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January 27, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-27

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a.mi. Saturday.

group of volunteers who, for the op-
portunity of making interesting in-
ternational contacts, would be willing
to co-operate with me in several proj-
ects I am anxious to try out next
semester. If in the Graduate School,
or in the School of Education, there
are students who care to enroll in
either of these groups, I shall be
glad to interview them in my office,
1004 Angell Hall, any afternoon at
four o'clock.

VOL. XLIV No. 91
Co-operation in Travel to Cleve-
land Educational Meetings: The Bu-
reau of Co-operation with Educa-
tional Institutions raises the question
as to a special kind of co-operation
ithin the University of Michigan
-that of co-operative travel to and
from Cleveland between February 22
land March 3 to attend some of the
numerous meetings to be held in that
city. Since Cleveland is 170 miles
from Ann Arbor over a concrete
highway, and since a large number
of both faculty and students will un-
-doubtedly be interested in attending
some of the numerous meetings to be
held in that city, it has been sug-
gested that there might be some who
do not find it convenient to drive,
yet who might like to ride with some
one. Acting upon this suggestion,, the
information desk in the Business Of-
fice, Room 3, University Hall, will act
~as a clearing house for the purpose
of listing the names of those who are
planning to drive, as well as the
names of others, both faculty and
students, who are interested in rides.
The probable time of going as well
as the time of returning, together
with the number of passengers who
might be accommodated will be
noted. Anyone interested, from either
Viewpoint, may consult the list. Ar-
rangements will be made by the in-
dividuals themselves. In no instance
will the Business Office make the
co-operative arrangement or assume
any responsibility. The list at the in-
Yformation desk is merely for clear-
it[g -house purposes.
George E. Carrothers
Director, Bureau of
Co-operation with
Educational Institu-

University Loan Committee: The
Loan Committee will meet on Mon-
day, January 29, at 1:30 p. M, in
Room 2, University Hall. Students
who have filed applications with the
Office of the Dean of Students should
call at that office for an appointment
with the Committee.
J. A. Bu-rsley, Chairman.

semester Mondays and Wednesdays
at 10 o'clock (instead of W~dnesdays
10 to 12 o'clock ias stated in the
School of Education announcement).
Physics 154, 156 and 158: Owing
to the absence of Professor A. W.
Smith, these courses will not be given
du'ing the coming semester.
Histary 11, Leture Seetion I: Final
examination Monday a. m., Feb. 5.
Dr. Long's and Dr. Scott's sections
will meet in Natural Science audito-
rium. Professor Slosson's Sections will
meet in 1025 A. H.

J. Raleigh I


Permission to drive for social pur-
poses during the week-end of the'
J-Hop, Friday, February 9, 1934, at
12 noon until Monday at 8 a. m., Feb-
ruary 12, 1934, may be obtained at
Room 2, University Hall, through the
following procedure:
1. Parent signature cards should
be secured at this office and sent
home for written approval of parents.
2. Upon return of the signed card
together with accurate information
with regard to the make, type and
license number of the car to be used,
a temporary permit will be granted.
It is especially important to designate
the year of the license plates which
will be on the car during the week-
end of Fiebruary 9.
3. Out-of-town cars used for the
week-end must not be brought into
Ann Arbor before 12 noon on Fri-
day, February 9, 1934, and must be
taken out before 8 a. mn on Monday,
February 12.
The foregoing will not apply to:
those students Who possess regular
driving permits. The above permis-
sion will automatically be granted to
this group.
W. B. Rea,
Assistant to the Dean.
To The H6tiseholders: We have
many young men who are in need4
of room jobs. Anyone who has a
room available in exchange for 7 to
10 hours work a week - depending
upon the character and location of
the room - please list same imme-
diatey with Miss Elizabeth A. Smith,
Employment Bureau, Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall, Phone 6115.
J. A. Bursley,
Dean of Students.

Registration for the Second Semes-
toer of the University Elementary
School will be held on February -5,
from 8:15 to 10:00, in Room 2509,
University Elementary School. The
second semester begins on February


47: Examination rooms.
a. m., Feb. 1.
1, 2, 3 in Room C, Haven
4, 5 in Room G, Haven

