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March 06, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-06

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Tonight's Importance
In Beer Camp~aign...



Seniors Ask
Later Hours
On Saturday
Directors' Board Passes A
Resolution Requesting
1:30 A.M. Permission
Must Be Approved
By Dean Of Women
At Least C Average To Be
Required In Order To
Obtain Privilege
A resolution granting 1:30 a.m.
Saturday privilege to all senior wom-
an having as many honor points as
hours was passed yesterday by a
unanimous vote of the League Board
>f Directors.
The proposal, which has already
oeen passed by the Board of Repre-
sentatives, must be approved by Dean
Alice Lloyd before it can become ef-
fective. It will be presented to her
some time this week, according to
Grace Mayer, '34, president of the
It was believed yesterday that the
project would be received more fa-
vorably than the previous proposal,
-f allowing seniors arbitrary choice
of late nights because the concentra-
tion of all late permissions on one
night would not cause chaperoning
The action on the part of the
women's self-governing body came as
a result of Dean Lloyd's suggestion
that the problem be reconsidered in
the light of present administrative
difficulties in the dormitories.
"Senior privileges that do not im-
pair the system of night chaperon-~
ing are entirely justifiable," Miss
Lloyd stated.
A high scholastic restriction for
seniors was not approved by either
board in connection with the extra
hour a week because of the difference
in study demands of the various
courses and because the boards felt
there should be some differentiation
between privileges for upper and
lower clansmen. However, a minimum
requirement of a C average was be-
lieved necessary by the voters.
Ford Stars As
Michigan Beats
Indiana, 3 532

Liquor Ordinance
Provisions Causi





-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who already has shattered several precedents for a first lady, plans an aerial
trip to Puerto Rico, which would make her the first President's wife to go ocean flying. She says she
wants to inspect for herself conditions in Puerto Rico which have been described as bad by island social
workers. Picture above shows spacious cabin of the type of plane which will carry her on the flight, and her
proposed route is shown on map.

Henderson To Give
Princeton Play In
Dramatic Festival
"SheLoves Me Not," a comedyaby
Howard Lindsay centering in and
around the Princeton University cam-
pus, has been secured for the Ann
Arbor Spring Dramatic Festival, ac-
cording to word received yesterday
from Robert Henderson, director.
The Dean of Students at Prince-
ton, along with four members of the
senior class, will be portrayed in the
play in leading roles. Action in many
of the scenes is laid in the dormi-
tories at Princeton, Henderson said.
"The physical production of "She
Loves Me Not" is the most elaborate
sincethe production of "Grand
Hotel," Henderson pointed out. In
addition to Princeton itself, the play
takes place in New York, Washington,
and Detroit, with 24 different scenes.
The setting consists of six small
stages, patterned somewhat after the'
manner of the Elizabethan playhouse,
with action frequently taking place
on all six stages at once. Raymond
Sovey, the New York designer for
the play, will act as adviser of the
settings in Ann Arbor, it was an-
"She Loves Me Not" is now being
presented by Dwight Wiman and Tom
Weatherly at the 46th Street Theatre
in New York, and has been acclaimed
by critics as one of the outstanding
successes of the Broadway season.
The play has been released for the
performance in Ann Arbor only, Hen-
derson stated. The presentation here
will mark the first production of the
play in the country outside of New
J.G.P. 'tickets
o Go On Sale

Gro up Attacked By Maye
Plans To Call For Mo
Liberal Regulation
Beer Garden Trade
Reduced To Shado
Laird Says A Change
Present Law May Con
At ThursdayMeeting
'Amid conflicting statements
hotly contested opinions, the C
Council found itself tussling wit
real problem .n establishing a 1
monious front on the question of
quor control.
"The City Council must recons
its liquor ordinance," William
Laird, city attorney, said yesterd
"Not only does it appear inevita
that the council must alter some
the major provisions of the bill,'
it seems likely that the entire le
lation may be withdrawn within
next few months, and the town
run 'wide open'."
Ald. Donald Mayer of the Sec
Ward said, "The council is obliv
to the demands of the people. I
deliberately depriving the city
revenue, and seriously endange:
the legitimate businesses of many
pendent upon the sale of bevera
When election time comes again,
people will avenge th~emselves
some of the independent cour

