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October 07, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-07

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The Weather
Partly cloudy, slightly cooler
in extreme north portion Satur-
day; Sunday fair.

Y1 t

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Oratorical Association Lec-
ture Series; Are Freshmen In-
tellectually Curious?



Angell, Smith
Offer Liquor
Control Plan
Committee Adjourns As
Hotels Want Right To
Sell ByBottle, Glass
Local Option Is
Included In Plan
Angell Proposes To End
Bootlegging By Taxation
And Coitrol By Law
LANSING, Oct. 6-(P)-Hear-
ings before the legislative coun-
cil's sub-committee shaping a
liquor control statute stood ad-
journed today until Oct 16, fol-
lowing a demand from hotels
thtsthey be allowed to sell all
forms of liquors.
Representatives of the Michi-
gan Hotel Man's Association ex-
pressed opposition 'to the Quebec
plan of state-owned stores and
urged that hotels be permitted
to sell liquor either by the glass
or bottle.
A three-part plpn for the control
of liquor according to alcoholic con-
tent in Michigan after repeal of the
Eighteenth Amendment was pre-
sented at a hearing before a sub-
committee of the Legislative Coun-
cil by two members of an informal
committee from the University yes-
terday at. the State capital.
Concluding the first of a series of
hearings concerned with the control
of intoxicating' liquor, Prof. RobertI
C. Angell of the sociology depart-I
ment and Harold D. Smith, directorI
of the Michigan Municipal League,I
discussed the proposed plan with ther
° sub-committee, headed by Rep. Carlc
F. Delano, of Kalamazoo.
While it is too early to form any,
definite plan to control the sale andc
distribution of liquor, the report of
the informal committee was pre-i
sented in the form of a number ofl
"It seems to us the best basis of1
regulation is the percentage of alco-
hol," Professor Angell said yesterday.,
For that reason beverages were di-c
vided into three groups according tot
to alcoholic content.
First Comprises Beer
The first group, he said, would in-
clude liquor up to 5 per cent by vol-
ume, which would comprise beer.
This would make it possible to sellt
beer 1 per cent stronger than it is
now legally sold. The committee be-
lieves that it could be sold as safely
as at present - to licensed vendors
in establishments approved by con-1
trolling authorities.I
In the next group fall wines,-heavyt
ales, and stout, with alcoholic con-t
tent placed between 5 and 23 or 25z
per cent. A law governing this group
would permit hotels, restaurants, andt
clubs to sell the liquor only with
"bona fide" meals. I
"We suggest that they might sellr
cocktails and high-balls under 23 or
25 per cent with meals," Professort
Angell explained, "provided the liq-
uor is out of a bottle and already di-
luted below the specified content."l
Licenses for the sale of wine and ale
would be given out at the discretion
of the local governing body.
Plan State .Stores1
Relative to home consumption of
the second group, Professor Angell
and Mr. Smith suggested that the

bottled beverages be sold at either
State-owned liquor stores or in drug
stores. The committee would, how-
ever, put no restrictions on the
amount of beer sold, or the places
of distribution.
The third class would, according
to the plan, comprise all liquors above
25 per cent, including distilled spiritsc
such as whiskey, gin, and brandies.{
Rigid rules would govern the sale and
consumption of these liquors. TheI
committee has suggested a quota sys-
tem whereby license cards, limiting
each card holder to 12 quarts a
month, would be issued to adults.
The plan would specify that every1
consumer buy his beverages from ther
nearest State-owned store.
The stores, Professor Angell stated,1
would be run on a high-class, social
welfare basis. In charge would bel
men who were not only businessmen,
but men guarding the welfare of the
community. These men, at the dis-
cretion of the police or the schools,
would have the power to reduce the

