1934 THE MCIIIGAN DAILY Dance RecitalI To Be Held In League Today Makes Opera Debut Play Production Students To Illustrate How Dane- ing Helps Theatre Work The demand for tickets for the dance demonstration, which is to be given at 8:15 tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Play Pro- duction and the Department of Phys- ical Education for women, has far surpassed. expectations, Valentine Windt, director of Play Production; said yesterday. Admissiun to the demonstration has been invitational, with the pri- mary idea to reach all those inter- ested in dance work as connected with the theatre. It is the first time in Ann Arbor that it has been pos- sible to give actual dance training in connection with the regular Play Production classes. Dr. Margaret Bell and Miss Emily V. White of the department of Physical Education of- fered their help during the past semester. Since stud'ents have only had the opportunity for such dance training for one semester, the program of- fered is not presenoed as a finished production. Mr. Windt said. How- ever, it includes some 18 numbers, including four pantomimes, several numbers which illustrate the differ- ent kinds of dance in an attempt to show the various phases of dance study and application, and a com - plete scene from a play, combining dance, music and actual speech, Mr. Windt said. 100 Take Part -Associated Press PhotoI A last-minute refusal by Marion Talley to agree to terms gave 21-I year-old rIcse Marie Brancato (above) of Kansas City her chance for a debut in grand opera in Chicago. A coloratura soprano weighing only 112 pounds, she sang the role of Gilda in "Rigoletto." en-Peci SoEnes A Used In Jewelry For CamtpUs Wear Houses Keep Busy With Lcst Functions Previous To Exams Several houses are giving their last, social functions before the end of the semester. Alpha Phi Alpha Phi sorority announces the pledging of Mary Neal, '37, Ann Ar- bor. Betsy ,Barbour Mrs. Leona B. Diekema entertained Mrs. Beryl Bacher and Miss Ethel McCormick at dinner at Betsy Bar- bour House Sunday. Zeta Tau Alpha A tea was given Sunday afternoon by the chapter for Ann Arbor alum- nae. Rhodetta Lepisto, '35, was in charge Mrs. Mary Tuller, sorority house-mother, poured. Decorations were talisman roses and pink tapers Kappa Alpha Theta Last Saturday they observed their sixty-third anniversary with a Foun- der's Day luncheon. Mrs. G. J. Diekema was toastmistress and Mrs. W. Paulus of Detroit assisted in the ceremony. Miss Marion Widman of Detroit spoke for the Detroit Alum- nae chapter. Dorothy Hunt, presi- dent, of the local chapter, gave a re- sume of the year's events of the sorority and welcomed to Kappa Alpha Theta the Detroit, Port Huron and Toledo alumnae associates. Mrs. P. Klingman of Ann Arbor and Mrs. F. B. Vedder were in charge of the luncheon. Kappa Alpha Theta announced the pledging of Betty Schluchter, '36A, of Detroit. Club Board Hears iealth Inspector The Washtenaw County Federation of Women's Clubs held its second board meeting recently at the home of Mrs. Horatio J. Abbott. Mrs. Julio del Toro, a member of the Ann Arbor Woman's Club, and pres- ident of the Federation, conducted the meeting. Dr. Earl Kleinschmidt, city health inspector, addressed the group of 60 women on the general plan for a health institute to be held in February. Mrs. F. S. Weber, of the Women's Study Club of Ypsi- lanti, spoke on the work throughout the county under the rural health' education project. Following the program, which in- cluded a recitation from "As You Likel It" by Mrs. Ray Allison Heaps, and a song sung by Mrs. John Johnstone, tea was served.l At Lehigh University the Registrar's< office delayed mailing flunk notices for the quarter until the following Monday to avoid the dampening ofI spirits in view of the house party1 week-end. Dr. Elizabeth Cr Previous Tray EDITOR' NOTE: This, is the fourth n of aticleson proninent Wumen > ii theive .rsity. By ELEANOR BILUM Because she thought she had enough of her major subjcct, which was mathematics, Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby enrolled in a course in nerv- ous anatomy at the University of Chicago -"just to try something in science." She found it so interesting, however, that she has made it her life work, and is now well-known in the field of medicine for research in the subject. Dr. Crosby was born in the village of Petersburg, Mich., where she l tr attended school through her high school grades. At Adrian College, where she received her bachelor of science degree, her chief interest was mathematics. Taking advantage of her ability to grasp the subject easily. she fnished her course there in thr years. Because her high school cor - mencement present irom her father had been four years college, she had another year's grace, and she took this to do graduate work at the Uni- versity of Chicago, where she re- ceived a fellowship. It was there that. she first became interested in the study of nervous anatomy, and re- .eived her Ph.D. degree. Because of illness at