(IASSIFIEJ1)1 IECTOR-Y :.I i>..::Lr <:Ci Y ...:::: ___ ::_ ._____ i -associated Press Photo These are the ruins of a mine near Duchov, Czechoslovakia, after the recent explosion which took the lives of 140 men working there. Only four escaped alive. Es pera ntoBon oLan- 1- uaoe Students; Us es nly I 1iiles CLASSIFIED A I)VEBTI SIN( Phone 2-124. Plare advertisements wth 01:m9 ffi ed Adverti'aiig Department.. ' The) classified columns close at fi ve O'lo(kpreviol n oday of Insertion s Box Nmhers inay be secured lit no! extra chnarge.- Cash in Advance -lie1 per reading line on barsP of five average words to line) fur one or two insertions. Iaa peli reading inec for three or more Inlsertions:ii IMini mlum three lines per insertion. 'reuphoaa' Rale-l 5c per reading line for one or two Insertions I 4c per readihl_ fine for three or morej linsertions. I',; discount if paid within ten days from the date of last. imerton. Mmnimum three ies per insertion. Fy Contract, per lire--2 lies daly, one ! mnlnthi........... ...............8c 4 lines E.O3.D., 2 months.....c 2 Iles daily, College year ......7c 9 4 lines BK 0OD., ollege year . 7 100 lines used as desired.... .9c 3302 line.s used as desired........8c r 1,.000 lI!e used as desired....7c 2,000 lines used as desired ....... The above rate; are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 71z point. Ionic type, upper and lower cas=e. Add Oc< per line to aove rates for all capital letters. Add Gc per line to above for bold fae, upper and lowrE case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold[ face capital letters. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Underwood typewrite-_. desk model, like. new, cost 125.1 Sacrifice for $35. 804 S. State. 721. 262 Veerans'Fay i. No More C hamne Will Be Made In Administration of Cases At Present WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-- P)- President Roosevelt today authorized an increase in veterans' allowances of $21,092,205. He made it c~ear that he expected this to be the extent of present changes in the administration of the Veterans Economy Act. Those non-service-connected cases which require emergency or exten- sive medical and surgical care will receive it, under the order, which lib- eralizes the eligibility rules. This relaxation comprises the main increase in Government expendi- tures under the order. Other s include: Increases in rates of pentiion for war veteran~s sufering with service- connected disabilities from $90 to $100 a month for total disability and proportionate increases for such veterans suffering with less than to- tal disabilities. Burial and funeral allowance for veterans increased from $75 to $100. Pensions of $15 a month to Span- ish -American War veterans who served 90 days or more and were honorably discharged; same all ow- ance to those who served less than 90 days and were discharged for disability incurred in line of duty and are 50 per cent or more disabled Mr. Smith is permitting his resent- ment against the administration to run away with his judgment.- Harold L. Ickes. DerAAPTMANN will be at the Lydia 1endeissohn Theatre 1I "L LAST TWO APERFORMANCES SC) "%anky-hatnk. "... N suf.BUT shc tells tales!" A full-grown, delightfully gay FREDERICK 1LQtNSDALE 'S "TheLsto I iCH6NF.Y" I I