Library To Be
Solicited Today
Boxes Will Be Placed At
Strategic Points On Cam-
pus For Contributions
Contributions to the fund to keep
the General Library open Sundays
for the remainder of the year may
be placed today and tomorrow in
boxes situated at strategic points on
campus, Gilbert E. Bursley, presi-
dent of the Undergraduate Council,
announced last night.
Simultaneously, Bursley said that
letters to presidents of fraternities
and sororities were in the mail and
would probably be received some
time today. The letters explain the
situation which has closed the Gen-
eral Library Sundays this year and
ask for a donation from each house.
Tomorrow morning and afternoon,
tryouts for the Undergraduate Coun-
cil will stop at the houses and col-
lect the donations. At 5 p.m. they
will report to 'the Undergr3duate
Council rooms in the Union and the
first count of the returns will be
If the required amount of $375
needed to open the Library on Sun-
days for the remainder of the year
is not collected, the amount raised
will be used to keep it open Sundays
beginning with the final examina-
tion period. If more than the planned
amount is collected, it will be used
to open the stacks also.
The drive has been initiated, Bur-
sley said, because of the number of
complaints received by the Council
Wilkinson And Kennett
Win In Primary Vote
Unusually light voting marked the
city primary election yesterday, in
which Frank Wilkinson defeated

'fWhat can we believe?"
Out of the welter of three stormy
days of questions and discussion,
opinion and fact, thought and speech,'
came no definite answer but rather
a boundless pouring forth of answers,
of possibilities, of ideals, of hopes as
the Spring Parley closed its second
annual three-day session Sunday.
As students set about to gain for
themselves something of value out of
this confusion of offerings from fac-
ulty members and fellow students,'
Parley officials planned to continue
the smaller discussion groups which
met Saturday as permanent places
where students may meet throughout
the year with faculty members to
talk over problems in many fields.
Controversy Over Capitalism
In no field was ,more outspoken
controversy aroused than in that of
capitalism and social change, and
fundamental differences continued to
assert themselves even as the last
session drew to a close.
Prof. Max S. Handman of the eco-
nomics department, outlining to the
Sunday morning audience his outlook
for a future society, maintained to
the end that economic changes must
be madewithin the present system,
and even though they be "slow, te-
dious, and unromantic, they must
prove ultimately effective."
Before the session had ended, a
student rose from the floor to ex-
press his belief that the capitalistic
styem would never satisfy man's need
to completely express his creative im-
pulses. Charles A. Orr, of the eco-
nomics department repeated his as-
sertion of Friday that social revolu-
tion is inevitable, and said he hoped
Fellowships At
Brookings Are
Now Available
Graduate fellowships granted an-
nually by the Brookings Institution
of Washington, D. C., will again be
available to Michigan students this
year to provide advanced research
training and research opportunities,
according to an announcement re-
ceived here yesterday.
The fellowship year runs from Oct.
1 to June 30, with the amount of
the stipend varying for different
classes of applicants. Each appli-
cation is considered on its individual
Those eligible for fellowships in-
clude persons who have completed
the work for or have taken the Ph.D.
degree; students in the latter stages
of their graduate work who have
completed all or practically all the
residence and course-work require-
ments for the degree and who wish
to do thesis work in Washington;
and mature persons without exces-

Law Professors To
Preside At Meeting
Two members of the University
Law School faculty and an Ann
Arbor attorney will preside as sec-
tion chairmen at the special mid-
winter meeting of the Michigan State
Bar Association Friday at the Hotel
Statler in Detroit, it was announced
yesterday by Prof. E. Blythe Stason,
secretary of the State Bar Associa-
The Law School men are Dean
Henry B. Bates, who will serve as
chairman of the section discussing
education and admission to the bar,
and Prof. John B. Waite, who will
head the group considering criminal
law enforcement. George J. Burl e,
local attorney who is also a member
of the State Crime Commission, will
act as chairman of a general session
of the State association. The session
will take up the problems of the
bar association and co-operation be-
tween the State and local groups.
Earle W. Evans, of Wichita, Kas.,
president of the American Bar As-
sociation, will be the principal
speaker at a dinner Friday evening.

