The Weather
Mostly cloudy Tuesday and
Wednesday. Colder Tuesday.
it iafl
How Kidnapers
Are Helped...
Here Is Dead
InNew Haven
Attack Of Cancer Is Fatal
To Dr. Phillips, Former
University Instructor
Served On Faculty
Here For 18 Years
Had Been Doing Research
Work At Yale University
Since Fall Of 1929
Dr. Urich Bonnell Phillips, profes-
sor of American history here from
1911 to 1929 and on the Yale Uni-
versity faculty as a research profes-
sor since 1929, died in New Haven
Sunday from cancer of the throat.
As a teacher and historian of na-
tional reputation his career at Mich-
igan and Yale was a distinguished
one. Professor Phillips was born at
La Grange, Georgia, in 1877. He be-
came interested in Southern history,
life, and affairs at an early age. He
was educated at Tulane University,
the University of Georgia, and Co-
lumbia University.
This early interest which developed
into a life work during his college
years was evidenced by copius re-
search and scholarly publications in
this chosen field of specialization. His
first book, "Georgia and States'
Rights," was awarded the Justin
Winsor prize of the American Histor-
ical Association in 1901.
"Life and Labor in the Old South,"
written by him in 1928, was awarded
the Little, Brown & Company prize
for the best.unpublished manuscript
on American history, and was later
published as the first volume in a
series of .three based on the economic
and social conditions of the South
before the Civil war. Dr. Phillips'
death occurred when the second vol-
ume was only half written.
He lso published "A History of
Transportation in the Eastern Cot-
ton Belt" (1908), "The Life of Robert
Tombs" (1913, and .. "Ameican
Negro Slavery" (1918). Dr. Phillips
was an authority on the old planta-
tion system, and took this as the
basis for his interpretation of South-
ern history.
After he left the University in 1929
he was awarded the Albert Kahn
Fellowship, taking him around the.
wrld to study the upper reachesof
the Nile and the native habitat of
the Negro in the Sudan.
Prof. D. L. Diamond of the his-
tory department, who was a pupil
(Continued on Page 2)
Seek Enaction
Of 5-YearTNavy
Ex ansio Bill
Adoption Almost Assured;
Administration In Favor
Of Full-Treaty Navy
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. -()-
The Administration was not only
definitely placed on record today for
a full treaty navy by 1939 but its
spokesman urged Congress to ex-
pedite legislation for a $380,000,000
five-year expansion program.
Adoption of this plan .by Congress
apparently is assured It is over and
above the $238,000,000 program au-
thorized with NRA funds and is in
addition to the regular plan for in-
creases in the navy.
Henry L. Roosevelt, acting Secre-
tary of the Navy, appeared before
the House naval committee and said
that he could not "recommend too
strongly" enaction of the Vinson Bill
calling for the $380,000,000 outlay in
five years, or three years after ex-
piration of the London Naval Treaty.
Shortly thereafter, Carl Vinson,
Georgia Democrat, chairman of the
naval committee, told the House that
the measure would be reported to-
morrow with a view to early action.
The ranking Republican member -
Rep. F r e d A. Britten of Illinois
- agreed with Vinson.
Earlier Rep. William A. Ayres,
Kansas Democrat, presented to the
House the annual supply bill for the
navy,. calling for direct appropria-
tions of $384,747,000 in the next fiscal
The appriopriations c o m m i t t e
showed in its formal statement, how-
ever, that counting NRA and unused
funds frw the currnt ear. the navy
Wallace Asserts Farm Program 'Wily Work'
-Associated Press Photo
Secretary of Agriculture Wallace (right) went before the Senate
agricultural committee with the assertion that the first eight months'
operation of the Federal government's recovery program for agriculture
had proved conclusively that the plan "will work." With him is Senator
Ellison Smith, committee chairman..