home >he was forced to go back to Petersburg rather than pursue her career in medicine. There she was made su- perintendent of schools, and in this capacity she says, she taught a little bit of everything, although her as- signed subjects w e r e Latin and mathematics. She came to the University of Michigan to interview Dr. Carl Huber about further research work, and was; offered by him a position as junior instructor in anatomy. Her positions from then on rose in inpo fancc. She was made senior instructo'r, thewi in 1926, assistant professor, and F1- nally four or five years ago was made associate professor of anatomy. Almost all of her research and most of her valuable training she says was received from Dr. Huber. professor of Anatomy, Director of Anatomical Laboratories, and Dean of the Graduate School. It was during the time that she studied at the Institute for Brain Re- search at Amsterdam t h a t sh-e, worked with Prof. C. U. Ariens Ke- pers, head of the institute. It was ie who requested Dean Huber and Dr. Crosby to take part in a revision of his text on comparative neurology. The book had been written in 1920 and of course there had been many changes since that time. The result was that the book is being completely rewritten and will appear under the title of "A Text On Vertebrate Com- parative Neurology" by Kapper, Hu- osby Tells Of ber, and Crby. She was also a mnember of the group which revised "Piersoll's H u mn a n Anatomy," of which Dr. Huoci' was editor in chief. Dr. Crosbyv is rather retiring to talk to, and extrer.iny modest about her work. She says, hoever. that she wouldin't exchange her iob for any- one elses. Students in her classes say that she loses r shyness in the classroom and becomes engrossed in the subject that she is teaching. junior A. A. . W Will Meet Toioht The drama sectien cf Uhe Junior American Association of University Women, will meet at 7:30 p. m. to- night at the home of Mrs. D. J. Mc- Lean, 1011 Rose Avenue. Negro, drama will be the subject of discus- sion, with Ray Alison Heous giving an illustrated lecture on Marc Con- nolly's play. "Green Pastures." A criticism of "All od's Chillun Got Wings" by Eugene O'Neill will be read, and the whole group is to take part in the reading of a one- act play, "Sugar Cane," by the Negro playwright, Frank Wilson. Presildents Of All Houses On Cam pus Meer Presidents of all the women' houses on camptis met yesterday a a Board of Representatives meetin and discussed 1:30 a. m. permissio: on Saturdays for seniors. No actio: was taken since the motion has t be passed by the houses before it ca: be approved by the Board. Ruth Robinson, '34, president c the Board, requested that a soci_ chairman from all the houses b present at a mneeting to be held at p. m. Tuesday, Feb. 13. Miss Eileen Yoo was a guest at th meeting, and also at the Panhelleni meeting. She spoke on her recen buying trip to Detroit, and presente several interesting style notes to th women. The picture of the Board of Repre sentatives which is to appear in th Ensian will be taken at 12 noon to day at Deys studio, Miss Robinso: announced. All of the members won urged to be present. Outdoor Cub WHi Hold The executive council aid the Clhl officers of the U. of M. Outdoor Clu' will meet at 7:30 p. m. today at Lan Hall according to John Manley Grad., president of the Club. Due will he collected at this time, sine it will be the last meeting of the cur rent semester. Mien Is Named League Boar epresentativ Margaret Allen, '34, was appointed i ccently to the League Board of Di rectors to replace Charlotte Simpsor '34, who was injured in an auitoino bile accident before Christmas. I! Where TQ Go Not only-_students in Play Produc- tion are taking part in the demon- stration, but also the Dance Club, the intermediate academic -class in dancing, and major students in the Department of Physical Education will also be represented. A total of over 100 students will present the demonstration, not including those students in the regular Play Produc- tion classes who have done the stag- ing and costuming for the produc- tion. Since the requests for tickets have been so numerous, it has been de- cided that reserved tickets which have not been called for at the box office by noon today will no longer be held. All who hold tickets are requested to be in their seats by 8:15, since after that time no seats will be reserved. Mr. Windt said that those without tickets would be admitted to these seats after 8:15, so that the house will be completely filled. To Unite Arts Play Production has been inter- ested in the combining of all the arts in the theatre; the work this year lzeing the first step toward the fu::- fillment of that ideal. The work is, expected to develop poise and ability to express ideas through the body, as well as to teach expression and ar- tistic principles. Mr. Windt also said that it was the hope of Play Produc- tion that actual dance could be in- cluded in future productions. The next play to be produced by Play Production is "See