The Weather Increasing cloudiness, pos- sibly followed by showers Fri- day; Saturday fair and cooler. LLI itFAi Iat Editorials state Street Beer .. . VOL. XLIV No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 1933 I S PRICE FIVE CENTS Professors T o Advise About' Liquor Control Angell, Dawson Chosen As U. Of M. Delegates To State Conference Ruthven Declines To Attend Meetings Legislative Council Said To Favor Quebec Type Hard Liquor Control Answering a request of the legisla- tive council from Lansing, President Alexander G. Ruthven last night named a committee of two to go to 'theState capitol and present its views concerning the control of hard liquor traffic in Michigan after the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. The committee is composed of Prof. Robert G. Angell of the sociology de- partment, and Prof. John P. Daw- son of the law school. These two men, with the assistance of Prof. Er- win Nelson of the pharmacy college, Prof. Nathan Sinai of the medical school, and Harold Smith of the Michigan Municipal League, have been holding informal discussions on the liquor control subject since July. The original request of the legis- lative council was for the presence of President Ruthven, but he declined to go because, he said, he did not be- lieve he had enough knowledge on the topic. "I believe it is a matter for expert opinion," President Ruthven said last night, "and this informal committee has given the matter considerable thought. The question is one which will not be settled by sentiment, and these men are more qualified on the matter than I." Professor Angell, who has headeda the committee in its discussions, last night would not say at what conclu- sion the group has arrived. He said he preferred to wait until returning from Lansing, after seeing how the legislative .coucil received the sug- gestions he and his colleagues had to make, before announcing what he considered the best plan for liquor control in Michigan. The council at which the Univer- sity committee is to present its views is reputedly in favor of the Quebec system of state control of hard liquor sales, but is endeavoring to get a cross-section of liberal and c serva- tive opinion before going on with its work.- %Whitehill Shuts Out New York;' Nats Win, 4-0 WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-()-The prodigal baseball sons of Washing-, ton celebrated their return to home grounds today by shutting out the New York Giants, 4 to 0, under the combined inspiration of Earl White- hill's great southpaw pitching and the presence of the Nation's chief executive. Despite pre-game showers and a chilly breeze that swept the field, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, his baseball sympathies somewhat di- vided, joined a crowd of 30,000 over- coated and befurred spectators in watching the Senators snap out of their World Series slump. Due to weather more suited to football than baseball, the game did not approach a sell-out, but any dis- appointment for the home club on this account was eliminated by the return to form of Joe Cronin's crew. After being buffeted and completely outplayed for two straight games, the{ Senators gave a dashing, peppery ex- hibition on their own battleground. They belabored Fat Freddy Fitzsim- mons, the Giants' veteran knuckle- baller, for a three-run lead in the first two innings and then coasted along confidently to their first victory behind Whitehill's masterful eft- handed strategy. Ann Arborites Support Marcus' Merrymakers Mr. A. B. Marcus' thuriferous hoydens and chic gazelles were still going through their paces at the Michigan Theatre at press time last night, sans interruption. The opposition, in the shape of Resume Friendy Strife Begun In 1927 NICHOLAS D. FALCONE LEONARD FALCONE Director, U. of M. Band Director, M. S. C. Band * * * * * Falcone Brothers Rivals For Seventh Time As Bands Meet The outcome of the State game to- mnorrow may be uncertain, but one thing is sure-whichever band is tri- umphant, it will be because its direc- tor's name is Falcone. The friendly rivalry of the brothers Falcone has become a leading feature of the traditional Michigan-M. S. C. game, and is known all over the country. Each is a leader in his field, each is a musician of the first rank, and each is certain he has the best band. Prof. Leonard Falcone, director of instrumental music at State, is not only a star bandmaster, but is one of the country's leading baritone players. He has repeatedly turned down offers to play with the fore- most bands in the nation, preferring to remain in East Lansing, but he has appeared as a soloist with Gbld- man's Band, the Detroit Municipal Band, the University of Illinois bands, and the Varsity Band here, as well as with many other