i IN TRUE MILITARY STYLE-the Bugler at the College of St. Thomas awakens the boarder students at the St. Paul institution. MISS EDITOR, to you--Lillian Larson, ed- itor of the Augustana (S. D.) College yearbook. UNDER THE SABER ARCH pass Gladys Reckord and Paul Coburn, leaders of the Johns Hopkins University Military Ball. Matisse Photo wr Au Je p or t(a -4t fllr 'bA MARKS: POOR, FAIR, G'ooii, OR E\:?._ - __ SUBJ ECT MARY OF SCOTLAND. A dash of hisItory sansi and lecture. The two Helens. IHayes and Mencken, arnd Liz give you a resplendent project. Mio !Hayesi as the dignified Queen of Scotland and Miss Menck Elizabeth. the crafty schenuing so-and-so in her own in fas~hion. Co t uming is perfect. DANCING LADY1. (JoanCrawuford, Clark Gable. Tone) Another song-and-dance job. Theme- stretch inality to absurdity. Mr. Tone, an ex-pr'ofesisor, amuses-stakes one wonder bou' "Schnozzle" Durant, handle a class in higher mat hematic.. INTERNAL REVENUE, By Christopher Morley. pilation of those entertaining remniniscences which 1 ,feared in the Saturday Review of Literature. The mockery and probing insight send you rocking. THE DARK TOWER. (Woo/Icont & Kaufman) Sh Svengalish after first act and the "step-into-my-fly-said for-to-t he-spider" business featuring Basil Sidney, Marg, more makes a sap out of an otherwise good heroine , MY LIFE AND HARD TIMES. By James Thurber. of humor. If you know Thurber you 've read this alte have probably died laughing. THE CADAVER OF GIDEON WYCK. By a Med dent. Did you ever see a stif walking? Well, it's In this allegedly true story the obvious solution is twice-and old man Hippocrates turns over in his gr V 2 N14 -Printed by the Alco Gravure In a ii CHIC SPORTS MODELS are presented this week for the smart co-ed.° At the extremef left is a smart sports frock with a flaring bow collar, and which may be obtained in 15, 17 and 19-year-old sizes. In the center is another model with a chic ascot collar in sizes ranging f rom 14 to 20 years and 34' to 40 bust. At the extreme right is a fashionable negligee, ranging in sizes from 14 to 20 years, and 34 to 44 bust. Advance Styles .. -- .. ORDER PATTERNS from SECTION 114 S. Carroll St., Madison, Wis. Enclose stamps, coins, money or- der or check for 20 cents for each pattern and cost of mail- ing. Please indicate pattern num- ber and size on order. I