Naples and Die", by Elmer Rice, and will be pre- sented late in February. Concert Given By Music Professors The faculty concert Sunday was presented by Prof. Arthur Hackett, Prof. Joseph Brinkman, Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, and Prof. Hans Pick of the School of Music. Professor Hackett sang a group of Schubert and Schumann songs, ac- companied by Professor Brinkman, who also with Professor Besekirsky contributed suite for violin and piano. Presented in Ann Arbor for the first time was a suite by Jack Conk- lin, '31, which had won recognition at the Music Teachers National con- vention held at Lincoln, Nebraska during the holidays. Mr. Conklin also composed the music for the recent presentation of "Jack and the Bean- stalk" by the Children's Theatre here. This task of selecting sport jewelry for campus is often difficult, for one must select those few accents that will give a casual air and not involve an over-dressed affect. The semi-precious stones, so-called, may be chosen for this, including carnelian and j a d c, simply cut. We've seen a carnelian set of clip, wide bracelet, and button earrings that may be used to advantage on a simple tailored frock. The unusually deep tone of the stone and also of jade add an air of rich simplicity Another suggestion of the campus jewelers consists of tortoise. For a bright wool with brown accessories, nothing more suitable could be found. The cost is very small and yet the RemnerWill S-eak To Graduate Students' Club novelty of this addition to fashion circles makes it 'a popular o:ie. Wooden trims of buttons and carved buckles are being widely used, and designers have selected this ma- terial for wide bracelets,' and even compacts. The wood must have a stain and definite grain to give it that certain something which contains the essence of smartness. Along with this goes the string, rope and anchor ef- fects being innovated so consistently with the sailor styles of the spring I sport wear. There are corded brace- lets and belts that end jauntily in brass anchors. THE LAST HOPE WARREN, O., Jan. 23. -/P)- With only enough revenue in sight to keep the city in operation for three months, the city council has decided to open all future meetings with a prayer. "Never before has the council needed divine guidance as it does now," Councilman A. L. Oakes said as he made the suggestion. The min- isterial association was invited' to have a minister present for the first meeting in February. rd qo;tion Pict"res: Michigan, "Con- vention City" with Joan r ondell and Adolph Men~eu: Majestic, "Take A Chance" wiIm Buddy Rogers; Whit- ncy. "Deception" with Thelma Todd, and "Silent Men." Dancing;: Siunt Night in League Gril' Room, Hut, Dixie Inn, Joe Parke.'s Prcktes. . (}rgan Recita: Palmer Christian, Hill Auditoriur ,, 4:15 p. m. Dance tecia:. Lydia M~endelssohn Theate'. 3:15 p. m. /I4caefrewelry Shop Cotlegy m graving High-Grade Watch Jewelry I' DiSPLAY of FORMAL JEWELRY for the J-HoP Prof. Charles Remer of the eco- nomics department will speak in- formally to members of the Graduate; Luncheon Club this noon on "TheE Importance of Economics in Inter- national Relations " Any graduate member of the Uni- versity is welcome to these weekly luncheons, conducted u n d e r the sponsorship of Miss Jeanette Perry, of the dean of women's office, at 12:15 p. m. every Wednesday in the Russian Tea Room of the League. HOW ABOUT A PERMANENT WAVE? A genuine Eugene wave with an Individual Per- sonality Trim . . . . by MARIE .. ...... .$5.00 CROQUIGNOLE . . $5.00 V A SPECIAL AT ... $3.50 wIGS FOR RENTAL Also a free appointment for our J-Hop Make-up Facial, demon- strti>ng our .splendid lune of o Ooismetis. STODDARD BEAUTY SHOP Phone 2-1212 317 South State Street it CARL F. BAY 16 Nickels Arcade .r. ..... . .._._. ........_,,....... ,... ........:.- - AIL e.. I _ I""" CLEARANCE OF COLLEGE SHOP I EAR F IDO vv CAN THE SOB STUFF SWEETIF. AN' BRiNG ME A TICKET FOR THE 1935 At the J-HOP Smartness is the By-Word 460 Pairs f1i Three Price Groups Every pair of College Shop Footwear is drastically reduced for this Final Clearance. College Shop Shoes for sports wear - for street and classroom wear - for formal occasions and dancing. The very smartness of their styles make them highly desirable for early spring wear. Kid and calf leathers-- suede and fabrics -also mandrucca calf, in black and brown - pumps, ties and strap styles. Substantial savings in this Final Clearance - our regular $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 qualities- REDUCED vq ,N", ,.,,,. > c - : } - ~-y _ 1 , ? , : - - .... , Fashion Says'. . . The Ageless SANDAL G [O(( -7,S I / I. j N C CI f inq iced From 95c SILVsER IKID If Cap'n John Smith had remembered to buy his J-HOP Ticket, he'd be dancing with Pocahontas instead of waiting to be shaved with a tomahawk. Don't be caught in thIs predicanment! Get yours NOW!!! , , $1.15 I Goodyear's Silver Kid holds THE place in smart "after 6 o'clock" life, High heel and graceful toe, Q5 11 II rcI aw K' A.\ -. 1!