Organization of all wet groups in-
terested in seeing the East of Divi-
sion Street Beer Ban repealed in the
coMhing election April 2 will meet at
8 p.m. today in The Daily offices in
the Student Publications Building,
Maynard Street.
The call for the meeting was is-
sued last Saturday by Norman Kraft,
chairman of the Citizens' Charter
Amendment Repeal Committee, whose
work in the collection of petitions is
believed to have been one of the
determining influences in the Com-
mon Council's decision to have a
referendum on beer.
The meeting is to "co-ordinate all
repeal sentiment into one organized
group and to formulate plans for an
extensive repeal campaign during the
next month previous to the election."
Canvassing, publicity, press releases,
the registering of qualified wet vot-
ers, and similar methods of getting
out the wet vote will be discussed.
Members of the University of
Michigan Democratic Club, meeting
in the League Sunday, passed a res-~
olution placing their organization in
back of the drive. Dean Emmerson,
president of the club, appointed a
committee on practical politics, which
will work with the repeal forces in
their drive. Phil C. Pack, State le-
gislator, has announced his willing-
ness to serve as legal adviser to the
Meanwhile, dry forces are making
no attempt to organize. None of the
dry organizations contacted wished
to be mentioned "at this time," al-
though they said they might do
something about the election "later,"
The meeting of Comedy Club orig-
inally scheduled yesterday has been
postponed to 4 p.m., today in the
League, according to Clarence W.
Moore, '34, president.

Wolverine Cagers Come
From Far Behind To
Conquer Hoosier Squad
Led by a "big, little man," George
Ford, the Michigan cage team closed
its season last night at Yost Field
House with a victory over Indiana, 35
to 32. The win gave the Wolverines a
tie with Ohio State for eighth place
in the Conference basketball race
with four victories and eight losses.
After the Hoosiers had piled up a
14-4 lead in the first 11 minutes of
the game with Stout, Indiana for-
ward, leading the attack with five
goals from the floor and one from
the foul line, Ford opened a flashy
shooting and passing attack that gave
the Wolverines six points within two
After Michigan's mighty mite had
dropped a goal in from under the
basket, he dribbled down into the
corner, ripped an accurate pass
under the basket to Dick Joslin, who
pivoted and dropped the ball through
the net to make the score, 14-8.
Less than a minute later, Al Plum-
mer took a pass from Fprd and
dropped in a one-hand shot to bring
the Wolverines within four points of
the Hoosiers.
Two baskets by Weir and one by
Stout, Hoosier forwards, gave Indiana
another ten point lead before Art
Evans sank a beautiful long Tom,
followed by Ford's one-hand "dog"
as he dribbled under the basket to
make the score 20 to 16. Scott gave
the Hoosiers two points on a field
goal but Ford flashed through In-
diana's defense for two goals to make
the score at the half, 22-20.
Al Plummer and Stout each sank
a free throw as ;the second half
opened, followed by a side-court shot
by Evans that tied the score at 23-
all. With the score even, Ford brought
the crowd to its feet with a beautiful
dribble-in shot that gave Michigan

At Noon Today
'Gang's All There' Will Be
Produced By Junior Wo-
men March 21 To 24
Tickets for "Gang's All There," the
musical comedy to be produced by
the junior women March 21 through
24, will go on sale at noon today,
Hilda Kirby, chairman of the tickets
committee, announced last night.
The box office in the League will be
open from noon until 8 p.m.
There has been a general reduc-
tion in prices from those of last
year, she stated. Evening perform-
ances will be 75 cents, $1, and a few
rows at $1.50, with the Saturday ma-
tinee seats at 50, and 75 cents.
The Wednesday night performance
will be open only to the senior wo-
men, in keeping with the 30-year
tradition, and to the patrons, pa-
tronesses, and campus notables on
invitation. Thursday night will bel
the public premiere. Only since 1923
has the Junior Girls Play been open
to the public.
Junior women are breaking with
tradition in the production, however,
for the plot of this year's show will
concern the difficulties of a young
producer who, in attempting to sa-
tirize the gangsters of the big city,
is warned by the "boss" to cancel the
show. The cast of 200 includes cho-
rines, gangsters, molls, and night
club revelers.
Buyers Group,
Ready To Start
Its Operations

