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Cloudy and decidedly colder,
'obably i o c a 1 light snow
C £ir igt~jan
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XLIV No. 89
ill Publish
rize Novel
Roosevelt's Budgetary Program
Given Approval Of Financiers
Is Theme Of,
By Graduate
'Fireweed,' Winner In The
1933 Hopwood Contest,
To Appear Feb. 15
Book Written By
Mildred Walker
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. -(?)-
American finance today gave the
Roosevelt budgetary program a vote
of confidence.
At the end of a day that had seen
the administration monetary bill in-
vestigated by a Democratic senatorial
expert on finances, Secretary of the
Treasury Morgenthau gleefully closed
the books on the first installment of
the ten billion dollar financing pro-
gram. It was heavily oversubscribel.
In the Senate, Carter Glass of Vir-
ginia, foremost Democratic exponent
of financial legislation, spoke his
mind about the monetary bill to al-
low dollar devaluation. , He did not
like it. Two infiationists - Borah,
(Rep., Ida.) and Wheeler (Dem.,
Mont.) did like the bill but thought
it did not go far enough toward sup-
plying more money and set about
seeing if they could change it. Dem-
ocratic leaders promised to meet
their threat to prevent mandatory in-
Borah found about the same fault
with a solution that two fellow Re-
publican independents, Nye of North
Dakota and Norris of Nebraska, had'
worked out for the plight of small
business men under NRA. Hugh S.
Johnson said they had agreed to set
up a board tohandlecomplaints.
Borah said it did not go far enough.
On the monetary bill, President
Roosevelt expressed to Senate leaders
willingness to accept a three-year
limitation imposed, by the Senate
banking committee upon his dollar
devaluation and stabilization oper-
ations. He evinced displeasure, how-
ever, at the idea of having a board
handle the dollar levelling operations
in foreign exchange and despite some
talking by conservatives this pro-
vision will be taken out of the bill.
The House, while the Senate was
engrossed in the monetary measure,
passed one of the supply bills of the
session - that for the navy - and
took up another. The measure it
took up was for the treasury and
postoffice departments and was four
hundred million dollars lighter than
the one for those departments thisy
fiscal year.
Was Recipient Of $1,500
For Work In Fields Of
Novel, Essay
Further honors for Mildred Walker,
author of the 1933 University of
Michigan Hopwood Prize novel, and
additional recognition to the Avery
and Jule Hopwood Awards come in
the announcement of Harcourt, Brace
and Company, publishers, that her
novel, "Fireweed," will be published
by them in February.
Miss Walker won the first major
fiction award of $1,100 .with this
novel last year. In addition, she was
the recipient of a $400 major essay
award. "Fireweed" was accepted im-
mediately by the publishers and will
appear on Feb. 15.
The story is centered in the lake
country of the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan, a section where Miss Wal-
ker lived from 1927 to 1930. The life
of one of the small towns in that re-
gion, such as Big Bay where she re-
sided, is recreated in the book.
Prof. Bennett Weaver, secretary of
the committee on the Hopwood
As soon as this book is received
from the publisher's, two reviews,
one by Professor Weaver and one
by a student, will appear in The
Awards last year, characterized Miss
Walker's writing as "fine, clear, and
"I believe that this is an excellent
story," he commented, "not only be-
cause Miss Walker has a delightful
style but also because she knew the
setting and characters from actual
Mildred Walker is 28 years old, is
married, and has two children. Her
husband was formerly a member of
the faculty of the school of medicine
here. "Fireweed" was completed last
year while Miss Walker was studying
for a degree of Master of Arts at
the University. She was born in Phil-
adelphia, although she claims Ver-
mont as her real home, since her
grandfathers and great-grandfathers
on both sides of the family were
born and livedrthere. Her prize-win-
ning essays were writens on Vermont
life. She and her family are at pres-
ent living in Great Falls, Mont.
