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March 04, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-04

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications,
Member of the Western Conferenee Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
Associated0o.e iate rPs
I1).33 N(lo lAt. _ CV RAG 134
The Associated Press is enclusivelyentitled! to the use
for .republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the cost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third A,istant Postmaster-General'.I
Subscrip.tIon during summer by carrier, 41.0; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
smail, $4.25.
Offlces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Coege Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan - Avenue,
Telephone 4925
WOMEiN'SEDITOR.......a..........CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph 0. Coulter, William
0. Perris, Joi C. iealey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
W1hipple, Jr.
61ORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Care
i4ens, Sirney Frankel. Roland L. Martin, Marjorie

the idea of the permanent committe of four pro-
fessors and three undergraduates has evolved.
It is the function of this body to advise the stu-
dent committees of the Union on the proper pro-
cedure in bringing about the closer contact.
These two groups have planned a program
which should achieve the desired ends. It pro-
vides, in the first place, for a series of dinners at
various fraternities at which faculty men will be
present to lead informal discussions with the
It. is further planned to set aside an alcove in
the Union taproom each day where faculty men
will be stationed to talk with students, thus pro-
moting an interchange of ideas and opinions in
a friendly atmosphere. Consideration is also being
given to a scheme by which a number of recep-
tions would be given by the various departments
for the undergraduates required to major in their
respective subjects.
The unqualified success of the current Spring
Parley as evidence of the possibilities of such a
movement for a closer relationship on the campus.
Many have expressed the belief that .such a
project would be of comparativear little value
because the average student muffs his best oppor-
tunity for a closer contact with the professor right
in the classroom. It cannot be disputed, however,
that a friendship developed over a cup of coffee is
much closer than one picked up in a class with
half a hundred or more other students and should
have the practical result of infusing the contacted
student with the desire to give a better classroom
It must be realized that any improvement of
fundamental conditions is a task which cannot be
achieved in a year or two. It will be -a long, slow
process, and its success will depend upon both
the student body and the faculty.
Screen Reflections

WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
IbEPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parktr. ril-
1am R. Reed, Rbekt S. Ruwtc, Robert J. St. Cair,
At hur S. Settle, Marshall D. Slverman, Arthur M.
Dorothy Lies, Jean Hanmer, Fiorence Harper, Marie
ed, E eanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephlne McLean,
Marjorie Morrison, ally Pace, Rosalie Reslclk, Katryn
lietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
.............................. CATHARINE MC HENRY
.DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising. Fred Her-
trick; Claslfled Advertising, Russell Red; Advertisig
Contracts, Jack Beiam; Advertising ervice, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuus; Circulation, Jack Ef-
roymn son.
ASSISTANTS: Melgs Bartmess. Van DUnakdin Mlton Kra-
-er, John Ogden, Bernard -Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winlworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Burley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cuff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Forez, Doris Giimy, Betty Greve, iilleGriffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
- -.
Pisloyal Advoaeaev
Of East Side Beer.e..
NE AROUME1 T which is certain
to be r laed, a png with too many
oters, in the -comni 1elr east cf ivision Street
|ht will question the.lpyalty to the University of
all, Xaulty and students alle, wo want to see
the ban repealed, It wicl le qonteaded with a good
amount of pompous piety ,that tgse who desire
to restrict the sale 4f ee to the west side are in
ome manner morg jIoya to ihe University and its
reputation than those yho .ppose such restriction.
The people who wuil adyvajnce fhis argument will
beieve it. They will :e completely sincere. They
are convinced tihat te sale of bp in restaurants
adjacent to the campus will induce students to
drink heartily between classes and to reel, blinky-
eyed and uncontrolled, into lectures and recita-
But this consignment to the realm of dark dis-
loyalty of all those not opposing beer in a campus
sector will be a condemnation of some of the
finest faculties of America's outstanding colleges.
The Daily recently conducted a survey of Univer-
sgty and city beer restrictions in college towns.
The survey showed that two universities, North-
western and Minnesota, are in the same position
as Michigan in restricting campus beer. Fifteen
other universities, among them the oldest and
greatest in this country, have no such restriction.
These universities are: Yale, Harvard, Princeton,
Iowa, Ohio State, Indiana, Dartmouth, Chicago,
Illinois, Cornell, Purdue, Columbia, Pennsylvania,
Brown, and Amherst.
Now it is reasonable to assume that if members
Qf the faculty who want to see beer offered for
sale in campus restaurants are "disloyal," then
the faculties of the above institutions, each one
of them world famous, are composed of men who
are disloyal to the institutions of which they form
a part. We don't believe this. We prefer to be-
leve that the disloyalty argument is false, that
it is a subconscious alibi for a deeper, less easily
explained, and probably illogical antipathy for
beer in this area.,
Finally, there is something a little naive in the
picture of student drinkers coming to class drunk.
It wouldn't be a bad argument if there were a
possibility of truth in it. But it isn't true. It's
a picture based on simple bad chemistry. It won't
happen because it can't happen.
Gloser' Contact Between
Students And Faculty...

