THE IlICHIGAN DAILY National Repeal Will Affect Only 20 Of 48 States State Laws Are Opposed To Sale Of Intoxicating Beverages In Other 28 Utah Votes Nov. 7 Word 'Saloon' Ruled Out .By Many State Laws; 'Tavern' Is Substituted CHICAGO, Oct. 2.-()-Just 20 states will be legally open to liquor traffic when and if national prohibi- tion is nullified, a survey made by the Associated Press showed today. " omewhat analogous to a football game is the repeal contest: Score now, for repeal, 31 states, against, /none. State after state has pushed touch- downs over the dry goal. But then- those all-significant "points-after- touchdowns." The "points after" are the various state statutes and constitutional pro- visions outlawing spiritous drink. And 27 states have them and will have them when and if prohibition is re- pealed, whether they intend to do anything about them or not. One state-Utah-votes on both state and national prohibition Nov. 7. Ohio will also make the dual de- cision at its November election. A saloon by any other name would smell more sweetly, in the opinion of the majority of law makers, the sur- 'ey revealed. In the' future, it will be "ten nights in a tavern." The word saloon is taboo and many of the states have outlawed its use to designate liquor retailing establish- ments. Of the 27 states having either statutes or constitutional bungs to that potential liquor reservoir are many which have already turned thumbs down on continuance of na- tional aridity. Their's is a paradoxi- cal status. They have tapped a long-forbidden hogshead and watched the contents run into another and equally un- touchable receptacle. Several of them will not be able to do anything about the matter until their legislatures convene again. The states which will be wet when and if 36 states have voted for the twenty-first amendment to the con- stitution-by virtue of having re- pealed their state liquor prohibitions or because they never had any-are Indiana, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Mon- tana, Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, Illi- nois, New York, Rhode Island, Mass- achusetts, Delaware, California and New Mexico. Already, many of them have taken steps toward regulation and control of the liquor traffic. Liquor commis-. sions have been set up, laws have been enacted providing for the li- censing and regulation of alcoholic drinks, or administrations have both officially and unofficially expressed opinions on what would be the most desirable control system. Dancing Nightly At New And Unusual Club Lindo A new dining and dancing spot for students appeared Saturday night with the opening of the Club Lindo on Maynard Street next to the Ma- jestic Theatre. Iancing, furnished by a four piece orchestra, is featured every night in the week. A floor show is planned for the near future. Frank Flores, '35, B.Ad., owner of the new restaurant,. completely re- modeled and put a new front on the place this summer. He did practically all this work himself. When he needed a wrought iron railing, a flagstone floor, a novel sign, or an ornamental door, he made them him- self. The intimate interior of the res- taurant is designed to resemble a Spanish courtyard. Flores, who came from Spain 12 years ago, says that 'Lindo' means 'cute and cozy' in Spanish. Marconi And Wife At Legion Convention Fisher Appeals To P.-T. Group In Radio Talk Other Speakers On First Broadcast Stress Need For Action In Schools "As the largest organization inter- ested in public education, because its interests are entirely unselfish, and because its membership includes peo- ple from all walks of life, a tremen- dous responsibility devolves upon the Parent-Teachers Association for the preservation of tax-supported edu- cation," Dr. Charles A. Fisher, assis- tant director of the Extension Divi- sion, said in a radio address Sun-I day. Mrs. D. W. Stewart, president of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, also spoke on the first University broadcast of the year, presented over WJR. Her subject was "The Conservation of Childrens' Rights." Parents' hour broadcasts, arranged by the Extension Division, the par- ent-teacher congress, and the educa- tion school, will be heard at 5 p. m. each Sunday through Feb. 25. Next Sunday's speaker will be Dr. S. A. Courtis of the School of Education. Dr. Fisher, in his talk yesterday, outlined 'the situation into which education has been plunged by fi- nancial retrenchment and declared that "the children of the country are being compelled to bear almost the entire burden" of the depression. "Society will pay the bill in the future if the emergency in education is neglected," he said. He pointed out that youth cannot wait for an education, and that boys and girls who are deprived now of educational opportunities may never get another chance. Dr. Fisher spoke for the retention of junior high schools, instruction in music, drawing, manual training, and domestic arts and other "so- called frills." "In this complex age every child should be given an op- portunity to excel in something," he said. Local parent teacher associations have a right to know what is going on in their communities, and each should hold a meeting at an early date to inform itself about educa- tional plans for the year, he said. -Associated Press Photos One of the notables in Chicago to view the huge American Legion convention parade is Senator Gugliemo Marconi, shown here with his wife. The famed Italian inventor of the wireless plans to spend three weeks in America. Since the establishment of Rob- ments have been made to present LIu1 nsouiers were iuieu uas Lii ert Henderson's Dramatic Festival one of Prof. John L. Brumm's plays monxpectedNaional Hotel housin and the summer session of the Mich- before the annual Press Club Con- 500 rebel officers was carried out. igan Repertory Players five seasons vention. The title of the play has ago by Valentine B. Windt, director not been revealed as yet. LOS ANGELES-Minor damage t of Play Production, and Prof. Ches- In spite of the fact that play pro- property resulted from a sharr earthquake which drove southerr ter M. Wallace of the dramatic duction