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March 07, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-07

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ARCH 7, 1934



Five Wrestlers
Will Participate
In Big Ten Meet

Terry Concerned Over Hubbell's Condition

is an artist and a showman, but
at a recent exhibition match in De-
troit he met another artist and show-
man... by the name of Mr. Guiseppe
Castiglione. Mr. William T. (sec-
ond) is engaged in the business of
selling brilliant t e n n i s play and
amusing cash customers thereby. Mr.
Guiseppe C. (first) is also in the
selling business. He sells eatments
of the portable variety such as hotc
dogs. He also sells peanuts, an hon-
orable occupation renowned in song
and story.C
It was in the 25th year of Mr.t
Guiseppe C. (first)'s career that he
scaled the heights of prominence.
That was the other night as he was
operating in the $3.30 seats right
down near where Mr. William T.
(second) was cavorting about and
chasing a little rubber ball from the
racquet of Martin Plaa.Y
* * *
NOW there is an art in selling pea-
nuts, especially down in the $3.301
seats. People who buy $3.30 seats{
do not buy peanuts ostentatiously.
Peanuts, for the sake of appearances
and social prestige, must be careful-
ly bootlegged to such customers.
Peanuts must be artfully suggested
to these people, and Mr. Guiseppe C.
is a past master in artful suggest-
ing, and in transferring the pur-
chase in an unostentatious manner.
It was at such a moment that Wil-
liam T. (second) poised for that fa-
mous cannon-ball s e r v i c e, then
stopped abruptly. The voice of the
artful suggester was heard. .. "Pea-
nuts fl' cents!"
THE MAN in the tennis business
addressed the man in the peanut
business.. . . "My good gentleman.
couldn't you dither about elsewhere
with your low traffic?"
Guiseppe's knowledge ofUEnglish
broke down completely. Unprece-
dented as the situation was in his
experience Guiseppe believed that at
last he was breaking down the sales
resistance of the performers who had
never in 25 years made a purchase
from him.-
"Two bags peanuts, signor?" he
softly and artfully insinuated.
Mr. William T. (second) lost his
Eastern accent on that one, reddened
and hollered "Hey you, get out!"
* * *.
THE MERCHANT understood, and
hastily retreated through the $2.20
seats to a dubious safety in the $1.10
section. But, being in love with his
art, he worked back into the $3.30
section later.
International complications im-
pended as Henri Cochet became of-
fended with the nut traffic, and re-
proved Guiseppe in French. That
was just too much for Guiseppe. He
stood up to that one and came back
with a few hot ones in Italian.
But Nemesis, in the shape of the
constabulary, came to Guiseppe, and
ejected him and peanuts from the
So much for being an artist with
artistic zeal.
Kipke To Start
Spring Football
The first official call for spring
football practice was issued yesterday
by Coach Harry G. Kipke who asked
that all football candidates report at
8 p.m. Monday night, March 12, at
Yost Field House. The candidates
will work indoors during the next two
or three weeks and then take to the
outdoors for the remainder of the
spring session that ends May with
the annual spring game.

More than 50 football players are
expected to meet at the Field House
Monday night when Kipke will meet
the grid squad for the 1934 season.
Among the half hundred or so who
are expected to report are nine let-
termen from last year's Varsity.
Capt. Tom Austin, Bill Borgmann,
Chester Beard, Russ Fuog, Willard
Hildebrand, John Viergiver, Jerry
Ford, Mike Malashevich and Tage
Jacobson are the lettermen who are
expected out for the first drill.
Other letter winners from last year
who are not expected to report for
the sessions are Willis Ward, Russ
Oliver, John Regeczi and Bill Ren-
ner. Ward is on the track team and
Oliver and Regeczi have joined the
baseball squad. Renner, who is ex-
pected to be the Wolverine field gen-
eral next fall, is convalescing from
an operation for appendicitis and
will probably not be available until
September. Renner, however, is re-
covering rapidly and expects to re-
turn to Ann Arbor this week.