Varsity Ge ts
Victory Over
State College
Swimmers Win All
One Event, Lose
Yard Medley Relay
February Gargoyle Is
Out On Campus Today
Throughout the campus today the
February issue of the Gargoyle will
be on sale. A new style of makeup
is included in this number, which al-
though temporary, is expected to
prove successful. Many features, orig-
inal in this issue are to be seen in
addition to several of the older ones
which have been favorably received.
A J-Hop cover as well as numerous
other J-Hop novelties will appear.
Houses Must
Tell. Dean Of
EAST LANSING, Jan. 24. -(P)-
The University of Michigan swim-
ming team tonight took an easy vic-
tory from Michigan State College,
winning with a margin of 60 to
231/2 points.
Michigan won every event in the
meet except the 180 yard relay in
which the two teams were tied,
Summaries: 240 yard free style re-
lay: Won by, ichigan (Kamienski,
Blake, Osgood, Cristy) . Time 2:07.4.
200-yard breast stroke: Won by
Dennison (Michigan); Green (State),
second; Kamowski, (State), third.
Time 2:53.6.
150-yard back stroke: Won by
Boice, (Michigan); Morris, (State),
second; Degener, (Michigan), third.
440-yard free style: Won by Cristy,
(Michigan); Osgood (Michigan), sec-
ond; Jaeger, (State), third. Time
100-yard free style: Won by Kam-
lenski, (Michigar); Blake, (Mich-
igan), second; Trapp, (State) third.
Time 58.4.
220-yard f r e e style: Won by
Cristy, (Michigan); Osgood, (Michi-
gan), second; Switzer, (State), third.
Time 2:28.6.
Fancy ,diving:, Won by Johnson
(Michigan); Diefendorf, (Michigan),
second; Teckhen, (State), third.
180-yard medley relay: Tie be-
tween Michigan (Boice, Dennison,
Degener) and State (Morris, Green,
Ziegel). Time 1:53.1.
Military Affairs Chairman
Speaks To Combined
Reserve Officers Corps
Four Graduates Are
Given Commissions
Says Army Men Are Most
Likely To Work Toward
Continuance Of Peace
Speaking at the combined cere-
mony of the entire Reserve Officers
Training Corps regiment held yester-
day afternoon, Prof. William H.
Hobbs, chairman of the University
Committee on M i lIi t a r y Affairs,
stressed his feeling that the R.O.T.C.
as an organization is an integral part
of the defensive strength of the
United States.
He brought out the fact that it is
never men in the nation's armed
forces who bring about international
conflicts, but rather that they are
the ones most likely to work for the
continuance of peace.
"Preparedness, contrary to' the
general impression, is one of the most
important factors in the preservation
of peace," he said, "for the likelihood
of a nation's attacking another that
has been thoroughly prepared is
negligible. In that way it is one of
the best guarantees of peace."
Professor Hobbs pointed out that
we should not be too ready to con-
demn a nation for attempting to se-
cure the necessities of life when its
population grows too large for the
productivity of its original territory.
"We would probably do the same, but
this need not be anticipated in the
United States, for we are self-sup-
porting as far as food is concerned
and nearly so in regards to raw ma-
It was also brought out that stu-
dents who are enrolled in R.O.T.C.
units at the present time are receiv-
ing training that will enable them to
be of great service to their country
in the event of peace-time emergen-
cies such as the one through which
we are now passing. Professor Hobbs
said in this emergency that countless
members of the Officers Reserve
Corps have been called upon to take
part in the Federal Government's
gigantic recovery program.
In closing, he complimented the
members of the regiment on the con-
tinued rating of "Excellent" which
has been received by the local unit
from Army inspectors, paid high
tribute to the regular Army officers
who are in charge here, and said that
the healthy condition of the Mich-
igan corps is evidenced in its con-
tinued g r o w t h throughout past
Four members of the regiment who
have completed their four-year course
were awarded commissions in the Of-
ficers Reserve Corps. They are: Her-'
bert L. Nigg, '36, James R. McNitt,
'34E, Gordon K. Gravelle, '34E, and]
Howard E. Helliesen, '34.