classes are working under California residents from their home school of Carnegie Institute of Tech- restrictions placed upon the con- at an early hour of the morning. nology, there has been a growing in-demned Laboratory Theatre, Mr. Windt hopes to have an ambitious WASHINGTON-The interest or serest in drama, attendance figures and entertaining season. Major loans to banks through preferred hori d plays will be given in the Lydia stock purchase by the RFC was re The summer program includedstcpuhaebteRF ws Mendelssohn Theatre. duced from five to four. per cent b3 such plays as Noel Coward's farce, According to reports, courses in an order of President Roosevelt. "Hay Fever," repeated from the win- Play Production this fall are unusu- ter season for the benefit of summer ally full. OKLAHOMA CITY-"I wouldn' residents; a revival of Harriet Bee- rstowe's immortal epic of ice A course in dancing will be given sell' Urschel any insurance, he hasn' floes and slavery, "Uncle Tom's Ca- by Emily White, of the Department long to live," George "Machine Gun bin;" Shapespeare's "All's Well That of Physical Education. The purpose Kelly said in jail here in anothe Ends Well," a play that was received of the class is to develop the mental threat to the man he kidnapped i: with "unusual" success; and the deportment of the student on the July. Greek tragedy, "Hippolytus," by Eu- stage, Mr. Windt said. There are ripides. plans to present some pantomimes BERLIN-President Paul Von Mm Other' plays included in the sum- along with the regular program dur- denburg celebrated his 86th birth m'er program were Maugham's "The ing the year. day. Circle," "The Play's the Thing," by Franz Molnar, the famous Hungar- ian playwright, "Autumn Crocus," JUST RECEIVED - a large shipment of "The Servant of Two Masters," and "The Romantic Young Lady." Gordon Ferguson Leather Jackets While it is still too early in the season to present any definite plans Purchased before price advance and beig sold for the coming year, according to below duplicate wholesale prices. Mr. Windt, the department is think- ing of reviving "Uncle Tom's Cabin," BUY TODAY AND SAVE! one of the biggest plays of the sum- mer season. WILD & COMPANY The opening play will be given WIa r during the latter part of this month, on State Street and following it tentative arrange- Choral Union Not Limited To Music. School Organization Sings Each Year For May Festival And Christmas Messiah Membership in the Choral Union, School of Music organization which provides the choral background for the May Festival series and presents other programs throughout the year, is open to all students of the Uni- versity, whether or 'not they are affil- iated with the School of Music, Earl V. Moore, director of the group has announced.l Tryouts for candidates are being conducted this week from 4 to 6 p. m. daily, in Studio 223, Mezzanine Floor, School of Music, by Prof. James Hamilton, in charge of class instruction in voice. Tryouts will continue until membership in the organization is completed. Brazil Asks Loan Of University Films On Campus Work As' a part of a national program in Brazil to give the country a uni- form and modern education, the Bra- zil Information Service is negotiating with the University to procure for display there motion pictures de- scribing Michigan's educational pro- gram and the campus, according to T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the alumni association. The pictures, which amount to about 4,000 feet of film, have pre- viously been shown throughout this country, the Philippine Islands, and in Shanghai. Mr. Tapping stated that, providing the motion pictures could be retitled for use in Brazil, it was highly prob- able they would. be loaned for the campaign. 'i I ii~' ~iI Anyone wishing to join the University Symphony Orchestra should report at 3 p. m. today to the rehearsal in the School of Music Annex, leaders of that or- ganization have announced. Po- sitions are open to the players of stringed instruments especial- ly, although others have been in- .vited to join. The Choral Union, which is usu- ally composed of 350 students, fac- ulty members and townspeople inter- esteq in choral singing, offers to its members passes to all of the concerts of the year, including the annual Choral Union series and the May Festival. Members take part in some of the May Festival programs and to other recitals of the series they are guests. In addition, the Choral Union pre- sents each Christmas, prior to the University vacation period, a recital of the "Messiah," as a traditional feature of the Ann Arbor holiday season. Members are charged a five dollar fee at the beginning of the year but half of this sum is returned in the spring when all books and other property of the organization is re- turned. The growth of research work by college men and women in the United States is evidently by he fact that in the last year at least 1,000 papers on vitamins alone have been pub- lished in the United States. - out igar ettes er Of all the. ways in which tobacco is used the cigarette s the mildest form _ ._____________ _______________________________ i MANY PEOPLE WANT A PHOTOGRAPH THAT IS DIFFERENT... not like the regular kind, but one that stands out as being truly personal . . . Come in and see our latest creations- YOU know, ever since the Indians found out the pleasure of smoking to- bacco, there have been many ways of enjoying it. But of all the ways in which tobacco is used, the cigarette is the mildest form. Another thing-cigarettes are about the most conve- nient smoke. All you have to do is strike a match. Everything that money can buy and everything that science knows about is used to make Chesterfields. The right home-grown tobaccos-seasoned with just enough aromatic Turkish --are blended and cross- blended the Chesterfield way. . Then the cigarettes are made right-firmh, well- filled. Chesterfield uses the right kind of pure cigarette paper. There are other good ciga. rettes, of course, but Chest,- erfield is the cigarette that's milder, the cigarette that tastes better. Chesterfields satisfy- we ask you to try them. PhJ Firc. r A otographer lIIH :::