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March 04, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-04

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oup To Study
ime Is Started

IPecora Questions Whitney In Bank Quiz


Extcnsion Division Will
Conduct An Institute For
Law Enforcement Men
ro Meet Tomorrow
Weller To Give Opening
Address; Will Discuss
Methods Of Detection
The first meeting of the Institute
for Law-Enforcement Officers, spon-
sored by the University extension di-
vision, will open at 10 a.m. tomorrow
in the East Amphitheatre of the
West Medical Building with Prof.
Carl V. Weller, director of the patho-
logical laboratories here, presenting
the opening address.
The general purpose of the Insti-
tute, the first of its kind ever to be
organized by the extension division,
which Professor Weller will explain
in his address is "to collect, present,
and exchange information which may
be used in the prevention and de-
tection of crime," offices of the ex-
tension division revealed.
Following the opening statement,'
Dr. LeMoyne Snyder of Lansing, will
discuss "Legal Matters Pertaining to
the Cadaver" at 11 a.m. Dr. Snyder
will deal with the necessary permis-
sion for exhumation and for autop-
sy, as well as the transportation of
the cadaver.
A luncheon will be held at 12:15
a.m. in Room 319 of the Union,
which will be followed by registration
in the East Amphitheatre. The first
afternoon session will hear Prof.
Herbert W. Emerson, Director of the
Pasteur Institute, in a discussion of
a "Definition and Classification of
Poisons," at 2 p. m.
The final discussion of the after-s
noon will be held at 3 p.m. by Prof.
John C. Bugher, whose topic is "The
Dead Body." The state of "sus-
pended animation," the changes in
the body after death, and the elapsed
time since death will be discussed
by Professor Bugher.
Following meetings of the Insti-
tute, scheduled for alternate Mon-
days through April 16, will hear Le-
Roy Smith of the Michigan State
Police Department, Inspector Charles
C. Carmody of the Identification Bu-
reau of the Detroit Police Depart-
ment, and Judge Leland W. Carr of

-Associated Press Photo
Richard Whitney (left), head of the New York stock exchange, was
quizzed by Ferdinand Pecora (right), counsel for the Senate banking
committee, as senators attempted to frame legislation designed to elim-
inate stock exchange abuses.
CWA Make Possible Extension
Of EngineeringTest Laboratory

Work of remodeling and extending
the University testing laboratory, be-
tween the north and south wings of
the East Engineering Building, began
last week and will .be completed by
May 1, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Prof. Lewis
M. Gram, director of plant exten-
The work is being done as a CWA
project and has been planned by
W. G. Robinson
To Speak Over
Radio Program
Industrial Recreation Is To
Be Topic On University
Broadcast Today
Industrial recreation will be the
topic of discussion by W. G. Rob-
inson on the parent program, spon-
sored by the Michigan Congress of.
Parents and Teachers, and broad-
east over the University radio hour
on station WJR at 1:30 p. m. to-

Union Strikes
Threaten Two
Public Utilities
MILWAUKEE, March 3.--(O)-
Strikes which would force a shut-
down of Milwaukee's public transpor-
tation, light and illuminating gas
services will begin at 4 a.m. Monday
if a direct appeal to President Roose-
velt for intervention fails to bring
The strikes, involving the city's
two large public utilities, were voted
early today at meetings attended b
union employes of the Milwaukec
Electric Railway & Light Co. and
the Milwaukee Coke & Gas Co. Rec-
ognition of newly-organized Federal
unions and higher wages are de-
Similar demands by industrial
workers have resulted in nearly a
dozen strikes at factories in Milwau-
kee, Kenosha, Racine, Beaver Dam
and Sheboygan. More than 6,000
wage earners have left their jobs in
the five cities.
For more than a week members of
the regional labor board have been
negotiating for settlement of the in-
dustrial disputes. Another conference
was planned today in Racine where
five large plants have been forced to
close or greatly curtail production.
Failure to obtain union recogni-
tion through appeals to the Federal
labor board in Chicago and Wash-
ington, prompted the strike vote by
the Milwaukee utilities workers,
Charles Thurber, member of the local
electrical workers' union, said in a
telegram sent to President Roose-
PRINTING-Reasonable Prices
Downtown -- 206 North Main
Next to Main Post 2fenr Dial 2-1013

