'r eathe ostly cloudy today with rain higher temperatures; snow decidedly colder tomorrow. It, -ddo inP ~aitr _-I IV No.88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1934 velt To Candidates In Yesterday's Fiery Election Change State Party Council Ouster Of Abbott Will Be Opening Move, Say Re- ports From Washington Lacy To Succeed; Full Cleanup Due Michigan Congressmen In Favor Of Revision After Abbott's Criticism DETROIT, Jan. 23.-A "new deal" in Michigan Democratic councils, with stalwarts of the old regime re- placed by leaders more acceptable to the Roosevelt Administration, ap- peared likely Tuesday. Washington dispatches heralded the probable retirement of Horatio J. Abbott, member of the National Committee, before the onslaught of a concerted attack by Michigan members of Congress whose ire was aroused by an attempted disciplinary spanking by Abbott a week ago. It is in answer also to President Roosevelt's own disciplinary program of curbing special pleadings in their own or some other's behalf by in- fluential party chieftains. Lacy's Loyalty a Factor The name of former Judge Arthur J. Lacy, of Detroit figured promin- ently in discussion of Abbott's prob- able successor. One of the elders of the party with an unimpeached record of loyalty to, the national ad- ministration, Lacy is regardedas a man qualified to inspire confidence and restore wanting prestige which the petty embroilments of the ex-. isting organization have produced. By coincidence, Abbott's present disconfiture was occasioned by his over-zealous effort to crack the whip in Roosevelt's behalf. He stirred up a hornet's nest when he addressed a telegram to nine of Michigan's 10 Democrats in the lower house re- buking them because of their failure to suport the President's gag rule on appropriations measures, when that issue was before the House. +Congreme Strie Back The Congressmen were quick to strike back. Rep. Michael J. Hart, of Saginaw, replied advising him to "mind his own business." Rep. Harry Musselwhite, of Muskegon, made public an expose of what he charged were irregularities in matters of patronage. Rep. Carl M. Weideman, of De- troit, took the fight directly to the President with charges that Abbott had personnally profited in oil con- tracts with the State of Michigan to the extent of $100,000 because of his "political influence." The fire has been growing stead- ily. Rep. John Lesinski, of Detroit, also went to the President with a protest that Abbott, in coalition with. State Chairman W. Alfred Debo, were grabbing off the desirable Mich- igan plums for themselves,aAbbott having nominated'Debo for appoint- ment as Collector of Customs. Want Barc Named Lesinski and his colleagues have insistently demanded the naming of John Barc, Detroit Polish publisher, to the customs post. Another aspir-] ant is Giles Kavanaugh, also a De- troit newspaper man and former close associate of Gov. Comstock and; Debo. The President arranged a hearing for Lesinski with Postmaster Gen-; eral Farley, patronage czar., Hostile forces continued to gather, in Washington. Representative John C. Lehr, of Monroe; George Foulkes, of Hartford; Prentiss M. Brown, of St. Ignace, and John Dinwell, of De- troit, joined the "insurrection." ; The congressmen have made the, most of the President's announced intention of cleaning house of "polit- ical influence" in Washington. Cinema League Offering Will Be German Hit "Der Hauptmann Von Koepenick," a German talking picture, will be presented by the Art Cinema League Thursday, Friday, and Saturday eve- nings of this week beginning at 8:15 p. in., according to Jack Seidel, '35, chairman of the Cinema League. 11 -Associated Press Photo In an election which was generally conceded to be a test of the strength of Sen. Huey Long, of Louisiana, New Orleans voters went to the polls yesterday. John Klorer (left), Long's candidate, and Mayor T. Semmes Walmsley both claimed victory, although counting of the ballots has not been completed. Kingfish And Opponents All Claim Election Each Candidate Says He Is Ahead As Ballots Are Counted NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. -OP)- Exhibiting equal confidence,cLong and anti-Long forces in the city of New Orleans claimed victory late to- day as one of the largest mayorlty primary votes in its history was turned over to the counters for tabu- lation under the watchful eyes of fac- tional polling officials.' The balloting was admittedly a test of strength for Senator Huey P. Long, whose five-year dominance of Louisiana politics was made al- most the exclusive issue in the bitter campaign of personalities and re- criminations. When Long won his Senate seat in 1930, he pointed with pride to the 38,682 votes he drew in New Orleans to run only 4,000 votes behing Sen- ator Joseph E. Ransdell in the city, where Ransdell was supported by the old regular organization. A total vote of more than 90,000 was indicated here today, but the turnout was asorderly as it was large, only a score or so arrests re- sulting from presentation of irregular registration or poll tax papers and from minor fist-fights in the vicinity of the plls. Political observers sad more women were in evidence at ti e polling booths than in any election since equal suffrage. The city was patrolled by a spe- cial citizens' guard