HUrsnAYCT. 5,1933 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DELTA SIGMA DINNER HO Delta Sigma fraternity entertained THE H at a rushing dinner Tuesday night. ernment CAmong the alumni who attended has saved were Dr. C. S. Yoakum, Prof. M. H. ary reduc Waterman, Kenneth Haven, Robert cut aver, Francis,_Paul Rickman and Clark bring the Charity Club Sororities Entertain Alumnae, Enlarge Staff W.A.A. Danee Club Smmons. average s, To Begin Drive Rushees With Formal Dinners Of Instructors To Meet At Gym The first fall meeting of the Dance For M em bers Sorority alumnae were entertained C. Furstenberg, Mrs. W. H. Sellew, By 25 Students Club, directed by Miss Emily White, Grey Mrs. Katherine Hawley, and Mrs. will be held at 4:30 p. m. today in at their respective houses during the a n Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Prominent FacultyWomen formal dinners which were given Talao n League Continues Dancing Sponsored by the Women's Ath- honoring the rushees. Distinctive White roses and dephiniumletic Association, the club gave a reci- Serve As Directors For table decorations characterized these formed the centerpiece for the tables Classes; Give Beginning, tal last spring, consisting of modern in the Footwear National Organization dinners. at the Th a Phi lpha formealuWnd- Advanced Work movements with some pantomime. A Alpahi__e__eteaiedatsimilar program is being planned Alpa hiOmgaeneraiedatfor the dinners were the Misses Hel- for this year, as well as a demonstra- -and doubly smart when the shoe An organized drive for new mem- formal dinners Tuesday and Wed- en Morrow, Jackson, and Ruth and Twenty-five assistants are being ton t Miss ur asDandinoerland artw eses >ers will be conducted Monday as nesday nights. Decorating the L- Margaret rady, Mary Costello, and added to the teaching staff for the inDetriss Murray's Dance School dinner and party wear you selec ;he opening feature of the annual shaped table were pink roses, smilax, Virginia Hanlon, all of Detroit. League dancing lessons this fall, ac- afternoon bridge and for street wea ,ampaign of the Ann Arbor Needle- and ivory tapers. Roses and fall Legudnn____n_________-___renso mmerhi n ot t hG work Guild. The Guild is one of the flowers were used through the rooms. cording to Miss Ethel McCormick, this group of 25 or 30 members are want. both of these are here in GR .argest charitable organizations in Among the alumnae visiting the social director. They will be headed Only that the individual must have he country and is one in which a house for the conclusion of rushing P rof essio n al by Roland Fulton, who was instruc had some dance experience and be mmber of prominent women have are the Misses Jane Fauver, Grettainrtd n oe tor last year, and Mis McCormick. tdt tcital w nterested themselves. Kraus, and Vinselle Bartlett. Miss oen se n ies ae as Mrs. George W. Patterson is hon- Gertrude Babcock is again visiting Gpe The assistants will be women stu- to attend the first meeting, where >rary president of the local branch. the local chapter. dents who will know thoroughly all definite hours for future meetings Other officers are: Mrs. William H. Unique Decorations Usedi e iiemn ers the fox-trot, waltz, and tango rou- will be decided. Caust, president; Mrs. Frederick R. The members of Alpha Epsilon Phi tines for both beginning and ad- Waldron, Mrs. 0. J. Campbell, Mrs. entertained several guests at a for- Phi Delta Delta, legal sorority, yes- vanced classes, Miss McCormick said. The chur s a r t to have thi iack Ryan, and Mrs. Emil Arnold, mal rushing dinner last night. Green terday announced the pledging of The first lesson for beginners will country because it is the mother of it. iepresidets; Mrs . Junius, eat candles and pastel bows decorae the following women from the fresh- be held Tuesday, Oct. 17, in the Lea- - Rev. Russell C. Brown. ecretary; Mrs. W. W. Krag, assistant thetabes.oJaqueinenavrno34,n__from___the___fresh-___ ecretary; Mrs. Fred T. McOmber was in charge of the dinner, man law class: Mary Louise Rumsey, gue ballroom and the first lesson for reasurer,.h nemdae ls hrdy Among the prominent women who Alumnae returning for the Alpha Jane Mape, Frances Mewbury, and the intermediate class Thursday, Phi formal rushing parties are: Coa- Belden Wagner Oct. 12. Both classes will be given on erve as directors are: Mrs. E. L. rine Krentler, '32, Pleasant Ridge the same day every week and the D aItia s Adams, Mrs. Arthur S. Aiton, Mrs. rine rentlek, '3 , es ntie Three rushing luncheons were giv- complete course will enclude eight Beal Mr. A E. ook Mr.Louis ryJosephine o,3,Shinnick, '31, TetoPontiac; tycmlt orewl nld ih 3eal, Mrs. A. E. Boak, Mrs. Mary Browne, '33, Trenton; Betty en, arranged by Ann Verner, '35L, lessons for $3. present