Wolverine Grapplers Will
Leave Thursday; Squad
Not Yet Selected
Mosier Tops List
Captain Is Leading Point
Maker In Dual Meets;
Freedman Is Second
Art Mosier, wrestling captain and
consistent winner for three seasons,
led the mat squad in scoring for the
dual-meet season just completed. His
total of 13%V2 points in the six meets
was somewhat better than the 12
points of Seymour Freedman, who
wrestled in the six meets at 135 lbs.
Mosier, wrestling at 155 lbs., was
defeated once and tied once. The
defeat came at the hands of Kauf-
man, the Wildcat ace who is an out-
standing candidate for 155 lb. honors
in the Conference and National
meets. Red Morford, the Cornell
College star, drew with the Wolverine
Oakley, Fiero Undefeated
Joe Oakley and Don Fiero were
the only members of the squad who
completed the season without a de-
feat, but neither wrestled in all the
Fiero, at 118 lbs., wrestled against
Iovell Genson of Michigan State in
~he two meets, going to an overtime
draw in their first meeting and de-
feating the Spartan in the return
Oakley began the Michigan streak
n the 126 lb. division with three
straight wins in the Northwestern ,
U.S.C and Ohio State meets, but a
'roken arm in the Ohio match kept
'im out of the last three meets. Sey-
mour Rubin, who replaced Oakley,
;ontinued the streak but was stopped
by Floyd Austin, the Spartan cap-
ain, in the M.S.C. meet.
Oakley May Be In Nationals
Although Oakley will not be avail-
able for the Conference meet this
week, the announcement yesterday
by Dr. Frank Lynam, who has been
attending him, that the arm would
probably be in shape for the Na-
tional meet, March 23, was the source
of great satisfaction to Coach Clffl
Keen will take a squad of five to
the Conference meet to be held Fri-
day and Saturday at Indiana. The
personnel of the squad which will
leave Thursday has not been an-
nounced, but it seems that Captain
Mosier and Hilton Ponto, who will
probably enter at 165 lbs., are certain
to go.
A possibility that Mosier may step
below his usual class was indicated
yesterday by Keen, who intimated
that the Wolverine captain may en-
ter at 145 lbs. Mosier, who weighs
considerably less than the 155 lb.
limit at which he has wrestled
throughout the season feels that he
can enter the lower class without
sacrificing strength.
Intramural Events
Set For March 13
Two of the most interesting events
that the -intramural card offers will
be run off on March 13. The Inde-
pendent relay and foul throwing
teams will compete, the first at the
Field House, and the second at the
Intramural building. The foul throw-
ing event is something new for the
independents and is being inaugu-
rated this year in an. effort to gain
the success achieved in the same
event by fraternity teams.
In the relay, a four man team is

required, each runner to circle the
track once. Each team will run
against time and the four fastest
teams will meet at a later date to
determine the best in the event.
Five men are necessary to com-
pose a foul shooting team. Each
man shoots two rounds of 25 shots
and the team with the highest total
will be declared the winner.
In the playoffs in the quarter-final
round of the basketball tournament,
four teams advanced to the semi-
final round: Theta Psi defeated Phi
Kappa Psi, 27-21; Alpha Sigma Phi
defeated Alpha Omega, 16-10; Phi
Alpha Kappa defeated Delta Theta
Phi, 14-8; and Alpha Delta Phi de-
feated Kappa Sigma, 29-14.

Calumet Flash Bags 23
G o al s During Season;
Artz Places Second



Associated Press Photo
When Carl IHubbell (right), ace outlhpaw of the world's cham-
pions, reported to Bill Ferry at Miami Ieach, 1,a., the Giant's manager
was chiefly concerned with Hube3li's co ndition as the pitcher is being
depended upon to bear the brunt of the hurling duties.


Wolverine Track men Seeking
yTo Regain con ference Crown

I championship for 1934, as well as
To Johnny Sherf, flashy wing of discover the individual stars in each
he Wolverine hockey sextet, goes event. Chi Omega will defend the
coring honors for the Michigan puck title which they won last year when
eason which ended Saturday night they edged out Kappa Alpha Theta,
against Michigan Tech. 28% to 25.
In the 16 games played by the ITo break the records set in previ-
Inckster th issgasopn, d the ous meets is one of the goals of the
)ucksters this season, the Calumet present crop of natators. Last year
Flash accounted for 23 of the team's Jean Berridge set three of them, in
42 goals. Sherf is also credited with the 25-yard back crawl, the 40-yard
seven assists to bring his point total crawl and 40-yard back stroke. Her
to 30, an average of slightly less mark in the 25-yard event is :17.5,
than two points per game. in the 40-yard crawl, :25, and the
Avan Artz, Varsity center, follows back stroke, :30.5.
Sherf in the scoring column with Dorothy Hall set the 25-yard free
nine goals and two assists for a style mark at :14, while Mary Stir-
point total of 11. ling paced the third 25-yard event,
Capt. David Third the side stroke, in :20.6.
Capt. George David, wing, scored Elizabeth Home set the 40-yard
two goals less than Artz and one as- breast stroke record at :35.2, while
sist for a total of eight points dur- Helen Mason took the 25-yard sprint
ing the season. in this style in :19.5.
Ted Chapman, senior defenseman, Chi Omega will seek to hold their
is credited with two goals while Larry supremacy in the 100yard relay,
David, who teamed with Chapman which they now have with a time of
behind the red line most of the sea- 1:11.
son, scored one goal and one assist. The Physical Education Depart-
Tommy Stewart and Gil MacEachern, ment announces that for the benefit
Wolverine spares, are each credited of the entrants in the meet, the
with an assist during the schedule of Board will pay 15 cents of the quar-
qames. -ter it costs to swim at the Union
The Wolverines were most success- 001.
ful against some of the best amateur * F *
puck teams in Michigan and On- adininton Singles .
tario during the season. The puck- Badminton lists for the singles
sters met five of these teams in the tournament have been posted at Bar-
Varsity Arena and came out victor- bour Gym. Anyone who wishes to
ious on four of the contests. The only sign up must do so immediately, as
one able to edge out the Maize and the entries will close this week-end.
Blue was Point Edward of Sarnia, Drawings will be made and play-
Ont., which scored a 2 to 1 victory. ois start the early part of next week.
Minnesota Wins Four Matches may be played Monday and
Five of the six defeats suffered by Wednesday afternoons, and Satur-
the Michigan sextet this year were day morng in he maingm.
at the hands of other college teams.
Minnesota, Conference champions, Clarence (Gus) Holst, greatest dis-
accounted for four of these wins while Lance runner in Montana State col-
Michigan Tech was victorious in one lege history, is now a member of the
out of four with Coach Eddie Low- San Francisco Olympic club field and
rey's skaters. track squad.
The Varsity pucksters, however,
were able to show a slight edge over
the college teams by winning six of
the 11 games with collegians. Three
victories were scored over Tech, two IC H IGA
over Wisconsin, and one over Col-
gate. T
The season's record follows:T L gmP H
Michigan 4, Dearborn A.C. 3.
Michigan 3, Amherstburg 2.
Michigan 1, Point Edward 2.
Michigan 7, Colgate 1.
Michigan 4, Mich. Tech 5.
Michigan 1, Mich. Tech. 0.
Michigan 2, Kitchener 1.
Michigan 2, Minneso .
Michigan 0, Minnesota 1. I
Michigan 5, Wisconsin 3.
Michigan 2, Wisconsin 0.
Michigan 1, Minnesota 3.
Michigan 1, Minnesota 2.
Michigan 4, London East 2.
Michigan 2, Mich. Tech 1.
Michigan 3, Mich. Tech 0.
Won, 10; Lost 6. Points, 42;
Opponents, 31.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a series of 'pen portraits' of the
nien upon whom Michigan's hopes in
the Big Ten indoor ieet will rest.
Some 20 trackmen wearing the
Maize and Blue colors will descend
upon Chicago this week end and at-
tempt to wrest the Big Ten Indoor
title from Indiana, winners for the
last two years.
In 1932 the Hoosiers won a heart-
breaking victory over the Wolvrines
by a score of 27 5-6 to 27.
In 1933 they sprang a surprise re-
peat after the Michigan tracksters

