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March 07, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-07

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy, local n
somewat colder Wedne say.
Thursday cloudy and cold./





Undergraduate Cots
Makes A False Step

VOL. XLIV No. 112



. _ __ _

Faculty To
Be Guests
At Houses
Student-Faculty Relations
Committee Plans Series
Of Dinner-Discussions
20 Fraternities To
Take Part In Plan
Representative Committee
Formulates Plans For
Carrying Out Project
Plans for the inauguration of a
series of special faculty dinners at
various fraternities as a step to-
wards establishing a closer relation-
ship between undergraduates and
professors was formulated yesterday
afternoon at a meeting of the recent-
ly-formed committee on student and
faculty relations.
The project calls for each of a
group of fraternities entertaining a
selected faculty member on Wednes-
day nights for dinner with the guest
conducting an informal discussion
after the meal. The series is sched-
uled to begin Wednesday, March 14,
according to Robert A. Saltzstein, '34,
president of the Union and a mem-
ber of the committee.
Although a complete list of the pro-
fessors who are co-operating in the
plan has not yet been formulated,
more than 35 have already signified
their willingness to take part. Twenty
fraternities have also expressed a de-
sire to participate.
Members of the committee further
decided that, inasmuch as the
achievement of a closer contact is a
task which will require a long period
of time, the body should be made
permanent and should be responsible
to the Board of Directors of the
Union. They selected Saltzstein as
leader, and provided that hereafter
the Union president shall by virtue
of his office be chairman ..
Members of the committee include,
in addition to Saltzstein, Prof. James
K. Pollock and Prof. Charles F.
Remer of the literary college, Prof.
John S. Worley of the engineering
college, Prof. William A. McLauglin
of the Union Board of Directors, Ed-
ward W. McCormick, '34, secretary of
the Union, and Thomas K. Connellan,
'34, managing editor of The Daily.
Announce Plan
For Continuing
Discussion Units Will Be
Permanent; To Select
Student Chairmen
Continuation of the fouridiscus-
sion groups which met during the
Spring Parley last week-end was defi-
nitely decided upon last night at a
meeting of the student committee
which had organized the Parley.
Final arrangements for the con-
tinuation of these groups on "Capi-
talism and Social Change," "Sex and
the Family," "War and the Student,"
and "Religion and the Church," in-
cluding times and places for the first
meetings, will be announced within
a few days. Student chairmen also
will be named by Clinton D. San-

duskey, '34, chairman of the Parley.
A large measure of discretion is to
be allowed the chairman of each sec-
tion and the group itself as to how
At will arrange its discussions, what
program it will adopt, and what fac-
ulty or other leadership it will in-
Although there was some differ-
ence of opinion, it was generally felt,
in view of the interest shown in some
of the groups during the recent Par-
ley, the fact that discussion and
questions were nowhere near ex-
hausted, and interest in similar con-
tinuation groups a year ago, that
there is a place on campus for such
discussion groups.
Athena, Alphya N',
Will Debate Charm
Lady! Can you be big and be al-
Alpha Nu says no; Athena dis-
agrees. They'll fight it out at 7:30
nm. today in the Alpha Nu Room.

Woman Linked Wit h Dillinger Escape Plot

House Group
Favors Cut In
Labor Hours
Company U ions In Steel,
Automobile Industries
Ruled Illegal
Industry Opposes
Proposed Measure


Fights Against A
Of Codes To
Wages, Reduce


-Associated Press Photo
Jail attaches at Crown Point, Ind., identified Alaine Burton (right),
sweetheart of John Hamilton (left), escaped convict and Dillinger's
former partner in crime, as the mysterious woman who had visited
John Dillinger before his sensational escape.
- 4

