THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 19. lid Firemen And Reserve Police Halt Penitentiary Riot -Associated Press Photos A rebellion of about 1,500 convicts flared at Eastern penitentiary, Philadelphia, and raged for more than three hours before fire companies, Philadelphia and state police brought the situation under control. While smoke and flames from burning mattresses arose in cells and corridors the prisoners kept the insti- tution in disorder, screaming and smashing cell furnishings. Warden Herbert J. Smith, who was wounded in an attempt to quell the riot, is shown at left talking to policemen after order was restored. Picture at right shows state police entering the prison during the height of the rioting.: French Group On States' Tour Will Stop Here Great Universities And In- dustries To Be Visited By Prominent Party A representative group of citizens >f France, making up the personnel of an American tour under the aus- Aces of the Institute des Etudes Am- Uricaines, of Paris, will visit Ann Ar- or and the University today as a top on their itinerary planned for' this section of the country. There ire about 15 in the party.' Visiting the great universities and industrial establishments of the United States, the group will motor to this city from Detroit, where they plan to inspect the River Rouge unitJ of the Ford Motor Co. They will ar- rive in Detroit from Niagara Falls' this morning, see the automobile plant and the city, and come to Ann Arbor this afternoon to view the Uni- versity. Included in the party are a num-t ber of prominent people in the civic and industrial life of France. The list in part is as follows: M. Lionel,1 president of the Landowners andt Hotelmen's Association of Morocco;i M. Francois Latour, ex-president of the Conseil Municipal de Paris, whicht corresponds to mayor of the city, and M. Latour Jr.; M. Thies, general manager of the Thies oil factory of. Dunkerque; M. Maurice LePley, an agricultural engineer; Mme. Man- noury, widow of the former minister of the interior; M. de Puente, chan- cellor of the Argentine embassy in Paris; and M. More, who is connect- ed with the travel bureau and in charge of the trip. The principal aim of the trip, aside from its travel aspects, is described by those in charge as being to give persons taking part a view of the educational system as practiced in the great universities of America, and of the industrial field. Three Faculty Members Write Chemistry Texts "Elementary Quantitative Analysis, Theory and Practice" by Prof. Ho- bart H. Willard, of the chemistry de- partment and N. Howell Furman of Princeton University, and "Qualita- t ive Chemical Analysis" by Roy K. McAlpine and Byron A. Soule both of the chemistry department here, are two new books put in use this year by the department. The first is a published version of the text, which has been in use in mimeographed form here Thr:the past 15 years. The second is merely a revision of a book by Prescott and Johnson, considerably modernized. Reflect American And British Ideas In New Law Court The fundamental difference be- tween the American and the Eng- lish characters is reflected even in their court rooms, and something of the essense of character difference is discernable in the court room of Hutchins Hall, the new law building. Although it is a copy of the court room of the. Lord Chief Justice in London, it still retains some distinct- ly American features. The room, used for legal argu- ments, I is approximately the same size as its model in London, and its most distinctively English feature is the benches, similar to those used in the high courts in London. These benches, which in England are re- served for the barristers, 'solicitors, and witnesses, in this case are used for the spectators, who are admitted to the main floor in America, but who are confined to small incon- spicuous visitors' galleries in Eng- land. With the public patically ex- cluded from the English court room, the rooms are smaller, the procedure+ is more orderly, and business is strictly adhered to. Since trials and legal arguments in England are not the public spectacles which they are+ in America, there is not the neces- sity for admitting the spectators to the main floor, Predicts War In Far East At Near Date GENEVA, Septa 29.-(A. P-All signs in the Far East point to a major conflict in the next few years, Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo, Chinese minister to France, said in an ad- dress today before the League of Nations ;assembly in which he flayed the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. "Omirous clouds are rising on the far eastern horizon," he asserted. "The race for armaments has begun with huge naval and air maneuvers, fleet concentration, the fortifying of bases, and enormous increases in war expenditures." Dr. Koo, who once was the Chinese foreign minister, said the strongest pressure was being brought to in- duce China to abandon co-operation with the West through the league and to adopt a principle of "Asia for Asiatics." He protested that Japan continues to defy the verdict of the assembly that Japanese occupation of Man- churia violates the covenant of the pact of Paris and is incompatible with peace in the far east. He insisted that the absence of effective action by the league placed a premium upon aggression and strengthened those who believe might is right. N First Lectures In Educational Series To Be Broadcast Today Two talks on subjects of interest Sunday talks reached 100,000 differ- primarily to parents will be presented ent people during the last school )ver WJR at 5 p. m. tomorrow as the year. )pening broadcast of the Parent Although the,University this year Education Program, arranged each is using a type of transmission be- rear by the Extension Division of the tween Ann Arbor and Detroit that University in co-operation with the will not accommodate as wide a dichigan Congress of Parents and range of sounds as formerly, it will Teachers and the School of Edu- be entirely adequate for the broad- ation. casting of the human voice, both On the first program tomorrow speaking and singing, and of such U'rs. D. W. Stewart, president of the musical lessons as those presented Michigan Congress of Parents and last year by Prof. Joseph M. Maddy, Teachers, will speak on "The Con- according to