Slightly cloudy today; tomor- row generally fair; not much change in temperature. VOL. XLIV No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4, 1933 Editorials The League Cheers the President PRICE FIVE CENTS Action Taken On Breach Of Rushing Rules Phi Delta Theta Punished By Council Fo Giving Pledge-Pins To Three Cannot Pledge Other Houses Until Nov. 1 Judiciary Committee Goes On Record As Opposing Publication Of Names The fraternity found guilty of vio- lating the rushing rules of the Inter- fraternity Council will be prohibited from pledging the freshmen illegally rushed until the beginning of the second semester, according to a de- cision of the Judiciary Committee of the coundil which was announced last night. The three freshmen who accepted the pledge buttons in violation of the rules will be prohibited from pledging any fraternity until after Nov. 1, ac- cording to the decision. Although the committee refused to divulge the name of the fraternity it was learned that the local chapter of Phi Delta Theta was the house. penalized. The passing, out of pledge buttons to freshmen before the offcial pledg- ing time of Monday, Oct. 9, was rul- ed a violation of the rule which states, "No binding promise regarding pledging shall be entered into by fra- ternity and rushee during the above specified rushing period." The punishment meted out was said to be the lightest that was pos- sible under the circumstances, other alternatives being social probation, suspension, or the denial of privilege of holding open houses, privilege of pledging, and the privilege of ini- tiating. Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of the council, stated that the commit- tee believed the penalty inflicted was the only one which seemed to fit the case, the otherpenalties seeming too severe. The Judiciary Committee went firmly on record as promising more severe action it the case of any vio- lation of the period of silence which will begin at 8:30 p. m. Thursday. No set penalties have been set up by the committee, but each case will be judged on its own merits, he de- clared. No action was taken on the viola- tions which were reported to officials of the council, but further violations by the same house will be the occas- ion for definite action, even without signed indictments, Kelley said. Minor infractions of the rules have been tolerated heretofore, according to Kelley, but violations of the silence period will probably be more severely handled. Hubbell Plays Lone Hand In Series' Opener Neither Team's Perform- ance Halts His Hurling Giants To 4-2 Win By ALAN GOULD (Associated Press Sports Editor) NEW YORK, Oct. 3 -Unshaken either by the faltering defense of his teammates or the enemy's closing threats, the great Carl Owen Hubbell throttled the big guns of the Wash- ington Senators today and pitched the New York Giants to victory, 4 to 2, in the first game of the World Series. Just as National Leaguers had hoped and their rivals had feared, the 1 e a n lash-like left arm of the Oklahoma southpaw subdued the champions of the American League with an exhibition that was master- ful despite the background of a shaky defense at critical moments. Hubbell held the hard-swinging Senators to five hits, struck out 10 of them, including the first three batsmen to face him, and gave a superb exhibition of steadiness under pressure in the last two dramatic in- nings. The Giants, with a lusty early on- slaught led by "Little Mel'' Ott, who collected four hits in an many times President Roosevelt Dons Doughboy's Cap A> a +: } gby'n to tsluewietentoa nhem was layed A. :;ra,.C{.Ed.wr.dW:atson.. -Associated Press Photo President Roosevelt donned the overseas cap of the American doughboy 'and stood at salute while the national, anthem was played at the American Legion Convention in Chicago. With him is his ilitary aide, Col. Edward Watson. Repeal Leading By Over 2-1In Virginia RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 3.-()-Re- pealists led 73,291 to 30,402 with 726 precincts out of 1,690 reported in to- day's election in Virginia on repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. Pro- ponents of State liquor control to re- place State prohibition were ahead 64,470 to 28,162. Reed Murder Trial Jury .Is Finally Picked Rapp's Attempt To Show Photographic Evidence Balked By Defense The trial of George D. Reed. charged with the murder of his for- mer wife, got under way at 3:30 p. m. yesterday afternoon shortly after the new jury had been impaneled before Judge George W. Sample in Circuit Court. Reed entered a not guilty plea based on temporary insanity at the time of the murder. Edward Conlon, Detroit attorney for the defense, stated that Reed was driven insane by the actions and threats of his former wife, the nagging of her friends, and love for his child. Every attempt of Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp to introduce photographic evidence, including pictures of the body, was successfully balked by the Detroit attorney. Reed showed little emotion during the presentation of evidence by the witnesses, and sat most of the time