organizations of equal repute. Leading Baritonist Leonard's early training, like that of his brother, was received in his native city, Roseto, Italy, in the con- servatory of his fellow townsman, Donato Donatelli, beloved maestro and onetime conductor of the San Carlos Grand Opera, the Neapolitan Band, and the Roseto Band-the lat- ter a favorite of King Umberto. His rise in the ranks of noteworthy mu- sicians was meteoric; at the age of seven he began the study of the French horn; at the age of nine he appeared as soloist with a concert band; at 10 he began woodwinds and theory, and at 15 he began the study of the baritone, which eventually be- came his instrument. When only 16, in 1915, Leonard em- igrated to the United States, com- ing directly to Ann Arbor, where he obtained a position in a local theatre orchestra. In 1918 he began the mas- tery of the violin, and graduated in 1926 from the University School of Music with an artist's diploma in that instrument. In the fall after his grad- uation he was appointed to the direc- torship of the M. S. C. band, which position he has held since, raising the organization to its present position as a leader in the military band ranks of the United States. Also A]Prodigy Nicholas, the elder brother, is a clarinetist. He graduated from Don- atelli's conservatory and was the pupil of other distinguished teachers,, among them Donatelli's son Michael- (Continued on Page 6) Law Graduate Shot By Police In Auto Chase Phyllis Johnson, '27,'33L, Thought Police Were Thugs; May Recover DETROIT, Oct. 5-(Special)-Miss Phyllis Johnson, graduate of the Uni- versity of Michigan literary college in 1927 and of the Law School in 1933, was in a serious condition in Harper Hospital tonight as a result of a gun wound inflicted by a De- troit detective after a riotous auto- mobile chase through Detroit streets Wednesday night. Hospital authorities said that Miss Johnson, who is 28 years old and a former resident of Ann Arbor, al- though she now lives in Detroit, was expected to recover. Chief Assistant Prosecutor Gomer Krise said that there would be no prosecution of Detective George Dempster, the man who fired the shot, because "the shooting was pure- ly accidental, and the officer cannot be blamed." The chase began after Miss John- son, Miss Marion Costello, roommate of Miss Johnson, and Harold Covert, 709 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, Uni- versity of Michigan graduate of 1920 and owner of the car, left a cabaret at Theodore and Beaubien streets. The detectives said they asked Miss Johnson, who was driving the car, to stop, but she continued on, passing several red lights. The police gave chase and finally caugh&t the fleeing car. Detective Dempster jumped on Covert's auto. He alleges the car jerked backward and his pistol went off accidentally. Miss Johnson says she did not stop because she believed the police were hold-up men. The police were dressed in civilian clothes. New Literary Group Named By President Executive Cominittee Is Selected To Introduce New Government Dean Kraus Heads List As Chairman Bradshaw, 'Boak, Hobbs, Sharfiman, Parker And Reeves Appointed Six faculty men were yesterday named to the new executive commit- tee of the literary college by Pres- ident Alexander G. R'uthven, after a list of nominations had been pre- sented him by the fjaculty of the college. Those named to the group, which will be headed by Dean Edward H. Kraus as chairman, are as follows: Prof. John W. Bradshaw, Prof. Ar- thur E. R. Boak, Prof. Isaiah L. Sharfman, Prof. William H. Hobbs, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, and Prof. De- Witt H. Parker. The, group will be- gin its duties at once, taking over functions which have been handled up to the present by the temporary executive committee named after the' death of Dean John R. Effinger. On Aug. 9 and 10 the literary col- lege faculty met and a form of gov- ernment for the college was drawn up. It was approved by the Board of Regents at their special meeting held shortly after at the summer h o m e of President Ruthven in Frankfort. Under the plan the executive func- tions of the college are under the control of the dean assisted by an executive committee... The special functions of the latter are to inves- tigate and formulate instructional policies to b'e presented to the fac- ulty, to act for the college in affairs of the budget, and to make appoint- ments and promotions. Members are appointed for three year terms, but the personnel of the present body is made up of those ap- pointed for one, two, and three year terms, so that permanence and ro- tation may be assured. Members of the committee may not be reappointed to the body until one year after the expiration of a term. It is expected that this will