Candidates for Teachers' Certifi-
cates: Blanks for the payment of the3
Teacher's Certificate fee may now be
secured at the Recorder's Office of
the School of Education, Rooln 1437
University Elementary School. All
students who expect to be recom-
mended for the Teacher's Certificate
at the end of the present semester
should pay their fees by February 10.
College of Engineering Students:
During the week beginning February
5, registration blanks for the pay-
ment of second semester fees may be
obtained at the Secretary's office,
Rooms 263 or 244. The cashier of
the University will accept fees on
February 8, 9, and the forenoon of
the 10th, at Waterman Gymnasium.
Classification for all Engineering
Students will be in West Engineering
Building, beginning Friday, February
9, at 1:30 p. m. and closing Satur-
day at 3:30p.im.
Intramural Building; Special Hours
During Exams and J-Hop: From Sat-
urday, Januaiy 27, to Monday, Feb-
ruary 13, inclusive.
Building - Open daily, 8:00 a. mn.
to 6:00 p. m. (activities stop at 5:30
p. m.)
Swimming Pool -- Open daily, 3:00
p. m. to 5:30 p. m.
From Sunday, February 4, to Mon-
day, February 13, inclusive: Large
gymnasium closed for decorating and
On the day of the J-Hop (Friday,
February 9) the building will be
closed for all activities after 12:30
p. m.
It will be possible for visitors to
inspect the decorations up until 6:30
E. D. Mitchell, Director.

German Department: Students in
'German I and 31 will meet in the
rooms indicated after the instructor's
Diamond and Graf -25 Angell
Gaiss - 2225 Angell Hall.
Willey and Wild --.35 Angell Hall
Van Duren -- B Law.
Reichart and Eaton - 1035 Angell
Rooms for French General Exam-
inations, Tuesday, January 30, p. in.:
French 1 (morning classes)
West Gal. A. M. Hall
French 1 (afternoon classes)
1025 Angell Hall
French 2 1025 Angell Hall
French 31 (morning classes)
Nat. Science Auditorium
French 31 (afternoon classes)
231 Angell Hall
Freinch 32 25 Angell Hail
French 11 103 R. L.
French 41 103 R. L.
French 71 103 R. L.
French 111 W. Physics Lecture Hall
French 112 W. Physics Lecture Hall
French 153 W. Physics Lecture Hall

Univest eeic:Prfso Roy
W. Sellars, of the Department of
Philosophy, viI speak o1> the subject,
"Present Trends m Philosophy on
Thursday,.February 15, a<L;4:15 p. m.,
in Natural Science Auditorium.
This isathe fifth of a series of Uni-
versity lectures by members of the
University of Michigan faculties. The
public is cordially invited.
Lily Pons Program: Lily Pons who
will appear in the Choral Union
Series, Hill Auditorium, Monday
night, January 29, has revised her
program to read as follows. She will
be assisted at the piano by Giuseppe
Bamboschek and also by a flutist who
will play a group of numbers.
Se tu m'ami.............Pergolesi
Pur dicesti O bocca
Bella..............ntonio Lotti
Air from "Zernire et Azor .. Gretry
Lo Hear the Gentle
Lark............ Sir Henry Bishop
Aria "Caro nome" from r
Air, "Tu vois la-bas" from
"The Czar's bride"......
The Rose and the.I
Nightingale . . . .Rimsky-Korsakoff
Aria, "Una voce poco fa" from
"The Barber of Seville" Rossini
Theme varie . ...-....Saint- Saei'IS
Les Filles de Cadix.........Delibes
Pastorale..........rank La Forge
Aria, "Ardon gl' incensi" from
"Lucia di Lammermoor" .Donizetti
A limited number of tickets are still
available at the office of the School
of Music, Maynard Street and on the
evenirg of th econert the box office
at Hill .Audioim xvi be open at 7

Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at 'no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance--lcper reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for
one or two insertions.
4c per reading line for three or morer
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months......3c
2 lines daily, college year...7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year .. .. 7c
300 lines used as desired.......9c
300 lines used 'as desired.......Be
1,000 lines used as desired .?c
2,000 lines used as desired...6e
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch of
7? point Ionic. type, upper and lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Adid 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.

FOR RENT: Four room, furnished
apartment, for boys or a married
couple. Piano. Private bath. Phone
2-2304. 305
Bedroom and Study with fireplace in
private home for graduate or fac-
ulty man. Also a suite and single
room. Phone 4324. 288
SUITE with east, south and west ex-
posure. Private bath and shower
for 3 men. Also large double with
hot and cold running water and
cooking privileges if desired. Steam
heat and shower. Approved house.
Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington.
FOR GIRL: Sunny, quiet room near
campus; shower and home priv-
ileges. 9642. 289
SINGLE ROOM, second floor for
man student. 421 Thompson. Mrs.
C. H. Eaton. Phone 6175. 291
SINGLE and double rooms and
suites for boys. Near the campus,
825 E. University. Phone 3851.



