THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN aud Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Th University. Copyreceived at the office of the Assistant to the President until mo I 3:30; 1130 a. . Saturday.p ava WENESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1934 Music, who expect to be graduated urg VOL. XLIV No. 88 at the close of the semester, must ly pay the diploma fee not later than Notices February 10. Hours for Registration and Pay School of Music Students: Those i ment of. Semester Fees: Students will scheduled to take examinations in Mr. register all day Thursday and Friday applied music are requested to "re- att and the forenoon of Saturday, Feb- check" their examination appoint- 320 ruary 8, 9, and 10, in all units ex- ment as pos"ed on the School ofH ropt Law and Medicine. The Cashier's Music bulletin board, since several Va Office will collect fees during these changes have been necessitated. days in Barbour Gymnasium under S_ the same arrangements as during Art Cinema League presents Der me the first semester. Doors will be open Hauptmann Von Kopenick (the bo- Un from 8:00 to 11:30 a. m. and from gus cptain) at 8:15 p. in., Jan. 25, 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. on Thursday and 26, 27-Thurs., Fri., and Sat. At the Friday, and from 8:00 to 12:00 noon Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All seats roo on Saturday. are reserved. 25 cents. Box office Sch Students registering in Law and opens Wednesday. Hours: 12:30 to 2; on Medicine must pay fees in the Cash- 4 to 7. Phone 6300. A Mickey Mouse wit ier's Office at time of registration cartoon and No. 2 of the Battle for val and classification in those units. Life Series will also be shown. Shirley W. Smith. -_ -- S a "Sculptur- Candidates for Teachers' Certifi- ren University halo Talk.:a lb~ cates: Blanks for the payment of the Pro ing" will be the title 1f a talk by Teacher's Certificate fee may now be ter Dr. Avard Fairbanks, Professor of secured at the Recorder's Office of bod culpture, over WJR at 2:.00 o'clock the School of Education, Room 1437 this afternoon. University Elementary School. All students who expect to be recoi-A Faculty, Votlege of Literature, Si- mended for th Teacher's Certificate roo en e, and the Arts: It is requested at the end of the present semester of by the Administrative Board that all should pay their fees by' February 10, wil instructors who make reports of In- -toa complete or Absent from Examina- tion also give information showing Academic Notices D the character of that part of the Psychology 31: Those laboratory Le work which has been completed. This blue books which have not yet been M mnay be done by the use of 'the sym- returned may be obtained in 2125 Boa bols, I (A), X (B), etc. N.S. at the end of this week. W. R. Humphreys. U Action of the Amiistrative Speech 138, Debate: Professor ula toard: The Administrative Board O'Neill's course Speech 138, Debate, Th f the College of Literature, Science, will meet next semester on Monday due and the Arts has voted to suspend(ecur2at 1, seminar 2 to 4), in a student for the second semester of A. H. 3209. T the current academic year because at df dishonesty in the written work of Speech 216, Seminar in Rhetoric Ro sgtis y m2. hand Oratory, will meet on Tuesday, ing 2 to 4,minA. H. 3212. Ch raduate School: Advance regis- Dl traoofduate stuo: dens fregthe College ef Literature, Science and D tration 'of graduate studeits forth the Arts:oTe fiatexainati on in f second semester begins Monday, Jan- themArts The finial examinltie in ury 22,' and cotinues through Sat- Mathematics 1, 3 , , , will be held mec f'day, January 27.d The regular reg- Saturday, February 3, 9-12 a. m.. ac- we ion period is Februay 8, and cording to the following schedule: at the morning of the 10th, and the Classes taught by Anning, room 35 du payment of fees will be accepted at A.H.; Copeland, room 2225 A.H.; ofj hattme. Craig, room 2003 A.H.; Elder, room that ime-25 A.H.; Hopkins, room 2003 A.H.