february 10. 1934 the michigzan daily page nine ,~,-~a' 1C Q4temcia alaenn Inde ende1its vis, '34; Virginia Callow, '37; Phylis Roger McMahon, Grand Rapids; and Hoor, Ann Arbor; Dorothy Deckler, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Schmeliker, and R.O.T.(C. '35; Anne Richardson, Dearborn; Grand Rapids. (Continued from Page Six) Gertrude Donnelly, Ann Arbor; Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Cavanaugh, Among those to be present at the othy Beise, Ann Arbor; Marie Hart- Ann Arbor, are chaperoning. J-Hop are: Viola Sanderson, Ann Ar- wig, Ann Arbor; and Maryetta Roop, bor; Claire Glowacki, '34; Wanda Toledo. Dlugolenski, Ann Arbor; Constance The patrons are Col. and Mrs. F. political story Falba, Grand Rapids; Gladys Mc- C. Rogers. A professor once asked his stu- Leod, Ann Arbor; Lucille Jetter, '34; dents to write on some phase of the Helyn Zuber, Battle Creek; Winnie Pi Kappa Alpha elephant. An English student report- Weisse, Ann Arbor; Dorothy Bolin, Guests of the house are Virginia ed on "Hunting the Elephant in His Toledo; Marabel Bennet, '37; Lois Baker; Gladys Schroeder, Plymouth; Native Lair." The Frenchman's re- Heffron, '35; Pauline Ladyman, Kal- Yvonne Watson, '34; Helen Mary Ny- port: "The Love Life of the Ele- amazoo; Grace McMahon, Bowling land, '36; Betsy Molsberry, Colum- phant." The German's: "Critique of Green, O.; Pauline Heverly, Kalama- bus, O. the Elephant's Brain" (in 12 vol- zoo; Bernice Crosby, Fort Wayne; nines). The Russian's; "Will the Ele- Eleanor Blum, '35; Pauline Scheidt, ADDITIONAL PHI KAPPA GUESTS phn BeofService i theecond Dayton; Elizabeth Bowman, Superior, Additional guests of Phi Kappa fra- Five Year Plan?" The American's; Wis.; Ruth Judson, Royal Oak; Irene ternity, reported too late to permit "Bigger and Better Elephants." Markle, Mt. Pleasant; Elizabeth Mor- their inclusion in the regular list, are gan, '37, Eleanor Ashley, Detroit; Betty Immel, '35; Mrs. Helen Parker, Peggy Comey, Grand Rapids; Marion Ann Arbor; Mary Fitzpatrick, '35; unidentified man McDowell, Howell, Mich.; Edith Da- Alice Martin, Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. The GAD-ABOUT .. . 1 O' r " / . _"... Although the robins aren't quite twittering as yet fashion circles have broadcast that it is to be a season of jaunty sport wear. All of which illustrates what we've been seeing at the Elizabeth Dil- lon Shop these last few days. The enthralling stock of suits, smartly tailored, is only a foil for the tricky sweaters and skirts, plaid and plain. The modes follow the English trend while the yarn tog, express merry times in unusual colors, and really swanky knits. All types can find their little heart's desires for the coming events. We passed windows full of the newest hats at the Robert's Shop, and not a mad hatter among them. But there are spring bon- nets of imported Toyo cloth, and an intriguing straw called Balli- bnntl, both of which lend their crispness to the newest of models. As for actual form, Napoleonic gestures are seen in the off the face bicorn and tricorn top pieces, with the gayest of feathers and bright ornaments. For there's ab- solutely nothing to equal a new hat in rejuvenating one's morale while the snow still falls. "Keep young and beautiful" goes the popular ditty and fol- lows with explicit details. So while singing blithely why not jaunt down to Pauline's beauty shop for a real work out. From facial through a finger wave the work is done with the utmost care and all is made for your individual beautification. The operators are expert, the prices needn't even be mentioned, and by looking around at the leading gals of campus land you can discover how charm- ing the results can be. The name is Pauline's. New clothes and the old make- up? Why, chillun, it simply is not done by those women who are particular about their appearance! No, we're not scolding, but we are hinting