with his head resting on one arm. The trial, which was slated to begin at 10 a. m., was delayed because of a technicality in the selection of the jury. The trial will be resumed at 9 a. m. today. Densmore To ContinueWith Radio Series 'Proper Pronunciation Of Words' To Be Subject; Programs Begin Oct. 15 Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department will resume his second season on the ai when he opens his series "A Course In The Proper Pro- nounciation Of Words" Oct. 15, over radio station CKLW, Windsor. The series will consist of 10 broad- casts. They will be held at 1 p. m. Oct. 15, 22, and 29; Nov. 5, 12, 19 and 26; and Dec. 3, 10, and 17. Station CKLW is planning to put Professor . Densmore's educational series on a Columbia Broadcasting System network. This has not been definitely decided as yet but it is cer- tain that a part of the programs will be on a national hook-up. Professor Densm-ore broadcast a similar series last year. It was be- cause of the many favorable letters received that it was decided to broadcast them again this year on a larger scale. Sigma Rho Tau To Hold A Smoker For Freshmen Sigma Rho Tau, engineering de- bating society, is sponsoring a get- together smoker today for freshman engineers, it was announced today by the chairman of the program committee. Among the speakers will be Prof. Robert Brackett, founder and national director of the society. The meeting will take place at 7:30 p. m., in the Union and will be fea- tured by entertainments and refresh- ments. All engineers interested in speech are invited to attend. N.S.L.'s Plan Set Back By House Heads Fraternity Men Declare Added Financial Burden Would Be Excessive Council Is Unable To Reach Barnaud No Complaints Received From Workers; Report Jobs Not Difficult The plan of the National Student League to increase student employ- ment by forcing the fraternities and sororities to live up to the restaurant code of the NRA received a set-back yesterday when a number of prom- inent fraternity men declared that that they could not stand the added financial burden of hiring more stu- dents. Presidents of several houses stated that, if necessary, the men in their houses would do the work. A survey shows that a large percentage of the waiters and dishwashers in frater- nities are fraternity men who have been forced to take up work because of the depression. A. J. Barnaud, Federal NRA ad- ministrator for Michigan, could not be reached last night, but, it was learned that a decision on the matter would be in the hands of C. W, Light- hall, local NRA chief. No complaints have come from those students now employed, but, several men who do have jobs are in back of the move to put the NRA restaurant code into effect. The Na- tional Student League has taken up the cause, and members of the or- ganization declared last night that a 100 more students would be put to work by the plan, thereby enabling them to remain in the University. Waiters and dishwashers in fra- ternities and sororities have been re- ceiving the same relative pay - three meals a day - for many years. The work is not particular y hard, accord- ing to the consents of opinion among stewards, and although ap- proximately 18 or 20 hours a week is' required of their services, it is not continuous work.' New violations By Thetas Are Proven Untrue Rumors that members of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority participated in illegal rushing after the Monday night offense were d e n i e d last night by Josephine McCausey, '34, president of the Panhellenic Associa- tion. Reports that Alpha Phi sorority has been cited are likewise false, Miss McCausey said, adding that "no other violations of the rushing rules have been reported. After having visited, 12 rushees Monday night, officers of Kappa Alpha Theta notified Panhellenic of- ficials of their breach of the rushing rules. Several soritAes demanded a meeting of the executive council of the Panhellenic Association, Miss McCausey said, which was called for Friday. The penalty imposed upon the so- rority-that they cannot rush those girls whom they contacted during the remainder of the rushing period-is the one stipulated in the rushing rules. However, they may bid and pledge the girls, it was explained. WalkerHeads Alpha Nu For Coming Year Leo W. Walker, '34, was elected president of Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma, honorary literary and forensic fraternity, at the first regular meet- ing held last night in Angell Hall. Walker succeeds Arthur D. Hawkins, who was elected president last spring but did not return to school this semester. The first social event on Alpha Nu's program is a smoker which will be held at 8:30 p. m. next Tuesday in the chapter room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. The smoker is open to all freshmen and upperclass- men interested in forensic work. Prof. James K. Pollock of the cU Building In Legion Race Asked At Lansing -Associated Press Photo George W. Malone of Nevada is a candidate for national commander of the American Legion. Union's First, Tournaments Begin Monday