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October 01, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-01

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T heWeather 4 &
"Generaly fair Sunday and T
Monday; Much Cooler Sunday; 4: 3

hxe Panhellenic Decision
Wden Death Traps.

MOSCOW, Sept. 30- (P) - Three
men in an aluminum ball hooked to
a balloon ascended 11.8 miles today,
the greatest height ever reached by
man, and enjoyed themselves so
much that when they landed the
first thing they said was they that
they would do it again as soon as
they could.
"None of us seems to be any the.
worse for the experience, and we
could go up again tomorrow," said
Birnbaum, the leader of the expedi-
tion into the stratosphere. He was
accompanied on the record-breaking
flight by two other air service vet-
erans, Georgi Prokofiev and Kon-
stantin Gudenoff.
Their balloon, the "Stratostat,"
landed near Koloma, 71 miles from
Moscow, after they had been aloft
eight hours, 19 minutes.
Instruments carried by the balloon
indicated it had reached a heightof
1,000 meters, compared with the
record of 16,700 meters set by Prof.
Auguste.Picard, in August, 1932.
Piccard's recod equalled 10 miles
and 117 yards.
The aluminum gondola in which
they rode is shapednlike a ball and is
equipped with nine windows. When
the' takeoff was made it carried liq-
uid oxygen enough to last the three
men 40 hours. In addition there
were numerous scientific instruments
which functioned automatically.
The balloon, filled with rubberized
percale and having a gas capacity of
25,000 cubic meters, was inflated
with only 3,500 cubic meters to allow
for expansion.
Convicts Free
Sheriff After 3
Days Captivity
Officer Relates Story Of
Hardship With Fugitives
But Is Let Go Unharmed
VALPARAISO, Ind., Sept., 30.-(JP)
-Ill from lack of food, but other~wise
unharmed, Sheriff Charles Neel of
Corydon, Ind., was safe today after
having been subjected to three days
hardships as a captive in the hands
of four escaped convicts, who were
believed for a time to have put him
to death.
Liberated near Hobart, Ind., early
Friday, the sheriff, accompanied by
James Clark, one of his abductors,
who later 'was captured, made his
way to Gary, where he was found by
Capt. Matt Leach, head of the In-
diana state police, Friday night.
Capt. Leach charged in a state-
ment that the sheriff's long delay
in notifying the authorities of his
release was "apparently a neglect of
duty," but the sheriff protested that
he had been afraid the convicts
would kill him.
Tells of Threat
"I didn't know what to do," he
said. "They threatened that they
would kill me if I told my story.
The sheriff came to the home of
Sheriff 14eal Fry of Porter county, of
which Valparaiso is the county seat,
to recover from the effects of his ex-
periences. Meanwhile Capt. Leach
said he would question him further.
Sheriff Neel and Clark, who also
was ill fromlack of food, boarded a
street car atHobart and rode to
Gary, Neel got off at the city limits,
but Clark continued on to Hammond,
where he took a taxi. Through the
cab window he was traced and cap-
tured by t h e Hammond police.
Shortly afterward he was returned to
Michigan City, where he and nine
other convicts shot their way out of
Indiana State prison last Tuesday.

"If you tell that I'm on this car,
I'll kill you," Neel said Clark warned
him when the sheriff left the car.
Sheriff Changes Story
When the sheriff first told his

Cuban Troops
Fire On Mobs
During Rioting
More Trouble Is Feared
In Big Demonstration
By Native Communists
HAVANA, Sept. 30 -A')-- Street
battles; between Communists and
soldiers, in which 6 persons were kill-
ed and 14, including an American,
were wounded, left Havana tense to-
The shooting and wild disorder at-
tended a demonstration of" thousands
of Communists in memory of a Cu-
ban Communist leader killed in Mex-
ico four years ago and whose ashes
were to have been interred in a huge
obelisk in Fraternity park, built by
Shooting All Night
This was in opposition to govern-
ment wishes and this disagreement
apparently brought on the shooting
from the housetops near the park
and started the general battle Friday
Through the night shots were
h e a r d intermittently, automobiles
rushed through the city, and soldiers
remained on guard. Feeling between
troopers and Communists continued
at high pitch.
Many feared a new outbreak, for
the ashes of the slain youth, the stu-
dent Julio Antonio Mella, apparently
were in the hands of the soldiers,
who planned to bury them in Colon
cemetery today.
Demonstration Authorized
A statement issued by the gov-
ernment said the demonstration had
been authorized, but when it was
learned the Communists planned to
bury the remains in Fraternity park
an army captain was sent to ask
Communists leaders to conduct the
funeral in the municipal cemetery.
Then the communique added, a
company of artillery commanded by
Carl Jose Hernandez Ruda was sent
to the vicinity "to prevent disorders
and protect demonstrators because
the government had been informed
that its enemies were planning to
create disorders."