His Career Begins

-Gargoyle Photo
* * *
Drum-Major To
Assume Duties
At Gamge Today
State Band To Arrive At
10 A.M.; Parades Down-
town Before Contest
Under the baton of its new drum-
major, Donald A. Strouse, '35, Mich-
igan's 100-piece Varsity Band will
swing down State Street to the stirr-
ing bars of "The Victors" shortly
after 1 p. m. today.
Strouse will take formal command
of the band a few minutes before the
kickoff in the Stadium, in a brief
military ceremony announced yester-
day. A feature of his appearance will
be the first public display of the new
Michigan drum-major's uniform-
black calfskin Royal Life Guards
boots; white breeches; blue blouse
with gold buttons, aiguillettes, and
citation cords, and white shako.
The "Fighting Hundred" will
march down State Street to the Sta-
dium a few paces ahead of Michigan
State's smaller but just as snappy
military band, under the direction of
Prof. Leonard Falcone, who is the
brother of Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone,
Michigan's bandmaster. At the sta-
dium the two organizations will pa-
rade before the game and each will
occupy eight minutes of the time be-
tween halves.
EAST LANSING, Oct. 6.-(Special)
-Michigan State College's khaki-
coated military band, 60 strong, will
step from its buses at the Ann Arbor
City Hall at 10 a. m. tomorrow for
its annual invasion of the territory
of the University of Michigan Band.
Opening its seventh football season
under the direction of Prof. Leonard
Falcone, brother of the U. of M.
bandmaster, the State band will pa-
rade to Morris Hall, headquarters of
the Michigan band, by the following
route: East Huron Street to Main to
William to Maynard toaEast Liberty
to State to Morris Hall, corner of
State and East Jefferson streets.
Though it numbers only slightly
more than half the size of Michigan's
"Fighting Hundred," the M.S.C. band
is expected to give its rival superior
competition. Essentially a military
band-it is a unit of the state col-
lege regiment of the R.O.T.C.-Leon-
ard Falcone's organization has made
a name for itself throughout the Mid-
West for its precise drilling and for-
Comedy Club
Plans Tryouts
For Next Week
Opening the season's activities at
a meeting yesterday afternoon, Com-
edy Club, campus dramatic organ-
ization, announced try-outs for new
members interested in campus dra-
matic work. Try-outs will be held 4
p. m. Tuesday, Wednesday, a n d
Thursday, according to Clarence M.
Moore, '34, president. The place of
the meeting will be announced Sun-
day in The Daily.
Students who plan to try out for
the club are required to memorize
some skit, sketch, or a scene from a
play, which will last three minutes.
The scene must be presented alone
befor~e the club, Moore said. Because
of the difficulty of judging work
from the point of view of Comedy
Club plays, neither p o e t r y nor

I sa~roka.igpnrpwill be acceznted.l he ex-

Is Again Date
f Fall Gaimes
Supervision Transferred
To Union; Plans Being
Formulated For Events
To Choose Leaders
At Class Caucuses
Cup Will Be Awarded To
Fraternity With Greatest
Number In Competition
Ancient rivalries between the
freshman and sophomore classes will
be renewed this year, as is traditional,
the weekend of the annual fall home-
coming, which has been set for Oct.
21, the date of the Ohio State- Mich-
igan football game.
Previously planned and supervised
by the now non-existent student
council, the games this fall have been
transferred from the jurisdiction of
the new Undergraduate Council to
that of the Union, and plans are now
forming under the general supervi-
sion of the co-operative committee.
Events scheduled for Saturday
morning, Oct. 21, so far include four
that have always been among the
best memories of the "old grads," and
include the flag rush, in which men
of the class of '37 attempt to cap-
ture the flag which is defended by
members of the second year class, the
cane spree, pillow fight, and hog
tying contest.
In the latter each class has a hog
pen for its base and from it they
advance, rope as many of their oppo-
nents as possible, and throw them
in their pen. When time is called
the class having the greatest number
of captive "hogs" is declared the
Fraternity freshman participation
will be encouraged again this year
by the awarding of a cup to that
raternity having the greatest number
of its first year men present for the
Last year a decided trend towards
the old class rivalries that had'been
on the wane for a few years was no-
ticed, both in the fall and spring
On each week-end members of the
two classes organized into bands and
went out in unofficial search of their,
enemies, and some of the results in-
dicated that once more the groups
were feeling their individual unities
and were following traditions that
have been flourishing here for as,
many years as local authorities can
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president
of the Undergraduate Council, stated
yesterday that co-operation and
backing in all phases of the fall
(Continued on Page 6)
Stock Exchange
Regulation Will
Be TriedAgain.
Committee Of Five Named
By Commerce Secretary
To Draw Up Legislation
NEW YORK, Oct. 6.-(/P)-The
shadow of Federal regulation again