Professor Gram and Murray D. Van
Wagoner, commissioner of the State
Highway Department. Plans call for
an extension of the basement story
occupied by the laboratory over the
existing court and providing 3,650
square feet of additional floor space
for the highway laboratory.
In a portion of the new space will
be located the research laboratory,
particularly designed for soil research
in connection with stabilized roads,
subgrades, and foundations. Ample
facilities will be provided for per-
manent material exhibits to be- used
for instruction of students concerned
with control of materials, and forf
acquainting the general public with
highway problems.
Plans .have also been made to re-
model the cement laboratory r and
provide constant temperature and
humidity control, as well as as more
storage space. This work will bring
the laboratory up to the latest stan-
dards recommended by the Bureau of
Public Roads.
It is also hoped that a considerable
amount of maintenance work in the
present laboratory, consisting largely
of painting and repairing floors, may
be included in the general remodel-
Union Opera_
The following groups will report
at the Union Monday for rehearsal:
Groups 1, 2, and 3 at 4 p. m.; Group
4 at 7:15 p. m.
Science Studies Eggs;
Chickens Lose Privacy
The poor chicken no longer has
any privacy, according to the Cor-
nell Daily Sun. Cornell's Depart-
ment of Poultry Husbandry has pedi-
greed her, treated her with ultra-
violet rays, and picked her mate;
now it is attacking her last strong-
hold -the egg.
For three years experiments have
been conducted to measure the qual-
ities of the eggs lain by each hen
and classify Dame Pertelote accord-
ing to the type of egg laid by her
and her progeny. It is quite possi-
ble that 12 more years will elapse
before final conclusions can be

Picard Pushes
Detroit Liquor
Cleanup Plans
Warns Brewers Against A
Violation Of State Law;
Stores Do Big Business
DETROIT, March 3.- (A) -Hav-
ing issued a clean bill of health for
the Michigan brewing industry, Frank
A. Picard, chairman of the Michigan
liquor controlcommission, today set
about enlisting Federal, state and
city authorities in a drive to eradicate
illegal sources of "alcohol and alley
Appearing before the representa-
tives of the Michigan Brewers asso-
ciation Friday, Chairman Picard said
he believed the industry "is cleaner
than it is in any other state." He
added, however, that any brewery
found violating the commission's reg-
ulations would be closed for 20 or
30 days and if found evading the
state beer tax its license would be re-
Chairman Picard invited the rep-
resentatives of the brewery industry
to submit to him personally any com-
plaints of irregularities on the part
of competitors.
The drive against illicit spirits was
to get under way today at a meeting
of which Maj. W. L. Ray, adminis-
trator of the alcoholic beverage unit
for the department of justice in
Michigan; Commissioner Oscar G.
Olander, of the state police, Commis-
sioner John P. Smith of the Detroit
police, and other authorities have
been invited.
Maj. Ray recently estimated that
300,000 gallons of alcohol and alley
rum are being manufactured in De-
troit each month. Chairman Picard
assailed these figures, and later said
Maj. Ray admitted to him they were
incorrect, saying he had believed the
State was selling only 1,300 bottles of
liquor a day, but later, learned the
figure was for a single liquor store.
In denying that a third of the
state's citizens still get their liquor
from bootleggers, Picahrd said:
"Of all the crazy statements we
have had, that one's the worst yet.
In Detroit alone we did business to-
taling $128,000 in five days last week.
That means business of $154,000 a
week or more than $8,000,000 a year
-and we haven't really got started
"What is there left for the boot-
legger? You used to deal with boot-
leggers. Do you do it any more? Show
me anyone who does or anyone you've
heard of doing it."
Toledo University
Instructor Is Shot
CLEVELAND, March 3- (P) - A
26-year-old member of the faculty
of University of Toledo lay critically
wounded at a hospital here today
while police held his brother-in-law
pending the outcome of the young.
instructor's wounds.
Walter J. Lezius, an instructor in
economic geography at the universi-
ty, police said, was shot in an argu-
ment Friday with Alexis E. Meade,
the brother-in-law, over some real
estate transactions. "Lezius rushed
at me. It was then I shot him," po-
lice quoted Meade as saying.
Dr. Harvey Rohrer, of the Depart-
ment of Political Science, will ad-
dress the Student Press Club to-
morrow at 8p.m. in Room E Haven
Hall. The subject of Dr. Harvey's

address will be, "Current Develop-
ments in the Far East." Paul Con-
rad, '34, will be in charge of the

