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March 06, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-06

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iz .

will be in vain if a misinformed electorate goes to
the polls on April 2 and defeats the measure.
Only through an intelligent and intensive cam-
paign during the next few weeks can the desired
result be obtained. The public must be brought to
see the facts, unadorned by blind prejudice and
false misgivings.
But it will take an intelligent central direction
and a unification of effort to do this work. There
are a number of competent forces backing the
campaign but they will be totally inadequate un-
less they work together. There are a number of
well-worded proverbs which apply excellently to
this situation. "In Union there is strength," and
"United we stand, divided; we fall." Only in
organization can there be success.
The meeting tonight is open. The committee
does not know everyone who is interested in the
matter but each person who wants to see this
geographical wrong righted should feel it his duty
to attend. You probably have ideas on how the
campaign ought to be conducted. They will be
welcomed. Probably it is no exaggeration to say
that the success or failure of the drive will be
determined at eight o'clock tonight.


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Screen Reflections



J. Pinkham Whinney.. . . Charles Ruggles
Nora Whinney............ Mary Boland
George Edwards ........... George Burns
Gracie-.................... Gracie Allen
Honest John.............. W. C. Fields
Mrs. Rumford .........Alison Skipworth

abllshed every morning except Monday during the
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SPrin Parey Is
Ru Innovation.
A NY doubts as to the existence of a
large number of serious-minded
udents on campus interested in discussion of
esent-day religious, social, and economic prob-3
ms will have been dispelled by the enthusiasticI
terest shown in the Spring Parley this last week-

Musical vent
Sonata in D minor.......... Andrea Caporale
Largo -Allegro -Adagio
Allegro deciso
Suite in D major (for 'cello alone)......Bach
Gavotte I -- Gavotte II
Sonatine ............................'Weber
Siciliana (Arr. by Piatigorsky)
Tema con variazioni
Concerto in A minor (in one
movement).... ..............Saint-Saens
Nocturne .... ......................Chopin
Hopak ........................Moussorgsky
Intermezzo (from "Goyescas") .. . .Granados
Zapateado ........................Sarasate
A colorful personality is to appear this evening
on the last concert of the Choral Union Series. One
of the modern Russian triumvirate, Piatigorsky-
Horowitz-Milstein, Gregor Piatigorsky is tall and
husky, and capable of producing an enormous tone
from his cello. He is endowed with a fine mu-
sicianship and a splendid technique.
Consequently, the performance of this concert
promises to be well worth hearing, and the pro-
gram itself holds some of the finest of 'cello lit-
erature. The Bach Suite, for instance, is the
sixth, originally written for a five-stringed in-
strument, probably the "viola pomposa." It has
been transcribed for the 'cello, resulting in a
technically difficult work. The Saraband and
Gavotte are very well-known, and have been tran-
scribed for the violin. "This is perhaps one of
the most effective 'sonatas' for the viol da gamba
(or its descendant, the cello) ."
Andrea Caporale was an eighteenth century
'cellist, who "excited much attention in London
by his playing. He joined Handel's Opera band
in 1740. Eighteen of his solos for his instrument
were published in London."
The Sonatine of Weber is one of the few cham-
ber music works written by Carl Maria von Weber,
who was decidedly successful as an operatic com-
poser. Piatigorsky has transcribed another of
Weber's Sonatines besides this one, and has en-
hanced its effeciveness. The Saint-Saens Concer-
to is usually played with orchestral accompani-
ment, but lends itself to piano accompaniment
readily. The four smaller works in the next group
are transcriptions from other mediums.
I wish to acknowledge the kindly assistance of
Hanns Pick who gave me much valuable informa-
tion concerning this program.
-Sally Place

Here is a comedy with nothing in it but laugh-
ter. "Six of a Kind" is flimsy stuff as far as plot
is concerned. Whinney is a benign little bank
clerk, who decides to spend his two weeks vaca-
tion in a second honeymoon with his wife. They
will drive to California, which should give them
time for a 24-hour stop-over in Hollywood. But
Mrs. Whinney makes the mistake of advertising
for a couple to go with them and share expenses-
and the couple, when it appears would have to
be George and Gracie and an enormous great
dane. Meanwhile a nasty teller in Whinney's bank
pilfers many shekels and inserts them in Whin-
ney's suitcase, intending to retrieve the money
later. Whinney drives over an unexpected route-
the teller trails him all over the country - and
eventually Whinney is accused of absconding.
Most of the action fortunately is focussed on
the journey, not on the plot. It develops that
George and Gracie are not married, so George
has to sleep with Whinney and Gracie with Nora.
The thwarted expressions on the faces of Ruggles
and Boland are, to state it conservatively, ludi-
crous. Meanwhile the great dane climbs trees,
knocks people over precipices, and growls fero-
ciously when someone argues with Gracie. The
sets are largely exterior, and there is a gusty qual-
ity about the comedy that adds greatly. Ruggles
work is smooth in a new type of role for him.
Mary Boland plays, surprisingly, a sympathetic
character. George and Gracie are George and
Gracie - Alison Skipworth is pretty well effaced-
and W. C. Fields has dialogue tailored to his fig-
ure. The howl of the show is the wrestle be-
tween Fields and a billiard cue.
A new Mickey Mouse cartoon, "Camping Out,"
is built along the line of Disney's former master-
piece, "The Bees and the Bears," and is almost
as good. Mosquitoes replace the bees in battle
formation. Laurel and Hardy pantomime through
a two-reeler which is chiefly distinguished by good
sound shots, a cardless game of solitaire, and a
dinnerless dinner. The newsreel is spotty.
-J. W. P.