Collection For
Library Fund
To Start Today
All Fraternities, Faculty,
Students Giving 1 To
Be Listed Thursday
Collection of fraternity and so-
rority donations and meetings of
residents in Betsy Barbour House,
Helen Newberry Residence, and Mar-
tha Cook Dormitory for the purpose
of deciding whether the residents
wish to contribute as a group or not
will occur today in the drive for
funds to keep the Main Library open
Tryouts will meet at 5 p.m. in the
Undergraduate Council rooms in the
Union, where the money collected
from houses and that donated in bal-
lot boxes stationed on campus will
be tabulated for the first time.
Thursday morning all houses, in-
dividual students, and faculty mem-
bers who have contributed $1 or
more will be listed in The Daily. The
drive will continue throughout the
week after which the total will be
announced. It will take $375 to
keep the library, exclusive of the
stacks, open Sundays for the re-
mainder of the year.
Bursley emphasized last night that'
the initiative for the campaign has
come entirely from the students and
has no connection with the faculty
or the library administration. "The
situation with regard to the Main'
Library's closing on Sundays this'
year was explained to us by library'
officials and we were told that we
could go ahead and see if we could
get the necessary money to open it
ourselves," Bursley said.
Complaints against the library's
closing have been numerous through-'
out the year, and the students have
expressed their desire to get the li-
brary openasa place for study even
if they have to do it out of their own
pocketbooks, members of the Under-
graduate Council said last night.
Clearm House
Tightens U POn
Local Banks To Increase
Collection And Service
How to get their money from home
most conveniently and least expen-
sively and where to keep it inexpen-
sively is the problem which many stu-
dents are trying to solve as the re-
sult of the Ann Arbor Clearing House
Association r e g u la t i o n, effective
March 1, which increased the charge
by local banks for these services.
Students who attempt to change
their checking accounts to savings
accounts will find that although there
is no mention of the fact in the
bulletin explaining the change, stu-
dent savings accounts are rejected by
all local banks on the grounds that
they are "not really savings ac-
Similarly, the use of a safety de-
posit vault to contain cash is pro-
hibited by custom, although bank of-
ficials refused to comment on how
tha wiknow what, n rtof v ,,l_

Teachers iIccusCed
Of Be rayng Thei
Students By Seldes
OLIVET, Mich.,. March 6--(IP) -
Gilbert Seldes of NewYork, here for
a visit with Joseph H. Brewer, pres-
ident of Olivet College, said Tuesday
that "college students have been be-e
trayed by their professors."
"Colleges have been guilty of lur-
ing students to the campus by say-
ing that college training guarantees
high salaries," said Seldes. "Witht
economy readjustment must comes<
educational revision. Today colleges
should tell students 'we can't make7
money for you, but we can make your
life more interesting.' The colleget
ought to foster contemplation rather1
than accumulation."
Florida Debate
Team Will Be
Affirmative To Be Taken!
By Michigan On Ques-
tion Of Policy Of Japan
As a climax to an extensive tourt
of the Midwest the University of
Florida's debating team will oppose
the Michigan affirmative team at 8c
p.m. Monday in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League, according to
James H. McBurney, Varsity debating
coatch. Michigan's negative team will
debate at 6:30 p.m. the same night at
the Fort Shelby Hotel in Detroit
against the Detroit Speakers Club as1
a part of a banquet given by the lat-
ter organization.
Against Florida Michigan will have
an affirmative team composed of Jack
Weissman, '35, and Samuel Travis,
'34, while Edward Litchfield, '36,
and Clinton Sandusky, '34, will take
the affirmative side of the question
in Detroit.
Debate On Far East
The question that both teams will
debate on is "Resolved: That Japan
Accept the Recommendation of the
Lytton Commission as a Basis for
Future Policy in the Far East."
"Because this question deals direct-
ly with the Sino-Japanese contro-
versy in Manchuria I feel that a dis-
cussion of it should be of vital in-
terest to all foreign students on the;
campus," Mr. McBurney stated.
The two debates Monday will be
the last of the preliminary contests
before the newly innovated Confer-
ence Debating Tournament which is
tb be held Friday and Saturday,
March 16, and 17 at Evanston. Be-'
sides the four men who will debate
Monday night Mr. McBurney will
probably choose two more debaters
from the following men: Stewart
Cram, '34, Edward Downs, '36, Lee C.
.Shaw, '35, and Abe Zwerdling, '35.
To Alternate Men
Mr. McBurney stated that he will
probably alternate the men, using
some in one debate and other combi-
nations in others. The affirmative and
negative teams have three debates
each. The affirmative team meets
Northwestern, Ohio State, and Pur-
due. The negative team will oppose
Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois. The
school with the highest average will
win the Conference championship.
Because of a Conference ruling that
prohibits graduate students from en-
tering the tournament three veterans
from last year's debating squad will

