PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 1933 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN No. 11 NOTICES To the Members of the University Council: The first meeting of the Council for this year will be held on Monday,October 9, at 4:15 p. m., Room 1009 ,Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Members of the Faculty: For the convenience of members of the fac- ulty the Oratorical Association has adopted a policy of accepting checks postdated November 1 in payment for lecture course tickets. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: All candidates previously enrolled with the Bureau, should call at the office and leave their addresses and schedules, if they are in attendance this semester. Notice to Freshmen: Those students. who have not yet taken the Algebra examination required of all entering freshmen will be expected to make up this examination today. Meet at 301 Mason Hall at 2:00. Be on time. C. S. Yoakum. ACADEMIC NOTICES Geology 152, Earthquakes will not meet on Friday. Work on personal assignments and on additional papers of list. English 31, Section 17: On Wednesday, October 4 and thereafter, Sec- tion 17 of English 31, which has formerly met in Room 4203 A. H. at 1 p. in., will meet at the same hour in 2003 A. H. A. L. Hawkins. Applicants for Ph.D. in Economics: All applicants who plan to take the general examinations this fall should see the Secretary of the De- partment of Economics in Room 107 Ec. this week. EVENTS TODAY Meeting of the Staff, Department of Chemistry: will be held in Room 212 Chemistry Building, at 4:00 p. in. Paleontological Journal Club will meet in room 1532 University Mu- seums at 5 p. m. All those interested in a review of recent paleontological literature will be welcome. Delta Epsilon Pi will meet at the Michigan Unon at 8:00 p. m. All mem- bers please attend. Forestry Club Camp Fire, steak dinner 50c. All foresters and pre-for- esters are invited. Cars will leave Natural Science Building at 5:30, for Sag- inaw Forest. Baptist Students: 8:00 p. in. A social evening; games and refreshments, for students of all classes and departments. The Ann Arbor Theosophical Society presents E. NORMAN PEARSON of Detroit, President of the Michigan Theosophical Federation, in a lecture entitled "The Rebirth of Christianity," at the League Building at 8:00 p m. Everybody cordially invited. Hillel Foundation: The regular Friday evening orthodox services at the Hillel Foundation will be held tonight at 7:30 under the direction of Rabbi, Heller. Johnson Moves To Start 'Buy Now'.-Campaign Launches Drive To Aid Circulation Of Money And Expand Credit WASHINGTON, Oct. 5-(M-Hugh S. Johnson directed the power of NRA's influence today toward a "buy now" campaign to speed the circu- lation of money and credit. He addressed manufacturers and advertisers throughout the country, noting the end ofuthe "flat wallet era" and urged full co-operation in the "now is the time to buy" drive officially set to start Monday. Johnson's move to increase credit velocity was intended chiefly to help industry meet NRA's higher payrolls, but it blended smoothly with Presi- dent Roosevelt's determined efforts to expand credit and boost farm prices. Further, it coincided with the com- ing to Washington of Henry Bruere president of Bowery Savings bank of New York, who boarded Mr. Roose- velt's train as it headed toward the White House from New York City. Bruere was expected to co-ordinate the entire credit expansion campaign. Ask Bids on Rails Another step with the same aim was the government's request for bids on 844,525 tons of steel rails for 47 railroads. The public works adminis- tration will lend the $25,000,000 or more buying price to the carriers. United States, Bethlehem and In- land Steel and the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., were the concerns to which Joseph B. Eastman, railroad co-or- dinator, addressed requests for prices. Later, a number of