Plans Made For Billiard, Swimming, Bridge, And Ping PFong Contests Recreation and entertainment for every member of the Union will be the aim of the present administra- tion, and to carry out this principle a series of tournaments and meets designed to attract all students have been arranged, according to Robert E. Saltzstein,''34, Union president. Beginning Monday, Oct. 9, enroll- ment for the first events, an all-cam- pus bridge tournament and an all- campus, ping pong tournament, will open at the student offices. It was emphasized that anyone in the Uni- versity is eligible to participate in these as they are planned only for the entertainment of students as members of the Union. Those registering for the bridge tournament in the independent class- ification will be assigned partners or may play with a partner of their own choice. In the fraternity group houses will be encouraged to enter teams in the meet. On the following Monday, Oct. 16, play will begin in each di- vision, and when the championship teams have been determined for the fraternities and the independents they will play a final match for the all-campus championship. In the ping pong tournament, singles will be played to determine the all-campus champion, and offi- cials added that at some later time a doubles tourney may be held, de- pending on the success of the singles (Continued on Page 4) Allen Talks On Work As Head Of C. C. C. Camp Speaking on his experiences as su- pervisor of the work program at .the Civilian Conservation Corps Camps in the western part of the Upper Pen- insula this summer, Prof. Shirley W. Allen, of the School of Forestry and Conservation, prophesied that the C.C.C. might be made. a permanent institution in the American social scheme. Professor Allen said that, from the standpoint of conservation, the for- mation of these camps would have a great historical significance rival- ling in importance the White House Conference of governors on conserva- tion called by Theodore Roosevelt. Harvard Dean Shifts His Views On Hitler (By Intercollegiate Press) CAMBRIDGE; Mass., Oct. 3.- A summer in Europe served to " convince Dean Henry Holmes of the Harvard University graduate school that the Hitler government in Germany is not so bad after all.I On his return Dean Holmes said that he now believed Hitler was "something Germany needed, and may turn out well." "I think that reports of Hitler's oppression of the Jews has been exaggerated. The main thing is that Germany, which has been 1 fighting against tremendous odds imposed on her by the Versailles Treaty, has regained self-respect, unity and confidence." Report 15 Dead In Forest Firej Near Film Cityj Other Figures As Toll Of Are Said To Estimate 22 Blaze; 100 Be Injured LOS ANGELES, Oct. 3.--('P)-Fire Chief Ralph Scott said late today that at least 15 men were known to have died when they were trapped by a fire in the hills above Hollywood and other investigators who went to the scene of the flames said they had counted 22 dead and between 75 and 100 injured. The fire apparently was started, authorities said, when a workman threw a cigarette into some brush. The tinder-like undergrowth, exceed- ingly dry after several days ofnear- record October heat, burst into a towering mass of flames. Unemployed relief workers, about 150 in number, had been sent into the hills in connection with improve- ment projects launched through the city's park system. First Adelphi Smoker To Be HeldTuesday Adelphi House of Representatives, campus speech society, held its first regular meeting last night in its chapter room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Adelphi, which is one of the two campus forensic societies open to first semester freshmen interested in speech activities, plans to open its fall rushing season with a smoker to be held at 8:3 p. m. next Tuesday in the chapter room. Prof. J. H. Muyskens of the speech department will be the principle speaker of the evening. His subject will be "The Old and the New." Pro- fessor Muyskens is well known on the campus for his addresses to stu- dent groups. The aim of the society is to give members experience in practical speaking and discussion. Debates are' arranged thoughout the year among the members and also with other campus forensic societies. Prompt Action On Plan Attorney-General O'Brien Gives His Recommenda- tion To Michigan Plan State Board Weighs Colleges' Demands Houghton College Wants $1,000,000; Stack Says School Is Superfluous LANSING, Oct. 3.