The Weather Generally fair, slightly cooler Thursday; Friday probably fair, rising temperature. it gan cl, 'r il1Iaiti Editorials Reporting Infractions Of Rushing Rules .. .. VOL. XLIV No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MJCHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Legion Seeks Full Benefits For Veterans Committee Passes 5-Point Program For Relief Of Ex-Service Men Post-War Illnesses Not Provided For Campaign For Adoption Of S t a t u t e Outlawing Child Labor Is Urged CHICAGO, Oct. 4-()-The Amer- ican Legion had before it tonight a plan of veterans' relief which con- centrates on full benefits for the dis- abled and disregards demands for immediate payment of the bonus. Passed unanimously by the Le- gion's rehabilitation committee, a five-point program for aiding ex- service men-a plan drafted by a na- tional committee and already ap- proved by 43 state departments- was ready to be placed before the convention tomorrow. Except for declaring that every ex- service man isaentitled to Federal hospitalization at any time and for any cause, the program deals only with those veterans whose ailments date back to injuries suffered or dis- eases contracted in actual military service. Ask Benefits Be Restored No provision is made for compen- sation payments to veterans beset by illness, injuries or economic troubles since the end of the war. Under the plan, free hospitalization would be the only government grant to them. However, for those wounded, in- jured or diseased in military service, the plan would restore all benefits removed or reduced under the Eco- nomy Act of last March, which trimmed $300,000,000 a year from such payments. Widows and orphans likewise would, be provided for as they were prior to the Economy Act. The Legionnaires at a business ses- gon of their fifteenth national con- vention today adopted a child welfare program, selected Miami, Fla., for the 1934 convention and took action that would make more rigid the regula- tions forbidding Legion officials to take part in politics. resolutions Passed "The American Legion shall be absolutely non-political and shall not be used for the dissemination of par- tisan principles, nor for the promo- tion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment," declared a resolution which the con- vention adopted for addition to the Legion constitution. "A candidate for or any incum- bent of a remunerative elective pub- lic office s all not hold any elective office. or any appointive office in the American Legion or in any depart- ment or prost thereof." A convention sub-committee is considering a request for revocation of the New Mexico State Depart- ment's charter on charges of violating rules already in the Legion constitu- tion against political activity. A report charging that some of the codes accepted by industries under the National Recovery Act violated in spirit the child labor provisions of the act was adopted by the conven- tion. The report urged Legionnaires to campaign for an amendment to the Federal Constitution outlawing child labor. The report mentioned the codes of the retail trades group and of the soft coal industry. It declared the coal code "provides merely that chil- dren under 16 years should not be employed 'inside a mine,' and we all know that most of the child labor in the mining industry is used in the breaker mills and outside of the mines." National Commander Louis A. Johnson called upon the Legionnaires to line up behind the Legion's pro- gram of "country before self." He de- clared there was nothing to be gained and much to be lost in fighting the National Economy Act. The Legion has gained great public favor, he said, because it refused to make attacks on the new Administration when the act was passed. Red Cross To Give Garments To Needy A large supply of goods, including 10,000 ready made garments, is on Marcus'Delectable Rosebuds' May Be Covered Here Tonight By WILLIAM G. FERRIS Those delectable rosebuds, vol- uptuous houris, sacheriferous Astar- tes, and ambrosial Hyperions who compose the troupe of Mr. A. B. Mar- cus, Detroit showman and ad writer par excellence, will never, never get a chance to bounce their stuff before Ann Arbor's innocents if members of the city's leading women's organiza- tions can stop them. All day yesterday the office of Mayor Robert A. Campbell was kept busy with telephone c a 11 s from women who, having read the adver- tisements appearing in our very best newspapers, were certain that some- thing should be done about it, Mayor Campbell conferred with City Attorney William Laird, who looked up the city ordinances and announced there was no Ann Arbor law which could stop the show's pres- entation. The mayor said last night that "there