insure' spreading out of the member- ship from term to term. Professor Bradshaw, who was born June 14, 1878, in Batavia, Ill.; receiv- ed his bachelor's d e g r e e here in 1900, master's degree from Harvard in 1902, and doctor's degree from (Continued on Page 6) Murder Trial Deferred By JudgeSample The case of George D. Reed, ex- fireman accused of murder, was de- ferred to the December term of court shortly before noon yesterday by Judge George W. Sample who de- clared the case a mistrial. The ac- tion was brought about when more than 300 spectators made a demon- stration of sympathy in favor of the defendant. The disturbance in the courtroom was the result of the statement made by Mrs. Etta Jordan, Detroit, witness for the defense. After she had stated that Mrs. Reed, the m u r d e r ed woman, had forced Mr. Jordan at the point of a gun to write a letter to the Detroit friend of the court, Pros- ecutor Albert J. Rapp asked her if she had reported this to the police, and then added "You couldn't have been bothered very much, were you?" "No I wasn't," answered Mrs. Jor- dan. "If I could have got there first Mr. Reed wouldn't have had to do the job." The courtroom was imme- diately thrown into a state of great disturbance by the applause and cheers of the spectators. Court offi- cer John Flynn attempted to remove those making the most noise, but Judge Sample ordered him to clear the entire court, and criticized the witness for her statement. After the clearing of the court- room Judge Sample ordered a recess. When court resumed, a motion for mistrial was placed before the court by Edward Conlin, defense attorney. The motion was granted by Judge Sample who said that he did not 42-Year-Old Lawyer New Legion Head Edward Hayes Of Decatur Charged With Leader- ship in Varied Program 'Watching Out For Republic' His Job '34 Convention Is, Closed;' Free Hospitalization Of Indigent Vets Asked CHICAGO, Oct. 5. -()- Edward Hayes, 42-year-old attorney of De- catur, Ill., tonight was vested with leadership in carrying out the Amer- ican Legion's intensive program com- bating communism, supporting the NRA, strengthening national defense and "otherwise watching out for the Republic." Hayes was elected national com- mander by acclamation today at the close of the Legion's fifteenth annual convention. The first duty assigned him by his comrades was to work for fulfillment of the Legion's four-point program for veterans' relief. An about-face from the bonus de- mands of other years, the programI seeks to guard only the interests of those veterans who were injured or contracted disease in military serv- ice, and the dependents of those who died. A request that they be given freeE federal hospitalization if unable to pay was the only clause dealing with] veterans beset by ailments or eco-c nomic troubles since the- end of thel war. ealtors Meet At Convention In Ann Arbor The Nineteenth Annual Conven-1 tion of the Michigan Real Estate As- sociation opened here yesterday and will continue through today. It was1 reported from the convention head- quarters in the Union that 100 real- tors from all parts of the State are attending. The opening session of the con-3 ference was held at 1:30 p. m. yes-' terday with F. Roy Holmes, Presi- dent of the Ann Arbor Real Estate' Board delivering the welcoming ad- dress. The association's president, C. W. McKibbin acknowledged the welcome. In the afternoon a symposium was held-n which several speeches cen- tered around the main topic "Legis- lation Beneficial to Real Estate" were delivered by prominent members of the real estate field, throughout the state. , At the banquet held last night in the Union ballroom one of the prin- cipal addresses was delivered by Er- nest M. Fisher, professor of real e- tate management here. He spoke on the "English System of Real Estate Taxation." In his speech he outlined the English system as compared to the one in general use in the United States. He also pointed out several fallacies in the English system which would prevent it from being a suc- cess in this country. At 9 a. m. today there will be a panel discussion on "Real Estate :Brokerage Problems of Today." The convention will officially close with a business session at 2:30 p. m. but entertainment has been arranged for those wishing to stay over until the Michigan State game on the next day. Forestry Club To Make Annual Trek For Fall Campfire The foresters are donning their top-bots and going out to conquer - not spruce bud worms - but roast- ed steaks. Once again the Annual Campfire of the Forestry Club held every fall since 1906 and featuring everything from unprintable forest songs to takeoffs on the Forestry School faculty is scheduled to take place. The rendezvous is at Sag- inaw Forest, Three Sister's