companies will bid on 245,221 tons of fastenings. Johnson, expected back in his of- fice soon to direct personally the buying campaign and reorganize his administration for enforcement work cited to the manufacturers statistica evidence that new purchasing power has been created in recent months. He said August factory employ- ment was up 24 per cent over August, 1932, and payrolls 40 per cent, while July farm prices showed a 33 per cent boost. Intolerance is a matter of igno- rance. So is tolerance. - Dr: Max Kunitz, psychiatrist. Educations; School Men At Islhpemning Meeting Professors Clifford Woody and George Carrothers, both of the edu- cation school, have left for Ishpem- ing, Mich., where they will speak be- fore a meeting of the Upper Penin- sula EducRtion Association, Forsythe On Vacation ; To Visit Health Ass'n. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the University Health Service, has left for a two week's vacation. While away, he plans to attend the meeting of the American Public Health Asso- ciation in Indianapolis from Oct. 9 to 11. Dr. Forsythe will be back to resume his duties in the Health Serv- ice on Oct. 16th. The NRA has made labor an inte- gral part of our modern state. -Frances Perkins. . CANOES FOR RENT SAUNDERS Foot of Cedar Street on Huron River $5 Roun. -rip to the' WORLD'S FAIR Leave Ann Arbor on any train carrying coaches October 13, 14and until noon of the 15th Returning leave Chicago not later than Wednesday night following date of sale. Tickets good in coaches only Tickets at higher fares on sale daily. AVOID HIGHWAY CONGESTION - TRAVEL SAFELY BY RAIL MICHIGAN CENT RA L TRAINS USE STATIONS ADJOINING EXPOSITION GROUNDS f . iA', LAST TIMES ANITA PAGE ALAN DINEHART "I HAVE LVED" TODAY JOHN DARROW GLORIA SHEA "Strange People" 40 :.. .. MATINEES 1 5c IfAmi NIGHTS 25c STARTING SATURDAY - FIRST-RUN PROGRAM Ben Lyon - Constance Cummings "BIG TIMER" with Thelma Todd EXTRA! COMEDY - NEWS - ORGAN - NOVELTY READ THE DAaLY CLASSIFIED ADS Bring Your Friends and Visitors Dine and Dance In Our Second Floor NIGHT CLUB Whatever Your Appetite Craves- We Have It! PREKETE'S SUGAR BOWL 109-111 South Main Take Home a Box of Our Candy 1 *01 COMING EVENTS The Freshman Round Table will again, convene at 9:00 a. m. Sunday, October 8, in the League. The objective, and topic for discussion, will be, "This Changing World." Freshmen, interested in obtaining a deeper under- standing of our world today, are particularly invited to attend. r (S S MAJESTIC ______________Lost Times Today TWO FIRST-RUN FEATURES JAMES CAGNEY in "MAYOR OF HELLL" Cagney as the big brother of today's wild youth in the BIG HOUSE FOR LITTLE MEN and also- "TERROR ABOARD" with CHARLES RUGGLES - JOHN HALLIDAY Murder moves at Midnight -and is "Charlie" Scared! Tomorrow- "PADDY THE NEXT BEST THING" Janet Gaynor - Warner Baxter A. C. L. liii if$ Korean Student Club Meeting: Regular meeting at 7:15 p. m. Satur- day, October 7, Lane Hall. Every member is urged to be present. Touchdown Party at Wesley Hall 8:00 Saturday Night. Hall open di- rectly after the game. Methodist -students and friends welcome. Lutheran Student Club: Regular meeting Sunday evening at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, corrier of South Fifth Ave.:and East Washington. St. Social hour at 5:30 opens the meeting.. Student supper will be, served at 6:00 with the forum hour beginning at 6:30. Mr. Ernest Espelie, graduate student of the club will lead the discussion on "What Shall the University Years mean to me." All Lutheran students are invited to join the dis- cussion. GROWING DID YOU KNOW? The Haunted Tavern is serving the same delicious food at.eno increase in price? Phone '7781 417 E. Huron St. s ., ien you happen across a fiend N% . ..and he offers you a pipe-load of tobacco, he doesn't make any speeches e I about it. He just says . . . "It's made to smoke in a pipe... and folks seem to like Granger." a sensible package 10 cents 1 - ! IN 11 aM_