(Continued from Page 1)
pensions in order to wipe out a deficit
of fifteen billion francs, which they
had inherited from the previous leg-
This deplorable situation was com-
plicated by the fact that the main
bondtbetween the Radical-Socialists
and the Socialists was a negative
one, a common hatred of the "reac-
tionaries," and not a positive one,
which might have led to a construc-
tive governmental policy. The Rad-
ical-Socialists, the spiritual succes-
sors of the Jacobins of the French
Revolution, believe in private prop-
erty and are patriots. The Socialists
denounce the first and claim to be
The difference in ideals is aggra-
vated by the parliamentary tactics of
the Socialists, who ever since 1902
have refused to participate in a bour-
geois government, except during the
World War. They have been willing,
however, to support any government
which promised to bring about social
and economic reforms, and on the
basis of their principle they supported
the Herriot cabinet.
Radicals Fail to Co-Operate
The realization of social and eco-
nomic reforms was, however, impos-
sible in 1932, when a balanced budget
was the outstanding political issue in
France. It was this situation which
made a firm alliance between the
Radical-Socialists and the Socialists
a practical impossibility. Both of
these parties could agree to issue new
loans, to vote new taxes falling large-
ly upon the richer classes, to cut
the army budget, but more savings
were needed, and these could be ob-
tained only from cuts in the salaries
of government employees, reductions
in the pensions of war veterans, and
a decrease in the State contributions
for social insurance. After much hes-
itation the Radical-Socialists were
willing to take this step, but the So-
cialists refused. Not only were they
less interested than their allies in
the survival of bourgeois government
but they also surrendered to the pres-
sure of the syndicate of the 800,-
000 servants who were already gross-
ly underpaid, many of whom were
members of the Socialist party.
Constitutional Reforms Considered
It was this situation which caused
the fall of one cabinet after another.
First Herriot after five and one-half
months, then Paul Boncour after a
month and a half, next Daladier after
nine months, and finally, Sarraut in
less than one month were overthrown
on the budget issue.
The inefficiency of the Chamber of
Deputies became more and more ap-
parent and started talk of constitu-
tional reforms. The failure of the
Radical-Socialists to arrest the de-
preciation of the franc in 1924 was
recalled, resulting in a large sale of
government bonds and a withdrawal
of gold from the Bank of France. At
the same time the world depression
made itself felt rather belatedly in
France, adding still more fuel to the
Everybody became dissatisfied. New
taxes like a revised income tax, spe-
cial taxes on stock and bond divi-
dends, and a gasoline tax of 21 cents
a gallon embittered the wealthier
classes and led to taxpayer demon-
strations. Government employees, war

1934's Political Turmoil: No. 8:1
Internal Issues Facing France

veterans, and workers lived in a con-
stant threat of a decreased salary,
pension, or insurance. Even the peas-
ants, whose incomes had been de-
creased by two bumper wheat crops,
which had left a large surplus, be-
came restless and organized for relief.
Royalists Seized Opportunity
In these troubled conditions, the
two extremist parties, the Royalists
and the Communists, found their op-
portunity which they exploited to the
best of their ability. Neither party
counted many adherents in France,
the Royalists having not even one
Deputy in the Chamber, and the
Communists only eleven. But a good
part of their followers were concen-
trated in Paris, which added to the
gravity of the situation. Thus almost
every demonstration, no matter how
peaceful its purpose, was turned into
a riot.
In the midst of these exciting
events came the Stavisky scandal,
resulting from the bankruptcy of the
Bayonne Municipal Pawn Shop with
a loss of $31,000,000 to investors. This
affair seemed to justify the tradi-
tional suspicions of the French people
of corruption in political circles, for
not only was the mayor of Bayonne,
a deputy and vice-president of the
Radical-Socialist party, definitely im-
plicated, but also ministers, diplo-
mats, officials and police seem to have
had friendly relations at one time or
another with one of the most con-
firmed swindlers in France. Appar-
ently the accusations of the Royalists
and the Communists against the
existing government were justified,
and the politicians were robbed of
whatever remained of their moral
The consequent indignation of the
Parisians against the Chamber of
Deputies reached a high pitch toward
the end of January, resulting in the
overthrow of the Chautemps minis-
tery. The new prime minister, Dala-
dier, was unable to deal with the
Failure Of Left
Tactical errors like the premature
dismissal of the Prefect of Police in
Paris, Chiappe, and the disregard of
the unwritten law, which permits
clubbing, but not shooting by the
French police, only contributed to
make the crisis more serious, and one
more ministry, the sixth since June
1932, was added. to the long list of
cabinet fatalities under the Third
French Republic. ,
The last attempt of the parties of
the Left to keep control of the polit-
ical situation had resulted in a com-
plete failure. The Radical-Socialists
and Socialists had proved themselves
unable to govern efficiently during a
critical period. A new alignment of
political groups was needed and this
was furnished by Gaston Doumergue,
a former president, who formed a
ministry of National Union, including
all the Republican deputies, except
the Socialists.
This change from a radical govern-
ment policy to what might be
termed a moderate one constitutes
the immediate result of the February
riots. Whether. any more conse-
quences will grow out of the recent
incidents is extremely problematic.
There are those who believe that
some constitutional changes, streng-
thening the executive and curbing the

