FOUI THE MICHIGAN DAILY T 'UESDAY OCT. 3, 1933 Society has three arms in its contest with the individual; laws, public opinion, and conscience (or individual piety). Now the first two of these can be met by intellectual guile. Common opin- E ion puts the matter well when it states that sin 4 consists in being found out. But conscience is the 6 traitor within the gates; fights in each heart the P battle society. Conscience, or piety, DePauw believes is the product of education, being simply as Bergson has said, "a condensation of the past." If conscience is put up to a good fight, if internal controls are to supercede external ones, then education is going to have to make it possible. So we believe. So we justify and joyfully accept DePauw's cultural credo that among the elements of university con- stitution and constructiveness that element which we call personal character seems to be as funda- e mental as fine arts appreciation and the quest for factual truth.. ° - The DePauw, DePauw University. THE SPOTLIGHT CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY By LARRY KING SOME enterprising fraternity man approached Dud Holmes, mistaking' him for his twin brother, who attended Princeton last year, and is now adorning our fair campus. It seems to us that we have a great many Princeton men at the "Harvard of the West." * * * If any of you were out early enough (or late enough as the case may be) the other morning you saw the Sigma Chii furniture strewn about not only on their lawn, but also on the Alpha Delt and the Union lawns. It was a beautiful job done with the quintes- sence of artistic taste. *- * 4* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day orinsertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-lle per reading line (onl basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 1lc per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion.' Telephone rate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month.... ...... 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months..........3 2 lines daily, college year........ 7e 4 lines E. 0. D., college year..7c 100 lines used as desired ........ 9c 300 lines used as desired.......8c 1,000 lines used as desired.......7c 2,000 lines used as desired.......6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line: to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7%' point e. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars edfinitely recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior; no stars, stay away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "LADY FOR A DAY" There are usually twelve or thirteen movies dur- ing the entire school year that deserve four stars. "Morning Glory" had four, and this one, "Lady For a Day" deserves the same - only by a much wider margin. Undoubtedly the best movie that has been to town this year, "Lady For a Day" con- tains all the things that one finds over a month's period in five or six first class pictures; romance, excitement, humor, drama, and pathos; clever plot, dialogue, and direction. Apple Annie (May Robson) lived as an apple peddler and wrote to her daughter Louise (Jean Parker) in Spain telling her of the various recep- tions she was giving and attending; her daughter having left her while too young to remember any- thing about her. So the mother, borrowing ex- pensive hotel stationery, was able to maintain this disguise without any fear of being found out. Well, Louise falls in love with a Spanish grandee and is bringing him and his father, Count Ro- mero (Walter Connolly), to America to meet her. Dave the Duke (Warren William), who always bought apples from Annie for good luck, listens to Annie's story, and with the promise that she will stop her drinking, he decides to help her out. A husband for Annie is their first problem, so a fluently speaking billiard shark (Guy Kibbee) is persuaded to join the merry band. Apple Annie is made into a distinguished looking society lady with the assistance of Morsouri Martin (Glenda Farrell) and helpers; in fact she is really stunning. They move into an apartment vacated by a friend of the Duke's on the condition that they don't paint moustaches on the various portraits on the walls. Then the Duke and his goodlooking son with daughter Louise arrive and are given a unique reception at the boat; the Duke's gang hold off all reporters from interviewing Count Ro- mero. Throughout the week of the Count's stay they are forced to do the same to two or three reporters and the city police force begin to shadow the Duke and his men. This is complicated by the fact that a reception is proposed by the newly found husband and the question as to who to ask arises. The Duke's mob is instructed how to act like high society men and are to be present at the reception when they are surrounded by the police outside their hotel. Duke visits the Commissioner. The Mayor and the Governor finally attend the reception and all works out for the best. How they are brought in remains to be seen. The happy combination of Director Frank Capra and the clever story of Damon Runyon combine to make this one of the most perfectly worked out pictures in a long time. The cast is the best that could be used in this plot, and all are deserving equal praise. There is a good, in fact exceptionally good, Micky Mouse Cartoon (one in which we see char- acterizations of Hollywood stars at a first show- ing of a Micky Mouse movie). -R.E.L. AL NEWMAN,.