Bredvold, Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Smith, '32, Jackson; Katherine rushing chairman. Alumnae from The assistants will be chosen from Mrs. Anes Clark, 'Mrs. Campbell, Schmelzer, '33, and Suan Ryan, out-of-town who helped with the women students who make applica- J. E. ATK I NSON drs. FrederickiCaller, Mrs. R. W. Saginaw; Emmy Lou Smith, '31, rushing were the Misses Esther tion to Miss McCormick. They will owden, Mrs. E. C. Dickinson, Mrs. Mary Barnett, Spec., Frances Bid- Louise and Ruth Tuttle, Lansing; be given their lessons free of charge Personality s T. Dana, and Mrs. Frank Devine. dlecombe, Betty Knight, '33, and Florence Clement and Violet Fron- and will also be paid by the hour for HAIR CUTT^NG Mrs . Walter . Ford Mrs. Robert June Biggers, all of Detroit. Betty seth, Detroit, and Eleanor Kimball, their work. Their first instruction COLLEGE SHOE SH 1irsclH , Mrs . GOtto . Casley, Mrs. Healy, Grad., and Mary Louise Sym- Battle Creek. Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler, will be given Oct. 11. This first les- rsh MHootks Mrs.G. Carl Huber, ons are attending from Ann ,Ar- patroness of the sorority, also assist- son will be for assistants only, who PRM NE TS Rei y, Mrs. Alfred Lovell, Mrs. Sam- bor. ed with rushing plans. will have the opportunity of teachGg e Moore, Mrs. Ira Smith, Mrs. Alumnae Attend Dinners Alpha Omega fraternity yesterday either one, two, or three evenings,'World's Fastest Driers Tharles Vibbert, Mrs. A. S. Warthin, Among the alumnae present at the announced the pledging of the fol- and may later work with the grad- Wshampoo Krs. Alfred H. White, and Mrs. Field- formal rushing dinners given by Pi lowing members of the 1937 dental uate class if they wish. Those who Soft Water Shampoo Beta Phi were Mrs. Frederick B. class: Bernard Seldman, Joseph prove especially competent will also rt Fisher, Mrs. Homer Heath, Mrs. Pal- Foote, Louis Gain, Milton Kamler, 7n be given the chance to give private 13 North University Te mer Christian, Mrs. Charles L. Jam- J. Kunin, Herbert Lebovitz, Albert 1 e s s o n s, according to Miss Mc- ieson, Miss Mae Keller, and Mrs. Miller, Jock Lichtenstein, Julius Rib- Cormick. Phone 8878 Over the Parrot vance Seen Walter V. Marshall, all of Ann Ar- yat, and Sam Stone. Each assistant will be responsile Ss l , bor; Miss Henrietta McGough, Yp- The house held a smoker last night, for from three to four persons. In n Art silanti. at which Dr. U. G. Rickert and Dr. order that the pupils may have .nA tD sy The tables were effectively deco- R. F. Sommer, members of the dental plenty of opportunity for practice Says urated with bowls of white roses, and school faculty, were guests. there will be a phonograph in the ays k l u 5 white tapers were used, ballroom and they may stay after Out-of-town alumnae returning class and practice. The classes are By ELEANORfor Collegiate Sorosis rushing for- Gillian-Patterson Nuptials open to all students. B ELAO.BLUM frG'iajatrsn N ' Work of the summer art group mals are Margaret Thompson, '32, Are Solemnized In Detroit Women wishing positions as assist- presents a Iine u of and Louise Cody, '30, both of De- ants were urged to make application handing d spontane aty,rof Jean troit; and Mrs. Mac Whitfield, Pon- Kappa Kappa Gamm sorority yes- now at Miss McCormick's office. anl adsotneity, Pof. ean 'iac. terday announced the marriage Sat- Sm art Football Fashions aul Slusser of the College speaking of Ann Arbor alumnae planning to urday of Ruth Gillian, '33, Royal heture exhibit now on displeaking the attend the formals are as follows: Oak, to Charles Patterson, a former " ere 710 Go th a t W i l l play i m po r tan t Student Art Exchange in the League. Mrs. M. W. Wheeler, Mrs. Joseph A. student here. The wedding took place "4 -'he Ay cnithe League. Bursley, Mrs. Herman Kleene, Mrs. at the home of the bride and was style positions at the games . t'he display consists chiefly of work Peter Van Boven, Mrs. Carl Moore, followed by a reception for 75 guests. Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Turn one by members of the art colony Mrs. Robert Angell, Mrs. Edgar Dur- The bride wore a beaver-trimmed Back the Clock" with Lee Tracy and p w h ic h m e t n e a r H a r b o r S p r in g s la s t B c h l c " w t e r c n n p y a l r d s y e c a s i u m r e , M s a g r t H y s r . A r e u t a d c r i d a b u u t o i n g t s a e s o, " a V e P y e "-am y l n doe htw l ummer. Lee, Mrs. Margaret Hayes, Mrs. A. green suit and carried a bouquet of midnight stage show, "La Vie Paree;"Snpytaordslec tsin Professor Slusser believes the work mixed roses. Close friends and the Majestic, "Mayor of Hell" with James -warmly lined ones that will KappauSbonsorrfamily attended the ceremony. Both Cagney and "Terror Abroad" with winds - and fur lined coats. f Earl Pellerin, '32A, instructor at Kappa Nu To Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Patterson expect to at- Charles Ruggles; Wuerth, "When three-piece ensembles - And he colony, and of Alex Gow andMs Teas At Hillel Foundation tend classes in Detroit during the Ladies Meet" with Ann Harding and crepe and knitted. You'll score Edith igby to be the best on dis coming year.y. Fashions from the College Sho lay. Mr. Pellerin's works are particu- Kappa Nu fraternity will be the Robert Montgomery. arly broad and decorative and the first this season to sponsor one of Lecture: Forestry at 11 a. m., Room thers have done excellent work in the weekly teas at the Hillel Founda- Faculty Men To Attend 2054, Natural Science Building. eater colors and landscape sketches. tion, Rowena H. Goldstein, '35, chair- ImB kIost of the studies are landscapes man of the entertainment commit- Inaugural Ceremones GERMANY BANS DOLE CUTS >n the shore of Lake Michigan north tee, announced yesterday. The first Dr. Charles Wiggins Cobb of the BERLIN-A statement issued by if Petoskey- tea will be held from 3:30 to 5 p. M. department of mathematics and the President of the Federal Labor "All the work reflects the general today and every tea to follow will be Prof. Preston E. James of the Geog- Bureau warned employers against eengrof a good time, as if the art- sponsored by the Jewish fraternities raphy department have been ap- the practice of taking on unemployed sswr enjoying mthe work," Pro and sororities on campus, at the pointed by President Alexander G. but deducting from their wages the kessor Slusser commented. Three same hour. Ruthven as official representatives of amounts of their doles, leaving mu- ketche o picuar ite, ac- These teas, held in the Jewish cen- the University of Michigan at the in- nicipalities to make up the differ- orin o M s E oh y We m a - ter of the campus, are to bring Jew- auguration ceremonies for presidents ence. Trees," Mr. Pellerin's "Fisherman,, ish students together once a week, of two colleges. ," "Llndrin'sby ishegmy."in order that they may become bet- Dr. Cobb went to Massachusetts Fraternities and Sororities d "Landscape" by Miss Higby. ter acquainted. Last year the teas State College this week for the in- Frt r a ritie Tha ,.. nnu wya ~nn iniithe sm-_ orArtstc ...! PAGE I LLAND CUTS PAY AGUE-The Holland finding that in 12 ye about $225,000,00 b3 tions, announced a fu ging 5 per cent. Thh total cuts since 1921 f 26 per cent. rn--art Mode s are suede - For t the pump-for r it's the tie you'll EY SUEDE. op HOPS lephone 4171 nixtures and plain ward off chilling Suits in two and wool dresses of e high in Football 'ps. Y74 1erbyJac Gfi, astdet hreinwere a great success, due to the en- stallation of Hugh Potter Baker as PIANO T U NING .er by Jack Gafil, a student here in thusiasm shown by the various fra- president, while Professor James will 925.Itanmodelr.dafteroneharedternities and sororities, the sponsors represent the University at the in- Kempf Music Studios n D like it in Birmingham, his say. New Jewish students on cam- auguration of Philip Curtis Nash as Pmp teie other epetiB ha mAnA-pus are urgently requested to at- head of the University of Toledo,n Prompervc. ome. He expects that the Ann Ar- tend.Poe62 1 .Dvso or group will meet again next sum- _ Monday, October 8. ner for one month. ZETA PHI ETA MEETS Plans for the doming year were dis- ussed at the first meeting of the )cal chapter of Zeta Phi Eta, speech rts sorority, last night in the League. report of the national convention COATS are eld last June in Chicago was heard. nary Helen 'cIntosh34, president, In New FallSh $29.50 and $35.00 resded CWfor polo models- and $39.50 for fur- HEER chiffon stockings that you can wear esses morning, noon and night without bothering- about the wear and tear. Heels and soles are VE RSAT L E SUIT ENSEMBL ES I ' Yo need reinforced . . . which means they can take it RIGHT NOW (shoes that rub at the heel, etc.). Clever wom- THE PRICE RANGE will fit any clothes budget-There en are buying six pairs at a clip -then they are suits at $29.50, $35.00, $39.50, $49.50, and $59.50 never have to worry about matching up odd stockings. Buy them in good all-around colors BLOUSES to wear with your suit - jersey or sports silks. S P E C TAT O R and forget hosiery worries! Sizes 8z to 10%. They're priced at $3.95 to $6.00 SPORT -AND SPORTS HATS- in just the smart style to go with the STREET WEAR prso COLORS-sports outfit. COLORS- Bisye95 THE SCARF - for a touch of gay color it has no equal S 5Dust Beige -Choose one at $1.25 to $3.50 to 13 95 HoneyBrown,I Congo Brown s= jl__.WOOL DRESSES-flannels-Rabbits' w Smoke Brown $12.95, $19.50 and $29.50 HAIRYrKNITS SShadow ool at