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October 04, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-04

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive Aotice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
Until 3:30;'11:30 a. m. Saturday.



No. 9

Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards have been sent to the different Departmental Offices, and more
may always be had by calling at the office of the Assistant Dean, 1220
Angell Hall. Instructors are requested to report absences in accordance
with rules printed on the backs of the cards.
Graduate School Students: Students who have changed their elec-
tions since submitting the election card should call at the office of the
Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, this week. This involves dropping and
adding of courses and substitution of one course for another, as well as a
change in instructor,
G. Carl Huber, Dean.
To University Faculty Members: In response to numerous requests, and
in order to accommodate Faculty members, special provision has been made
for accepting in payment of Choral Union Concert tickets, checks postdated
to November 1. Those desiring to take advantage of this provision are re-
spectfully requested to communicate with the President of the School of
Clinics in the School of Dentistry will be opened for regular work
beginning Monday October 2. The hours are from 10 to 12 in the morning
and from 1 to 5 in the afternoon. '
Polish Group: With the scholastic year now fully launched, the Polonia
Literary Circle is reorganizing and preparing to enter upon the 25th
year of activity on the campus. It is an organization wherein are banded
together all students having a Polish ancestry. This alone is necessary for
eligibility to the group.
The first meeting for the coming season is to be assembled at the
Women's League on Thursday eevning, Oct. 5, at 7:45 o'clock. Their, first
meeting will be largely of a get-acquainted character and. all attending
should have an enjoyable and pleasant evening. Every student, both sexes,
being of Polish descent is urged to attend this meeting and benefit thereby.
Professor Felix Powlowski of the Aeronautics Department shall address the
group briefly.
Swimming Classes: The Michigan Union announces the opening of the
fall term for beginning and advanced classes in swimming.
Women-Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:15.
Men-By appointment.
Children: Girls-Saturday mornings at 8:30 and 9:30.
Boys-Saturday mornings at 11:00.-
These classes will be in charge of J. W. MacMahon, former assistant
swimming coach, University of Michigan.
Tau Beta PI: All members who have transferred, to the University of
Michigan from other schools this fall, please get in touch with Stanley
Smith-Phone 2-3 13.
Women Students: Open Field Hockey for graduate and undergraduate
students on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:15 on Palmer Field.
The Michigan League Bridge Lessons are to commence on Wednes-
day, October 4, at 7:30 p. m. and will continue at that hour for 8 weeks.
Price 8 lessons for $2.00. Everyone is invited.
English 31, Section 17: On Wednesday, October 4 and thereafter, Sec-
tion 17 of English 31,, which has formerly met in Room 4203 A. H. at 1
p. im., will meet at the same hour in 2003 A. H.
A. L. Hawkins.
History 11, Sec. 10 (Tu Th at 2): This class 'will meet hereafter in
Room G, Haven Hall, instead of 118 A. H.
Sociology 51: Mr. Fuller, Sec., 1, W at F at 1 o'clock: This class will
meet today in Room 103 Economics Bldg.
Shop 4-A students will meet Prof. Gwiazdowski in room 1300 East En-
gineering Bldg. Thursday morning at 8 o'clock.
To Graduate Students in Education: The preliminary examinations
for the doctor's degree in Education wil lhe held on October 11, 12 and 13.
Allstudents planning to take these examinations should immediately notify
Dr. Woody's Office, Room 4000 University High School.
Auppicants for Ph.D. in Economics: All applicants who plan to take
the general examinations this fall should see the Secretary of the De-
partment of Economics in Room 107 Ec. this week.
Lecture: On Wednesday, October 4 at 3:00 p. m. in Room 25, Angell
Hall, there will be a lecture on the subject of "Report Writing" fo all
students taking first year courses in the School of Business Administration.
Students regularly enrolled in the school are required to be present. Other
students are advised to attend, East student should bring with him a
notebook and a copy pf "Standard Practice for Report Writing." This
manual may be obtained in Room 208, Tappan Hall at the cost of 25 cents.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Professor T. R. Running will be the
speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on the sub-
ject, "A Method for Determining Weights to Be Assigned to the Data of
Different Observers."

Student Branch of the A. S. M. E.: The Annual A. S. M. E. Smoker will
be held at 7:30 p. m. in the Union. Meetings, membership, dues, programs,
etc., will be explained at that time. Refreshments !will be served. All persons
are cordially invited.
Michigan Technic; Staff meeting today in Room 3046, East Engineering
Building. It is imiportant that all staff members be present.
Pi Tau Sigma: Regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. Michigan Union. Room
will be posted.
Women Students: There will be instruction in golf, tennis and archery
for undergraduate and graduate women at 4 o'clock on Wednesday after-
noon at Palmer Field.
Graduate Students in Education: The faculty of the School of Edu-
cation is sponsoring a tea to be given on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 8, from
four to six in the library of the Elementary School. All graduate students in
education and their wives are cordially invited.
Tau Beta Pi business meeting, Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 348
W. Eng. Election of a new vice-president and member of the advisory board.
All members please be present.
Delta Epsilon Pi will meet at the Michigan Union on Friday, October 6,
at 8:00 p. m. All members please attend.