Constance Bennett
Franchot Tone
The Boswell Sisters

Tullio Carminati
Russ Columbo

Featuring a double role played by Miss Bennett,
a very humorous personality in Tullio Crnminati
"The Boulevard of Broken Dreams," "From Coffee
in the Morning To Kisses in the Night," and nu-
merous choruses, "Moulin Rouge" is good enter-
tainment for the average audience and in spots
it seems to soar up a bit to the better type of
musical show.
Constance Bennett, who by this time must cer-
tainly be slipping a bit from her former heights,
is put into a role involving a French accent on
one hand and a black wig on the other, and this
is practically the only difference there is between
the two parts she plays. But then her voice and
gestures and general appearance, which is con-
sidered "not bad" by many, are employed to good
advantage and with the support.she has received
by the rest of the cast a typical Bennett perform-
ance is the result. It may be more pleasing to
some than to othes ... that is a personal matter..
One point that is evident is the fact that the one
song of the show, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams,"
the one really excellent musical hit fell into what
is usually the result of a good creation . . . "Like
most musical shows the best part was overdone."
The plot also fell into a slight ditch in that
the heroine, in the last minute, suddenly takes
the place of the star and is the big sensation of
it all . Tommy-rot! Aside from this point the
'bplot has a clever situation in the double idea
and the "Why don't you speak for yourself John"
Highly entertaining is; Tullio Carminati, as the
producer of the show, who is a new find and
unusually good; Franchot Tone's quick comebacks
to Carminati's remarks; the man trying to forever
pick a fight with Carminati; the combination of
the big Russian opera singer and the Turkish
tumblers; the dancing in the "Boulevard of Brok-
en Dreams" number done with a "Carioca" touch.
Best of the added features was the "Adventures
of a Newsreel Cameraman," showing shots taken
in the air, exhibiting a fine assortment of wrecks,
races, trick inventions. Next in line might be the
cartoon, followec by one of the poorer Tom
Howard comedies. -R.E.L.
Musical Events
Symphony, "New World" in E minor.. Dvorak
Allegro con fuoco
University Symphony Orchestra
Havanaise, Op. 83. ............. Saint-Saens
Wassily Besekirsky with Orchestra
Ballet Music for the Opera "The
Betrayed Sultan". ..................Pick
(a) Polonaise, "Festlicher Aufzug"
(b) Waltz, "Reigen der Odalisken."
under the direction of Earl V. Moore will pre-
sent another of its concerts this afternoon in Hill
Auditorium, on the Faculty Recital Series. The
soloist for the afternoon is Wassily Besekirsky,
violinist, who will play familiar and ever delight-
ful "Havanaise" by Saint Saens with the or-
The orchestra will open the program with the
well-known "New World" Symphony by Dvorak.
Although written by a foreigner, it is based on
Negro and Indian melodies and might be called
the American National Symphony. It was written
by Dvorak while he was teaching in this country,
and the.scoring finished while the composer was
vacationing in Iowa.
The ballet music from the opera, The Betrayed
Sultan, will be of interest to local music-lovers,