Singing In Shower
Results In Lawsuit
For Ohio Fraternity
BEREA, O., Sept. 30.-The courts
have been called on to decide a dis-
pute between Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
Payton and the members of Phi
Kappa Phi fraternity at Baldwin-
Wallace College, whose fraternity
house is next to the Payton resi-
The Paytons brought suit to re-
strain the fraternity men from using
their year-and-a-half-old $30,000
fraternity house, because it was al-
leged, the fraternity men made too
must noise singing and kept the win-
dow to their shower room open.
Henry Zachman, fraternity presi-
dent, admitted some noise was made,
but "not anywhere near as much as
the Payton's claim," and said that
after the next door neighbors had
complained, the shower room window
had been closed and kept closed.
Barnaud Lands
Work Of State
NRA Workers
DETROIT, Sept. 30.-Accomplish-
ments of the 34 NRA compliance
boards which have been set up in
that many Michigan cities were
praised Saturday by A. J. Barnaud,
district manager of the United States
Department of Commerce.
"With few exceptions," he declared,
"all complaints filed with the Mich-
igan NRA boards were adjusted to
the mutual satisfaction of employer
and employee. With this gratifying
result, it is evident that the spirit
of NRA is permeating every nook
of the business and economic life of
the State. The number of employees
affected by such adjustment is im-
"It should be emphasized that the
community spirit in every city or
town where cases have been handled
has been excellent. Working sched-
ules have been rearranged to come
within requirements, wages raised in
many instances and happier rela-
tions assured."

Hold Suspect
On Louisiana
Kidnap Count
Family Of George M. Cox
Is Believed Abducted;
He Had Offered Reward
Former Employee
Of Cox Is Seized
Son, Wife, Her Parents
Were Missing When He
Returned After Trip
CHICAGO, Sept. 30.-()-A man
who identified himself as William
Davis, jr., 27, of Louisiana, was taken
into custody by police today after
they said New Orleans authorities
had informed them that the family
of George M. Cox, wealthy ship
owner, was belie ed to have been
kidnaped for $25,000 ransom.
The family, consisting of Cox's
wife, 27, their two - year - old son,
George, jr., and Mrs. Cox's parents,
was reported missing Friday by Cox
when he returned to his Lake Pon-
chartrain home at New Orleans fol-
lowing a visit of five weeks at Coop-
erstown, Ill..
Chicago police said the first they
were called in on the case was when
the chief of police of New Orleans
telegraphed them that Cox had re-
ceived a telephone call from a man
who gave his name as George Wendt,
in Chicago, and who told Cox to get
together $25,000 for the return of his
Reward AWas Offered
Previously, Cox had offered a $25,-
000 reward for their safe return when
he discovered them missing.
Acting on another tip, the source
of which they refused to reveal, of-
ficers arrested Davis, who until two
weeks ago was employed on Cox's
lake steamer, the Isle Royale, at a
He denied any knowledge of the
whereabouts of the family and said
he was preparin .to return to Louis-
Later police said they arrested Da-
vis upon information provided by a
long distance telephone operator who
listened in on a conversation he al-
legedly had with a man who had at-
tempted to reach Cox in New Orleans
from a south side filling station.
Phome Calls Checked
Previously police had requested the
telephone company to check all calls
from Chicago to New Orleans after
receiving the message from chief
George Reyer of New Orleans.
Cox recently concluded his first
year of operation of a passenger line
operating from Chicago to Duluth
and intermediate points on the great
lakes. The season got away to a bad
start when one of the two ships, the
George M. Cox, went down in Lake
Superior last May.
Then while the other boat, the Isle
Royale, was tied up at its pier here
'waiting to be taken to winter quar-
ters a number of sailors had it held
'on a charge of non-payment of wages
filed in federal court.
While it was still in the Chicago
(Continued on Page 3)
Orchestra Will
Begin Practices
In Next Week

Positions Are Open To
Students, Faculty, And
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, under the direction of Earl V.
Moore, is to begin rehearsals this
week. An all-university enterprise,
membership of the orchestra is made
up of students from various schools
and colleges on the campus who have
the interest and ability to play an in-
There are positions still available
to students, or to townspeople and
faculty, who wish to maintain their
interest in practical music, it was
Building-up of the orchestra for
the next few years is now getting un-
der way. Freshmen and sophomores,
availing themselves of the instru-
ment classes in the School of Music,
will be ready at the end of two years'
training, to play in the orchestra.


Cheap Meals At Co-Operative
Now Served To More Than 100

As a direct result of the inspira-
tion furnished early in the fall of
1932 by a far-sighted graduate stu-
dent in sociology and political sci-
ence, more than 100 students who
might otherwise be unable to attend
the University are now eating for ap-
proximately $3.50 a week at the
Michigan Co-Operative Boarding
House in the basement of Lane Hall.
The student who furnished the
spark that resulted in the gathering
together of a nucleus of 80 members
interested in reducing board costs
was Sher Quraishi, well known for
his activities centering about Lane
Hall and for his dispute with the
Michigan Socialist Club which ended
in his resignation as secretary of

Alexander Randolph, John Thomas,
and Byron Most. They with Quraishi,
Wengren, and Manley are now en-
trusted with the official handling of
the organization's increasingly com-
plicated affairs.
On the list of employes of the Co-
Operative are a cook and assistant
cook, both cash aides, and more than
30 students who are given their meals
in return for 15 hours of work each
week. Since the opening of school
this call, the Co-Operative has come
under the banner of the NRA, neces-
sitating an increase in the salary
of one of the two paid employes.
The slight increase in prices over
those charged last year was made
necessary because of the rising com-
modity prices throughout the coun-

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