is nothing I can do about it." Anyway, the mayor indicated, the show was probably not as bad as its press agent would have every- one believe. It had played in Lansing a couple of nights ago and was view- ed by the chief of police and several of his assistants, who saw nothing wrong in it - or at least that's their story. Mr. Laird admitted last night that theatrical performances are restrict- ed by State laws, and that if there is any obscenity tonight's show could be closed by invoking such laws. It might even be possible to pre- vent the show from opening, it was said, if someone filed a complaint charging that a lewd and indecent performance was going to be put on, using newspaper advertisements as the basis of his proof. The question would then c o m e before Circuit Judge George W. Sample, who last night would make no statement about the technicalities in such a procedure, although he admitted he had heard there was some com- plaint. Chief of Police Lewis W. Fohey said he had not been asked by any authorities to attend the show. He did not say whether he would at- tend, however. The manager of the theatre at which the revue is to be presented said he had heard of no complaints and that the pulchritudinous peaches would put on their show as scheduled. Insanity Plea Is Invalidated In Murder Trial Psychiatrist S t a t e s Reed Was Only Nervous When Examined Yesterday Outstanding evidence in the trial of George D. Reed, former Detroit fireman, charged with the murder of Ruth M. Reed, was given yester- day .afternoon in Circuit Court by C. J. Ettinger, eminent psychiatrist who stated that his examination of Reed at noon yesterday revealed that Reed was nervous, but there was no indi- cation of insanity or temporary in- sanity. That Reed was nervous was appa- rent by the way he kept his fingers and hands continually moving. Evi- dence given by Jessie Miller, father of the murdered woman stated that she "went out occasionally," but that she had not been intimate with a number of men as stated by the de- fense. Victor Reed, a cousin of the alleged murderer, said that he and Clarence Young had had intimate relations with the deceased for which they paid her $4, the money being provided by George Reed. According to the prosecution this was Reed's method of obtaining proof of his former wife's immorality in order to gain the custody of his child. A relief from the suspense of the trial was evidenced during the tes- timony by Thomas Winters who gave his occupation as a beer garden op- erator. He was challenged by the de- fense and admitted that he sold bev- erages stronger than near beer and that he had been arrested about twenty times. This caused a burst of laughter from the spectators, but the court was quickly brought to or- der by the court officer. Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp said yes- terday that he expected to have his side of the case finished by Thursday noon. It is said that the defense will not be finished until sometime Fri- day. The trial will continue at 9 a. m. today. Steering Group Starts Work On Arns Meeting GENEVA, Oct. 4.--()-The steer- ing committee of the world dis- armament conference was officially called today by Arthur Henderson, chairman of the assemblage, to meet in a private session next Monday afternoon. It was understood in League of Nations circles that several delega- tions, including the American, had forced this action in view of persist- ent rumors that attempts would be made to declare the Geneva parley a potential failure. (In this connection, it was recalled there had been recent suggestions Silence Period Begins Tonight For All Houses The silence period begins to- night for all fraternities and their rushees, according to the rushing rules adopted by the Interfra- ternity Council. No contacts, even by telephone, will be permitted after 8:30 p. m., and a special effort is being made by officials of the council to pre- vent any violation of this rule. Make Surveys In Anticipation Of Dry Repeal Justice Department Puts Nineteen Questions To Attorneys For Replies WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 - (?') - Spurred by Virginia's thumping ma- jority in favor of repeal of the eigh- teenth amendment and substitution of a liquor control for her own dry statute, numerous federal agencies today hurried the studies they have been making in anticipation of re- peal. The department of justice alone has put 19 questions to a court of at- torneys for answers. Administration officials who have predicted that repeal would be here on December 6, are trying to have the government ready to deal with problems that will be raised by re- peal, among them : Keeping the pledge the party made that states which desired to