-(P)-Fearing huge future tax burdens for the maintenance of useless State insti- tutions, members of the State Ad- ministrative Board balked today at blanket approval of public works building projects. Patrick H. O'Brien, attorney-gen- eral, placed before the board a pro- posal that Washington authorities be asked immediately to approve the ex- penditure of $1,000,000 at the College of Mining and Technology, $1,050,000 at the University of Michigan; $325,- 000 at Ionia hospital, and $196,500 at the Lapeer Training School, as part of the State's anticipated $25,000,000 of Federal aid. John K. Stack, auditor-genera, criticized the suggestion that a mIu- lion dollars be spent at the mining college. "I would like to have someone ex- plain to me why that institution needs that amount," he said. "The college should be merged with some other State college anyway. It is un- necessary. What I am afraid of is that we will get a lot of white ele- phant State buildings that will cost the taxpayers barrels of money to maintain." O'Brien replied vigorously that he considered the Houghton institution a valuable and necessary part of the State educational system. He declared it is recognized throughout the na- tion. Murray D. Van Wagoner, State highway commissioner, while he did not enter the dispute over the mining college, stated he is opposed, as a matter of policy, to loading the tax- payers with buildings and institutions which are not necessary. Both he and Stack finally concurred with other board members in approving send- ing theproposal to Washington, with the reservation that they had not bound themselves to vote for enter- ing a contract for Federal aid for any individual institution. They said they would survey each proposal as the government indicates whether or not funds will be available. The State Board of Education asked the board to recommend the expenditure of $1,000,000 at Michigan State Normal College, $168,000 at Mt. Pleasant, $1,000,000 at Kalamazoo and $5,000 at Northern. No action was taken. NRA Exempts Colleges And Other Schools Hospitals And Universities Among Special Groups Listed By Gen. Johnson (By Intercollegiate Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 3-After a conference with a committee of edu- cators headed by President Lloyd H. Marvin of George Washington Uni- versity here, Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, national recovery chief, issued a rul- ing that schools, colleges, universities, churches, hospitals and charitable institutions were to be exempt from the provisions of the National Re- covery Act. A letter going out to educational institutions affected from Dr. Mar- vin's committee, says in part "This ruling means that non- profit-m a k i n g institutions under private control have the same status as have State and municipal institu- tions with regard to the NRA. They are exempt from the provisions /of codes. "This does not mean that they should not voluntarily meet as far as possible the specifications of the President's agreement and co-operate with the President in every way to hasten national recovery." 14 Mayan Towns Discovered In Guatemala By Faculty Party Speeches At Current Problems Conference Will Be Broadcast By JOSEPH L. KARPINSKI Several a n c i e n t Mayan towns, hitherto unexplored, were discovered by C. L. Lundell, research associate in the botanical gardens, and L. C. Stuart, instructor in the zoology de- partment, members of the 1933 Bio- logical Expedition of the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the /Iuseum of Zoology, to the savanna country in the department of Peten, Guatemala. The ruins of a town, which the ex- pedition determined must have flour- ished between 1450 and 1696 A.D., were discovered by the expedition near La Libertad. It was composed, Lundell said of stone paved plazas, expedition set up headquarters in late March, 1933. Fifteen stelae, or date stones, of the ancient Mayans were found, which established the date of the city at about 600 A.D. South of the central plaza where the Stelae were found in a great terraced and templed pyramid which is about 140 feet high. Forest trees, which grow to enormous size in this coun- try, covered the pyramid as well as the other mounds. Stuart and Lundell brought back about 10,000 herbarium specimens, many of them original. Photographs were taken of characteristic vegeta- tional zones, the plant associations were studied, and vernacular names obtained whenever possible. Zoologi- Those unable to attend the annual Women's Conference on C u r r e n t Problems, which will be held Oct. 12 and 13 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, and which will feature a d d r e s s e s by President Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- velt, Ruth Bryan Owen, and Col. Theodore Roosevelt, will have an op- portunity to hear these and other ad- dresses over a nation-wide broadcast, according to information received yesterday by The Daily from The New York HIeralcd Tribune, which sponsors the annual meeting. The conference is the third in a series which was inaugurated in 1930 when women leaders in various edu- around the problems of "The New Day." The keynote of this year's confer- ence, to which representative men and women from every state in the union and many foreign leaders have been invited, will be "This Crisis in History." The discussions, which will be divided into four sessions, will center around the present world up- heaval and the part the United States is destined to play in it. The theme of the first session, which will be opened by Walter Lipp- mann, nationally known political es- sayist, will be "The World Outlook." Theodore Roosevelt, former Gover- nor of the Philippine Islands, who