THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 1933 Pi IMMMMW Publshed everymoring'rexcept Monday during the Universntyyear and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member ofthe WesternCobnferenee Editorial Asocia- tion and the Big Ten ews Servce. '}5 ciatr d Gtolc int __ 1933 ~ ~ c"194 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The .Assocated Press is exclsively entitled to the use11frepbatt oales.satis ede'oitr for republiaton of as uews spatches redited to itusor not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published rheren, All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved _,. Entered at athPost SOfice at Ann- Arbor, Michigan, as second lass matter. special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant !o tmaster-General., Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail. $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25."' Offices: Student Publications Buillin, Maynard Street. Ann Arbo, Michigan. Phone: 2--1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL SIAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGINGR DITOR.........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR.............C. HART SCHAAF CITY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW SPORTS EDITOR. .........ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOMEN'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vleclk, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Elanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan, Marjorie Beck. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western. REPORTERS: C spar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving F. Levitt, David G. MacDonald, S. Proctor MGeachy John O'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell Raskn, ichrd ome, Adolph Shapiro, ;Marshall D. Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William ,. Weeks. WOMEN REPORTERS: Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies,! Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Margaret lHiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Laine, Kathleen Mac- Intyre, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary O'Neill, Jane Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer. ' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER..............W. GRAFTON SHARF CREDIT MANAGER.............BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER................. ..................CATHERINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Willard Cohodas, Van Dunakin, Carl Fibiger, Milton Kramer, John Mason, John Marks, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, Richard Schiff, Robert 'Trimby, George Wl- liams, David Winkworth. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1933 State Street Beer .. T HE PERSONS who have been fight- ing for the past nine months against heartless discrimination in the granting of beer licenses in Ann Arbor suffered 4 major de- feat Monday when the Michigan Supreme Court upheld the decision of Judge George W. Sample' sustaining the city council in its refusal to grant licenses to merchants east of Division Street. If the financial crisis faced by a large number{ of the city's reputable merchants because of this discrimination were not so serious, the 'statement by Justice Thomas Weadock summarizing the at- titude-of the court would be worth a hearty laugh. "The authorities of the city of Ann Arbor," said Judge Weadock, "have protected the many stu- dents of that institution from dangerous sur- roundings and should continue to do so." Either the justice is iiexcusably ignorant of the situation or he was just indulging in a platitudinous ex- pression characteristic of the dry mind, without the realization of how humorous it really was. In the first place, the court was not asked what it thought the city of Ann Arbor ought or ought not to do in relation to 'the student body. It was asked simply to pass uponthe legality of the char- ter amendment. When one reads the statement of Justice Weadock, one wonders whether the court really seriously considered the legal aspect of the question, the point at issue. Is it possible that the court was influenced by the same half-fanati- cal belief that influenced the local council -that the sale of 3.2 beer near the campus would cor- rupt the morals of the student body? It is un- fortunate that the machinery of justice does not provide an appeal from the decision of a biased Supreme Court whose sole function is to interpret the law and not to formulate standards of right and wrong. Governor Comstock pointed out last spring that the "home rule" provision of the beer bill would make the granting of licenses a football of local politics. It has done just that in Ann Arbor. A small dry-professorial group, represe'ted on the council by a number of m'en all out of proportion to its size and importance, has been able to have its way, supported-by an old charter provision, and -the powers of heaven have not been able to move it. This group has never been able- to proye that it represents even a sizeable minority of the Uni- versity faculty of the citizenry of Ann Arbor. The vote in Ann Arbor on the liquor control amend- ment last fall was the closest thing .to a test on the subject which the city has had. At that time, Ann Arbor voted by a decisive margin in favor of the new system of liquor control which -the amendment proposed' and which nullified previous prohibitory acts similar to the east side beer ban. To many it will-appea r that the decision'of the Q.,.