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January 18, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-18

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The Weather
Local snow Thursday and
Friday; rising temperature on

A& .4
r t an


students Need a Review Pe-
riod; A New Interpretation Of
Ohio State Case.

VOL. XLIV No. 83




Prominent Nationalist Is
Sixth Man To Take Over
Cuba's Affairsk
Hevia Incumbency
Lasts Three .Clays
Army Seizes Power Early
In Day As Government
Workers Strike
HAVANA, Jan. 17.-A')--Car-
los Meudieta was offered the
presidency of Cuba tonight and
definitely accepted the post.
Mendieta, prominent national-
it leader, is the sixth man to
take over the direction of Cuba's
affairs since last fall.
The resignation of Carlos He-
via, whose incumbency was a
matter of only three days, was
regarded as assured earlier to-
night when it was learned Men-
dieta had been offered the post
and predicated his acceptance
only upon the absolute assurance
of Hevia's willingness to resign.
At 9 p. m. Mendieta's home
was crowded with friends who
were already extending congrat-
ulations, although his assump-
tion of the presidency was not
officially khown:
HAVANA, Jan. 17 -() -Facing
a crisis because of a general strike
seeking to force his resignation, Col.
Fulgencio Batista, commander of the
Cuban Army, seized the reins of
power this afternoon and named
three Governmental departments.
The dynamic commander, delar-
ing that he would not permit the
ABC Secret Society, followers of Dr.
Antonio Guiteras, and other groups
comprising a "united front" to in-
terrupt "the normal course of com-
merce, industry and the Govern-
rhent," prepared to name other army
officers to Government posts.
The strike, called at noon today,
involved communication systems,
postal employees and workers in the
Departments of State, Justice, Ag-
riculture, the Interior and others and
was invoked when Col. Batista de-
fiantly refused to step out.
Railroad workers, street car and
bus operators and employees of light
plants and waterworks voted to join
the walkout at 6 p. m. today.
Col. Batista had set 8 a. m. Thurs-
day as the deadline for the strikers
to return to their posts. Otherwise,
he said, they would be dismissed.
While the 38-year-old Carlos He-
via, who was named provisional pres-
ident Monday, remained in the Pres-
idential Palace, Col. Batista at Camp
Columbia appointed Lieut. Gumer-
sintdo Diaz to be Secretary of the In-
terior; Lieut. Antonio Ramos, Sec-
retary of Sanitation, and Lieut. Eve-
lio Miranda, Secretary of Communi-
Col. Batista, assailed in the last
two days as A "military dictator"
apparently wearied of political con-
fusion arising from the general strike
of public employees and determined
to handle things himself.
O.S.U. tudent

Gives Reasons
For Expulsion
"The personal opinions of four men
dictated our expulsion from Ohio
State," declared Donald Leach, one
of seven students recently expelled
from Ohio State after they had pro-
tested against the University's policy
of compulsory military training in a
speech yesterday afternoon at Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
"We were expelled, not because we
were conscientious objectors, but be-
cause a four-man committee consist-
ing of President George Rightmire,
the head of the R.O.T.C., and two
other administrative officers, thought
our objections were not sufficiently
conscientious," he continued.
Leach related in detail the events
leading to the group's expulsion. He
said that in the last two years it had
become an established principle to
excuse from R.O.T.C. activities any
student who professed a "conscien-
tious objection" to taking part.

Slosson Views Polish Corridor
Question As Almost Insolvable

Council Sees
Charter Rule
Still Effective

The problem of the Polish Corridor
is as near to being insolvable as ny
vital question now facing solution by
the world, declared Prof. Preston
W. Slosson yesterday, claiming that
a peaceful settlement of the "sore
spot of Europe" with perfect satis-
faction to both Germany and Poland
was impossible.
The Vistula running down the
middle of Poland, and having its out-
let to the sea at the free city of Dan-
zig, is Poland's only door to other
countries without crossing national
borders, Professor Slosson said, and
if this strip of land is taken away
by Germany or some other country,
Poland would be in a situation sim-
ilar to that of Switzerland, he con-
The geographical situations of the
two nations would be similar, but not
the same, he said, for Switzerland is
surrounded by friendly states, while
the antagonism of Germany to Po-
land makes the latter extremely
watchful of war-like manifestations
of the Hitler government. In case of
a war it is vital for Poland to have
this outlet to the sea at Danzig, or
else she will be starved into sub-
mission by the stronger power, Pro-
fessor Slosson maintained.