(By Associated Press)
With European nations frankly in
an impasse on disarmament, Presi-
dent Roosevelt has thrown the weight
of his approval behind a move by
Great Britain to obtain action on a
four-power armaments agreement.
The pact, which would include
England, France, Italy and Germany,
recognizes Germany's demands, pro-
poses consultation among the signa-
tory powers if one of them violates
the projected treaty by manufactur-
ing forbidden armaments, and sug-
gests a compromise of between 200,-
000 and 300,000 as the size of the
German army.
In Washington, the British ambas-
sador was informed by the State De-
partment, according to an announce-
ment Friday that "while the Amer-
ican government is not in any way
a participant in the European polit-
ical problems, and therefore does not
take part in diplomatic discussions
relating thereto, it is nevertheless vi-
tally interested in the maintenance
of European peace, and therefore
welcomes the effort of the British
government to bring about agree-
London Pessimistic
Government leaders in London
were pessimistic after hearing a re-
port from Capt. Anthony Eden, lord
privy seal, who returned discouraged
from what his critics dubbed a "talkie
tour" of Berlin, Paris and Rome in
the interest of the pact.
The opinion was voiced authori-
tatively in London that the most
serious situation since Germany quit
the disarmament conference and the
Leag'ue of Nations last October had
developed. Foreign Secretary Sir John
Simon, Prime Minister Ramsay Mac-
Donald and Capt. Eden met infor-
mally to grapple with the problem
power of the Chamber of Deputies
will be brought about. Gaston Dou-
mergue, in a preface to a recent book
by M. Ordinaire, "Le Vice Constitu-
tionnel et la Revision," advocates giv-
ing the prime minister the power to
dissolve the Chamber and to call
upon the country for a new election.
Such a change would be in the
spirit of the times, for the repre-
sentatives of the people are losing
their power in most every part of the
world. It is the irony of history that
in the country which started the
great revolutionary movement in 1789
largely on account of the financial
incompetence of the executive, the
representatives of the people are in
danger of losing their power because
of their own incompetence in finan-
cial matters.
N. /
should try our
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and Whipped Cream

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London Moi

Pact Would Include.
France, Germany,


Gets Support
Of Roosevelt

The night program at 10 p.m.
"Thursday will hear Prof. Shorey Pe-
Lerson of the economics department
discussing "The Future of Railroads
and Transportation" and a history
,)f the archeological research con-
ducted by the University in Mesopo-
tamia entitled "Digging Into the Past
for Knowledge" by Prof. Leroy Wa-
The afternoon school programs
broadcast at 2 p.m. will feature a
discussion of "Verse" by Arne L. Ba-
der of the English department on
Tuesday, a series of short talks on
"Measurements" by Prof. Raleigh
Echorling of the school of education
on Wednesday, and on Thursday, a
continuation of the Michigan colo-
nization series, with Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton of the history department tell-
ing of "The Spanish in Michigan."
The vocational guidance program
at 2 p.m. on Friday will be occupied
with a discussion of "The Education*
and Work of the Forester" by Dean
Samuel T. Dana of the school of for-
estry and conservation. The usual
instructions in music will be given
by Joseph E. Maddy on Monday and
Tuesday mornings.


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