Semester awards were presented to]
the best drilled freshmen and theI
best-drilled squad and company.
Art Cmnema's
German Film
Hop Sell-Out
Is Announced
By Comnmittee
Independent Booth Group
Members Caught Short
By Sudden Scarcity
15 Of 26 Booths
Already Assigned
Hazelton Says Fraternity
Applications Are To Be
Presented Today
A complete sell-out of the 850
tickets issued for the 1935 J-Hop was
announced yesterday by John G.
Garrels, Jr., '35E, chairman of the
ticket committee.
The sell-out has caused consider-
able dismay, Garrels said, because at
a meeting of independents to form
booth groups held Tuesday more than
one-fourth of the men present did
not have tickets and were unable to
get them.
A second meeting for independents
will be held at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday,
Jan. 30, at the Union, according to
Samuel Hazelton, '35E, chairman of
the booths committee, and at that
time all those present must have
tickets. More than 60 attended the-
last meeting.
Fraternities must have applications
for booths into the committee by to-
morrow, Hazelton emphasized last
night. Of the total of 26 booths
which are to be constructed in the
in the Intramural Sports Building 15
Intramural Sports Building 15 have
already been assigned, he stated.
Each booth must contain 20 cou-
ples and a list of the names, ad-
dresses, and ticket numbers of each
member together with the names of
the chaperones must accompany the
application. In addition, each booth
must provide its own furniture to be
in place by noon Friday, Feb. 9, and
removed by noon, Saturday, Feb. 10.
All applications for booths should
be sent to the J-Hop Booth Com-
mittee, 548 5.. State St., or given to
him, Hazelton said. A list of the
necessary furniture will be furnished
on request, he stated.
Good-Will Fund
Clothes Drive
Is Under Way
Local Cleaners And Dyers
Will Renovate Garments
Donated To Campaign
The Good-Will fund clothes drive
is now well under way and many
clothes have already been collected
from students by the Union, accord-
ing to an announcement made last
night by Robert A. Saltzstein, '34,
"The cooperation of the campus
has been appreciated very much, but
there is still a definite necessity for
more garments," Saltzstein said.
The local cleaners and dyers asso-
ciation has agreed to clean and press
the clothes, it was learned last night.
Harold Goldman, of Goldman Bros.,
cleaners, was largely instrumental in
making this possible.
Stein Cleaners, Swiss Cleaners,
Greens Cleaners, W a h 1 Cleaners,
White Swan Laundry, and Goldman
Bros. Cleaners have all agreed to co-
operate on this project.
Allen D. McCombs, '35, student
executive committeeman in charge
of the drive, stated that sophomore
committeemen will be in the student
offices every afternoon to collect
clothing from students and towns-
people who leave their names and ad-
Procedure Suggested By
Alumni Interfraternity
Conference Followed
Fraternities desiring to have fresh-
men move into the chapter houses
during the second semester must
communicate with the office of the
dean of students immediately, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley announced yester-
In line with the procedure sug-
gested by a recent resolution of the
Alumni Interfraternity Council, the
dean is to grant permission to have
first-year men move in, in the case
of each individual house, it appeared
from a statement which was issued
last night. Such permission will be
granted only if the attitude of the
house on "hell week" activities, the
number of active members living out
of the house, and other "pertinent
considerations" are thought to be
The regulations governing t h e
freshman's part of the move stipulate
that he must be scholastically eligible
for initiation, that is, have attained
at least 11 hours and 14 honor points,
and that he must have the permis-
sion of his parents.
As with all student living in ap-
proved rooming houses, the freshman
must notify his landlady two weeks
before the end of the semester, on
Friday, Jan. 26, of his intention to
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. -()-
Imports of liquor into the United
States in December were shown by
Department of Commerce figures to-
day to have jumped 11 times over
Students Favor
Waterways Plan,
In Forum Vote
Stump Society Discussion
Creates Great Interest In
St. Lawrence Project
After listening to a three-sided de-
bate on the question of the St. Law-
rence Waterways, 250 students and
faculty members who attended a
meeting last night sponsored and di-
rected by the Stump Speakers' So-
ciety of Sigma Rho Tau, voted in fa-
vor of the plan as it is now being
projected in the Senate.