of 300 volunteers, backed by a store of arms and an- munition in a downtown office build- ing, and vested with super-police powers. Sixty-Five Firms To Aid In Charity Sale Sixty-five local and out-of-town merchants are co-operating with the Kiwanis Club in its annual rummage sale which will open today for the purpose of raising $3,000 for service projects in which the club is inter- ested. Chief among the projects is the recreational work maintained by the club in connection with the children's department of University Hospital. Stoves, clothing, furniture, groceries, meats, baked goods, and general sup- plies of all sorts, will be offered, and the public is urged to not only donate any new or used articles, but to shop extensively at the sale. The sale will be held at 120 E. Liberty, and will close Friday night. Nudists Claim Fliers Are Spying On Them ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Jan. 23. -(A)- Viewed from an altitude of 1,000 feet, the unclad human form is nothing to write home about, ac- cording to a fact-finding committee of the St. Petersburg Solarium So- ciety. The committee, comprised of three married couples, went aloft in an air- ship today to determine the degree of justness in complaints that pas- sengersin the blimps are spying upon patrons of the municipal sun-bathing temnple Mystery Shrouds Next Gargoyle As Staff Hibernates Members of the Gargoyle editorial staff have gone west- at least west of Division Street - and consequent- ly it has been impossible to discover whether the February issue which is rumored to be in preparation will ap- pear tomorrow or not. This impres- sion has been given, but most people have opined that, with the entire staff A.W.O.L., there seems to be little possibility of the appearance of the magazine, and even if it is issued observers doubt that there will be anything in it. And, besides, The Daily hesitates to predict anything definite concerning the Gargoyle, in the light of past experiences. One rumor assumed concrete form yesterday, however, to the effect that Preposterous Person No. 11, to be in the Gargoyle if it appears, is a fac- ulty member. Program Will Replace Favor At 1935 -Hop Lower Price Of Tickets Compels Abolition Of Former Dance Adjunct Because of the reduced price of the 1935 J-Hop ticket, no favors will be given at the dance, according to Philip A. Singleton, chairman of the Hop committee. To replace the favors, an elaborate souvenir program has been designed by the committee, comprising Ruth Kaser, Carl Marr, and Charles B. Brownson. For the first time, the useless pages used to list dances have been omitted. The programs will feature the idea of a souvenir memento rather than an actual dance adjunct, accordng to Charles B. Brownson, secretary of the 1935 J-Hop. The souvenirs will be bound i tur- quoise blue leather stamped in silver. A modernistic parchment fly-leaf will protect a copper etching of the ball- room as it will appear decorated for the dance. This etching is designed to be removable and is of a size adaptable to framing. Its manner of execution is similar to the Law Club Christmas card etching. The next feature will be two ex- clusive caricatures of Hal Kemp and Henry Busse, whose orchestras are to play. Tom Powers, '34, editor of the Gargoyle, whose ridiculing por- traits have been featured in past is- sues of that publication, is the artist. A large engraved replica of the University of Michigan coat of arms as shown. above the Union fireplace will complete the book, the most elaborate and expensive program fav- ors of all previous J-Hop dances. Hal Kemp and Henry Busse have wired the committee that they will present their full group of enter- tainers at the Hop, especially featur- ing "Skinny" Ennie, popular radio star with Hal Kemp's band. Ex-Michigan Football Player Gets Damages FLINT, Jan. 23 -Verdicts against two former Genesee County sheriff's department employes were returned Senate Fights Over Changes In Money Bill Committee Amendmet Is Cause Of Rousing Floor Debates Revisions Reduce President's Power Banking Committee Plan Denounced By Robinson As Too Inflexible WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -- M) - Determined to give President Roose- velt the unrestricted powers he re- quested in his Monetary Bill, Admin- istration leaders said tonight that a major limitation imposed by the re- bellious Senate Banking Committee was unacceptable and began prepara- tions for a rousing floor fight for its elimination. The committee wrote into the measure amendments creating a five- man board to administer the $2,000,- 000,000 stabilization fund that would be established by the bill for the pro- tection of the dollar's foreign value, and on this the Democratic leaders concentrated their fire. Robinson Dissatisfied Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of Ar- kansas, the Democratic floor leader, said that he did not see how a com- mittee of five could function in a manner necessary to the successful operation of the fund when quick de- cisions and unforeseen action might be needed. Another change by the committee placed a three-year limit on the operation of the fund and on the time in which the President might devalue the dollar. Considerable support ap- peared in the Senate for this provi- sion, and