- New students, or students trans- Menge, room 35 A.H.; Nyswander, ; ferring, should ask the Secretary of room 1035 A.H.; Poor, room 25 A.H.; fa t"eir School or College to prepare Raiford, room 1035 A.H.- ainich wi and send to the office of the Grad- Rafroom 035 A.H. ;' 'anih gate School an official transcript of room 2225 A.H. :their undergraduate record.lati dG. Carl Huber, Dean Earhart Scholars: The written re- th ports and the reappointment appli- as cations of all Earhart Scholars are de Visitors' Night - The public is in- due Friday, January 28. ra vited to visit the Angell Hall Ob- _____Ja r2. lee iervatory from 7:30 to 10:00 this eve- Rooms for English I Examination: Th ning to observe the moon. Children Friday, Feb. 2, at 2:00 p. M.- in =uat be accompanied by adults. Instructor Abbot, room 103 R.L.; th Bader, room 35 A.H; Baker, room pu To The Householders: We have B Haven Hall; Bebout, room C, Ha- thi iany young men who are in need vn al; Boothe room 2225 A.H , Mi of 'room jobs. Anyone who has a Davis, room 1121 N.S.; Evertt, room pu room available in exchange for 7 to Gaven Hall; Hoag, West Phys ev 10 hours work a week - depending Lecture room; Hornberger west th upon the character and location of Physics Lecture Room; Knode, West os the room-please list same imme- Physics Lecture Roome; Knode, West Ca dftey with Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, 225 A.H.; Peterson, room 2045 N.S.; vit Employment Bureau, Room 2, Uni- Proctor, room 3017 A.H.; Roellinger, versity Hall, Phone 6115. room 229 A.l.; Rowe, room 1209A J. A. Bursley, A.H.; Schenks room 2235 A.H.; Stev- 8 r Dean of. Students. ens, room 205 Mason Hall; Walter, an room 2013 A.H. Webster, room 2204 Social Directors, Chaperons, House- A.H.; Weimer, room 2231 A.H.; Wells, heads; Undergraduate Women: There room 103 R.L.; Whitehall, 3209 A.H,; shall be no over-night guest in any Williams, room 203 U.H. approved undergraduate house or Rooms for English II Examination, at dormitory during the examination Helm, room 206 U.H.; Palmer, room O period. 12 A.H. en Alice C. Lloyd.-- -M Dean of Women. fr ___ ecHrcl s And Concerts Ni Social Directors, Chaperons, house- School of Music Concert: The heads; University Women: Girls may School of Music Symphony Orces- obtain out-of-town permission from tra, undr the baton of Earl V. Ti their househeads when they have fin- Moore, with members of the Senior 1u( ished all their examinations. Permis- Class as soloists, will provide the fol- tIe sion to be absent from Ann Arbor lowing program in Hill Auditorium, a n 4efore that time should be obtained Sunday, January 28, at 4:15 o'clock, son from the office of the Dean of to which the general pubic with the lic Women. exception of small children is invited Alice C. Lloyd. without admission charge: Dean of Women. Allegro from Concerto No, 5, Th in E flat for piano and iga University Women: Out of respect orchestra . .............Be ethoven ua to those who are studying for exam- Raymond Kondratowicz wi inations, all women students are re- Aria, "Voi lo Sapete" from Fr quested not to move until the week- "Cavalleria Rusticana" . .Mascagni sci end of Febrtary 9th to 12th. Victoria Toteff of Alice C. Lloyd. Allegro, from Concerto No. 20, tua Dean of Women. s in D minor for piano and rec o1chestra, ...............Mozart ad: Mixed Badminton: There will be no Jean i'llte labinowitz que badminton on January 24. The next Allegro Il0olto appassinonato, meeting will be January 31, at 7:15 4)m Concerto in E minor for I p. m. violin and orchestra . .Mendelssohn ing Elizabeth Alisop Lesl of Candidates for Degrees in iFceb- ungarian Fantasy for piano on ruary: Students in the College of L., and orchestra.. ...........Liszt o'c S. & A., School of Education, College Suzanie Malve non of Architecture, School of Forestry spe and Conservation and the School of Mount Everest Lecture: Air Com- vit Ann Arbor Complete Secretarial School LUNCHEI4N LEARN TYPING 25c and 30e & SHORTHAN D out ECONOMY SPECIAL BOt BY SPRING dore Fellowes will speak in Hill litorium on Thursday, Jan. 25, at 8 gn. on "The Conquest of Everest." e lecture will be illustrated with tion pictures. Tickets are now ilahle at Wahr's. Patrons are ed to purchase tickets immediate- and avoid delay at the box-office. Events Today Chemical Engineering !Seminar: Otto N. Miller will be the speaker the Seminar at 4 o'clock, room 1 E. Eng. Bldg., on the subject, eats of Solution of Hydrocarbon pors." cabbard and Blade: Regular eting 7:30 p. m., Michigan Union. iform required. 