THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, , sways Topic o Stimulate Lively Debate U. S. Tests "Plane For Every Pocketbook" -Sided Debate To I By Professors on Today Be In Widely divergent views on the feas- lity of the St. Lawrence Water- ys, expressed yesterday by those o will be the principal speakers, esaged an interesting debate fo i- med by a lively discussion at the en forum on the St. Lawrence aterways which is to be held at [5 p. m. today at the Michigan lion. The discussion is being sponsored the Stump Speakers Society of! Ima Rho Tau, engineers debating ciety. The program is to consist of a ee-sided debate in which Prof. rdinand N. Menefee, of the engi- ering college, Prof. Shorey Peter- i of the economics department, d Prof. John S. Worley of the Col- e of Engineering will present the guments. Professor Menefee will fend the waterways as an engineer- y project and on the basis that it is empire building project. Professor >rley, when asked to express his ws, replied that he had none and it his arguments would condemn e plan on certain grounds while ad- eating it on others. Professor Pe- son will attack the scheme on the sis that there are logical defects the arguments advanced by the vocates of the plan which render infeasible. Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the' lege of Engineering, in speaking the debate said, "We are anticipat- I a large crowd due to the imme- te interest which the question has >used in its discussion in the Sen- . We have spent considerable time inning this program and because its importancegat present are mak- Sthe meeting, which is usually sed, open to the public so that all >se who are interested may at- id." -Associated Press Photos This airplane, shown skimming over the capitol at Washington during a tryout, was made at the request of the department of Com- merce in the government's search for a low-priced commercial plane within the reach of the ordinary person. ufus' Speech Ends Series On U. Of M. Hour "Voyage Through Space" Concludes Astronomical Radio Talks The hugeness of astronomical space was discussed by Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the astronomy department in the University radio talk from the Morris Hall studios of station WJR. This was the concluding one of the astronomical series broadcast each Tuesday. Pointing out the rapidity with which light travels, encircling the earth seven times in a single second, and the vast distances to the planets, Professor Rufus took his listeners on an imaginary "Voyage Through Space." "Travelling at the speed of light, it woud take eight and one-third min- utes to reach the sun, while in an airplane at 100 miles per hour it would take a hundred years," Profes- sor Rufus stated. "The sun is a typ- ical yellow star, gaseous and self-lu- minous with a temperature of 6,000 degrees, providing heat and light for the earth and other planets." Because of its great distance from the sun, Mars receives only four- ninths as much light and heat from the sun as the earth and the average temperature is far below zero, even in the torrid zone, the speaker point- ed out. Pluto, the most distant planet belonging to the sun's family, is prob- ably 200 degrees below zero, while just beyond is the cold of space 273 degrees below. "In nine light years we reach Si- rius, the brightest star as it appears from the earth, on account of its relative nearness. Observations on Sirius over 100 years 'ago show that it deviated from a straight and nar- row path. Bessel, a German Astron- omer, placed the blame on a"dark, unseen, companion," Professor Rufus declared, pointing out that such bodies were usually of great density, such that a spoonful would load a large truck. Johns Hopkins University scientists have found evidence that persons who suffer from severe colds for three years in succession thereafter seldom are bothered by the colds. Increased demand for experienced camp counselors and increasing in- terest in the summer camp as an ed- ucational agency have combined to bring about the establishment of a new course in the School of Educa- tion -"Problems of Camp Counsel- ors," or Education B99. Last year a similar course was of- fered on a non-credit basis by the I Extension Division but the new Chlorine Used ry Prowler hIn Eas ern Thefts FINCASTLE, Va.. Jan. 23. -UP -} Thrice again the skulking "gas nan" has struck and fled. In three forays Monday night the "gas man" - so called because he has attacked nearly a score of homes in this region with gas during the last month - came nearer to cap- ture than at any time heretofore. It was the first time, in fact, that he has been distinctly seen. All the homes gassed Monday night are in Carvin's Cove,near here. One of the homes was that of Raymond Etter, whose son saw the culprit and gave chase, firing at him. The other homes attacked were those of Grover C. Riley and Ed Reedy. The "gas man's" visits occurred between 8 and 9 o'clock. The attacks came after a single visit Sunday night, with Howard Crawford, of the Colon section be- tween Cloverdale and Troutville, as the victim. Those who have been attempting to catch the marauder took stock of their clews and found them about as follows: 1. The attacks nearly always oc- cur around 9 o'clock at night and in- variably at houses where there are no telephones. 