scored points in the 100 and 220-
yard events outdoors.
He comes from Greenville, Mich.,
where he played football, basketball,
and baseball.
A sophomore, Dave will be coin-
peting in his first Big Ten meet. Up-
on him will rest Michigan's hopes
in the pole vault.
In view of past performances he
appears tohbe among the leading
vaulters in the Conference. Last week
against Chicago and Northwestern
he won his event with a lean of 13

had apparently cinched the meet in feet, 2 inches.
the trials. Led by Chuck Hornbostel
and Ivan Fuqua, the H o o s i e r s Dave comes from ElkhartInd.,
amassed a total of 32 points to Mich- where he had four years track ex-
igan's 28. perience. He holds the Indiana in-
Next Saturday the Wolverines, door record of 12 feet, 51/2 inches, and
with only a few veterans in the line- s tied for the outdoor record of 12
up, are determined to stop the In- feet, 7 inches.
diana machine, Hornbostel, Fuqua, He also played basketball and foot-I
and all. ball in high school, and was a mem-
These are some of the men upon ber of the Michigan grid squad last
which the hopes of Michigan rest: fall.
The only member of the present Varsity Cage Squad To
Wolverine team who scored points
for Michigan in both the 1932 and Choose CaptainToday,
1933 meets. As a sophomore he was Members of the Varsity basketball
a member of the mile relay team team will meet this noon to elect
which set a new Conference record their captain for 1934-35.
of 3:23.1. Last year he helped lower At the same time next year's man-
this record to 3:20.6. ager will be chosen, and the names
Although Tom has not reached the of the Varsity and secondary award
peak of condition this year due to winners announced.
an ear infeciton, Michigan support- Juniors on the squad who will be
ers are counting heavily on him in eligible for the captaincy are Al
both the quarter-mile and the mile Plummer, Wabash, Ill., Russ Oliver,
relay. He is a senior and comes from Pontiac, John Regeczi, Muskegon
Birmingham, Mich. Heights, Manny Fishman, Detroit,
CASS KEMP and Bill Borgmann, Fort Wayne,
Kemp is one of the surprises of Ind.
the 1933 outfit. Always strong in
the sprints, he surprised followers of
the sport by tying for first place in SPRING GRID PRACTICE
the quarter-mile in the Michigan Tile spring football practice will
State, Michigan Normal triangular tart at 8 p.m. Monday night,
meet. Since then Coach Hoyt has March 12, at Yost Field House.t
been using him in the dashes and Any studant desirkeg to ryot
mile relay. for fffafll is asked to report.
Last year he was in the finals of harry G. Kipke, Coach
the dash , at the indoor meet and
y . ~v_ vi,_ vi vav/\'vavt'v tMMAi~jM~vW vi
the Hat :E5
3 With A College Degree -5
Something different from the same old, tame old thing.
5 3 The newest university fashion. Jaunty and youthful with ::E _
a pitch and poise all its own. Note the short, sharp dip
" of the brim and the faint taper to the unpinched crown.


w __ - - - Ii

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