fell over the New York Stock Ex-
change today with the formation of
a committee, at the suggestion of
President Roosevelt, to consider
drawing up legislation for submis-
sion to Congress.
In confirming the selection of the
committee, A. A. Berle, who was ac-
tive fn drawing up emergency legis-
lation passed by Congress last spring,
acknowledged that he would serve as
a member of the group, but that the
news of its formation had "leaked
out" prematurely, and that he could
not discuss its work at this time.
The committee was selected at the
President's request by Commerce Sec-
retary Roper, and in addition to Pro-
fessor Berle, includes Arthur H. Dean,
member of the well-known Wall
Street law firm of Sullivan and
Cromwell; John Dickinson, assistant
secretary of commerce; Dean Ache-
son, under-secretary of the treasury,
and Arthur J. Richardson, Washing-
ton lawyer. Mr. Dean acknowledged
that he had been bound to secrecy
and could not discuss the work.
It was understood in Wall Street

Call 2 -1214 For Final
Scores Of Big Games
Through the nation-wide wire
service of the Associated Press, of
which The Daily is. a member,
Michigan students will be able to-
night and every succeeding Satur-
day to learn results of the big foot-
ball games earlier than* they can
be obtained anywhere else.
Immediately after the close of
every Big Ten game and those of
major interest outside the Con-
ference, the Associated Press will
flash final scores to The Daily of-
fice. These will e available to
anyone wishing to call by phone
or in person.
To avoid tying up the tele-
phones in the editorial depart-
ment, those availing themselves of
this service are asked to call the
business office, Dial 2-1214, where
a staff member will be ready to
give out full information on the
scores assoon as received.
Die-hard Group
Lo s e s Attempt
In Ball ot Test
Seeks To Record Conser-
vative Dissatisfaction But
Is Snowed Under
BIRMINGHAM, England, Oct. 6.-
(P)--Dissatisfaction with the govern-
ment's attitude regarding India was
brought into the open again today
in the annual conference of the Con-
servative party, but an attempt of
the die-hard faction to so put the
party on record was snowed under in
a ballot test.
Disagreement with the govern-
ment's view was emphasized after
Lord Wolmer introduced a resolution
which expressed doubts concerning
the efficiency and economy of some
of the suggested Indian reporms.
Among these is the turning over of
the Indian government to a legis-
The lord asked secifically in in-
troducing the moton how British
trade would be aff cted should the
legislature be so e wered. Such a
parliament, he said, likely would be
under control of the Indian National
Neville Chamberlain entered the
debate with the complaint that Wol-
mer's resolution was so framed that
a vote on it was a vote of non-con-
fidence in the government. He plead-
ed for a vote of confidence in the
Sir Thomas White, of Liverpool,
came to the government's assistance
with the suggestion that the critical
passages of the Wolmer resolution
could be eliminated and the final vote
could be made on whether the cau-
tion being exercised by the govern-
ment was approved.
Lord Lloyd entered the discussion
with the statement that "if we lost
India, the Empire will go."
"If India loses England," he con-
tinued, "she will have chaos, an-
archy and destruction within 20
League Board
Withdraws Old
Caucus Ruling
Members of the League Board of
Representatives yesterday withdrew
the ruling that has been in effect for
several years against caucusing in

women's elections. The ruling now
states, in effect, that caucusing will
be allowed for a period of one year
in any campus election for women.
The action was taken as a result of
the constant infractions of the law
at every election, according to Grace
Mayer, '34Ed, president of the
League authorities still reserve the
right, however, to pass another rule
at any time during that year, re-
tracting their objection to the prac-
Only one woman from each house
may run for any office, however; this
ruling, in effect last year, has not
been withdrawn, Nan Diebel, '35, seg-
retary of the League, said yester-
During the past year, authorities
have been unable to cope with the
caucusing that was being done be-
fore each election, officials say.' This
measure is, in effect, an attempt to
make the elections fairer.