R.O.T.C. Ceremony Set Dates For
At 5 P. M. Tomorrow Annual S prin
At 5:07 p. m. tomorrow all mem-
bers of the University Reserve Of-
ficers Training Corps will meet in a estival
Waterman Gymnasium for a com-
bined ceremony of the entire regi- Announce 5-Week Season
At this time students graduating Running From May 14
from the corps this semester will
be awarded their commissions Until June 16
and awards will be made to the-
best-drilled first year basics, the Definite dates for the 1934 spring
best-drilled squad, and the best- Dramatic Festival have been ap-
drilled c o m p a n y. Before the proved by the University Committee
awards are made the winning on Student Affairs and were an-
units and men will give short dem- nounced Sunday by Robert Hender-
onstration drills. son, director.
Members of the University Com- The Festival will be presented for
mittee on Military Affairs will be a full five weeks, running from May
present at the ceremony and Prof. 14, a week earlier than in previous
William H. Hobbs, chairman of seasons, until June 16. It will open
the committee and head of the immediately after the May Music
geology department, will deliver a Festival continuing through Con
short address. inencement exercises.
No definite plans for the plays andi
Fan stars to be presented this spring have
been made, Henderson declared, but
it is expected that . large and new
Is Consumer'number of players rarely seen out-
side of New York will come here.
B s >Js "We are anticipating and unusual-
ly interesting festival," he said, "due
to the great number of fine successes
Denounces Profit System playing on Broadway this year."
Henderson is now appearing in
As Usurper; Advocates "Autumn Crocus" with Rollo Peters
Buyers' Organization and Madge Kennedy, which recently
UycC J~aC1Za~<O~l closed an engagement in Chicago.
ghit-and-missThe company will open again in Phil-
Unde the existing t-nd adelphia Jan. 29, and it is expected
profit system the consumer is the that a tour following will continue
true "forgotten man," Bishop Paul until some time in March.
Jones, Ohio Socialist leader, told his
audience last night in the third F Dh
League for Industrial DemocracFear eat
Michigan Vanguard Club lecture
series. He spoke in Natural Science r. Wynekoopy
Auditorium. 1y
No hope for the "ridiculous" plight ( yen
of the consumer has yet appeared
under the NRA, Bishop Jones de- -__
clared. Rather thie means out of the , E). .
dilemma which virtually "robs" the vidtence 01 Physicians
consumer of a billion dollars a year Causes Judge To Halt
is through the organization of local
consumers' co-operatives, through lI'y li1vves tigaiolli
membership in organizations like
Consumers' Research, and through CHICAGO, Jan. 22. -(/P-- Danger
whole-hearted support of proposed of death to Dr. Alice L. Wynekoop
constructive consumer legislation like if subjected to further strain today
the Tugwell Bill, the speaker said. brought an end to her trial for the
As an example of an organization operating table murder of her daugh-
which is able to save its sponsor ter-in-law Rheta,
hundreds of millions of dollars yearly On the evidence of physicians that
through a vigilant scrutiny of com- the 62-year-old defendant was in
modities and a penetration behind serious condition from heart disease
the smoke-screen of fradulent and and complications, Judge Joseph B.
emotionally d i r e c t e d advertising, David withdrew a juror from the case
Bishop Jones cited the Federal Bu- and declared it a mistrial.
reau of Standards, whose scientists Under the mistrial ruling Dr. Alice
annually save the government 100 must remain in the County Jail until
million dollars in purchases of 300 she recovers sufficient strength to
million dollars. stand trial again -or until death re-
"When the consumer goes to the moves her from the jurisdiction of
retail store to buy a can of beans, the court. Dr. Wynekoop, her family,
he buys a great deal more than just and several physicians said that they
the beans," Bishop Jones said. "He believed that death was not far away.
pays for the beans, for the can, for Defense Attorney W. W. Smith said
the bright label on the can, for the he would make a motion in a day or
retailer's profit, for the jobber's two asking that she be admitted to
profit, for the wholesaler's profit, for bail and sent to a hospital.