-r m m,+ a . i fnnT +hn+ +h rIa A~ nn kil-,the t might well elect a Supreme Court which under- stands the judicial function. The charter provision will, in all probability, be repealed next spring. The drys have only an 8-7 majority on the council and only a partial victory over this group will be necessary to at least have the issue submitted to a vote. We do not need to explain our position in the controversy. We have defended the cause of fair play time and again in these columns for the past nine months. We will continue to do so. We hope that the suggestions which we have made will be helpful and we will lend our support: editorially to any move in the direction of ending the pres- ent fanatical-geographical dictatorship. The T heantre PRODUCTION NOTES ON "MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING" By Robert Henderson "Much Ado" is Shakespeare's highest comedy . . anticipating the comedy of manners of Con- greve and the Restoration . . it must be gay, witty always... unlike "The Merchant of Venice" the carnival scenes are quiet, repressed; never pas- sionate or noisy ... never the Wallspurgisnacht of the carnival scene in "The Merchant" . . the dancers wear sequin masks, as the Monte Carlo Ballet Russe uses in its "Cotillon" number . . nothing makes a mask look so mysterious and alluring as sequins.. some of the revellers will have real marks, grotesque, animal-heads with snouts. Miss Cooper, who will play the lead for us, is the direct descendant of the famous line of Kem- bles in the theatre.. Sarah Siddons was her great-great-great-great-great grandmother, back in the days of Garrick, Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds.. Mrs. Siddons first "chance" c the stage was given her at Bath in the role of Bea- trice in "Much Ado" ..with Lady Macbeth it re- mained her greatest part throughout her career, at this Bath performance, three hundred years ago, the actor-manager playing Benedick was Richard Henderson. A permanent structural set is used throughout the play . . lovely Italian lines. only two inter- missions.. "Much Ado" must move without scene interruptions, as Shakespeare intended . . the whole atmosphere must be Italian and not Elizabethan, which is the mistake of so many Shakespearian productions.. in the same sense, we made "The Merchant" Italian and not Eng- lish .. none of the rich, meaty lines of Margaret, Beatrice's waiting lady, are cut.. I think it is wrong to emasculate Shakespeare, just as I think it is wrong to cut the full-flavored lines of the Nurse in "Romeo and Juliet." In discussing the production with Miss Cooper last spring we decided that "Much Ado" must be done in the spectacular manner. . without pomp, and display it has no meaning . . the stage must be filled with people for the carnival scene at the, beginning .,..the fampus Cathedral scene mus be the most elaborate of all . . the entire Catholic wedding procession must open it . . boys with tap-' ers, many b u r n i n g candles, very rococo altar .. cardinals, soldiers escorting Benedick, a sol- dier.. the brilliant colors of the costumes of the wedding guests.. incense burning, everything in candle-light..what a marvellous scene Shakes- peare has written for the wedding! The opening of the play finds Miss Cooper as Beatrice playing the harmonium.. the household is very feminine, women's laughter, women every- where, in the hall, in the gallery ..into this fem- ine household comes a gruff messenger, a sol- dier many women make him uncomfort- able .. he is embarrassed out of his element. . similarly thethree gallants, Benedick, Claudio and Don Pedro are soldiers. they enter with an escort of soldiers.. everything very masculine about them .. out of this grows the comedy when Benedick falls in love with Beatrice, shaves his beard, dons gay foppish clothing. Shakespeare has written a boy into "Much Ado".. he dances through the play as a symbol of the whole ado about nothing .. always playing a flute, always dancing . . both the carnival scene and the end of the play have elaborate dances, created by Theodore Smith, whose extraordinary ballets years ago with Sam Hume's productions at Orchestra Hall I have always remembered. Dogberry is Shakespeare's richest comic cre- ation with the exception of Falstaff.. he is the original of all the Mrs. Malaprop's of the stage.. his is the famous line "Comparisons are odor- ous" .. he is the perfect burlesque of muddling, stupid, pompous, inefficient officialdom.. his con- versations never get anywhere, he ; never does anything; yet Shakespeare ironically has made him responsible for the happy resolution of the plot. It is significant that each part in "Much Ado" is nearly of equal length . . Shakespeare's best balanced play, farce, comedy, tragedy and melo- drama . . a gala play, in antic mood. Editor's Note -Mr. Henderson's production of "Much Ado" will open Monday for a week's run at the Cass in Detroit. There will be matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The cast has been changed slightly from that previously announced: Lester Vail will play Claudio, Charles Brokaw will be Don John. reservations. The idea is to get them, to a large extent, off city, state or