2. In two instances the imprint of a woman's shoe has been found. 3. Physicians called in to treat the victims several times suspected and in the latest case were fairly certain that the gas, causing nausea, was chlorine. course carries regular University credit. It is felt that the summer camp, as an educational agency, will supple-F ment work offered during University sessions and place the process of edu- cation on a continuous basis, and, as such, a course should be given in the subject. Prof. Mitchell in Charge The course will be in charge of Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell of the phys- ical education department, while nu- merous other faculty members will assist in special fields bearing upon camping with which they are famil- iar. Some of the lectures already planned are as follows: "Trends and Objectives in Camp- ing," by Professor Dow; "Sociological Problems," by Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology department; "Mental Hygiene and the Psychology of Adol- escence," by Prof. Howard Y. Mc- Clusky of the educational psychology department; "Problems of Character Training," by Prof. Wm. Clark Trow of the educational psychology depart- ment; "Problems of Religious Train- ing," by Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School of Education; "Problems of Health in Camping," by Prof. Mabel E. Rugen of the physical edu- cation department; "Selection of Counselors," by Prof. Raleigh Schor- ling of the School of Education; "The Use of Tests and Measurements," by Prof. Clifford Woody of the School of Education; "Camp Sanitation," by Lloyd R. Gates, instructor in public health; and "Camp Administration," by Professor Mitchell. Intramural Department to Help Work in physical activities will be conducted by the intramural depart- ment and the department of physical education for women. Professors Ernst V. Jotter, Shirley W. Allen, and Carl D. LaRue will assist in practical problems related to orestry. The course offers either two or three hours of University credit to students enrolled in the School of Education and may also be elected by students in other schools and colleges who are candidates for teacher's cer- tificates, provided their total number of hours in education does not ex- ceed 17. Part-time students may also elect the course, with or without credit, and arrangements have been made whereby camp directors may sit on the discussions. Course In Problems Of Camp Counselors' Is To Be Offered Miners To Ask Six-Hour Day, Five-Day Week 1,500 Delegates Renew Battle For Reduction In I me At Convention INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 23. -()- Renewal of their contention for a six-hour day and a five-day work week is expected to result from the biennial convention of the United Mine Workers which opened a 10- day session here today. Approximately 1,500 accredited delegates, representing 3,000 mine union locals throughout the coal re- gions of the United States and Ca- nada, also will discuss various phases of the coal code provided by the in- dustrial recovery act. Under t he present bituminous code, President John L. Lewis ex- plained, the miners have a- 4-hour week,ddivided into five days of eight hours each. The union contends this work day is too long, consider- ing the fact that all of this time is spent under ground. The convention, through its scale committee, is expected to instruct the international officers as to its position, on the matter of wages, hours and working conditions. These instructions, Lewis explained, will be presented by the officials at a na- tional coal code conference in Wash- ington Feb. 12. A code for the anthracite indus- try has not yet been completed. Prominent speakers to appear be- fore the convention include Miss Frances Perkins, secretary of labor, who will address the miners Jan. 30; William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, and C. B. Huntress, secretary of the Na- tional Coal association. The reading by Vice President Philip