'i Sigma meeting at 8:00 p. m., m 1139 N. S. Mr. Henry Vander ialie will give an illustrated talk "Some Experiences Connected h Studies of Fresh-water Bi- ves." Refreshments will be served. tump Speakers' Society: St. Law- ce Seaway triangular debate by ifessors Menefee, Worley, and Pe- son at 7:45 in the Union. Every- ly out. Open to public. alpha Nu meets in the Alpha Nu im 4th floor Angell Hall. Election officers for the Spring semester l be held. All members are urged attend. Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting in ague at 8:00 p. m. Wolf-Isebrand tch will give a short talk on "A at-trip on the Danube." University Girls' Glee Club: Reg- ur meeting at the League at 7:30. ose who have not as yet paid their es please do so at this meeting. Auncheon for Graduate Students: 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea om of the Michigan League Build- . Cafeteria service. Professor arles Remer, of the Economics partment, will be the speaker. Outdoor Club: There will be a eting of the executive council, as 11 as the club officers at 7:30 p. m. Lane Hall. Bring all collected club es, as this will be the ast meeting the current semester. Iaris Hall: Student-faculty con- b, from 4 to 6 at which time tea l be served. Theosophical Chn: The objects of is club are: To st'udy Theosophy a means of gaining a deeper un- rst'anding of life's purpose and of ising human standards on intel- tual, ethical, and spiritual lines. ose interested in this study are vited to membership for which ere are no fees. A Theosophical blic meeting in connection with is club will be held at 8 p. m. at the chigan League Bldg. There are blic meetings held at this address cry Wednesday in connection with is and other activities of the The- ophical Society (of Point Loma, lif.) All welcome and questions in- ed. Ann Arbor Stamp Club meets at p. m. at the Union. There will be auction. Visitors welcome. Coming vents Observatory Journal Club will meet 4:15 Thursday afternoon in the servatory lecture room. Mr. Clar- ce H. Cleminshaw will review Ieasurements of the Radiation om Variable Stars" by Pettit and cholson. Tea will be served at 4:00. Interpretive Arts Society: On Nursday, January 25, at 4:10 in oom 302 Mason :Mall students from e classes in Speech 43 will read number of lyric poems from Tenny- n, Browning, and others. The pub- is invited to this program. Vanguard Club: Special meeting hursday evening at 8 o'clock, Mich- an Union, to hear Emily Fine, grad- te of Radcliffe and Columbia, who ll speak on "Where Will You Go om Here." Emily Fine has been de- ribed by Norman Thomas as one the most valuable young intellec- als in the field of practical social construction. Pubic is invited. No mission. All Vanguards are re- ested to be present. R "ehe"rse Birthday Celbration -associated Press Photo Patients at the Warm Springs, Ga., infantile paralysis foundation are shown as they rehearsed the birthday party and cake-cuttiag to be held January 30 honoring President Roosevelt, their part-tiue neigh- bor. The cake weighs 344 poundsand is about sevcii feet tall. Parties egin Fireworks For Vote Next Fall All 435 Seats In House And 32 In Senate Are1 To Be Filled WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -(P)- Sufficient political fireworks to light up the national picture, starred by un- usual conflicts between well recog- nized political figures, were foreseen1 today as likely in the forthcoming senatorial and congressional primary and general elections. Gossip already is thick on Capitol hill about contests involving individ- uals seeking to jump from the house to the senate and some former sena- tors, who may try to beat back on the political path through