Federal direct relief doles -to help them help themselves. Their occupancy of the vacated military posts, it is also argued, might restore for nearby cities or towns some of the business lost when the garri- sons are moved out to be concentrated in larger groups. A rough estimate that up to half a million families might be lifted out of the winter bread lines in this way has been made. The project is still a-borning. ADDITIONAL RELIEF PLANS INCIDENTALLY, Director Fechner of the con- servation corps is getting to be quite a center of interest in the winter recovery project. He will have nearly 300,000 husky youngesters in his reor- ganization camps through the winter. Already he has placed orders for, among other things, half a million feet of lumber for winter housing. That spreads the relief into the lumber industry and means added employment. RELIEF Administrator Hopkins is cocking a covetous eye at the several hundred camps to be vacated by Fechner's cadets for the winter. Each has winter-proof kitchens and recreation halls. Hopkins hopes to take them over for the use of transient unemployed, putting bunks into the recreation halls to convert them into barracks. That is just another of the thousand-and-one things President Roosevelt's "new dealers" are considering against the winter emergencies. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars edfinitely recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior; no stars, stay away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "TURN BACK THE CLOCK" ***TRACY IN ANOTHER OF HIS SUCCESSES Joe Gimlet ................. .....Lee Tracy Mary .........................Mae Clarke Ted-.................. .........Otto Kruger Elvina......................Peggy Shannon Dave.. . ..................... Henry Gordon Elvina's father................George Barbier Any story in which Ben Hecht collaborates, any story in which Lee Tracy plays, or any story in which Otto Kruger lends his distinguished presence should be a success. This is exactly the case in "Turn Back the Clock," a fantastic story1 of a man who invades the past after what he be- lieves was an unhappy life as the proprietor of a moderately successful cigar store. Lee, of course,] is the man to whom this unique chance is given. Mae Clarke is his "first wife," Peggy Shannon the; "second," and Otto Kruger the alternate husband in each case. The story opens with Lee meeting the opulent; Ted and receiving an invitationfto a dinner party given by the latter. There Ted divulges plans he has for raising Lee's life savings ($4,000) to a cool 20 grand in no time at all. When Lee's re- actionary wife refuses to grant him permission to withdraw their savings from a bank, Lee gets drunk and manages to step in front of a speeding car and so indirectly into a hospital. Here, under ether, the magical transformation to the past is accomplished. Lee wakes up as the Joe Gimlet of 30 years be fore. He comes down to breakfast, says "Ge, Ma, you look just the same as ever." Mother, dumb- founded, calls the family doctor, who earnestly counsels Lee to keep his mouth shut and maybe the townsfolk won't suspect him of his father's insanity. This new "life" Lee uses differently. He marries Elvina instead of Mary, concentrates on making huge sums through the invention of a nut named Henry "Cord", who has an idea for a cheap automobile. Then Lee steps through the years, through the World War, the rising tide of prosperity in the Coolidge era, then into the stock market crash. Delightful sequences: Lee telling Wilson to keep out of Europe, because he (Lee) knows no good could come of it ( having lived once already to see Wilson discredited upon his return from the peace conferences); Lee cock-surely pre- dicting the date of the stock market crash and "forecasting" other events at will. Half of the time you will probably give up to unconcealed pleasure at this ingenious plot. The rest of the time will be spent in figuring out who knows what about who in the tricky scenes of the second life. "Turn Back the Clock" is a distinct novelty. It is adeptly casted, and the conclusion rounds out the turmoil satisfactorily. Added attractions: Paramount N e w s with Roosevelt Chicago speech; "The Big Fibber" - a comedy- with Walter Catlett and Billy Gilbert of the many sneezes and flustered voice - slapsticky but often funny. --G. M. W. Jr. -- Collegiate Observer Sororities End Rushing With Formal Affairsj Alumnae Return During Past Week Bids; To Be Issued Tonight The sorority rushing season came to an official end with the closing formals on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The bids will be sent out this evening. During the last week many alumnae have returned to aid with rushng. ALPHA DELTA PI Alumnae present at the formal din- ners held at Alpha Delta Pi were the Misses Martha Land, Dorothy Schmidt, Agnes Gringle, and Geor- gette Needles, all of Detroit. GAMMA PHI BETA The traditional decoration scheme was carried out at the Gamma Phi Beta formals on Tuesday and Wed- nesday nights. At one end of the dining room a silver crescent flanked by green fernery shone brightly. White tapers and white chrysanthe- mums were used as table decorations. White and silver tapers burned in the reception hall. Among the Ann Arbor alumnae present were: Mrs. N. S. Potter, Miss Caroline Potter, Miss Linda Eberbach, Mrs. Rudolph