THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dance Programn Features Ne-w Theatre Mode Creative Work Conveys Dramatic Ideas, Offers Different Entertainment 1- G - Chairmn Comedy To Use Music Played By Union Band J.G.P. Will Satirize Our Glorified Gangster In A Show Within A show f OVER THE WEEK-END Black, especially in velvet, was most popular at the League dance Friday night. Among theprominent students seen dancing to the music of Bill Marshall's orchestra were Margaret Mustard, who wore black Tells Life History Dr. Margaret Bell's Life One Of Exciting And Eventful Activity EDI1CRS NOTE: This is the second illthe eries of articls oil prominent Interesting dance m o v e m e n ts showing how a dance can be made dramatic and how ideas can be con- veyed by mere physical movement will be included in the dance dem- onstration which is to be given Wed- nesday night in the Lydia Mendels- sohn theatre by Play Production and the department of Physical Educa- tion, Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Production, said yesterday. The program, intended to dem- onstrate what can be done In cor- relating the dance with theatrical work, is the first of its kind to be attempted at the University, and it is hoped that further work can be done in the future, Mr. Windt said. Recreates Control Miss Emily V. White, of the de- partment of Physical Education, de- serves great credit for the training of the people taking part in the dem- onstration, according to Mr. Windt, since such work requires specialized teaching in order to break down old habits and to recreate control. The kinds of dances and pantomimes in- cluded are intended to illustrate how this teaching is done and how it helps in interpretation on the stage. A number of unusual dances are being included, one of which will be done entirely by men. Mr. Windt remarked that the dance is by no means restricted to women, and that men can be as proficient as women. Several numbers will be given by the Dance Club, as well as by the inter- mediate class in dancing, since Play Production students are doing only half of the program. To Include Pantomime Play Production's part of the pro- gram will include a pantomime done to the accompaniment of all sorts of primitive instruments, a puppet pan- tomime with characteristic mechan- ical effects, and a finished playlet with music and dialogue, in the ef- fort to show how the dance can aid in expression in the theatre. Tickets for the demonstration are invitational and requests will be ac- cepted from 1 to 6 p. m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23, at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office. Mr. Windt said: "We are very anxious to welcome people who are interested in the program." John B. Waite I Sp AS (. .t Women's Club Prof. John B. Waite of the Law School was guest speaker yesterday at the meeting of the local branch of the American Association of Uni- versity Women held in conjunction with the state board meeting at the League. Professor Waite chose as his topic the subject of his new book, to appear this month, "Criminal Law in Action."' The state board, headed by Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Ann Arbor, presi- dent, met yesterday morning to dis- cuss plans for the state convention to be held in Detroit soon. A lunch- eon followed for the local and state boards, and at 3 p. in., the local branch held its meeting. Tea was served after Professor Waite's talk. Special guests at the state board meeting included Dean Irma Voigt, of Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Miss Maud Eagle, president of the Ann Arbor branch, and Mrs. Burn- ham Finney, president of the Detroit group. Besides Mrs. Henderson, members of the state board are Mrs. Frederick Steinhilber,Jackson, first vice-presi- dent; Miss Marie Sayles, Flint, trea- surer; Dean Marion Gray, Albion, College, educational chairman; Mrs. Thomas McAllister, Grand Rapids, chairman legislative committee; Mrs. George Cannon, Battle Creek, pub- licity; Miss Mercy Hayes, Detroit, fellowship chairman; Mrs. C. H.a Brand, Saginaw, chairman scholar- ships; Miss Marjorie Delavan, Lan- sing, editor of the News Letter. 5 The Ann Arbor board includes Miss Hagle, Mrs. Edward Adams, vice-president, and m e m b e r s h i p chairman; Miss Edith Barnard, sec- retary; Miss Anna Steele, treasurer; Miss Blossom Bacon, president of the junior group; and Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. Hugh Keeler, Mrs. William Giefel, Mrs. Edgar Johnston, Miss Dorothy Ogborn, Mrs. C. D. Thorpe, Miss Sara Whedon, Mrs. Arthur B. Moehlman, and Mrs. E. R. Sunder- land. Barbara Sutherland, '35, is general chairman of the Junior Girls' Play -to be presented March 21 through 25. Miss hite Cites Dance 4s Medium For Self-Direction velvet with the new white flower The Union's 12-piece band has note carried out in the neckline. been chosen to play for the musical Virginia Hartz and Melinda Cros- comedy, "Gang's All There." for the by were both in tune with the trend unusual program of modern music with their black velvet gowns. The will require a larger and more versa- sleeves of Miss Crosby's dress were tile orchestra than has appeared be- cleverly trimmed with brillants. fore. Joan Anderson introduced a touch The play will' combine the ele- of color with her gold fur-trimmed ments not only of the stereotyped Sunday night dress. musical show with its catchy tunes Charline Charles was dressed in but also the present trend toward black crepe, as was Lucille Peloquin. distinctive, imaginative effects in The latter's dress was relieved by a music and dancing. It