the con- gressional route. (Democrats Organizing The Democratic congressional com- mittee tonight steps into the middle of the picture, A meeting has beenE called to reorganize for the campaign. The Republican congressional com- mittee, already organized, is await- ing further developments on the Roosevelt program on which to base issues for the campaign. All of the 435 seats in the house and a third, or 32, senate seats are to be filled in November. Few of the candidates thus far' have formally announced. Others are maneuvering before committing themselves. But the preliminaries of many forthcoming contests are defi- nitely on. Colorful Razce In Texas Almost nation-wide interest already centers in the campaign between Senator Connally and Representative Bailey, for the Texas Democratic, senatorial nomination, which is tan- tamount to election. Bailey is the son of the late Senator Bailey, noted orator. Connally went from the house to the senate in 1928. In Missouri, Representative Mil- ligan is being urged by friends to seek the Democratic nomination. Senator Patterson, Republican, is up for re- election. There is talk that the for- mer Democratic senator, Jim Reed, fiery orater and critic of the Roose- velt administration, may enter the primary. Posse Shoots Prison Break RiotFugitive 'Big Boy' Brady Killed By Peace Officers After He Escapes From Prison LANSING, Kan., Jan 23.--/P)- Death at the hands of bard shooting possemen has ended the criminal career of Bob Big Boy) Brady, who led six other Kansas penitentiary convicts over the wall last Friday morning. Brady, a life termer who thrice has escaped from prison, was shot to death late Monday near Paola, Kan., after he had made a futile effort to rally his three companions with a cry of "let's fight" as a posse of peace officers approached. Are Put in Same Cellhouse His three compan ens -T ommy McMahan, Fred Cody anid Benjamin Young - were recaptured and re- turned here. They were placed in No. 2 cellhouse, from which they es- caped after overpowering a guard and constructing a ladder with which to scale the wall. This cellhouse is the "solitary" of the state prison. Their return and the death of their leader accounted for live of the seven fugitives. Charles Clifton Mc- Arthur was taken into custody at Kansas City Sunday. Jim Clark and Frank Delmar, who made their way into Oklahoma after kidnaping Lewis Dresser, a rural school teacher, and using his car in their flight, still are at large. Dres- ser was released unharmed near Paw- huska and allowed to keep his car. Hunger Brought Them Out Driven from cover by cold and hunger and still wearing their prison denbamn, the four were sighted by Hnry Kohlenberg, a farmer living 11 miles southeast of Paola. He notified officers and within a short time their flight was halted. Undersherifis H. R. Lininger and Ed Schlotman were the first to ap- proach the men. When challenged, CORRECT SHAFT BA.LROOM DANCING TAUGHT ROY HOY1.R ST1UDIO 3 Nickels Arcade CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FOR RENT CL ASSIFIED FOR RENT: Attractive .rooms for ADVERTISING men. Single and double. Reasonable rates. 518 East Williams St., Phone Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with 9673. 283 Classified Advertising Department. The classified columns close at five AGer div o'clock previouzs to day of insertions. LARGE Master bedroom in0 private ox Number may be secured at o home. Near Ferry Field. Well fur- extra charge-.nished. New twin beds, file bath, Cash in Advance-lic per reading line nih.Ne twnbdilba, (on basis of fiv average wards to shower, soft water. 1432 E. Park line) for one or two insertions. Place, Dial 8089. 284 1Oc per reading line for three or more Miumuin three lines per insertion. SINGLE and double rooms and Telehone Bate-s1c per reading line for suites for boys. Near the campus, one or two insertions.2 E nvrst.Pon 81 14c per reading iie, for three or more 825 E. University. Phone 3851. insertions. 