. Mr. Silberman
will also act as master of ceremonies
for the program.
Dancing, as usual will start at 8
p.m.: and continue until 10 p.m. The
band is directed by Al Cowan and
his orchestra.
Anonnce Robinson
Reed Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robinson, 6001
W. Huron St., announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Catherine
Bradford, '32, to Clyde L. Reed, '32,
of Battle Creek.
After attending college in Albion,
Miss Robinson was graduated from
the University of Michigan in 1932.
Since her graduation from the Na-
tional Recreation School in New
York City she has directed the wo-
men's and girls' activities in Rad-
burn, New Jersey.
The wedding will take place this
Announe Rehearsals
For 'The Gondoliers'
Rehearsals for "The Gondoliers"
scheduled for 7 p.m. today and
Thursday will meet in the choral
union room, at the School of
Music, because of the necessity of
using the Laboratory Theatre
stage for rehearsals of "Elizabeth
the Queen." The Gondolier re-
hearsal scheduled for 3 p.m. Sun-
day, will be held as usual in the
Laboratory Theatre, however.
A few men are still needed for
chorus parts, and those desiring
to take part should report at any
of the rehearsals. Members of the
cast and chorus should arrange for
fittings, according to Valentine B.
Windt, director of Play Production.
Sheer Suits Adopt
White Accessories
In all the furore over the woolen
suit which is the piece de resistance
of the early spring wardrobe we
have comenear overlooking the thin
or sheer suit which is fully as im-
portant for wear later in the sea-
Most of such styles are shown in
the darker shades with white blouses
or light collars and cuffs so that a
change of accessories can easily be
effected. The favorite materials are
crepes and triple sheers, with some-
times a blouse of tucked chiffon.
One of the most striking of these
was seen in a local shop. It was of
dark blue triple sheer made with a
three-quarter lengthjacket cleverly
tucked in the back. The blouse which
was white also featured tuckings
with a small round collar and bright
red buttons down the front. Patri-
otic, what?
Other suits use white pique for
large, Puritanical collars and cuffs
on the dark jackets and several fin-
Your Wardrobe and be sure to find a place
for a gay Printed or Checked
i 4
i . . ::
d :- .
hn" AM1R: '4'.
Spring wardrobes will be gayer - and
smarter -when you add to them
these lovely prints.
Perky ruff collars of checked or
striped taffeta adorn many of the
new models while smartly tailored
collars and cuffs of pique give that
decided tailored appearance.
And a two-time jacket dress will
be another frock you'll be happy to
have.- The windblown silhouette is
achieved with frilly collars of matlese
or embroidered organdy in white.
- -I- Ll- - -- - -
-..! 41- 1 - -- - - - -1 -
We Salute Spring's
Newest Whim..'.
New, rough calf "puts you on
your toes" in swanky spectator
shoes, with four thrilling colors
to choose from .. . White.
Black ... Brown and new Grey.
Mail Orders Proraptly Filled
r . ...__ _ _ish the neckline with large white
pique posies.
The Ann Arbor Women's Club ; yPrfso
elected. officers for the coming year Returns To Eu rope W here T 1.o
at the meeting held yesterday in the
L eague. T he selections of the nom - ~ -~~f ,_Arth urL ._ _unh a__ofthe-his -
inating committee under Mrs. Ray Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the his-chigan, "Six of
Holland were, followed. unanimously. Cr eatet h so abt
ical leave this year, left New York a Kind with Mary Boland; Majestic,
Mrs.Chares H Eatn wa re Saturday for Europe, where he is "Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen" and
elected to the presidency, Mrs. George d horkon ther e ic '"Ace of Aces" with Richard Dix;
Willard to the vice-presidency, anddngoWhitney, "Men in h er ;Life"and
Mrs. D. E. Standish, chosen againj history of France from 1815 to 1848,.Fride ril'"Werth, "Soli-
as second vice-president. Other of- Dr. Dunham spent several .weeksn ai: Wu
fices iclue Ms. . B Filey re France during the fall and early faire Man" and "Christopher Bean."
ficers include Mrs. R. B. Finley, Are-wnertrigt e okie- Dancing: Stunt night at League,
cording secretary, Mrs. Nate Stanger,, winter, returning to New York in De- Dacn:SutigttLeu,
. gCysage cember because of ill health. While Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes.
corresponding secretar, Mrs. Carl in New York he did research work Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
Malcolm, treasurer, Mrs. Peter Stair, for his book at Columbia University.| Christian, Hill Auditorium: 4:15 p.m.
director of .American Home depart-- _-_ - _
ment, Mrs. Burr Boylan, director of . <;;;<;;;s <; ;> ;;;><;;; ;;; ;;;
Applied Education, and Miss Kather- -
ine Diehl, director of. the fine arts
Mrs. L. H. Hollway is head of the -
American citizenship department,1 HE'S SINGING - - SO AR YE WE 'C
Mrs. O. R. Greschke, director of pub-
lic welfare, and Mrs. H. S. Curtis,
director of the international rela-}=For
tions department. Fc- Today
Mrs. Walter Hiscock and Mrs.
Louise Hoad will be delegates to the
convention at Grand Rapids, with THE NEW RTSJHBPLPEE
Mrs. E. R. Chaufty and Miss Sara
Whedon, alternates.
of YAEOUNIVERSIT (9 Nickels Arcade)
Offering in. addition to its usual
The thirty moniThs' oumIl, providi"g
an intensive and varied experience attractive display of dresses, ln-
through the case study' method, leads
to the degree of . gere and accessories a new feature
Sizes 12 to 18
I2 95
TWO Brand New
"+wox..M -ai,'i
A smart four eyelet tie of
belge chamois with conti-
nental heel, will be your
zhoice to wear with that
an tweed suit or spriig
woat. $6.00
A navy blue tie with light
olue trim - a distinctive
;hoe to complete your blue
nsemble. Continental heel.
- I.