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January 24, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-24

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little girl's idea of a glorious ball, at which she
is the central figure. The cast includes a king, a
queen, the lord mayor, and a penguin.
The pantomime, "Shepherd in the Distance,"
shows a pastoral scene replete with a vision, a
princess, shepherds, a goat, and one ghurri-wurri,
Variations in rhythmic patterns will be portrayed
in the "Political Meeting."
The recital will be open to the public.
Color and music in dashing abandon marked
the premiere of Eva Le Gallienne's "Alice in Won-
derland" at the Wilson Theatre in Detroit Mon-
day night. All the grotesqueries of fairyland-
Alice's beloved fairyland - danced about the stage
and sang Lewis Carroll's crazy lyrics, cavorting in
charming fashion in many-hued and elaborate
Faced with a great technical problem - that of
making rapid backdrop and property shifts to pre-
vent the many scenes in "Alice in Wonderland"
from slowing up the action of the plan - Miss Le
Gallienne has introduced a device upon which
hangs the success or failure of the play. It is a
scenic background which can be slid horizontally
across the rear of the stage during a brief black-
out -a continuous painting which behaves like
a scroll. Result: success.
In fact, most things about Miss Le Gallienne's
"Alice" spell that delightful but rarely deserved
word. The scenes are painted suggestively rather
than realistically; the lighting effects are startl-
ing, but in tone; and the whole effort to translate
the audience from realism to a realm of plausible
fantasy results in entire achievement.
The combining of the "Wonderland" and
"Through the Looking Glass" stories into one play
is almost as difficult as the adaptation itself. All
this was done by Miss Le Gallienne and Florida
Friebus. The transition is done in this way: run-
ning to escape the irate jack of cards, Alice simply
runs into Wonderland. No interspersed mirror
breaks up the sequence. The two stories become
one: this method of writing, plus the movable
backdrop, means that the audience, gotten into
the spirit of the thing in part one, does not have
to repeat the process in part two.
Alice herself was a lovely little girl, excited, en-
thusiastic, tripping through the play in whole
delight. She was played by Josephine Hutchinson.
The only flaw was a mature speaking voice which
occasionally bore a lilt associated with ahat of a
tragedienne; but the unfavorable impression at
first conveyed wore off with time, a pleasurable
anticipation of her descents into basso regions
succeeding it. Possibly she was not Carroll's
Alice -she lacked the calm matter-of-factness
which was so quaint in the author's little girl --
but I have made this complaint about actors so
often that perhaps I am too difficult to please.
For the rest of the cast: the moralistic Duchess
(Charles Ellis), the homicidal Queen of Hearts
(William S. Phillips), the cockney Griffon (Nelson
Welch), the lachrimose Mock Turtle (Lester
Scharff), the persnicketty Red Queen (Leona
Roberts), sententious Tweedledum and Tweedle-
dee (Mr. Phillips and Staats Cotsworth), the ex-
acting White Queen (Miss Le Gallienne), the
inventious White Knight (Howard da Silva), and
sardonical Humpty Dumpy (Walter Beck), gave
peculiar delight. The Queen of Hearts distin-
guished her (him) self by a piercing scream signi-
fying desire for blood and the March Hare
(Donald Cameron) should be cited for his sorrow-
ful delivery of the line, "It was the best butteh."
A comparison with the motion picture version is
suggested. The play, in my opinion, is much the
Miss Le Gallienne will present additional per-
formances of "Alice" this afternoon and tonight,
tomorrow night, and at a Saturday matinee. She
will play the title role in "Hedda Gabler" on Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
Collegiate Observer
Four marriages on the Howard Campus re-
cently have led the dean of women of that
institution to inaugurate a campaign among
the women to induce them to "be careful
while there is still time."

Stock up with
FOUNTAIN PENS - $1.00 and Up.
BLUEBOOKS-all sizes and rulings.

Air Co mmodore Fellowes
On the Subject:
with Motion Pictures

Tickets at WA -HS

75c ? 50c

TIhe Mi"chi'gan Dai.'ly
wVill, as, usual
j)LlbliSh a

From a question and answer
Miami college paper: Question::
I never get any dates? I am an
Answer: You answered your last

column in the
Why is it that
A. O. Pi.
letter, lady.




From the University of Montana Daily comes
this editorial:
"Wha'd ya get? the pertinent question that rep-
resents a semesters work, a semesters wondering,
and another grade harvest of either sorrowing or
rejoicing for the student and his parents. One
looks at his own low grades and thinks of the
sincerity of work and effort he has put forth,
then at the good grades of his neighbor whc
cheated a little, apple-polished or soft-soaped a
little, or else had a little "pull." At first it hurts
because few mothers and dads understand. The
college, coldly indifferent, refuses to understand.
Then the superb thing called conscience comes to
smother every disappointment, for it may be that
conscience and God alone loves the honest
worker. Then again one wonders how much his
present troubles will affect his life ten years from
now anyway." (What do you think?).
Add this to your list of wisecracks: A man
is known by the company he keeps and a
woman by the company that keeps her.
- Auburn Plainsman
A recent survey revealed, after a questionnaire
was sent to 17,127 students, that Stanford Uni-
versity has the tallest co-eds, Smith the heaviest,
and Texas University the slightest.
A professor at the University of Illinois put this
at the end of his final exam: "Tell which part of
the course you liked best, but don't polish the

* eatuaring both social ligfht
and sidelio-hts
fshi articles
int detlcht

dily official All
* last but not least,
a picture of the GRAND MARCH


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