The Theatre
is faced with a problem. I am assured by
Prof. J. M. O'Neill, chairman, that the commit-
tee - or, at any rate, some of its members - are
more'than ready to employ discretion in their
dicta as to which plays are fit to be presented by
student groups, and which plays are clogged with
offensive filth which can in no sense be labelled
legitimate by reason of the problem treated in the
drama. But the committee is confronted by a
dual difficulty: first, delicate lines which might
be handled with inoffensive finesse by profes-
sional players are in danger of being wrongly em-
phasized and thus becoming offensive when read
by comparatively inexperienced amateurs; second,
leniency in censorship is partly blocked by
criticism from isolated individuals, both in and
outside of the University, who appear to believe
that students should not be allowed to act in or
attend drama dealing with the more elementary
facts of life.
Now, two questions immediately arise: first,
how far should individual, ultra-conservative
critics of campus drama be given ear? then, what
kinds of situations and lines can be playd with
success by amateurs? I am going briefly to pre-
sent my opinion on these two points, in the hope
that a student viewpoint will be of aid to the com-
mittee in deciding which horn of their dilemma is
to be gilded.
The first point may, I think, be rather rapidly
disposed of. Isolated epinions can have value only
insofar as they present phases of a problem which
may be of worth in formulating decisions. Until
such isolated overly-conservative critics band to-
gether and form a bloc, their opposition can be
critical only. While they remain single, their
opinions are acceptable; but, as a force to be
reckoned with, they ought to be disregarded until
they unite. Meanwhile, it is needful to make clear
to these adverse critics why any decision is made
as it is. Nothing, obviously, can be gained by
bullying inattention, and I am not so foolish as
to advocate any such attitude. But I strongly
feel that too much respect is paid to these voices
crying in the wilderness; that because of the con-
trast to twentieth century common sense pre-
sented by such objectors, their strength is ex-
aggerated. The position of University dramatic
enterprise is not, I think, as greatly endangered
by Philistine disfavor as some may suppose.
Yet I grant that there is no excuse for offensive
drama. This leads to the next query: what situ-
ations and lines can amateurs handle in-
In the past, much adverse criticism was aroused
by presentations which were based entirely on fun
derived from the salacious. I refer specifically to
"The Road to Rome," a production of some years
ago, which was highly amusing as done by profes-
sionals, but was utterly putrescent as a campus
enterprise. I am convinced, for many reasons, that
it is only in comedy that offense can legitimately
be taken at an amateur production involving
sexual shadiness. Realistic drama - good drama,
at least - is invariably written with a purpose,
either expository or didactic; in drama a certain
amount of delicacy is required to prevent sex from
becoming poisonous, but in racy comedy the true
joy depends on subtlety, even ambiguity; and
when these two elements are removed a line that
previously was funny acquires, almost literally, a
stench. Realistic or naturalistic drama is de-
pendent neither on subtlety or ambiguity; these
two qualities may be introduced, but primarily
the technique of this sort of drama requires
clarity, sympathy, and truth.
A good drama, then, may safely be produced
by an amateur (and therefore by a campus) com-
pany without fear of causing offense. Must we,
then, entirely ban comedy with selacious elements
in it? Emphatically no! A comedy which is basic-
ally constructed upon a sexually illicit situation is
dangerous - that I will readily allow. There are
exceptions even to this rule, however. Yet, a com-
edy which merely contains elements of truly
humorous shadiness ought not to be banned, and
great discretion should be exercised in deciding
whether it is even to be cut.
I want it clearly understood that this article is

a compromise article. In it I am partially yielding
to Philistine viewpoints which are distressingly
persistent in the world. Ideally, I can see no
reason why any play which is recognized as a good
play should be frowned upon when presented by
an intelligent company. Before many years have
passed, perhaps the world will be fortunate enough
to see the extinction of people who cannot bear to
look sex in the face. Meanwhile, truth and beauy
in all their phases should be gradually brought
to prevail. Possibly this article will be of some
assistance to the Theatre Committee in working,
as I am sure they desire to work, toward a realiza-
tion of this ideal.
As Others See It


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Chicago ribune for the rights in tlis city to their News-
paper Advertising Service, conceded the world's best
The World's Finest Artwork
And thle World's Best Copy
Written Speeifically for You!

Long ago this paper dis-
covered that merchants
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to this new and better ad-
Vertising service after an
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mentals of successful sell-
ing, rooted in the psy-
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Advertisingmatter scien-
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before it is offered to you,
is naturally betr/r adver-
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who use it secure better
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Advertisers who have opposed the passage of the
much amended Ttigwell-Copeland bill should find
relief in the new bill which received a public
hearing on February 27. With the latest revisions
has gone the drastic features found in the original
Tugwell act.
Newspaper editors who have feared that some of
their patent medicine and cosmetic ads could not
pass the rigid tests advocated by the assistant sec-
retary of agriculture need worry no longer. The
well-organized propaganda which they have dis-
seninated has hit its mark.
Walter D. Allen, president of the N.E.A., has
stated that "the revised bill is acceptable to his
organization because the new text permits dealers
in foods, drugs and cosmetics to advertise in local
newspapers without fear of action from govern-

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