transportation, and for advertising. Fiery Assistant State's Attorney
His position is no better than ridicu- Charles S. Dougherty said that the
lous. About 25 per cent of the con- State would oppose such a motion,
sumer's dollar goes for the actual and added, "We'll convict her yet."
goods, while the rest is eaten up by I don't believe I would have been
the machinery of the profit systems. able to go through with the trial at
"Although the profit system may this time," Dr. Alice .said when in-
have been useful in the past it has formed of the ruling, "but I shall
now become a usurper. Only when get strong again and vindicate my-
the public gets together and decides self, if only for the sake of my
it wants goods to satisfy its needs family."
and not to satisfy the profit-taking
vMA+i,,c of + n m n1 ,rtim.n,. 1 i 1ha - - _ - - .
Students May Union Bo
Be Employed
InCWAWork Takes F
Student Participation In Revival
Project Must Be Passed
On By National Officials
Extension Of Plans See Ossibility
Requires Approval Of Early J-Hop
Estimate Shows Workers Ticket Sell-Out
Would Receive Salaries
Of $25 Per Month Committeeman Announces
More Than 500 Tickets
From 300 to 400 University studentsAled
may receive part-time employment Are Already Gone
on a CWA survey of Washtenaw
County if Congress approves an ex- With more than 500 tickets for the
tension of the CWA and if national 1935 J-Hop already sold, a sell-out
officials rule that students may par- before the end of the week was pre-
ticipate in such work, according to dicted last night by John C. Garrels,
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, University di- 35E, chairman of the tickets com-
rector of plant extension. mittee.
The two "ifs" are important, it was A tentative limit to the sale at 850
stressed by Professor Gram. There tickets has been set, Garrels said, and
has been in the past an unfavorable at the rate they have been selling,
attitude towards the employment of he expects them all to be gone by
students on CWA projects, and only Saturday. They are on sale at Slat-
recently a drastic curtailment of ers, the Union desk, and by commit-
civil works activities was announced teemen.
at Washington. However, the ex- A meeting of irdependents to form
treme pressure being brought to bear booth groups for the dance, which is
on Congress may force this body to to be held Feb 9, in the Intramural
extend the CWA program, Professor Building, will be held at 7:15 p. in.
Gram said, adding that local officials today in Room 304 of the Union.
seemed favorable disposed towards Rules for the J-Hop and attendant
an alleviation of student unemploy- house parties, practically unchanged
ment through government aid. from last year, were approved yes-
If the two barriers are negotiated, terday by Dean of Students Joseph
University students who have had ex- A. Bursley. They have been in the
perience in the fields of geography, hands of fraternity presidents since
zoology, education, public health, so- last week.
ciology, forestry, engineering, and Responsibility for the conduct of
oher fiedswil butt. yorkon a those attending the Hop was placed
10 to 15 hour weekly basis. They will with the floor committee, which also
be paid 50 cents an hour, or from $20 has authority to eject offenders from
to $25 a month, depending on the the Intramural Building. Names of
number of hours worked. those ejected will be filed with the
No definite ruling has been made Judiciary Committee of the Under-
yet as to whether students may work graduate Council,
on University or other CWA projects, The rules are as follows:
it was said by Professor Gram. Stu- "Dancing must cease at 3 a. in.,
dents so far have been turned down and lights must be out in the Intra-
by local CWA officials when they ap- mural Building at 3:30.-
plied 1r- woirk on the heating tunnel "There shall be no spectators, the
extension or the lighting plant ex- only persons admitted to the hall
tension to Ferry Field. Both of the shall be those bearing tickets issued
extension projects are University in- by the Hop Committee.
spired, and the University would -be "No corsages shall be permitted to
the sole beneficiary, but unemployed be worn at the Hop.
men with families and single unem- "There shall be no decorations of
ployed men in financial straits were (Continued on Page 2)
given the preference over needy stu-
The Washtenaw County survey Report Bremer
project would entail both office and
field work, it was pointed out by Pro-
fessor Gram. It would differ in this
important respect from the exten-
sion projects now under way, both of S 20l0
which require hard manual labor. $200,000
Women students would be eligible for
the County survey work, Professor e t T Make Contact
Gram said. Full-time, non-student Xpet 1
supervision will direct the work. With Kidnapers Soon;
The projected survey would entail
an expenditure of between $75,000 RoundupGangsters
and $100,000, it was said.