-sports editor of the Daily and au- thor of "Play and By-Play" got into an Eng- lish I class the other day, and it was not until he had begun writing an impromptu paper on "My Newspaper" that he discovered that he was not in his own Junior English.' We used to have a little shade tree between us and Helen Newberry, but the Squad came along and put it on the Spot. They first cut a bit out of the opposite side and then tied the trunk to the rear bumper of an ancient Willys-Knight sedan which rose up on its fore paws in an effort -to dislodge the maple. Finally the tree crashed, much to their sur- prise on a Whippet sedan parked on our side of the street. For a brief period, the owner of the damaged car held the floor. Traffic was, of course, delayed while the tree was being dismembered.: This morning we have been watching with the keenest interest, the reA- placement of the old with a. new, but slightly smaller, edition of the other one. When asked whether or not they had cut down the first one by mistake, the foreman asked us in. a very surly tone of voice, "Who wants to know?" But we already know it's just an NRA stall to keep the B. and G. (for your, information "Building and Grounds") boys busy. JACK (Fidget) Howland went into the Hut not so long ago and was fascinated by the chal- lenge on the Whiffle machine "A dollar in cash for every double score ball played." Jack tried his luck, and won a dollar. A bit later he went back, but this time it said "in trade" instead of "in cash." He tried his luck again, and this time he won two dollars. They say business is bad around the Hut anyway, and we can almost believe it for the sign now reads "50 cents in trade." LARGE 3-room apartment with priv- ate bath, $30.00. Gas, light, soft- ened water included. Two rooms for less. 1126 Martin. Dial 23850. 75 TWO large front suite rooms. Sin- gle beds and hot water. Rent sin- gle or double very reasonably. 715 and 709 Lawrence. 72 2 LARGE front rooms for men, shower available. Will rent double or single. Close to campus. Priced reasonably. Garage. 22357 '68 SUITE with east, south and west ex- posure and private bath and show- er, for 3 or 4. Also double with ad- joining kitchenette. Steam heat. Shower. Approved house. Dial 8544 at 422 E. Washington . 54 NOTICE PRE SCHOOL kindergarten for chil- dren; 3 to.5 years has reopened for fall term. Call Miss MacNaugh- ton at 5837. 73 INSTRUCTION in Mathemathics and Mechanics offered by teacher. Very reasonable. Phone 0239, 71 SHAMPOO AND, FINGER WAVE, 50c.. Mondays and Wednesdays. Soft water. Raggedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561. 64 TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. IX LOST LOST-Somewhere on campus, a Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin, name inscribed on back, Adelaide Crowell. Reward. Ph. 2-2217. 70 WANTED WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND new suits and overcoats. Will pay 3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x QUIET PLACE-Young woman will sharehome with business woman or graduate student, $5.00 per week. Garage included. Phone 4121. Extension 780. 63 TAXICABS ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x SCHLITZ ON DRAUGHT FOR RENT ROOMS: Graduate students, large, attractive single or double rooms. Phone 22832..1111 Michigan. 66 ROOM for upper classman. No other roomers. No. 13 Cutting Apart- ments. Opposite Hutchine Hall. 67 The Theatre SHAKESPEARRE COMING AT :ASS 1 SUBSCRIBE TDATO A Washington BYSTANDER "Much; Ado :About Nothing," with a truly im- pressive cast, will be Robert Henderson's offering at the Cass Theater in the fourth week of .his dramatic festival, opening October 9th. Violet: Kemble Cooper, one of the truly great ladies of the American Theater will be co-starred as Beatrice with Rollo Peters as Benedick. Lester Vail, leading man in several seasons for Mr. Hen- derson, will return to play the villain, Don John. Sylvia Field and Charles Brokaw will play the trouble-beset lovers, Hero and Claudio, and Mr. Henderson will make his first appearance this sea- son as Dogberry, Shakespeare's travesty of pomp- ous officialdom. We understand that Mr. Henderson is trying to outdo himself in his presentation of the opening carnival scene and the later solemn cathedral wedding scene. This alone should make the play worth seeing. Miss Kemble Cooper inherits her pre-eminence on the stage from a long line of distinguished an- cestors - the famous Kemble family, for three hundred years leaders of the English theater, in- cluding John Phillip, Charles and Fanny Kemble, and Sarah Siddons. Miss Cooper has been re- cently starred by the New York Theater Guild in "The Command to Love," "Claire de Lune," with John and Lionel Barrymore, "Lysistrata," "Peter Ibbetson," and "The Apple Cart" with Tom Pow- ers. Rollo Peters has played Shakespearian roles as Petruchio in "The Taming of the Shrew", as Romeo with Jane Cowl in "Romeo and. Juliet",' and in "Anthony and Cleopatra." Italy having sent 24 planes halfway around the world, the United States is considering sending 12 clear around. Which would make each coun- try about even. Coach Kipke says the Michigan football strat- egy is to use "a pass, a punt and a prayer" against opponents. Well, suh, those have been powerful weapons. i -I ~0 WASHINGTON, Oct. 2'- An early change in di- rectorship of the home mortgage relief side of the recovery program is to be expected. That and the problem of loosening up bank credit to finance the NRA industrial recovery drive for the next 90 days are things giving the White House much concern. By contrast with the slowness with which home mortgage relief is getting under way and the dis- count at which home loan bonds started off, offi- cials think the farm mortgage side of the picture looks good. Henry Morgenthau, farm credit ad- ministrator in charge of farm mortgage relief op- erations, has come in for favorable notice at the White House on his showing. * * * ONE thing recommended to gear up the home mortgage matter is assignment of a vigorous, dynamic personality. Someone like Hugh John- son of NRA, with good showmanship ability, is suggested. The project is now administered by the Home Loan Bank board with William Stevenson of South Carolina as chairman. How or when a change may be made is not clear. It is a matter very much uppermost in the minds of some administration advisers. * * * LESS urgent but just as sure to happen sooner or later is a change in democratic national committee personalities. Revamping the organiza- tion carried over from the presidential campaign will come before the congressional battles of next vaare p nlnner DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SPORT NAWS WOMEN'S I AL4 6- The shortage in the pickle crop may serve revive demand for some of the other forms relishes, too often forgotten. to of Mailed Subscription $4.25 Per Year -Detroit Free Press. itself. Several members other than Jackson vir- tually have .become Washington residents since last March. They have opened law offices here or established other private connections. Arthur Mullen of Nebraska and J. Bruce Kremer of Montana, both Roosevelt stalwarts of the nomina- tion battle, are notable examples. Poetry By TVA PTA'S n hlicity set-un with its nnihpl..heacad 1 I