Frosh Must
Submit Lists
Before Noon
Dean's Office Will Accept
R u s h e e s' Preferences ;
Check With Houses
To Notify Houses
And Men Monday

Spartans Here
Season's Ope



Increase In Number
Pledges Is Indicated
Lists Returned


Fraternity rushees who received
preference lists last night should fill
them in and return them to the office
of the dean of students before noon
today, according to the rushing rules
of the Interfraternity Council.
These preference lists will be cor-
related with the lists which the fra-
ternities presented yesterday, and
both houses and rushees will be no-
tified by mail Monday morning.
Thenumber of lists turned in at
the dean's office indicates that a
larger number of freshmen will pledge
this year than last, when 400 ac-
Rushees who did not receive
preference lists and who think
that they have been bid by a fra-
ternity have been urged by Jo-
seph A. Bursley, dean of students,
to file a list of their houses any-
way. The clerical difficulties of
delivering the lists may have
been responsible for the omission
of the names of some rushees
from the pledge roll, Dean Bur-
sley said.
cepted buttons, although the rule
prohibiting any rushee from pledging
a house not on his lists until after
the first semester may force many
new students to pledge who would
wait under the other conditions.
No violations of the silence rule
have been reported to officials of the
Interfraternity Council, but severe
action has been promised by council
officials against houses which are
found guilty of contacting freshmen
before the official pledging time of
6 p. m. Monday.
Union Inaugurates
New Service For
Visitors To Game
Today's visitors who are in the
city for the Michigan-Michigan State
football game will be treated to a
new service at the Union by the re-
ception committee, it was announced
yesterday by Robert A. Saltzstein,
'34, president.
Members of the committee will be
present between 10 a. m. and noon
in the Union lobby to welcome any
guests present for the game and to
give them every assistance that they
may desire. The aim of the plan was
described as being to make hospital-
ity for visitors one of the foremost
slogans of the Union.
It was announced that visitors here
for the game will be welcomed to the
regular Union membership dance to
be held tonight in the ballroom.
First Diploma Presented
By N. Y. U. Is Returned
(By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 6.-New York
University last week came into pos-
session of its first diploma, issued
100 years ago to James Josephum
Acheson. The faded parchment was
obtained from Russel A. Chapin of
Santa Monica, Calif., a grandson of
the first graduate.
When Acheson was a student at
the University the professor of paint-
ing and sculpture was Samuel F. B.
Morse, later the inventor of teleg-
raphy. Acheson later became a prom-
inent doctor in New York and Brook-

Dawson Names
Committee For
Mass Meeting On Tuesday
Will Have Discussion Of
International Problems
Announcement of committee mem-
bers in charge of the disarmament
mass meeting to be held at 8 p. m.
Tuesday in Hutchins Hall was mad
yesterday by Prof. John Dawson of
the Law School, who heads the group.
Those serving, in addition to Pro-
fessor Dawson, are Mrs. O. J. Camp-
bell, Mrs. Daniel Quirk, of Ypsilanti,
Mrs. M. Rees Hutchins, Mrs. Charles
Remer, Mrs. A. S.' Whitney~ Mrs.
Theophile Raphael, and Prof.
Thomas H. Reed and Dr. \Howard
Calderwood of the political science
department. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves
chairman of the political science
department, will preside at the meet-
ing. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will be the prin-
cipal speaker.
The mass meeting is one of many
being held all over the world as part
of an international mobilization of
public opinion culminating in a gen-
eral disarmament demonstration Oct.
15 in Geneva on the eve of the re-
convening of the disarmament con-
Those present at the Tuesday
meeting will be invited to participate
in a discussion of the following six-
point program: (1) substantial re-
duction of existing armaments; (2)
no re-armament; (3) immediate
abolition of air weapons including
bombing and poison gas, and aboli-
tion of all aggressive weapons within
a definite period; (4) limitation of
armaments expenditure to prevent
rivalry; (5) effective supervision of
existing arms and the arms indus-
try; and (6) a permanent organi-
zation to carry out these provisions.
The local committee which is plan-
ning a series of further addresses,
will act as a co-ordinating. agency
between the various groups inAnn
Arbor interested in international af-
A full discussion from the floor will
be asked of those attending the meet-
ing, according to committee represen-
Wesleyan Guild
Will Offer Two
Football will be the motif of two
entertainments which the Wesleyan
Guild, Methodist student organiza-
tion, offers today at Wesley Hall. Im-
mediately following today's game an
open house will be held. Anyone who
desires is invited to drop in to talk,
rest, or take part in informal games.
From 8 p. m. to midnight tonight a
Touchdown Party is scheduled. Danc-
ing is planned as the main feature
of the evening.
Members of the guild will gather
with Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor
of the First Methodist Church, after
his sermon tomorrow morning, for
a general discussion concerning it. At
3 p. m. the International Student
Forum, to be led by Ralph Templan,
recently-arrived missionary from In-
dia, will meet to discuss the topic,
"Is Pacifism Practical in Every Type
of Strife?" At 6 p. m. the Student
Guild opens a series of talks on "My
Idea of an Adequate Personal Re-
ligion." Ray Carroll, '37Ed., is the
first speaker.