WASHINGTON, March 6. - () -
A sledge-hammer blow was aimed at
company unions by NRA today at
one of its code revision sessions while
at other gatherings industry raised
objections against the proposal to
further reduce the hours and increase
the pay of its workers.
With the declaration of Hugh S.
Johnson, NRA aministrator, Wil-
liam H. Davis, the organization's
compliance directqr, appeared at the
conference on code authorities and
said that many of the plans for com-
pany unions in the automobile and
steel industries violated the law.
Cites Workers' Rights
Davis specifically mentioned in this
connection Section 7-A of the Recov-
ery Act which gives the workers the
right to .join unions of their own
Although witnesses at the labor
hearing were cold toward the proposal
to pare hours further, an indication
of support for it in Congress was
given today through approval by the
House Labor Committee of the Con-
nery Bill which would place indus-
tries under NRA on a flat 30-hour
The Administration is dubious
about the Connery measure and its
chances of passingt're problematical
but the Comm-ittee unanimously ap-
proved of it. The a tion may prompt
industry to a more favorable consid-
erahroi of milder- NA suggestions.
Charge No Action
Witness after witness at the NRA
open forum for complaints last week
charged that many industrial con-
cerns were acting as if Section 7 was
not in existence and that NRA was
doing nothing about it. -
The insistence of several concerns
upon the formation of company
unions has caused strikes, exchanges
between the National Labor Board
and the companies involved and in
one case a call by the board for the
Department of Justice to proceed
against the National Steel Co. at
Weirton, W. Va.
Davis said company unions which
violated the law - and labor repre-
sentatives charge all of them break
the spirit of the act would be dealt
with for the time being by the code
authorities of the industries involved.
President Roosevelt in opening the
NRA code revision conference in-
sisted that workers have the right of
collective bargaining.
Horak Elected
Head Varsity
Joseph Horak, '35, was elected head
Varsity cheerleader for the coming
year, according to an announcement
by Thomas Roberts, '34, retiring
head. The selection was made at a
meeting last Friday of a committee
composed of captains and managers
of four major teams - baseball, bas-
ketball, football, and track.

Campaign To
End Beer Ban
Is Organized
Committee Appointed To
Get Out Wet Vote For
April 2 Election
Students, Faculty
Are Represented
Election Of Officers Is To
Be Held Thursday Night;
Will Plan Action
Representatives from the faculty,
the student body, and State Street
merchants met last night in the Stu-
dent Publications Building and or-
ganized a committee to carry on the
work of getting out the largest pos-
sible vote for the repeal of the East
of Division Street Beer Ban in the
April 2 election.
Norman Kraft was named as cam-
paign chairman. The new organ-
ization will be called the Citizens
Charter Amendment Repeal League,
and it was announced by the group
that officers will be elected at the
next meeting Thursday.
A committee was elected to do the
work of the campaign. Gilbert Bur-
sley, president of the Undergraduate
Council, B. B. Kelly, president of the
Interfraternity Council, Del Pfrom-
mer, president of the University of
Michigan Republican Club, Thomas
Connellan, managing editor of The
Michigan Daily, and Dean Emmer-
son, president of the University of
Michigan Democratic Club compose
the committee. Clinton Starbuck,
proprietor of a State Street restau-
rant, was named treasurer.
The first activity of the committee,
it was decided, would be to get re-
peal voters who are qualified toevote
registered. This must be done by
March 12 if the voters are to cast a
ballot in the April 2 election.
The committee intends to collect
money, to print handbills and pos-
ters, to propagndizae its cause i the
city newspapers, and to carry on all
other incidentals necessary for a
campaign of this type. A number of
people have already pledged funds to
the campaign, committee members
said last night.
Regular offices will be established,
it is planned, and some member of
the committee will be on hand dur-
ing the day to explain the commit-
tee's position on the beer question
and to give whatever other help is
needed to put over the drive.
The next meeting will be held at
10 p.m. Thursday in the Student
Publications Building, at which the
campaign will be outlined and fur-
ther details discussed.
Program Will
Be Broadcast
The New York Philharmonic Sym-
phony Orchestra will broadcast a
special concert next Sunday over a
nation-wide Columbia network, ac-
cording to an announcement by the
honorary committee, headed by Dr.
Nicholas Murray Butler, president of
Columbia University.
Of special interest to students will
be the rendition of Beethoven's "Mis-
sa Solemis," under the direction of
Arturo Toscanini. "As it is a choral
work of lofty nature, we believe it a
fit offering for the youth of this con-