To Present Resolution
Alderman Mayer intends to pr
sent to the council at its next mee
ing this Thursday night a resolutio
to rescind the present ordinance
its entirety. In its place, he propos(
a new and more liberal bill, aimed,1
says, to allow the restauranteurs
chance to continue in business, an
yet with sufficient control to elimr
nate rowdyism.
"If the members of the coun
fight the resolution, and refuse
listen to the wishes of the people,
will not carry the matter further
Alderman Mayer said.
"Mayer is talking through his ha
Ald. Walter C. Sadler, the leader
the supporters of the present me
sure, declared. "Our liquor contr
bill was produced af ter much though
All the measures were thorough.
discussed at the meetings, some
which Mayer did not, attend.
Mayer finds some particular regul
tion objectionable, the council w
be glad to reconsider. I see no re
son for casting away the entire pil
With regard to the State Stri
beer question, Professor Sadler sa
"If the measure is passed at t
April 2 election, and the State Stre
restaurants find that the 500 fo
regulation binds them, we may r
consider the measure then. It n,
even be rescinded if such is the ca
Otherwise, there is no need to res
just it."

Gregor Piatigorsky To Appear
In Choral Union Series Tolnight

"Only His Own Opinion"
Ald. Leigh Young, chairman of I
ordinance committee, said, "it shou
be understood that Mr. Mayer is e
pressing only his own opinion.
should propose his resolution at I
next meeting of the Council, he w
not get the two-thirds majority
requires," Professor Young said.
While the council was debati
future policies, proprietors of lo
beer-gardens f o un d that dras
measures were necessary to ke
open. The Dixie, hardest hit of
closed its doors today, intending
reopen Thursday to catch the wee
end trade.
The "Old 316," despite the f
that it was altered to permit danc
on one floor and beer on the oth
found last week's trade disappoir
ing. It was found necessary to
duce the size of the cafe and
abolish the minimum charge.
"Joe Parker's," a rendezvous
Michigan men for years, repeated
similar story of woe.
Oratorical Contestants
To Meet On Wednesd
The last opportunity to, enter
annual University Oratorical coni
will be at the meeting held at 3 p.
Wednesday in Room 4203 An@
Hall, according to Carl G. Brandt

Gregor Piatigorsky, Russian violon-
cellist, who will appear at 8:15 p.m.
today in the final concert of the
1933-34 Choral Union series, is the
possessor of a career as varied and
thrilling as a professional adven-
Piaigorsky, by birth, a Ukranian,
has since become a German citizen.
He was born at Jekaterinoslaw in
1903 and was playing a 'cello at the
age of six. He received his instruc-
tion from his father, an accomplished

'cellist by the Imperial Opera Orches-
tra. A brilliant career was suddenly
cut short by the outbreak of the
revolution and the accompanying
dearth of employment for artists.
He escaped from' Russia and sought
refuge in Berlin in 1921. There he
studied under Professor Klengel and
later entered into competition for
first 'cellist in the Berlin Philhar-
monic Orchestra, which at the time
was under the direction of Willem
Furtwaengler. He won this position

With 10 fraternities definitely af-
filiated with the organization and
five others having signified their in-
tention of joining, the Board of Di-
rectors of the Fraternity Buyers As-
sociation at a meeting last night
completed plans for starting opera-
tions within a few days.
Other interested groups will be giv-
en an opportunity during the week
to become members at the present
cost, it was announced, although the
membership fee may be raised at a
later date. The board felt confident

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