At present about 250 men are being ST. PAUL, Jan. 22. -(p)- Fol-
employed on the $40,000 University lowing a police roundup of under-
CWA projects, according to Professor world characters today, a report that
Gram. Skilled laborers are being Edward Bremer, wealthy St. Paul
paid up to $1.20 a week, while un- bank president, was alive and would
skilled workers are receiving 50 cents be freed by his kidnapers after pay-
an hour. Variations in the technical ment of $200,000 ransom, expected
ability demanded by the work cause within 36 hours, became known.
the pay rate to fluctuate between the Disclosure that final contact with
two extremes, Professor Gram said. the gang that has held Bremer since
All classes of labor are working 24 last Wednesday was to be made with-
hours a week. in the next day and a half was the
,first break in the silence that has
first Step
Of Annual
Asks Limitations
Final Action To Be Taken
By Senate Committee On
Student Affairs
Board Announces
No Definite Plans
iard Of Directors
* * *
Asks Limitation
On Emergency
Money Powers
Owen D. Young Advocates
Date For Termination Of
Monetary Provisions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. -(P).-
A plea that the broad powers given
the treasury by the Roosevelt mone-
tary bill be made temporary was pre-
sented to'.-the Senate banking com-
mittee today by Owen D. Young.
"I hope the legislation in this bill
will not only be considered as emer-
gency legislation, but designated as
such," he said, "and that you will
fix a time when the powers granted
by the bill will be terminated."
The tall financier gave his' views,
criticizing many provisions of the
measure, after it had been praised in
testimony by two of President Roose-
velt's close monetary advisers.
Prof. George F. Warren, generally
credited with being the author of
the President's commodity dollar pro-
gram, explained his theary of the close
relationship between the price of gold
and the price of commodities gen-
He predicted that enactment of the
measure, authorizing a minimum 40
per cent devaluation of the dollar,
giving the treasury title to the Fed-
eral Reserve system's gold, and estab-
lishing a $2,000,000,000 stabilization
fund, would lead to more prosperous
"By cutting the gold content we
can raise prices," he said. "Raised
prices will make it easier for men to
pay their debts. Business will start,
profits will accrue."
Gov. Comstock
Moves To Oust
Utilities Board
Seeks Resignation Of Five
Officers On Grounds Of
Political Expediency
LANSING, Jan. 22. - () - The
long-anticipated administration drive
against the Republican Public Util-
ities Commission was set in motion
Governor Comstock, on the basis
of "political expediency and public
demand," asked for the resignation
of the five commissioners. They re-
fused. The Governor immediately or-
dered an investigation by the attor-
ney-general. It will get under way
Tuesday, conducted by Attorney-
General Patrick H. O'Brien and his
assistant, M. Thomas Ward.
There appeared little doubt the in-
quiry will result in the filing of
charges and removal proceedings by
the Governor. Under the constitu-
tion he may remove state officers for
neglect of duty, corrupt practices,
Discontinued Custom In
1929 Because Of Heavy
Financial Reverses
A possibility of the resumption of
the famed Union Opera, for 24 years
one of Michigan's most colorful tra-
ditions, was seen yesterday as the
Union Board of Directors took the
initial step necessary for its revival.
The proposal will come up before
a meeting of the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs for consideration.
It is this body which will decide on
the question after its suggestion by
officials of the Union.
No definite plans were announced
yesterday as to details of the con-
templated production. It was said,
however, that in the event the
Opera's revival is approved it prob-
ably will be on the same large scale
which characterized the last half-
dozen presentations.