is a back- chartreuse colored-bodice. Betty Im- stage, big city comedy and involves mel's gown of blue gorgette struck a show within the show; thus it is a tailored note with straight white possible to effectively combine these collars and cuffs. radically different types of produc-, tion. Ek.und To Lead Meeting Chorus girls, "mugs," molls, ac-Ed torsni h 1 dTonight At Hairris Hall tors, night revelers and such are among the cast and the story is a Mr. Edwin G. Eklund of New York satire on our glorified racketeer. City will lead the discussion meeting Realistic Effects to be held at 7 p. in. today in Harris The actual play will be developed Hall. The topic will be "Insurance realistically for there will be no set in the Depression." choruses since the singing will be worked into the action of the story. Cheer," which has become such a This means that the orchestra wll startling success in New York, uses not merely accompany a stray singer only modern dance numbers, for the now and then, but will have to pro- old routine choruses are definitely vide the musical background for "out." complete scenes. ,-__. t' , ,I The dance is now recognized as a most important educational medium, because it affords an opportunity for self-direction, expression, initiative, creative activity, and rhythmic train- ing, according to Miss Emily V. White, instructor in Physical Educa- tion for Women. For the average person, Miss White said, the dance is the most accessible and easily acquired form of expres- sion of all the arts. While this does not mean, she pointed out, that the average person would be ready for program or recital dancing within four or six weeks, it does provide sat- isfying expression through not only different types of music, but also through increased ease, confidence, freedom, and vitality in movement. Learning to move easily and freely to simple, rhythmic patterns is much less subtle and complicated than mastering the techniques that are necessary in playing a violin, she asserted. In Miss White's opinion, the dance is an excellent way of be- coming acquainted with the other arts. "One learns to appreciate mu- sic through moving not only to its rhythms, but also to its patterns and forms, and at the same time, one learns something of design through moving in design." Miss White be- lieves that to become artists in the dance requires the work of a life time. People tend to think, she said, that "a dance"' or "to dance" can be perfected in ten lessons, whereas highly-trained' professiohals often re- hearse dances weeks and even months before' they appear on the stage. No movement is beautiful or effi- cient without rhythm, explained Miss White. Tis is true, she contended, in both sports and dancing, as well as in such diverse tasks as loading a coal truck or in acting on the stage. Comparatively few people have considered the importance of being rhythmic in their bodily move- ments or have realized that any movement executed in rhythm is at once more efficient and effortless than one that is awkward or stiff. "Awkwardness can be attributed to lack of rhythm in co-ordination, to tension, and to lack of understand- ing of correct line," while "grace," she said, is often interpreted as an affected, artificial type of movement. People who move with correct line, and whose co-ordination is not im- peded b faulty rhythm, actually achieve grace. The dance has held an important place in the cultural development of all peoples, Miss White declared, in that originally it was an integral part of -all religious -expression. Ev- Erything that was of vital signifi- ;ance in life, she added, was given ome type of dance form. The only dances of. which any description re- mains are folk dances, said Miss White, who further 'termed them as the expressions of customs of var- ious peoples. As any art is an ex- pression of a people' and of a civili- ,ation, our dances rather than being ike the past,.must be of today. In order to present a program of dances, she stated, the creators of these dances must necessarily have ideas which need to be communicated 'hrough rhythmic designs Dr. Margaret Bell, the head of the Women's Physical Education Depart- nient, has done a great deal of won- derful work in her capacity of Medi- cal Adviser for Women. Ann Arbor To Hold Ball' In Honor Of President. Ann Arbor will take part in the nation-wide celebration of President Roosevelt's birthday, Jan. 30, by holding a ball at the Masonic Tem- ple that night. The President is vitally interested in the Warm Springs Foundation at Warm Springs, Georgia, dedicated to the cure of paralytic children. The proceeds of the Ball will go toward its endowment fund. Tickets are priced at $1 per couple. Whee To Gop Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Con- vention City" with Joan Blondell and Adolph Menjou; Majestic, "The House on 56th Street" with Kay Francis; Whitney, "Brief Moment" with Carole Lombard and Gene Ray- mond. Dancing: Chubb's, Hut, Dixie Inn, Preketes, Joe Parker's. nWn'V.nn 1 l. 41,,, Tti, n,.c'it,, fly ELEANYR lL UM From the age of eight when she be- gan her medical career with a pe- rusal of the "Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association." Dr. Mar- garet Bell's life has been a fast-mov- ing and eventful one. Dr. Bell, who is now serving the university in the capacity of Direc- tor of Physical Education for Wo- men, Medic'al Adviser for Women, and Professor of Physical Education and Hygiene, was born in Chicago of Scotch and American parentage. Her early schooling was received in the John Dewey experimental school, noted as being the first of the progressive schools, and especially designed to give every educational opportunity to develop individuality in the student. 