remain dry would be protected by the fed- eral government from neighboring wet states. The effect of the abolition of 227 million dollars in special taxes that automatically end with repeal. Creation in the district of Colum- bia of a model liquor control sys- tem as an example to the states. Assurance of as much revenue as possible to the government without1 bringing back bootleggers. Frankly confessing that they had not answered all their 19 questions, department of justice officials ex- pressed the view that laws remaining on the books would be sufficient to protect dry states. Co-Operation Is Pr aised By Rosevelt, President Says Country Must Reduble Efforts For 'Hard Pull Ahead' Addresses Catholic National Convention Says States And Local Governments Must Do Part For Recovery NEW YORK, Oct. 4.-(P)-Presi- dent Roosevelt tonight rallied the re- lief agencies of tlie nation for the "harder part still ahead" and told the states and communities they must do their share before the Federal gov- ernment supplements the needs of the destitute. Speaking before the National Con- ference of Catholic Charities, Mr. Roosevelt praised t e co-operation of church and priva institutions for their help in "the climb out of the valley of gloom" and urged a national spirit of neighborliness 4to complete the task. "Thisis the time when you and I know," he said, "that though we have proceeded a portion of the way, the longer, harder part still lies ahead; and that it is for us to redouble our efforts to care for those who must still depend upon relief, to prevent the disintegration of home life and to stand by the victims of the de- pression until it is definitely past. "The Federal government .has in- augurated new meaures of relief on a vast scale, but t Federal govern- ment cannot, and , es not intend, to take over the whol job. Many times I have insisted that every community and every state ,ust first do its share. Before addressin the conference, the President dine with the church leaders at a banquet in a mid-town hotel. He was introduced by Cardinal1 Hayes. Mr. Roosevelt made no reference to recovery policies except to say that the revival of industry and agricul- ture "call for a willingness to sacri- fice individual gains, to work together for the public welfare and for the success of a broad national program of recovery." First Brewery Is Shut For 15 Days LANSING, Oct. 4. -(P) - The ex- ecutive committee of the S t a t e Liquor Control Commission Wednes- day ordered a 15-day shutdown of the Manistee Brewing Co. on a charge of selling unstamped beer. It was the first suspension directed by the commission since the beer law went into effect. A $1,000 fine was a 1 s o levied against the brewery and it was or- dered to remit to the State $2,683 in unpaid beer taxes. Under the com- mittee's order, the brewery's li- cense will be revoked if the company is not reorganized within 30 days. The shutdown was ordered to be- gin at noon Thursday. The brewery will not be allowed to make or sell beer within the next 15 days. Chairman Frank A. Picard of the commission said it was disposed to be lenient to save the industry for Manistee. Mayor Hill and other leading citizens assured the commit- tee that immediate steps would be taken to reorganize the brewery. Relief Funds Are To Come From Lansing Federal Poor Relief Aid Will Remove Big Burden From City Budget All Local Welfare Has Been Centered County Program Needed For Care Of City Poor, Mayor Campbell Says The city welfare problem, which has confronted the Ann Arbor Com- mon Council for three years, will be+ handled in the future by the Wash- tenaw County Welfare Relief Com- mittee with funds derived from Stater and Federal sources, as a result of+ action taken last night at a special council meeting. Upon the recommendation of the poor and cemetery committee, the council took action which henceforth centralizes all welfare work in one department, to be known as the Wel- fare Department. All funds for this department are to be in a separate checking account. City funds will be used for the su- pervision of work relief and the sal- aries of the personnel in the new de- partment, although the money for the relief comes not from the city but from the State, co-operating with Washington authorities. Mayor Robert A. Campbell, in sup-' porting the shifting of welfare re- sponsibility, said, "It will be impos-3 sible for this city to take care of its' poor people during the coming winter with city funds, and there is nothing for us to do but adopt the countyi program. If we don't accept their pro-3 posal to centralize welfare duties we, simply won't get any money." All the members of the council agreed with the mayor in his sum- mary of the situation, and