tinent, and we are directing it ex-
pressly to students and alumni ev-
erywhere," Eleanor Childs, chairman
l of the Educational Committee, de-

"Union Opera Again
Will Be Presented
At Whitney Theatre
In Ann Arbor's most colorful the-
atre, the Whitney, scene of all but
one of the Union Operas of past
years, this year's show will be pre-
sented late in April, according to an
announcement issued yesterday.
Beginning with "Michigenda" in
1905, the first of the annual all-male
productions that became traditional
events here, 23 of the 24 Operas given
were opened at the.Whitney. The the-
atre is considered to have brought
to Ann Arbor residents and students
more prominent shows and more fa-
mous actors than many a theatre in
larger cities, due to the fact that E. C.
Whitney first tried out many of his
plays here.
Probably the most noted of these
that played its first performance at
the Whitney is "The Chocolate Sol-
dier." Among noted actors who have
played on the Whitney stage are May
Robson, Ethel, John, and Lionel
Barrymore, David W'arfield, Elsie
Janis, George Cohan, Maude Adams,
Mrs. Fiske, James K. Hackett, and
Henry Miller.
Opera officials stated that the show
is being given at the Whitney again
this year to continue the tradition
that this be the scene of its opening,
the theatre being almost inseparably
linked with the show in the minds of
those who have seen the Operas of
the past.
Draw p Plans
To Permit Late
Senior Hours

Jury Giv

Found Guilty Of Killing
Her Daughter-In-Law On
Operating Table
Jury Out Only 36
Minutes For Verdic
Dr. Wynekoop Receive
Sentence Calmly; Sits In
Wheel Chair
CHICAGO, March 6. -(R)-Dr
Alice Wynekoop tonight was convict
ed of the slaying of her daughter
in-law Rheta, and sentenced to 2
years in prison.
The jury spent only 36 minutes i:
actual deliberation. Dr. Wynekoop re
ceivyed the verdict quietly as she sa
in her wheel chair in the courtroon
The jury received the case at 6:1
p.m., took an hour off for dinner
and then announced at 7:45 p.m. tha
it had reached a verdict.
The doctor's 23-year-old daughter
in-law was found slain on the nigh
of Nov. 21, laist, on the operatin
table in the basement of Dr. Wyne
koop's office-home.
The trial which concluded tonigh
was the second, the first having beer
declared a mistrial when Dr. Wyne
koop's frail health made it impossibi
to proceed.
A decision in the case comes afte
its having been a national sensa-
tion for several months, during whis
time charges appeared imminer
against the husband of the murdere
girl, Earle Wynekoop, because of cir-
cumstances which at that tie we
considered to implicate him. Two lif
insurance policies and Wynekoop
acquaintance with Priscilla Witti
were thought to point to his connec
Two Dillisger
Guards Jailed
For Collusion