The arguments were presented by
Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee, of the
engineering college, Prof. Shorey Pe-
terson, of the economics department,
and Prof. John S. Worley, of the en-
gineering college. In presenting the
affirmative issues in the discussion
Professor Menefee emphasized the
fact that the project is eminently
justified on the basis that it is an
empire-building plan, that it will help
to populate and develop both Can-
ada and the United States and that
it would assure the future of the
middle west from an economic
standpoint. Professor Peterson, who
upheld the negative issues in the de-
bate, questioned the fact that the
project, the cost of which will devolve
upon the people would redound to
them as beneficially as the plan's
advocates say that it will. He pointed
rn, f: nc nr,,cf~~ i,r.or w ih ,, a+cn.,trw .
Columbia Graduate Will
Address Vanguard Club
Emily Fine, graduate of Radcliffe
College and Columbia University, will
address members of the Vanguard
Club at 8 p. m. today in the Michigan
Union on the topic, "Where Will You
Go From Here?"
Miss Fine has been described by
Norman Thomas, as one of the most
valuable young intellectuals in th
field of practical social reconstruc-
tion. No admission charge will be
made for the meeting, it has been
Many Expected To Attend Ball
Honoring Pres. Roosevelt Here
Ann Arbor will witness what is ex-
pected to be one of the greatest and
most colorful functions in recent
years when the city, along with 5,000
other cities, celebrates the birthday
of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
next Tuesday.
It was learned that Gov..William
A. Comstock would definitely attend
the Ball, however, it was not known
at what time he would appear, as he
could not be reached by members of
the executive committee of the
Chamber of Commerce yesterday
afternoon. It was learned that he
has an appointment to attend the
committee were attempting to secure
late permission for women students
who wish to attend the dance.
A great feature of the ball will be
a giant 300-pound birthday cake,
probably one of the largest ever to
be baked. Committee members say
that it will even rival the cake made
for Ann Arbor's anniversary several
years ago. Special pans have been
constructed, and the cake, which will
be placed on display in a day or two,
will be made by the Chamber of
Commerce baker division according
to William F. Angell. There will be
enough cake to supply every child in
Opens Tonight
Run Of 'Der Hauptmann
Von Koepenick' Starts
In Lydia Mendelssohn
Carl Zuckmeyer's brilliant cine-
matic satire of pre-war Germany,
"Der Hauptmann von Koepenick,"
will open a three-day run at8:15
p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the sponsorship of the
Art Cinema League.
"Der Hauptmann von Koepenick"
(The Bogus Captain of Koepenick)
won high praise from the New York
World-Telegram, which ranked it
second only to "Cavalcade" as the
best picture of 1933. Max Adalbert,
who is cast in the lead role, is re-
puted to duplicate the excellent per-
formance registered by Werner Kraus
in the legitimate stage version.
The Art Cinema League has im-
proved the technical capacities of the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for sound
films, and it is expected that diffi-
culty encountered in the past with
Abbott Denies He Will Resign;
Lacy Slated F orChairmanship
DETROIT, Jan. 24.-(P)- Horatio ethics set by President Roosevelt,
J. Abbott said in Lansing today he which discourages service by com-
did not expect to be asked for his mitteemen in dual capacities and
resignation as Democratic national proposes a divorcement of party poli-
committeeman because he also holds tics and government, provides the
the salaried position of internal rev- immediate grounds for prediction
enue collector, but in other quarters that Abbott and Debo will retire.
the opinion was expressed that both Further basis for the belief is seen
he and state chairman Albred J. in the controversy between them and
Debo are due for retirement from Michigan's Democratic congressmen
their purely political jobs. which flared up recently. The out-
Debo apparently is assured of the ward cause fotr the break was a