General Fraternities: After con..
iting with the committee from the
-terfriaternity- Alumni Conference,
,pointed by President Potter of that
ganiati-n to advise and consult
th the Dean of Students "in deter-

mining the fraternities in which the
conditions would warrant the Dean
giving them permission to move
freshmen into the fraternity houses
at the beginning of the second semes-
ter," the following procedure has
been agreed upon:
1. Any fraternity desiring to have
freshmen move into the fraternity
house should send a written notice
to the Dean of Students immediately,
giving the names of the freshmen
whom it wishes to have as house,
residents next semester.
2. Any freshman desiring to move
into a fraternity house must, (a) No-
tify his present landlady on or before
Friday, January 26, of his intention
to move; (b) Present to the Dean of
Students a letter from his parents
approving his moving into the fra-
ternity house.
3. No freshman will be given per-
mission to move into a fraternity un-
less he is scholastically eligible for
4. Decision on the request of a fra-
ternity for freshman residents will
be influenced by:
(a) The attitude of the fra-
ternity in reference to any sug-
gested modification of its "hell
week' activities, or the abolition
of any ob Jectionable practices
connected with this period;
(b) The degree to which fra-
ternity house residence of fresh-
men is made necessary because
of the non-residence of active
(c) Such other considerations
as, in the opinion of the com-
mittee, are pertinent.
3. A. Bursley,
Dean of Students.

Social Directors, Chaperons, House-
heads; Undergraduate Women: There
shall be no over-night guest in any
approved undergraduate house or
dormitory during the examination
Alice C. Lloyd.
Dean of Women.
University Women: Out of respect
to those who are studying for exam-
inations, all women students are re-
quested not to move until the week-
end of February 9th to 12th.
Alice C. Lloyd.
Dean of Women.
Social Directors, Chaperons, Houe-
heads; University Women: Girls may
obtain out-of-town permission from
their househeads when they have fin-
ished all their examinations. Permis-
sion to be absent from Ann Arbor
before that time should be obtained
from the office of 'the Dean of
Alice C. Lloyd.
Dean of Women.
Graduate School: All graduate stu-
dents who expect to complete their
work for a degree at the close of the
present semester should call at the
office of the Graduate School, 1014
Angell Hall, to check their records
and to secure the proper blank to be
used in paying the diploma fee. The
fee should be paid by the end of Jan-
G. Carl Huber, Dean.
Graduate School: The regular reg-
istration period .is February 8, 9 and
the morning of the 10, and the pay-
ment of fees will be accepted at that
time in Barbour Gymnasium.
New students, or students transfer-
ring, should ask the Secretary of
their School or College to prepare
and send to the office of the Grad-
uate School an official transcript of
their undergraduate record.
G. Carl Huber, Dean.
Tutors in English for Foreign Stu-
dents: In trying to help our foreign
students in overcoming their lan-
guage difficulties, I can use two
classes of assistants. First, I need a
list of tutors whom I can approve
as qualified by training and experi-
ence to tutor any individuals in spe-
cial need of help. Second, I need a

Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union are reminded
that pass tickets will be given out
to all members whose record are clear
for the Lily Pons concert, Monday,
January 29, from 9 to 12 and from,
1 to 4. After that hour no tickets will
be given out. A few members have
failed to return their "Messiah"
books. These must be returned in
order to clear records.
Black Quill Tryouts: Manuscripts
for second semester tryouts should be
typed and left at the desk of the
Michigan League this week if pos-
sible. The deadline is Monday, Feb-
ruary 12. All women interested in
writing, with the exception of first
semester freshmen, are eligible to try
All Girls interested in working in
the University Hall Candy Booth next
semester to earn League activity
points, call Ruth Kurtz at 9617.
Student-WaIther League: . There
will be no meetings on the Sundays
during final examinations, January
28 and February 4.

Roms for Spanish General Exam- l
inations, Thursday, February 1, p. in.:
Spanish 1 Nat. Science Auditorium
Spanish 2 103 R. L.
Spanish 31 103 R. L.
Spanish 32 103 R. L.
Rooms for English I Examination
Friday, Feb. 2, at 2:00
Instructor Room
Abbot....... 103 R. L.
Bader.35 A. H.
Baker ......B-Haven Hall
Bebout......C-Haven Hall
Boothe . . .2225 A. H.I
Davis .......1121 N. S.
Everett .....G-Haven Hall
Hoag .......W. Physics Lect. Rm.
Hornberger .W. Physics Lect. Rm.
Knode ...... W. Physics Lect. Rm.
Nelson ...... 225 A. H.
Peterson ... .2054 N. S
Proctor......3017 A. H.
Roellinger .. 229 A. H.
Rowe .......1209 A. H.
Schenk .....2235 A. H.
Stevens .....205 Mason Hall
Walter . . . ..2013 A. H.
Webster ....2203 A. H.
Weimer .....2231 A. H.
Wells .......103 R. L.j
Whitehall- . . 3209 A. H.
Williams .... 203 U. H.
Rooms for English II Examination
Helm .......206 U. H.
Palmer ..... 18 A. H.
Geology 31: Final examination
Monday, Jan. 29, a. m. in Room 25
A. H., the regular lecture room.
English for Foreign Students: The
special course in English for Foreign
Students which, because of reduc-
tions in staff, has not been given for
the past two years will be revived
this next semester. It will meet twice
a week from 5:00 to 6:00 in Room
4, East Hall. Since the enrollment is
necessarily limited to a number small
enough to receive personal and indi-
vidual attention, students desiring to
take the course should make applica-
tion as early as possible.