A.M. Privileges For
Year Women Aimed
By Committee°

Tentative plans for permitting sen-
ior women with C averages to have
1:30 a.m. privileges Saturday nights
are to be drawn up today in a con-
ference between Ellen B. Stevenson,
business' manager of University dor-
mitories, and Grace Mayer, '34Ed.,
president of the League.
When complete, the plans will be
submitted to Dean Alice Lloyd, whose
approval must be granted for the
later permission to become effective.
Today's conference is the result of
the passing Monday by the League
Board of Directors of a resolution fa-
voring late permission Saturday
nights for senior women of superior
scholastic rating. It previously had
been passed by the Board of Rep-
Technical difficulties in night chap-
eroning at the dormitories are prac-
tically the only points to be cleared
up in today's conference, it was in-
dicated last night. Dean Lloyd has
suggested that the problem be re-
considered in the light of present ad-
ministrative difficulties in the dormi-
tories and said that "senior privileges
that do not impair the system of
night chaperoning are entirely justi-
Choral Series
Audience Hails
Russian 'Cellist

Official Says That He H
Found Definite Evidene
Of Malfeasance
CROWN POINT, Ind., March 6.
(A') -Two of the guards who su
rendered to John Dillinger's wood
gun were taken into custody toda
but an intense man hunt failed
produce the missing outlaw himse
The guards, Deputy Ernest Blu
and Turnkey Sam Cahoon, wi
charged by Prosecutor Robert
Estill with "aiding and abetting" E
linger's escape.
Assistant Attorney General Edwa
Barce, investigating for the govern
of Indiana, said the charge was bas
on the failure of the jailers to res
when Dillinger corralled all
guards into his own cell and dro
off in the woman sheriff's sedan.
Barce said he had found "defin
evidence of malfeasance."
Cahoon was the first of Dillinge
victims, when the toy pistol gunn
began his amazing round up Saturd
of the jail garrison. The turnk
'opened the door of Dillinger's c
block, he admitted to the authorii
later, without sending Dillinger a
the other prisoners back into ti
At large in the corridor, Dillin
sprang on Cahoon and with
wooden pistol in the turnkey's ri
ordered him to call Blunk.
German Doctor
Enters Medica'

Effect Of Repeal Shows Itself
In March Number Of Gargoyle)

Piatigorsky Presents Final
Concert Of Year; Three
Encores Given
Gregor Piatigorsky, violoncellist,
appeared last night in the tenth and
final concert of the 1933-34 Choral
Union series in Hill Auditorium. An
exceptionally enthusiastic audience
caused him to give three encores in
addition to the regular program.
Mr. Piatigorsky opened the concert
with the "Sonata in D minor" of An-
drea Caporale. This was played in
four movements. After the Caporale
number, he presented Bach's "Suite
in D major" for 'cello alone. Follow-
ing this came the first encore, a
second Bach number, the first move-
ment of the "C Major Suite" for
'cello alone. The final number before
the intermission was Mr. Piatigorsky's
own arrangement of Weber's "Sona-
Saint-Saens' "Concerto in A mi-
nor," in one movement, was the fifth
piece presented. This was followed in
order by Chopin's "Nocturne," Mous-
sourgsky's "Hopak," "Intermezzo
from Goyescas" by Granados, and
Sarasate's "Zapateado."
For his two final encores, Mr. Piati-
gorsky chose to give Tschaikowsky's

Enough things of a sensational na-
ture have been happening in connec-
tion with the new Gargoyle, and if
the editors allowed us to be a bit
"snoopy" we could relate such things
as would make either your hair stand
on end or your thumbs point down.
But, since they won't let the secrets
out, even if we want to, we can just
tell you a sufficient amount of rumor
to make you purchase a Gargoyle.
Just by way of information, the
March Gargovle will be on sale

but the editors are mean and won't
let us.
That organization of public char-
acters, which goes by the name of
the Preposterous People Club, is going
to take in another member, so if you
want to see his portrait you know
just where to look. While on that
subject we might mention that there
is a spicy anecdote connected with
this group and we certainly would like
to tell it if our editors would let us.
Just to give you a hint, "Our Own
Valentine" B. Windt decided he didn't
care to wear the pledge pin to which
Messrs. Bursley. Saltzstein, Connel-

Faculty H e
The second former German scl
ar to come to the University
year, Dr. Carl Felix List, was
nounced yesterday as an instru
in neuro-surgery on the staff of
Medical School.
Coming from the University
Berlin, and holding the reputatio:
being one of the better-known z
in his field on the Continent,
List will finish the present seme


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