Will Broadcast I
Conference On
Current o iecl
Women's Annual Parley
Spea ers May Be Heard
Over National Iook.{p
(Continued fron Page 1)
Sarfatti, Italian feminist and owner
of two important Italian newspapers,
will b r o a d e a s t from Rome on
"Women Under F a s c i s t Rule."
Among the other speakers at this
session will be Gov. John G. Winant
of New Hampshire; William Hard,
political correspondent; and Dr. Neil
Carothers, well-known economist.
The second session will be devoted
to "World Youth Movements." At
this session, Dr. Harold Rugg, of
Teachers College, who is an authority
on youth movements in America,
Europe and the Orient, will givea
general survey; Ishbel MacDonald
will broadcast from London directly
to the conference on "Young Eng-
=and"; Mrs. Nicholas F. Brady, chair-
man of the Board of Directors of the
Girl Scouts of America, will discuss
"New Importance of O 1 d Youth
Movements"; Mrs. John G. Pratt,
president of the Junior Leagues of
America, will present "Youth's Ob-
ligation in the Present Crisis"; and
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will talk
on "Yomung America."
The third session, on "The
Crisis in Education," will be opened
by Dr. Harry W. Chase, Chancellor
of New Y o r k University. -Other
speakers will be Dr. Irwin Edman,
Columbia University professor of
philosophy; Dr. Samuel S. Drury,
Rector of St. Paul's S c h o o I; Dr.
Virginia Gildersleeve, Dean of Bar-
nard College; Dr. T. N. Carver, pro-
fessor of political economy at Harv-
ard University; and Dr. John K.
Norton, professor of education at
Columbia and chairman of the Joint
Commission on the Emergency in
Education of the National Education
The theme of the concluding ses-
sion will be* "Peace and War?" Pre-
ceding President Roosevelt's address,
Dr. James T. Shotwell, Columbia
University professor of history and
co-author of the Kellogg Pact, will
discuss "The Outlook for Peace" and
William R. Castle, Jr., former under-
secretary of state, will speak on "The
Outlook for War." Dr. Mary E.
Woolley, president of Holyoke Col-
lege and delegate to the Geneva con-
ference, will talk on "Educating for
Peace"; and Dr. Hamilton Fish Arm-
strong, editor of "Foreign Affairs,"
will present "The Problems Facing
the Arms Conference."
Fewer Arrests
Recorded ere
For September
September arrests in the city of
Ann Arbor took a sharp drop from
the number made in March, records
compiled by Chief of Police Lewis
W. Fohey and Sgt. Norman Cook in-
dicate. The arrests for September
totaled 88, while there were 124 in
As is usually the case, speeding
was the cauke of most arrests, with
33 held on this charge. Fourteen
were arrested for violating city ord-
inances, six for State law violations,
five for larceny, and one for assault
and battery.
Most interesting of the reports was
that for drunkenness, which, when
compared with arrests for the similar
offense in September of 1931 and

1932, would seem to be on the in-
crease. In 1931 five were arrested for
this offense, in 1932 there were 14
such arrests, and this September
there were 29.
day, October 5, at 4:00 p. m.
Polonia Literary Circle will meet
for the first time this year on Thurs-
day, October 5th, at 7:30 at the Mich-
igan League. All students of Polish
descent are urged to attend it.
Mats 15c Nights 25c

Two Exper enters moniathat had been predicted. Also,
work on ammonia showed it absorbed
Produce Unusually the waves. In our experiments, the
waves were produced and the ab-
LOW vWave Lengths sorption band was found where it
________was predicted."
After months of experimenting,
Prof. Neil H. Williams of the physics
department and C. E. Cleeton, grad.,
recently produced electromagnetic
waves as low as 1.05 centimeters. SH ORT HAN D
Waves of such short length have only
been produced in the past from BOOKIKEEPNG
sparks. When thus produced they
are of such varied length and in- Day and Evening Classes
tensity that they are of little use Starting Nc,*
either practically or in research. The
present method makes use of vacuum - also --
tubes of highly specialized design. Complete Courses in
"The problem of obtaining these General Business-Stenographic
low waves was one in molecular Private Secretarial
structure and radiation," Professor
Williams said. "Ammonia, according
to the theory of molecular structure,
should emit and absorb 1.5 centi-
meter waves. The research carried SecretarialScol
on with these extremely short waves Nickels Arcade Phone 3330
was an attempt to demonstrate ex-
perimentally the absorption by am-

d .___ __

_ _ ____.








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Showing only at 3:31-8:31




Starting Today!
Anita Page
Alan Dinehart
Allen Vincent
Have Lived"
John Dorrow



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