Wolverine Eleven Rules
Favorite With Veteran
Team From Last Year
Kipke Is Undecided
As To Quarterback
State Will Seek Revenge
For '32 Defeat; McNutt
Expected At Fullback
Michigan State Michigan
Zarza .........LE.......Petoskey
Buss ........... LT........ Wistert
Lay ...........LG.....Borgmann
Butler ......... C........ Bernard
Terlaak .........RG....... Kowalik
Wagner ........RT......... Austin
Klewicki .......RE..........Ward
Muth ...........QB........ Renner
Jones .......... LH.... Everhardus
Armstrong .....RH........(c) Fay
McNutt (c) .....FB........ Regeczi
(Sports Editor)
Michigan's hat is in the ring again,
The Wolverines launch their defense
of a last season's national champion-
ship as they oppose the Spartans of
Michigan State College in the opener
at the Stadium this afternoon. The
contest will begin at 2 p. m.
M. S. C.'s eleven enters the game
as the underdog, due to lack of ex-
perience. The Maize and Blue eleven
will comprise entirely veterans; the
Spartans are in search of revenge
for a 26 to 0 drubbing taken at the
hands of the Wolverines last year.
Their season was unblemished save
for that defeat; the M. S.. C. outfit
entered that game as favorites.
Coach Harry Kipke put the squad
through a stiff drill on both offense
and defense yesterday afternoon on
South Ferry Field. State's aggrega-
tion, arriving yesterday noon, went
through a Workout in the Stadium
under the tutelage of-Coach Charles
Bachman, former Florida mentor who
this year took up the position at East
Lansing vacated by James Crowley.
Both starting lineups remained in
doubt last night, but information
from the Spartan camp stated that
Although students will not be
required to show them in a ma-
jority of cases this afternoon,
students are advised to carry
their athletic coupon books with
them in case of a question of
Alton Kircher, regular quarterback,
would be unable to play because of
an injury. His place will be filled by
Charles Muth, an untried signal-
caller. Captain McNutt, veteran full-
back, probably will start, despite in-
Bill Renner and Louis Westover
were still being considered as starting
quarterbacks by Coach Kipke last
night, while Herm Everhardus and
Jack Heston will probably alternate
at left half. Kowalik and Hildebrand
are still fighting it out for the right
guard post, although Kowalik is likely
to get the call, owing to the fact that
Hildebrand may be needed to sub-
stitute for one of the tackles. Captain
Stan Fay and John Regeczi, star
punter, will compose the remainder
of the backfield.
The edge in this afternoon's battle
is given the Wolverines, largely be-
cause the Maize and Blue line is rated
over the Green forward wall, while
the Spartans are reported to be weak
in .punting.
Michigan State will continue the
use of the Notre Dame shift type
of offense, with emphasis expected
on the aerial phase of the game.
Michigan prbably will rely on end
runs and off-tackle drives for its run-
ning game, with considerable use of
lateral and forward passes expected.

Rogers Is Promoted
To Rank Of Colonel
Maj. Frederick C. Rogers, U. S. A.,
commandant of the University bat-
talion of the Reserve Officers Train-
ing Corps, has been promoted to the
rank of lieutenant-colonel, according
to word received yesterday. The pro-

Michigan Battles

Find Body Of "Railroad Jack";
Authorities Begin Investioration

The body of Harry Cooper, better
known as "Railroad Jack," was found
yesterday morning at the rear of an
oil station on US 112 at the city
limits of Coldwater. Coroner Charles
L. Keep believes that death was
ein,Prl Aby hc.rt ffaiirg_ NA e~nu

from Oshkosh High School in 1884
and Oshkosh Normal College in 1886.
He studied at Rush Medical College,
Chicago, in 1886-87.
He was a memorizer of history, and
claimed to know 10,000 dates and
many facts about 5,000 historical
rh nndfr.c TEl,.zfifiirI A a_ ,rrpn d- A no

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