Events Today
Outdor Club *nd Presbyterian
Students: There will be an ice skat-
ing party this afternoon, weather
permitting, for you and your friends.
Meet at the Presbyterian Church
house, 1432 Washtenaw, at 1:30 p. m.
Coming Events
English Journal Club: The regular
February meeting scheduled for Feb-
ruary 9, will be held February 16,
in order to avoid conflict with the
examination schedule.
Varsity Glee Club: The Glee Club
picture will be taken Sunday, Jan-
uary 28, at 2:30 p. in., at Rentschler's
Studio, Huron Street. Wear full dress
with ribbons and be prompt.
J-hop Committeemen: Important
meeting Sunday at 4:00 p. m., Union
At this time all committeemen are
requested to turn in all money col-
lected, all ticket stubs and all tickets
held on reserve and not yet paid for.
Parties reserving these last named
tickets will be able to secure them in
the future by identifying themselves
at the office of the Dean and paying
the regular price. Any committeemen
who will be forced to be absent from
the meeting are urged to send their
money and stubs by messenger at
that time.
Squash for Women Students: The
first practice will be held on Tues-
day morning at the Intramural
Building. Transportation will be pro-
vided from Barbour Gymnasium at
9:45 for students who sign up in
Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium be-
fore that time. Equipment is pro-
Outing for Graduate Students:
There will be another short hike on
Tunday, the group leaving Angell
Hall at 3:00. For activities during the
rest of the examination period, watch
the bulletin boards in the Union,
the League, the library, and the An-
gell Hall (first floor).
Congregational Church: Mr. Heaps
will speak at 10:45 Sunday morning
on "God Save the Church," an ap-
(Continued on Page 6)

TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3729.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
ARCADE CAB. Dill 6116. Large coni-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001
1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x
FOR SALE: Ladies raccoon coat, size
38. 1223 Hill. Mrs. Mason. Phone
6674. 290
FOR SALE: Unusually attractive
frame and brick bungalow in
Southeast section. Suitable for fac-
ulty family. Mrs. Ferguson. Phone
2-2839. 298
FOR SALE: Tuxedo, size 40. Practi-
cally new. Cheap for cash. Call
Union after 5:00. Ask for Schar-
rnmer. 302


FOR RENT: 721 Church St. Double
and single rooms for men. Very
quiet house. 298
FOR RENT: Very comfortable
apartment and also single rooms
in desitable location. 429 S. Di-
vision. 301
WANTED: Ride to vicinity of Cleve-
land, Saturday, Feb. 3. Will share
expenses. Ph. 3581. 304
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 5x
LOST: Rhinestone hair clip at Union.
Saturday, Jan. 20, after dance.
Hazel'Estep, 454 Jordan Hall.
LOST: Black loose-leaf notebook
with History, Geography, Ec. 51,
and Psychology notes. Will finder
please return notes to box 4B,
Michigan Daily.

GoiHome After
Tickets Good in Coaches Only
ON SAL E EBRUA RY 2, 3, 5, 6 and7
Return Limit February 12
For Further Information-
Phone, Dial ,131 or RA132


We Warn You!


Presbyterian Students:
ian students and friends
in going to the Highland
tage any time between
please call Lee Klaer 5987

Lake cot-
as soon as

to see
Der Haupn Von Kopenick


Except Monday at
The Sugar Bowl
No Cover Charge
109 and 111 S. Main St.

Art Cinema League presents "Der
Hauptman von Koepenick" (the bo-
gus captain) for the last time tonight
at 8:15. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
All seats reserved 25 cents. Box office
open 12:30 to 2; 4 to 8:30. Phone
6300. A Mickey Mouse cartoon and
No. 2 of the Battle for Life Series
will also be shown.
Academic Notices
Education A102, Contemporary Ed-
ucation in America and Foreign
Lands. This course will meet next






lAOc to 6 - l5c af ter 6

AT 8:15 P.M.
Added Attractions: "Mickey Mouse" "Battle For Life"



1 .. ..






Ends Tonight



'-.- r-



M u ~ al le

1OClock Vaudeville Show
BEEBE, BRUCE & BETTY, "Three Busy Bees"
"THE THREE SPEEDS," Acrobatic Novelty
"EDISON & LOUISE," Musical Comedy

onday, Jan. 29-8:15

... r i --t

- e- p., - . . - I r-

kA] .r% a ..

TI("XFTC AT r'wnnj np Am 1 i(-

I IiI( - I ..~.~ '-. I-i I II I!. AI I'-camsI n aUU7hK"AL~I

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