"Merrie-Go-Round," the last Union
Opera, by Donal H. Haines of the
journalism department, was staged in
1929. Because of severe financial
losses incurred that year the Union
Board of Directors voted to discon-
tinue the tradition, and in 1930 a
"Campus Review," with both men
and women students in the cast, was
originated to take the Opera's place.
The latter lasted but one year, how-
ever, and since that time Michigan
has had nothing comparable to the
Under the direction of E. Mortimer
Shuter, who had charge of the Opera
for many years, it was changed from
the ordinary production of early
years to a nationally-known organ-
ization, and the traditional Christ-
mas tours were instituted.
Among cities which were visited
regularly while the Opera was on the
road were New York, Philadelphia,
Washington, D. C., Buffalo, Cincin-
nati, Indianapolis,' Detroit, Toledo,
and numerous cities in Michigan.
During these tours the casts appeared
in some of the best-known theatres
and opera houses in the country, in-
cluding the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York, the Academy
of Music in Philadelphia, the Con-
sistory in Buffalo, the Washington
Auditorium in Washington, the Au-
ditorium in Chicago, and Orchestra
Hall in Detroit.
"Front Page Stuff," the twenty-
first annual Opera which was given
in 1926, was in rehearsal 15 weeks
and was seen by a total of 29,631 peo-
ple, 23,461 of them while the cast
was on tour. In 1927 "The Same to
You" was presented and enjoyed sim-
ilar success.
The twenty-third annual produc-
tion in 1928, had the largest cast ever
to take part in an Opera- 125 stu-
dents. Its title was "Rainbow's End,"
and seven months in all were spent
on the entire finished piece, it hav-
ing been started in the spring of the
year in which it was to be given.
This was the last successful Opera,
the following one, the twenty-fourth,
being the, one which sustained losses
while on tour and prompted the abol-
ishment of the institution.
Knudsen Sees
Prosperity For
DETROIT, Jan. 22. -O)-The en-
tire automobile industry will be run-
ning at capacity production in Feb-
ruary, March, April, and May of this
year, William S. Knudsen, vice presi-
dent of the General Motors Corp.,
Mr. Knudsen, visiting the Auto
Show in Convention Hall Monday
with R. H. Grant, vice president in
charge of sales, expressed the belief
as being his personal conviction and
the result of statistics gathered in
the automobile shows that preceded
the Detroit exposition.
"I express it," he added, "know-
ian full well howr evecnts have.
DETROIT, Jan. 22.- (")- J. El-
wood Stowe, socially prominent Ann
Arbor broker, testified today at a
coroner's inquest that a desire to "kill
time" until a bridge party his wife
was giving at home was over, involved
him innocenty in the investigation of
the mysterious death of Mrs. Virginia
screened the mysterious kidnap band,
and directly followed the city-wide
roundup in Minneapolis of persons
living outside the law.
That came after a request by De-
partment of Justice investigators who
asked Minneapolis police to dragnet
the underworld earlier in the day in
hopes of gleaning information about
the band.
Lily Pons Is Billed As Newest
Find Of ConcertOpera World
Whcn Lily Pons, diminutive French
coloratura soprano, makes her second
appearance on the Hill Auditorium
stage Monday, Jan. 29, Ann Arbor
music lovers will have an opportunity
of hearing the most sought after
singer of this day and the most re-
cent sensation in the opera and con-
cert world.
Three years ago, shortly after she
made her astounding and successful
debut at the Metropolitan Opera, she
wns n ,availi ann tn remain in this
now surprises herself by her ability
to read at sight some of the more
difficult Chopin works,
Lily Pons was born in Cannes on
the Mediterranean of French-Italian
parentage. After her graduation
from the Paris Conservatoire, she
played the piano for wounded soldiers
in base hospitals. They would listen
patiently until she finished, then ask
for songs. She began to experiment
with singing, and not long after that
she was given a small part as the
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