Dr. William D. Hen- ervation of Children's' Rights," and derson, director of the Extension Xr. C: A. Fisher, assistant director of Division. he Extension Division, will discuss Prof. Maddy will be allowed three he responsibility of the P. T. A. for half-hour programs each week under he preservation of tax-supported the new schedule, one each being de- ducation. voted to instruction in band instru- Dr. S. A. Courtis of the education ments, stringed instruments, and chool will be heard on the second singing, as compared with the two )rogram of the series, Oct. 8. The broadcasts he had last year. No ourse will cover a period of 19 Sun- other musical programs have been ays, ending Feb. 25. planned. The parents hour broadcasts have Dr. Henderson spoke in enthus- )en presented for three years, and iastic terms of the reception that is tre part of a four-fold program of being accorded Professor Maddy's )arent education arranged by the lessons in schools all over the state. Jniversity. It is estimated that the Two hundred thousand pupils took the instruction last year. In small towns schools are espe- cially benefitted in being able to de- C T Cvelop musical organizations without the expense of instruction, he said, although in some cases interest in (Continued from Page 5) music becomes great enough so that king of a bid suit. North might music teachers are hired. The Uni- have better bid four diamonds versity will again furnish lesson as after a forcing takeout books at cost. Says Teachers Are Important Group In Drive Education To Have Great Bearing On Prosperity Is Opinion Of Congdon Calling attention to the fact that "teachers represent one of the larg- est groups of gainfully employed workers, and the success of a pros- perity drive will be seriously influ- enced by the status of these one mil- lion and more wage earners," Wray H. Congdon, high school inspector of the Division of University High schools, says that the government's prosperity drive "cannot overlook ed- ucation" in the October issue of the School of Education Bulletin, out to- day. "Teachers," Mr. Congdon says, "are a financially impoverished group. Al- though the blanket code in this zone requires that the skilled worker re- ceive $1.20 anhour for a 40 hour week, or over !$190 a month, there are many teachers at this moment teaching for anywhere from $25 to $90 a month and working anywhere from 40 to 50 hours, at least, a week. "What of a nation that today sits supine, and whose leaders refuse codes of fair dealing, when the teachers in whose hands lies the shaping of the destinies of tomor- row's leaders are forced to work for less than a dole?" In an article entitled, "The Schools and The Youth," Prof. William Clark Trow of the School of Edu- cation, calls attention to the lack of any "youth movement" in Amer- ica corresponding to such movements in European countries. He suggests that in America, instead of allow- ing the direction of the lives of youth to be molded by special in- terests groups, the schools and the camps could serve as the basis for a healthy youth movement. Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman says that "it is doubtful if public educa- tion problems in Michigan can be solved until two fundamental needs are met." These needs, in the opin- ion of Professor Moehlman, are civil and educational administrative reor- ganization and a better balanced sys- tem of local and state taxation. In another editorial, Prof. Francis D. Curtis, head of the department of biology and general science in the University High School, suggests that the "dodge-plan" be substituted for the "even-front" method in labora- tory experiments. The "even-front" plan has each student performing the experiment, all at the same time. The "dodge-plan" has various mem- bers of the class perform different experiments at the same time and exchanging with other members of the class upon the completion of the experiment. CANOES FOR RENT SAUNDERS Foot of Cedar Street on Huron River h. __________________________________________________________ I w . R mĀ£mBER I"AW X-- WE 00 OUR PART r __ ,; WE DO OUR PART SERVICE Problems often arise in connection with your business or your personal financial affairs which require the advice of someone familiar with such situations. We are always glad to consult with our customers on any of their prob- lems, for we feel that our experience and practical knowl- edge will be of assistance to them. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Huron and Main 707 North University I I Enrollment Is Off 400 At University Of Wisconsin MADISON, Wis., Sept. 29. - With 1,382 students enrolling on the last day of registration, the total enroll- ment at the University of Wisconsin at the opening of classes last Wed- nesday reached 7,075, it has been an- nounced. This figure represents a drop of more than 400 students below the total of last year, but with many students registering late during the first week of classes, it is expected that this decrease will be reduced considerably, and may be wiped out entirely. Although the total enrollment dropped slightly, the freshman reg- istration increased about 100 students over that of last year, figures re- vealed. Last year- the total enrolled in the freshman class was about 1,- 500, while this year it has climbed over the 1,600 mark. Baylor University at Waco, Texas, has in its freshmar clas& this year the first of quadruplets ever to enter college in this country, so far as is known. They are Mona, Mary, Leota and Roberta Keys, 18, of Hollis, Okla. All graduated together from high school last June. suit which it would have required a certain amount of fortitude to bid. All queries addressed to this col- umn enclosing a stamped and ad- dressed envelope will be answered. Also, the most interesting hands with the names of the players will be pub- lished and the bidding of the hands criticized or commended. SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO The l N ../- V- -y 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ASSOCIATED PRESS CAMPUS GOSSIP SPORT NEWS WOMEN'S PAGES SUNDAY ROTOGRAVURE SECTION 75 PerYear Mailed Subscription $4.25 Per Year Inquire of Campus Salesmen or at the F l.*1 TRY-- Blue Star Brand ow A1 s the Blue Star Water Soft- ener Salt recommended by all. . . makers of soft- SS I'I 1 . ... 'U.a ,. .,,... .,.. ii