Lake, at 5:30 p. mn. and the committee in charge is Blair Hutchison '34, Char- les F. Mony, '34, and Carl Holcomb, '34. The arrangements are the entire responsibility of the Forestry Club. The program, according to experi- enced foresters who oughtto know, will consist largely of a rehashing of old experiences in, and theories about the forests. In this connection it is suggested that every one bring along his own ax to grind. BlairtHutchison, chairman of the committee, is the recent recipient of the Professional School Scholarship awarded by the Regents on the basis of the student'sneed, scholarship, and general character . Freshmen Will Discuss Issues At Round Table Committee Heads Provide Three Main Questions For Consideration Three questions of unusual inter- est to college students will be dis- cussed at the Sunday meeting of the Freshman Round Table, it was de- cided at a conference of committee heads yesterday. The group of in- terested Freshmen and undergrad- uates will meet at 9 a. m. at the League for breakfast and will divide for discussion at 9:30 into eight groups under the direction of selected graduate and undergraduate advisers. The questions, "Does the world want a trained man?" "Is democ- racy dead?" and "Can there be a planned world society?" will be con- sidered in their various phases for the next three Sunday meetings in accordance with the Round Table plan of hearing a noted faculty au- thority on the first meeting of each month and discussing the questions raised on the remaining Sundays. Prof. Roderick McKenzie of the so- ciology department addressed a large group Oct. 1, on "The Changing World," the topic selected as the nuc- leus of the semester's group talks. The group sponsored by the Student Christian Association, the Council of Religion, and the social board of 'the League is intended primarily for first year men and women, but is also open to any upperclassmen who are interested in talkingdover problems of interest to the modern world. League authorities have set aside separate rooms for each discussion group. The students who will meet with Morton Wagner, Grad., will meet after breakfast in the Garden Room; those under Jack Weisman, '34, will gather in the Rehearsal Room; the theatre lobby has been set aside for students working with Charles Orr, Grad.; Margaret French, Grad., will meet with her group in the Ballroom lobby; George Crockett, Grad., with his in lounge 1; Leon A. Andrews, Grad., in dining rooms D and E; Kenneth Leinsenring, Grad., in dining room A; Sher Quraishi, Grad., with the students in his group in dining room C. The committee in charge of the project have secured Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department; Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the English department; and Prof. Leroy Water- man, of the Oriental Languages and Literature department, as speakers in the next three months' central topics. Rushing Ends; Houses Begin Silence Period Fraternity Preferences To Be In Office Of Dean By 9 A. M. Today To Notify Rushees Of Bids Late Today Alumni, Undergraduates, Warned Against Violat- ing Council Regulations By GEORGE VAN VLECK Rushing in all fraternities ended last night. As rushees poured out ofrhouses to the accompaniment of "'promises"~ which were heard on every hand along with fervent hopes expressed nonchalantly as "See you Monday," fatigued brothers turned to make out preference lists, which must be turned in at the office of the Dean of Students, Room 4, University Hall, by 9 a. m. today. These lists must contain the addresses as well as the names of all rushees bid. New students who have been bid by one or more fraternities will re- ceive a notification in the form. of a list containing the names of all houses on campus, with a space for the preference numbers to be in- serted. These lists, properly marked, must be at the office of the Dean of Stu- Sororit'ies have been reminded by officials of the Panhellenic As- sociation that the silent period which started at 10 p. m. Wednes- day continues until 9 a. m. Sun- day. This is for the benefit of those rushees who do not pledge after formal rushing, the an- nouncement said. Dean At Bates To Speak Meeting Of Sigma Xi Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law School, will be the featured speaker of the first meeting of Sigma Xi, scientific society, which is to be held Monday, Oct. 16, in R o m 100, Hutchins Hall. Dean Bates will discuss the work of the Law School, and some of its future plans. He will also explain the layout of the new law building. After the lecture a thorough inspec- tion of the law school will be made. dents by noon Saturday, according to the rushing rules. Fraternities have been warned by officials of the Interfraternity Coun- cil