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October 03, 1933 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-03
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114 S. Carroll
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tern. Please it
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To finance his college education, Vernon Butler, a sophomore from San Bernardino,,
Calif., retrieves lost articles from the bottom of Lake Arrowhead, and receives the
rewards offered by patrons at the lake. To aid him, he fashioned a crude diving bell
from the end of a hot water tank fitted with a length of garden hose and tire pump-
a colleague working the pump to keep him supplied with air while searching on the
lake bottom.
Wide World Photo

Co-eds will wear wool this fall, fashion experts predict, an
styles to be worn with the above sketches, all of which hai
popular models. Dropped shoulders, leg-o-mutton sleeves
touches that bring chic to the modern co-ed. Patterns fo
ordered from Collegiate Digest.

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