Robinson said that the question of leaving it in the bill or eliminating it was receiving study and that he was "not prepared to say what is best to be 4done about it." As sent -to .the cpitol b the 'd- ministration, the bill provided that the Secretary of the Treasury should have sole authority to administer the fund and to expend it in any type of commercial transaction he might deem necessary to the purpose of stabilizing the dollar abroad. Glass Suggests Board Objecting that this empowered the Treasury head to do a general bank- ing business, Senator Carter Glass, Virginia Democrat, proposed the amendment to put the fund in the hands of a board of five consisting of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, the Comptroller of the Cur- rency and two persons to be appoint- ed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. A billion dollars in government ob- ligations was offered for sale today by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in the opening steps of the Treasury's ten-billion-dollar financing program for this fiscal year. Two types of issues were employed by Morgenthau. He offered $500,000,- 000 in 2 1-2 per cent Treasury notes dated Jan. 29 and maturing on March 15, 1935, and also $500,000,000 in six-month certificates paying 1 1-2 per cent and maturing next Sept. 15. The new issues were announced in the routine Treasury form without comment. As usual, the Federal Re- serve Banks were designated to re- ceive subscriptions along with the Treasury. Expiration Of CWA Plan Is Set For MayI Date Definitely Fixed By Hopkins Following His Parley With President Expect Unemployed To Have Jobs Then In Event Of Miscarriage Of Plan Agency's Life May Be Extended WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-(P)-The administration hopes that the work- ers on the Civil Works Administra- tion can stack up their shovels and go into private industry before May 1. This expiration date was fixed definitely today by Harry L. Hop- kins, director of the agency, as he emerged from a conference with President Roosevelt. There was at- tached to the deadline date, how- ever, a reservation that if private industries could not find jobs for a good share of the 4,000,000 workers by that time, Mr. Roosevelt would consider the question of extending the life of the agency. Shortly before Hopkins entered the executive office, William Green, pres- ident of the American Federation of Labor, left Mr. Roosevelt's work room expressing a belief that "everything will work out all right." Mr. Roosevelt planned to send to Capitol Hill tomorrow a budgetary request for a $350,000,000 appropria- tion for the Civil Works Administra- tion, an amount he estimated would be sufficient to carry its efforts to May 1. The administration was predica- ting its action to end the civil works by early spring on the belief that at least three of the four million work- ers would find jobs elsewhere by then, either in private work or in the Public Works Administration proj- .ects that are expected to be well un- der way with the passing of freezing weather. No Idle Men, CA Work. Is Town Problem LUNENBURG, Vt., Jan. 23.-03) -Picture this community's embar- rassment today when no unemployed could be found among its 1,500 in- habitants. Yesterday the town voted to de- velop a new airport, using CWA funds, to give work to unemployed. The project was scheduled to begin today, but the selectmen could find no eligible candidates for the work. Scouts were sent over the deep snow on snowshoes to seek two resi- dents of outlying sections who were rumored to be without employment. Location here of a newsprint fac- tory is largely responsible for Lunen- burg's fortunate economic condition. GARGOYLE TRYOUTS MEET Second semester freshmen and sophomores wishing to try out for the business staff of the Gargoyle will meet at 4 p m. today in the Students Publications Building, it was an- nounced yesterday by Wilbur F. Bohnsack, '34, business manager. Detroit City College Changes Name To 'Wayne University DETROIT, Jan. 23. -Wayne Uni- versity was chosen Tuesday by the Board of Education for the new name of the College of the City of Detroit. The new name, which became effec- tive immediately, was unanimously voted on by the board, after the title had been recommended by Inspector A. Douglas Jamieson, chairman of a committee to select the new name. Jamieson said the name had the approval of students and alumni of the institution, and, was acceptable because of the association which it carried in this section of the country. "The university is not being named for General Anthony Wayne, nor Wayne County alone. The signifi- cance is drawn from both sources and is aptly suited for any institu- "The idea of a memorial, involving an armory and a show of arms, and connected with the army is incom- patible with the education of youth," she stated. Dr. Shurly stated that he regarded Mrs. Osborn's remark as a slur. "The army," he said, "has made some of our fine institutions possible. Moreover, such a building would be a monument to peace. It would be a convention hall and would aid the Symphony Orchestra to carry on. As as a matter of fact, no one is advo- cating peace more than the Amer- ican Legion." "I do not want my statement to be misconstrued," Mrs. Osborn said.