'Her attendance at this school ended during the middle of high school, when she left to at- tend the University High associated with the University of Chicago. She knew that she wanted to be a doctor, so, from childhood her edu- cation was all directed toward that end. During her sophomore year at the University of Chicago she left to attend Sargent Normal School, from which she graduated in physi- cal education. Active As Student At the University of Chicago, Dr. Bell was extremely active in student functions. In fact, it was because her parents thought that she was overdoing it that they allowed her to go to Sargent school. I-ter interests were many, including'dramatics, W.A.A., 'language clubs; and she was for all the years that she attended as a student, president of what is termed there the "Science College." It was while she was at the Tru- deau School of Tuberculosis that she herself had an attack of tuberculosis. She graduated from Rush Medical School, and later received a certih- cate at San Francisco Hospital. Her graduate work she did at the Uni- versity of Chicago, Harvard Medical School, Vienna, Austria, and in the School of Medicine here. Dr. Bell is a person of boundless energy, and has been all her life, she says. "I probably have 'that energy because I like everything that I do; I hiave been fortunate in not having to do anything distasteful to me," is the way that she expresses her in- terest in so many different activities. With opportunities to go to other eastern colleges, Dr. Bell preferred to remain at Michigan, because she "likes the type of women we have here." They're intelligent and eager to assimilate knowledge, she stated. Holds Honorary Titles A glimpse of the extent of her in- terests could be imagined if there were enough space to enumerate the lists of countless committeeships, most of them on health and physical education, that she holds. Her most recent honor came in her appoint- ment as delegate to the International Conference of Medical Women to be held in Stockholm during August of this year. She belongs to numerous honorary medical and educational societies, and possesses the titles of Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and Fellow of the Ameri- can Physical Education Association, she is also an honorary medicine un- dergraduate. When this interview was granted, Dr. Bell was about to play a game of badminton. She is expert in any number of sports: tournament ten- nis, golf, riding, skating--- in fact all the sports are her favorites, and she never started any of them until she had learned the technicalities of the game. One central scene, running for about 25 minutes, will be done en- tirely to music in the "Chauve Sou- ris" manner. This whole interlude will feature highly exaggerated, comic dancing. Each instrument of the band will have to produce particular, weird impressions. During this scene the actions of the 75 persons on the stage, the scenery, costumes, and dancing will be synchronized with the music to produce a highly stylized, unusual effect. From the overture on through to the finale the music will be organized as a complete whole, building up with the action of the play to the climax. The music for such a show must be an entity in itself, Mr. Rus- sell McCracken, director, stated; for it should be possible to play success- fully the complete musical program without the action of the play. Stylized Music The modern, stylized effects in music and 'dancing have been par- ticularly well recevied on Broadway the past few seasons and the artistic, interpretive dancing made famous by Miss Doris Humphreys is being used extensively. "As Thousands T lie committee was not certain,1 however, that a college audienceI would be educated to appreciate a type of productiontas essentially dif- ferent from what it expects of a mu- sical comedy. For this reason a play was selected that could appeal both to the stock responses, in the way of clever tap dances and smart lyrics, and to the interest in some- thing distinctive and decidedly "dif- ferent." Planned Concert The Union Band had previously' planned to present a concert of mod- ern compositions to prove to the pub- lic that a dance orchestra can exe- cute more difficult numbers than the popular tunes. Robert Steinle, di- rector, said, "Gang's All There" will provide an excellent opportunity for the band to display its ability to pro- duce the necessary weird, comic, or realistic imagery effectively. Mr. McCracken, speaking for the committee, said that they appreci- ated the generosity of the Union in lending their band for the third week-end in March. Mr. Steinle's knowledge of music and his willing co-operation will be of inestimable value to the forthcoming production, he stated. Pi Beta Phi Entertains Rowena Burns and Lillian gins, 133, Port Huron, were over the week-end. Hi SHAMPOO and FINGERWAVE 35c COLLEGE BEAVTY SHOP Phone 2-2813 r1 y 3 , ° . 4T yoE Brighten up your lie and te lives of your friends with one of these New Spring Fabrics. CREPES - PRNTS -SHEERS I Floor up up ow About a Date for the EVEN courtliness couldn't save Sir Walter from King James' dungeon when his turn came- but a date for the J-Hop might have saved Liz's disposition be- I I you've been longing for! A PERMANENT WAVE without a machine without electricity Comfortable, Quick, Simple and Safe! T .3 c'r i forehand. Get that date now Athena o Initiate Ptedgeds Tomorrow Athena Literary Society will meet at R -1 n m t nrmw in tha Athena. and don't keep her walting, II I f I