that no violations of the silence period will be tolerated, special at- tention having been called to the fact that alumni are considered "mem- bers," and are therefore prohibited from contacting any new students during the period of silence, which began at 8:30 p. m. yesterday. "This is a very important period in rushing," Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of the council, declared last night, "and any infractions of the rules will be severely dealt with by the Judiciary Committee." Telephone calls between rushees and fraternity men are absolutely prohibited by the rushing rules, according to Kelley. The committee feels that the re- sponsibility of living up to the rules rests as much with the rushees as Freshmen have been asked by officials of the council to be sure to have some responsible person at their rooming-houses from 7 to 11 p. m. today, as the prefer- ence lists which will be delivered during those hours may not be left unless there is some one to receive them. with the houses, it was pointed out by Maxwell T. Gail, '34, chairman of the committee, and will consider this point in punishing any violations. The attention of all rushees and fraternities has been called to the typographical error in Section 2, Article 3 of the rules, which should read, "After the aforementioned pledging Monday, any rushee not in- eligible as provided in these rules may be rushed and pledged at any time." The only change from the rushing rules in force last year is the addi- tion of the second sentence of Sec- tion 2, Article 2 of the rushing rules, which reads in full as follows: "Any rushee who receivesaa bid from a fraternity and does not turn in a preference list shall be ineligible to pledge any fraternity until the be- ginning of the second semester of the same academic year. No rushee turn- ing in a preference list shall be elig- ible during the first semester to pledge any house not on his list." These rules have been arranged so as to make obligatory on the fresh- man to pledge Monday in the reg- uar way or wait until the beginning of the second semester, according to officials of the council. 'BIG PARADE' STAR DIES HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 5. - Renee Adoree, star of the silent films and feminine lead in "The Big Parade." Hopwood Award Contestants Begin Work On Manuscripts By MITCHELL RASKIN of the con Hopwood Awards aspirants are bequest w again working on manuscripts for known as this already famous campus contest, minor awr accoring to Prof. Bennett Weaver, jor award chairman of the Hopwood Awards and grad committee. The committee recently minorts wea issued the bulletin for the fourth the reai annual competition. The interest in the mu the contest is due, in part, to the The ma amount of money given as prizes, awards of This is thelargest sum give in vided in t prizes for any literary contest, ex- ing, the es ceeding the sum of the famous Pul- prizes, ho itzer prizes. arranged In the three years since the estab- The mi lishment of the contests, $35,000 has awards of been distributed in awards. erly quali Under the terms of the will of the of drama, A ar NTwri_ d rn,.,w,,no +i--^,. atest. The income from the was split into two parts the major awards and the ards. Eligibility for the ma- Ls was confined to senior uate students; but all stu- re made eligible for the .rds provided they have met ements of the contest. jor awards consist of four $2,000 each. These are pro- he fields of dramatic writ- say, fiction and poetry. The wever, may be divided or as the judgment of the committee shall dictate. nor awards consist of two $250 offered to two prop- fied students in the fields tic writing, the essay, fic- Alumni Drug Store Coaches' Bull Session To Hash Varsity By THOMAS H. KLEENE. With the announced intention of hashing over the championship pros- pects of the University of Michigan Varsity football squad, the Detroit chapter of the National Amalga- mated Drug Store and Curbstone Coaches, at one time known as the University of Michigan Club of De- troit, has arranged a series of Weekly Football Clinics and Luncheons to continue throughout the c u r r e n t gridiron season, according to an an- nouncement received yesterday in the rfR . .,f m ,-,"_,_ ra"_ -or crem n an excellent luncheon served at a moderate price, one member of the local coaching staff will be in at- tendance each week to give the alumni and their friends the low down on the previous Saturday's game as seen from the coaches and players bench on the sidelines. These talks will not be just repetitions of pep meeting lectures, but will include detailed blackboard diagrams, com- plete explanations, and during the entire series the whole complicated Michigan offense and defense will be fm Ak wisethe sneak-