Murray of the joint report of the international officers, addresses of welcome and the appointment of committees was expected to occupy most of today's session. Fountain Pens -- Typewriters RIDE R'S -EXPERT SERVICE- 302 SOUTH STATE STREET Trades, Labor' Council Flays CWA Fund Cut Formal protests against President Roosevelt's plans for shrinking the Civil Works Administration payroll by 500,000 jobs a week were voiced in a letter yesterday to Michigan's rep- resentatives in Congress, and to the Federal CWA, by the Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council. The letter advocated continuance of the CWA on the grounds that many people who had been "driven almost to the point of destitution" and those who were thrown on the welfare rolls have been given an op- portunity to work on a salary, "not a dole." It pointed out that there had been an "almost magical" improve- ment in business due to the increase in purchasing power of the people.. Miller Will Speak To Legion Meeting Col. Henry W. Miller, professor of mechanism and engineering drawing in the College of Engineering, is in Chicago as guest of the American Le- gion and World War veterans. While in Chicago Colonel Miller will pre- sent two speeches. Colonel Miller spoke last night at a dinner given by the first and sec- ond districts of the American Legion. He spoke on the subject of "The Paris Gun" and also on the "Functions of Reserve Officers Training in Present Army Organization." Included among guests of the Legion were the active officers of the Sixth Corps Area and artillery oficers of the reserve group. This is the third occasion within the last fortnight that Colonel Miller has been called to Chicago to assist in the activities .of the Legion and the Officers Reserve Corps. STERDAY LANSING, Kan. -Bob (Big Boy) Brady, the criminal who led six other convicts in their escape from the state penitentiary last Friday, was shot to death by a posse near Paola, Kans. WASHINGTON--President ,Roose- velt's new monetary bill was approved by the Senate committee on banking and currency after several modifica- tions had been added. ESCANABA - Aud.-Gen. John K. Stack, Jr., of Michigan, said that if Gov. Comstock asks the special ses- sion of the Legislature in February to pass his $30,000,000 insurrection bonding measure, "he is going to get the pants licked off him." CHICAGO - Melvin A. Traylor, president of Chicago's First National Bank and candidate for the Demo- cratic presidential nomination in 1932, appeared to be in an improved condition after being placed under an oxygen tent. He had been suffer- ing from congestion of the left lung. WASHINGTON - Two new flights into the stratosphere will be at- tempted in the near future. They will be sponsored by the National Geo- graphic Society and the United States Army Air Corps. PARIS - The cabinet of Premier Camille Chautemps appeared to be in an unstable condition in the face of repeated attacks from both inside and outside of the Chamber of Dep- uties. Officials Deny Reports Of University Robberies Confirmation of the report that a series of robberies had been per- petrated in several University build- ings during the past week could not be secured from University authori- ties yesterday. According to the rumor, six plat- inum electrodes amounting to nearly $300 in value were stolen from the Chemistry Building, and a micro- scope of about the same value was missed from the Natural Science Building. It was further believed that these robberies might have some connection with some of the same sort which have recently been dis- covered at the University of Detroit. Asked to confirm the report, Dr. Moses Gomberg, chairman of the de- partment of chemistry, maintained. "I have nothing to say." Cold Weather Adds To Earthquake Suffering CALCUTTA, India, Jan. 23.-(W)- P 1ilimy t~mwir~ura+1, va i'd iai 1-nAa u1t Luc I tril tA ...)7.__10 lOe 6Y11 f Always the finest tobaccos and only the center leaves are pur- chased for Lucky Strike cigar- ettes. We don't buy top leaves -because those are under- developed. And not the bottom leaves-because those are inferior in quality. The center leaves-for which farmers are paid higher prices-are the mildest leaves. And only center leaves are used in making Luckies-so round, so firm-free from loose ends. That's why every Lucky draws easily, burns evenly-and is always mild and smooth. Then, too-"It's toasted"-for throat protection -for finer taste. Lucky Strike presents the Metropolitan Opera Company Saturday at 1:55 P.M., Eastern Standard Time~ over Red and Blue Networks of NBC, LUCKY STRIKE will broadcast the Metropolitan Opera Com- pany of New York in the complete Opera, "Aida". i