CoUlegiate Observer


:n doing away entirely with set speeches and
>ending completely on student participation,
Parley committee offered what is something
an innovation on this campus, and the com-
te success of their attempt testifies to their
dom. Every one of the sessions during the
ee-day period was crowded with students, eager
ask pertinent questions and present firm con-
lions of their own.
'rem the wealth of opinions and facts that
:c brought out, it is left, as is right, to the stu-
it to choose what he shall believe, and cer-
aly he has received a challenge to his beliefs
t can only be accepted or discarded after
siderable further thought..
the Parley committee is to be congratulated for
finished way in which it handled the whole
sion.' But even more is it to be encouraged in
plan to continue the spirit of the Parley
oughout the year by making more or less per-
nent some or all of the discussion groups which
t this week-end.
Mat- For TIhe
icy Street Deparlme t .. .
O UR ATTENTTION is called to a
condition on State Street which
uires immediate action by the street depart-
nt of the city. Since the fire which destroyed
McLsan store, the street has been covered
h a great amount of debris and dirt. When the
rch winds begin lowing, this dirt will be
own up against the buildings, soiling the win-
vs, and constituting a general nuisance. We
ow that there has been no street flushing dur-
the past two years because of the expense
,ailed, but we believe that the unusual condi-
a resulting from the fire should be sufficient
und for an exception to this rule. The matter
uld be taken care of as soon as possible.

The concert given Sunday by the University
Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Earl
V. Moore was all in all one of their best-presented
concerts in some time. The orchestra appeared
to be more thoroughly rehearsed, and responded
in a very professional manner to Dr. Moore's
baton. In both the accompanying and solo work,
the orchestra seemed to be more sure of itself.
Opening the program with the Dvorak "New
World" Symphony, the orchestra gave a very re-
spectable performance. Excepting a few measures
in the second movement where the first and sec-
and violins went astray for a moment, the or-
chestra gathered confidence and mastery which
ended in an astounding rendition of the fourth
movement, was the best played movement of the
four. Following the symphony, Wassily Besekir-
sky, soloist for the afternoon, gave an authentic
interpretation of Saint-Saen's "Havanaise." Mr.
Besekirsky assumed control of the technical diffi-
culties from the start and showed a great dex-
terity of skill and clarity of bowing. At no time
did the orchestra seem to force the soloist to exert
himself in order to be heard. The complete co-
operation between the orchestra, Dr. Moore and
Mrs. Besekirsky made this enjoyable work a very
commendable performance.
The program closed with the ballet music from
Prof. Hanns Pick's opera "The Betrayed Sultan,"
conducted by the composer. Being fully orches-
trated throughout, and using open brass and a
large battery of drums, it tended to be rather
noisy at times but the work disclosed some very
pleasing melodies. A good concert, well-played,
well-directed and enjoyed by all.
--w. it.
As. Others-S-- IT
T. M., book reviewer of the esteemed Manchester
Guardian, handles Ernest Hemingway's new book,
"Winner Take Nothing," pretty roughly. We would
not enmnlain uhAt that not th1t r -d onot 'i

The co-ed has long been the topic of much
discussion. Today I am going to devote my
column to the species. Let us look at her
from four different angles:
She may have blonde hair (If she has it's a
pity), red hair (If she's an ADPi), or black hair
(If she's an Alpha Gam), or she may have all
three (If she's a dorm girl). What the h--- any-
way---most of them have brown hair. She's
usually more addicted to cokes than the cultiva-
tion of the form divine, and although she ha,
more faults than an eight o'clock she's about as
good as can be expected. (Of course it depends
upon what you expect.) Whatever she is she'll try
to act the opposite. She may have a date once in
a while when you call her but generally she's put-
ting up a front and will take any date offered.
She has sleek black gorgeous scarlet, or lovely
blonde hair, or else "It's brown with lights in it."
As a type she is sophisticated, seductive, tomboy-
ish, and always adorable. She studies (that's what
she calls it) enough to stay around a 1-point.
When she feels like it she can raise h--- like
everything; but the jazz age is dying out, don't
you think? Anyway it's her business. She always
is a sorority doll (if she made one). If she is an
independent she thinks that Greek civilization is
on the decline anyway. She could date every night
if she wanted to but she wants to discriminate.
She has sleek black gorgeous scarlet, or lovely
blonde hair; she is always slim and "soignee"; as
a type she is sophisticated, seducive, tomboyish
and adorable. She does not study; but if she so
wishes the implication is that she could knock
the spots off any old fibait. She raises hell like
everything, but honest to goodness she's as good
as her kid sister underneath it all. Or else - well
she's old enough to live her own life. She is con-
tinually dashing around like a coca-cola ad. If you
tried to see her you would have to fight off droves
of males and her date book is full for three weeks
in advance.
She is physically fit, mentaly adequate, and
morally straight. She comes in a large assortment
of colors and sizes, but she is always a glowing
picture of health and American womanhood.
(Strike up the band!) Her college days are spent
in conscientious work, continual exercise, and
good clean fun. And how she enjoys the jolly
picnics, parties and dances that the girls and
boys partake in. And the good old spirit of com-
radeship! (She must read El Herron). She may
be a sorority girl, but whether or no, she has just
as much fun. (The crowd cheers!!!).
ally bound to come to his rescue. T. M. is grieved
because the title does not read, "Winner Shall
Take Nothing," or in default of the "shall," that
Hemingway did not tuck in an "s" after "take."
We mean to be painstaking about this; "Winner
Take Nothing" is a reversal of the well-known
phrase. 'Winner Take All." It requires neither




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eer Campaign..

rrg f )NTCr'fX TI i"T+TT(',in 'ThTh qi1 I


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