the poor9 committee's report was accepted un- animously.1 The council also passed an ordi- nance providing for the construction of the "down river" trunk line sewer., Cost of constructing the sewer will be $650,000, and will be paid for by; the issuance of revenue bonds. Complete Plans For Community Fund Campaign Officials of the Community Fund drive estimated last night that be- tween $50,000 and $60,000 would be' required for the activities of the 10 charity and social organizations which will share receipts of the cam- paign. At a meeting held in the chamber of Commerce Building final plans were completed and discussed by representatives ,of Ann Arbor churches and service clubs. Prof. A. H. White of the engineer- ing college, chairman of the general committee, pointed out that until definite information is forthcoming from State and Federal agencies as to how much aid from those sources will be apportioned to Ann Arbor, no exact budget of local organization needs can be made. Ann Arbor workers will make their campaign Nov. 3 to 10. Teams com- posed of church workers and mem- berh of service clubs will canvass assigned areas under direction of team captains. In addition to Pro- fessor White, members of the general committee include Miss Florence Pol- lock, local attorney, and E. W. Breay, local manager of the Bell Telephone Co. Last year $2,000 of the fund was turned over to needy students through the office of Dean of Stu- dents Joseph A. Bursley. No such aid is promised this year, but Professor White announced that students will not be canvassed. Havana Looted As Hurricane Rages HAVANA, Oct. 4.--(P)-Looting broke out along the waterfront sec- tion of uptown Havana tonight dur- ing the height of the second phase of a tropical hurricane which brought U. Of M. Will Have Half-Hour Program Over Station WSM In connection with a series of 28 radio broadcasts dealing with Amer- ican universities which are being sponsored by The National Life and Accident Insurance Co., the Univer- sity of Michigan will have a half- hour program over Station WSM, Nashville, at 7:30 p. in., Friday, December 8. The broadcast, which is being planned by W.!fred B. Shaw, director of alumni relations,and Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the presi- dent, will consist of a series of dra- matic sketches outlining the Univer- sity's history from the date of the founding in Detroit to the present. Mr. Shaw has also arranged for the presentation of Michigan songs and cheers on the program. WSM presents similar broadcasts each Monday and Friday evenings. Other institutions to be featured are Notre Dame, Chicago, Indiana, Illi- nois, Tulane, Georgia Tech, Ohio State, Northwestern, and Southern California. Estimate Toll Of 50 In Los Angeles Fi re Hold Man Suspected Of Setting Blaze In Park; 125 Are Injured LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4.-(P)-A death list of possibly 50 was indi- cated today as bodies of victims of a treacherously veering brush fire were recovered from the hills and ravines of Griffin Park, the city's main play- ground. Those who perished were R. F. C. unemployed relief workers on park, roads, called late yesterday to fight a small blaze starting near the golf course. Most of the 35 known dead and the+ more than 125 injured were trapped in a box-like canyon.. The wind shifted and sent the flames toward them. Scenes of horror followed as they struggled to escape. More than 1,000 acres of park land were burned over. Fire and police officials at first attributed the fire to a cigaret or match. Later, Hollywood detectives arrested Robert D. Barr, 29 years old, for questioning after he had been found, they said, near the scene of some new blazes started early today. The officers said that Barr admit- ted he had started a fire in Griffin Park at 10 o'clock last night, but denied having been responsible for the main fire, which began burning nealy eight hours earlier. Only a few of the victims had been identified today. Piteous scenes were. enacted at the county morgues, which were besieged by families and rela- tives of the park workers who were ,still unaccounted for. While the mayor and district at- torney started official investigations, Coroner Frank Nance announced that an inquest would be held next Wednesday. Fire Chief Ralph J. Scott blamed the tragedy on the fact that men in- experienced with forest fires had been sent to quell the park blaze. "Had there been anyone there with experience in fighting brush fires," he said, "or any experienced fireman, the men who dropped their work on the road grades to battle the blaze would have been ordered to safety, "The men who first saw the fire were deceived because it appeared to them to be small. Little