Winnacker, Mrs. Waldo Abbott, Mrs. E. S. Wolaver, Mrs. E. L. Adams, Miss Jane Breaky, Mrs. E. S. Brown. Others present were: Miss Elfreda John, '33, of Dearborn; Miss Enid Bush, '33, and Miss Dorothy Seens, ex-'35, of Detroit; Miss Laura Finley, '33, of Ann Arbor; and Miss Mar- garet Smith, '33, of Cleveland. KAPPA DELTA Kappa Delta closed its intensive 'rushing season with a formal dinner which featured decorations of white roses and white candles. During the evening a white rose ceremony was held at which each of the rushees was presented with one of the sorority flowers. Among the alumnae who at- tended were Dorothy Felske, '31, and Katherine Moore, '32, of Detroit; and Alice Sunderland, '31, Annetta Die- koff, '32, and Eileen Wilson, '32, all of Ann Arbor. ZETA TAU ALPHA The following alumnae were pres- ent at the formal dinners held at Zeta Tau Alpha: Mrs. Brice Blakely, Miss Edith Jackson, Mrs. Clark Sim- mons, and Mrs. W. K. Davis, all of Detroit, who attended the Tuesday dinner; and Miss Gladys Schroder, of Plymouth; Miss Violet Lyle, of Saginaw, and Miss Jane Pinson, of Grosse Ile, who were guests of the house on Wednesday night. Blue and silver flowers, and tur- quoise tapers were used for decora- tions. League Plans Bridge Series For Ann Arbor Ann Arbor's First Annual Bridge Tournament will begin Oct. 12 at the League, it was announced yesterday. The tournament will consist of two qualifying sessions and a final. The first round will open at 8 p. m. Mr. John Mathes, tournament di- rector at the League, received author- ization last week to conduct such a tournament under the auspices of the United States Bridge Association. A committee composed of some of Ann Arbor's leading and most enthusiastic bridge players was formed and at a meeting held for the purpose decided upon a set of rules which would gov- 3rn. The members of this committee included Mrs. H. Silvester, Mr. S. J. Paup, Mr. J. C. Brier, Mr. C. E. Love, and Mr. Mathes. In appreciation of the support the people of Ann Arbor have given to its various bridge activities, the League has donated a trophy which will be emblematic of the contract bridge championship of the city. This cup, to be known as the Women's League Trophy, is now being en- graved and will be displayed soon. Like the annual golf tournament, this bridge tournament will be re- stricted to residents of the city of Ann Arbor. By thisrestriction, the commnittee believes that the cham- pionship will be in every sense of the word, a representative Ann Arbor event. The persons who win the trophy will have possession of it for a year and the person, or persons, who wins it three times, will gain permanent possession. The second qualifying round will be held the following Thursday, Oct. 1, at the same time. The pairs having the best total score for the two rounds will then qualify for the finals. The committee has not deter- mined the number of pairs which will be qualified for the finals, but will do so after the total number of entries has been ascertained. The JOURNALISTS LOSE FREEDOM BERLIN, Oct. 5.-(R)-A new law making journalists public officials and regulating their rights and du- ties was"interpreted today as ending finally freedom of the press, as understood in America. In their new status German jour- nalists must bow to the so-called "leadership principle," meaning that they must take orders from the top, which permits no appeal. WhereTo G Dancing: Mayfair Dance at League Ballroom; Michigan Union; Chubb's Granger's. Riding: Moonlight Ride at Golf- side Riding Academy at 8 p. m. Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Turn Back the Clock;" Majestic, "Mayor of Hell" and "Terror Aboard;" Wuerth, "When Ladies Meet." You won't rwrong h. e Be Sre Yo u Have The Right - For the Ga me re. Select from the styles that will be most pop- lar on the Campus this Fall.-. A smart array priced at- S 95. and $4.95 AAA to C V) ONLY JACOBSON'S CAN OFFER TH IS GREAT SELECTION Reverse Calf Carucca Calf Skin~ Pig Skipz BROWN - BLACK - GREY Whole Towi's Raving About Our Smart Shoes" N A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON - WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 - That highly special- ized administration trouble-shooter, Colonel Howe, presidential secretary, has another job in prospect. He is toying with the idea of appeasing localities disgruntled by withdrawal of regular army units from numerous military posts. The scheme-would be to adapt them for "subsistence centers" this winter. Despite assumptions of the world at large, the college student does worry, according to a psychology study of several years at Purdue Uni- versity. Some of the causes of worry and percent- age of students perplexed by these are: studies 42 percent; financial 30 percent; family affairs 15 percent; religion four percent. Affairs of the heart bother only nine percent. Add this to your list of definitions: Amer- icanism is taking a course in liberal arts at a university that offers courses in commerce and business and then complaining because college doesn't train one in the useful subjects. A student in a logic examination at Marquette University ran out of material after writing three pages and he wrote: "I don't think that you'll read this far and just to prove it I'll tell you about the football game I saw yesterday." For nennthar fivn naethe strient desceribed the eanme I 4