282 10% dscount if paid within ten daysNT fromn'the date of lst insertionx.NTC Minimum three lines per Insertion. ]By Contract, p1rerlhit--2 lines daily, one month....... . ......8c NOTICE: Will student who borrowed 4 lines E.o.D., 2 mouths..3c Schaeffer pen to write exam kindly 2 lines dEily, college year .creturn to lender at Student Offices 100 ines used as desired......9c of Michigan Union. 285 340Ohles ued as desired ........ISc ___________________________ 1,00 lines used as decired.7c 2,000 lines used as desired ......6e WANTED: Date for J-Hop by woman The above rates are per reading line, prominent in campus activities. basedt on eight reading lines per inch of 7 point Ionic type, upper and lower Belongs to a leading campus soror- case. Add 6c per line to above rates for ity. Blond, 5 feet, 5 inches, baby all capital letters. Acid (6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower blue eyes. Other qualifications sent case. Add 10 per line to above rates for upon r e q.u e s t. Correspondence bold face capital letters. strictly confidential. Address box TAXICA S 1MC, Michigan Daily. ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- Tars One 9000 Seven-passexger fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x __..._____BUY NEW AND USED CARS FROM LOST AND FOUND FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001 LOST: Brown scarf labelled "Made in 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x Czechoslovakia." Reward to finder. WANTED Phone Woohnmer, 3,582. 286 _________ ________ WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW LOST: Black loose-leaf notebook suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- with History, Geography, Ec. 51, lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306 Chi- and Psychology notoes. Will finder cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 please return notes to box 4B, North Main. 5x Michigan Daily. ______ _ _WANTED HELP -- MALE LAUNDRY RADIO Service Men. Part or full WE DO your laundry work for one-. time. Must be competent. Stofflets. half the usual price. Phone 2-3739. 523 E. Liberty. 277 8x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.,.-. Careful work at low price. 4x H Brady sought to fire at the officers ENDS TONIGHT with a rot gun, but the cartridge failed o explode. He started to run, cursing at his inability to clear his weapon of a damaged cartridge. Both officers fired with revolvers and Schlotman downed the desperado with a shot- gun. The convicts de n i e d Brady's weapon was one from the prison arsenal. Cody said Brady obtained . " it in a single handed foray from the cscapin g .-oup soonr after they scaled the wall. He professed to know no details of the acquisition. While the officers were concen- trating their fire on Brady, his com- panions fled, only to be met by more possemen. The thrve raised their hands and surrendered. N ON T H lE _ SCREEN AFTER B R OA DWA Y! The biggest musical comedy hit i -years 3 GREAT LAUGH STARS ;r On the Stage . _ FOftLLIES One Hour of Stage Entertainment featuring Every player a star: Every star an enter- EL COTA and BYRNE taner Looki Hear him play "Lazy Bones" * JAMES DUNN STEVENS and BIG BOY * JUNE KNIGHT A riot with his bear and * LLAN ROTH three stooges * LIFFAN BOND ELINOR SHERRY * DOROTH4Y LEESi fBU.161)1 aj * LONA ANDEStar of Blue Ribbon Casino * ^ vERS theDAVE TANNEN ioc, c.ESous the Dancing Comedian a ..................... . r. SEC ETAAL a ACCOUNTING TRA! 19th Year Enroll for a single subject or a one- or two-ye NEW TERM FEBRUARY Day and Evening Classes Approved by State Pepartment of Public In NING air course 12 st.-oction Michigan Dames: The Home-mak- Group will meet at the home Mrs. S. Laws, 1523 Washtenaw, Thursday, January 25, at eight lock. Dr. L. Laing, of the Eco- mics Department, will be the aker. All Dames are cordially in- ed and a large attendance is urged. Complete 4 )INNER W, 40, 45c, up FH NOON & NIGHT 20c Der HAUPTMANN Von KOPENICK Starts Tomorrow at 8:15 P.M. Added Attractions: "MICKEY MOUSE" "BATTLE FOR LIFE" ALL SEATS RESERVED - 25c LYDIA MENDELSNOHN THEATRE JANUARY 25, 26, 27 --8:15 P.M. ART CINEMA UEAGUE DAILY AFTFR 6 C.* i CONTI NUOUS TO 6--.l5 c f j Mir-