about the tremendous aid that tohe Lure of Eve Salon in Jacobson's can give you in the way of matching your new en- semble. And in your Easter Bon- net it would be rather a shame if your complexion weren't clear and matching the rest of you to make the loveliest of tulips rather jeal- ous? There are rouges, eye shad- ows, powders, compacts, and per- fumes galore, just waiting for you. Few people realize and sympa- thize with the factors of formal dressing. But Quarry, Inc., do and it is shown in their cases and cases of creams, powders, and perfumes produced by such well-knowns as Rubenstein, Marie Earle, Dorothy Grey, and Elizabeth Arden. One is sure to find just what one wants so terrifically in a subtle scent or delicate rouge. And at the last moment one can slip a clever com- pact from Quarry's into the for- mal bag. P. S. These compacts make divine Valentine's, too, but then the masculine contingent knows about that little matter. Romance, mystery, serenity - Gad-About knows what one asks of a printed page on these dull evenings after the big event. So she suggests a journey to the Printed Page Library in the Ar- cade. There's not a single new book by a well-known author that can't be found on their shelves. And we all know that there are times when you have the chair, the lamp, and the cigs, but alas, ,h, woe, no book! So before you have time to get caught, meet us in the Printed Page, and have an appealing volume suggested. CLASSIFIED ADS LOST --Dark blue Eversharp pencil on campus Thursday a.m. Name, "Harry Lee French," stamped on the side. Keepsake. Return to the Bindery at U. of M. library. FOR RENT-4-room furnished apart- ment, first floor, Frigidaire, steam heat. Ph. 3403. Ingallside Apt. . ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents "CHINA EXPRESS" (Made in China) --Added- "Pied Piper of Bamlin" "Soviets on Parade" February 15, 16, 17 Thursday 8:15 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Two Shows 715 - 90 p.m. All Seats Reserved 25c Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Choose your lipstick from these four famous Rubinstein Reds Each, 1.00 . Red Poppy, the flaming youthful shade. Gay and light-hearted. The cheeriest, merriest shade. 2. Red Coral, light but less brilliant than Red Poppy. Makes lips look provocative, piquant, irresistible. 3. Red Raspberry, medium. A shade that is enchanting but never conspicuous. Con- servative, but so alluring. 4. Red Geranium, vivid orange-tinted. Especially flat- tering to blondes. Helena Rubinstein's lipsticks are noted for making what- ever lips they touch glow with life and youthful allure. Noted for their permanency. Noted for having no purplish under- tones. Noted for nourishing lips and protecting them from wind and weather. Rouges to match, 1.00 Powders, all shades 1.00 to 3.00 00k/," _ i m L J-Hop Guests HAVE YOUR PI-OTOGRAP- TAKEN IN YOUR J-HOP GOWN Only 11x14 Also 3 -8x10inch.. $2.00 Proofs To Choose From. No Appointment Needed AmIGA Studio SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY $2.25 FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER YOU CAN SEE THEM NOW- These New Spring have just come in- -and everything about them is new- The price is a revelation, too. -and don't forget that dresses on Mack's fashion floor must always have individuality and charm. Always the best in f ash- ion. Other Groups at 7.95 -12.95-14..75 16.75 - 19.75 You'll be interested in the the new bib effects and the Jacket and Bolero types here in many treat- ments. Of course, all the necklines are so different looking you'll want to see them at once. FASHION (2nd) FLOOR t a a welcome throw wide your windows. . . drink in all the brilliant coloring and exuber- ating freshness of spring . . . and you'll get the feeling that means "new clothes"-we know just how to satisfy it - so make this your head- quarters for the new season's smart- ness. c. j. hutzel shops I i F