they knew how fast dry brush. can spread a fire." Some of the victims were identified only by key rings, watches, jewelry and knives which their relatives knew they had carried. Prof. Slosson Will Speak On Disarmament "Disarmament as It Might Be Done Now" will be the subject of an address by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department before a mass meeting at 8 p. m. Tuesday in Room 100, Hutchins Hall. The meet- ing has been called by the local branch of the League of Nations As- NRA Does Not Affect Societies Barnaud Halts Movement To Force Fraternities To Hire More Men N.S.L. To Continue Protest Campaign Consider Communicating W i t h Washington For Headquarters Ruling "The NRA has nothing whatsoever to do with fraternities. That's all there is to it." These words, spoken by Cone W. Lighthall, Ann Arbor Federal NRA representative, put a definite end to the movement on foot on the campus to force fraternities to hire more men by including them in the NRA code for restaurants. Mr. Lighthall returned yesterday from a conference with A. J. Bar- naud, Federal NRA administrator for Michigan, with the word that the houses cannot be included in the code, and silenced, for a time, the members of the National Student League, who have been waging a campaign for higher wages or shorter hours for dishwashers and waiters. Officials of the National Student League said last night that they would not give up the fight but might even write to Washington to get a ruling on the matter from the NRA headquarters. How much of an increase the in- clusion of fraternities under the code would make in the numbers of stu- dents employed who are not members of fraternities was not determined, as many house presidents indicated that the members w i t h i n many houses were anxious to obtain work, especially if the price of their meals was to be increased because of the ruling. Code Revision Of Wages And Hours Wanted Secretary Perkins B a c k s Up Gr e e n In Demand For Higher Standard WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.-(R)--The demands of William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, for shorter working hours and higher minimum wages than are now being incorporated in NRA codes was given today the direct support of Secretary, Frances Perkins. The cabinet member, whose ap- pointment as secretary of labor the federation's high command hadr op- posed only a fc months ago, went before the annual convention of the organization with a stalwart demand for strengthening the voice of organ- ized labor. "We cannot stop with the present minimum wages and maximum hours of labor," Miss Perkins said. "We must go on with a unified pur- pose to an ever-improving standard of living and assurance of economic security for all our people and suffi- cient leisure to enable us to enjoy the blessings which our resources and our equipment can make available." Two More Fraternities Are Looted; Cash Taken Two fraternities, Triangle, 927 For- est, and Phi Alpha Delta, 919 Oak- land, were entered and robbed early yesterday morning, making three fraternity robberies in the past five days. Thieves who robbed the Phi Alpha Delta house made off with $118 in cash, a gold pencil, and a wrist watch. Triangle reported the loss of $13 in cash, a gold watch, a suit, and a jacket. Police are investigating both robberies. German Denies He was Aided In Incendiarism LEIPSIG, Germany, Oct. 4.-()- The Supreme Court pounded away relentlessly today in an attempt to learn whether Marinus v a nder Says Life Tenure For Judges Would Clean Up State Courts Popularly elected judges, compelled to remember the power of vote- swinging organizations and indivi- duals if they wish to keep their jobs, have allowed their legal powers to fall into disuse and are in large measure responsible for typical American slowness in fighting the forces of crime, declares Prof. John B. Waite, of the Law School, in an article in the current issue of Atlantic Month- ly magazine. The judge in most criminal cases in the United States has become little more than an umpire between the prosecutor and the defense lawyer, as compared to the active and critical inations, the introduction of useless evidence and the emotional speeches with which clever criminal lawyers attempt to confuse and prejudice juries, Professor Waite writes. Subpoena dodgers, jury bribers and those who threaten witnesses may also be dealt with without red tape by a judge who is so disposed. Truth and justice are lost, rather than gained in a long-drawn criminal' trial, he states, and urges that Amer- ican judges return to the British practice of making a thorough and critical summing up of the evidence for the jury's benefit. Every criminal case comes before