Germany's argument for flying the
swastika over what has been decreed
by the Versailles Treaty to "be Polish
territory is just as convincing and
forceful as the opposite argument,
said Professor Slosson. Pointing to
the map hanging on the wall in his
office, he showed the separation of
East Prussia from Germany proper,
cut off from each other by Polish
territory.rGeographical unity isa
necessity for all countries, and Ger-
many needs the Corridor to consoli-
date its territory into one continuous
nation, he stated.
Granting either of the two nations
their demands would be dangerous,
Professor Slosson said. Looking at the
situation cold-bloodedly, he said, it
would be better for world peace to
give Germany the territory, for it is
the stronger of the two powers and
might be able to hold the land with-
out an open break between the two
On the other hand, he continued,
the Polish people probably would not
accept pacifically German overlord-
ship, and there would probably be
continual strife between the Poles
and the holders of the land, similar
to the unrest in Polish territory after
the three partitions of Poland by
Russia, Austria, and Prussia.

Fight For Beer
Division Street
Doomed, Body

East Of

A. A. U. Meet IS
Scheduled Here
For February 3
Michigan, Ohio State, And
Cornell To Be Featured
In Mile Run
DETROIT, Jan. 17-(P) - The
first annual A.A.U. meet, taking the
place this year of the annual A.A.U.
indoor meet, will be held Feb. 3 in
the Yost Field House at Ann Arbor,
with a one-mile race involving the
University of Michigan, Ohio State
and Cornell Universities as the fea-
Lloyd W. Olds, track coach at
Michigan Normal University, who is
chairman of the state A.A.U. track
committee, said the event would be
patterned after the Melrce indoor
relays, annually one of the big track
events of the East.
Because of the relay races, the
middle distances will be dropped
from the program, but there will be
eight open events, the 60-yard dash,
65-yard high hurdles, 65-yard low
hurdles, mile and two mile runs, pole
vault, running high jump, and shot
In addition to the University re-
lay, championship events have been
arranged for the Michigan Intercol-
legiate Athletic Association, the
Michigan-Ontario Association, the
Michigan Junior Colleges, Y.M.C.A.
teams, colleges in the metropolitan
area, athletic clubs, "and high schools.
The relay events will be invitation-
al, with only three teams in each
class picked for competition.
Jackson Resigns From
Democratic Committee
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -(A) -
The resignation of the second of
three Democratic National Commit-
teemen who have established law of-
fices in the National Capital was an-
nounced today, coincidentally with
a vigorous expression by President
Roosevelt against law practice in
Washington by members of the com-
The resignation announced today
was that of Robert Jackson, of New
Hampshire. On Jan. 5, the National
Committee made public the resigna-
tion of J. Bruce Kremer, of Montana,
the oldest member of the committee
in point of service.

Jones To Give
Fourth Faculty
Lecture Today
E n glis h Professor Will
Speak On Scholarship
And Criticism
The fourth of the University lec-
tures will be presented by Professor
Howard Mumford Jones of the Eng-
lish department today at 4:15 p. in.,
in Natural Science Auditorium. "Lit-
erary Scholarship and Contemporary
Criticism" is the subject of Professor
Jones' speech.
Tomorrow's lecture is one of the
E eight which are being given this year
by outstanding members of the Uni-
versity faculty. In the past, the Uni-
versity lectures included those given
by members of other educational in-
stitutions in the United States and
in foreign countries. Explaining the
new system which has been adopted
this year, Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
chairman of the committee to ar-
range lectures, stated:
"The fact has possibly not been
fully appreciated that Michigan's
own faculties contain in their mem-
bership experts quite as authoritative
as the lecturers who have come from
other institutions. The present series
has been organized with a view to
permitting the University community
to become acquainted with some of
the leading scholars among the fac-
ulty, and also to present a series
of lectures which is in general de-
signed to bring before .University au-
diences accounts of the present status
in certain general fields of thought."
Professor Jones recently received
'the Jusserand Medal, awarded by the
American Historical Association. It
was in recognition of his book "Amer-
ica and French Culture, 1750-1848,"
which was termed a "work of distinc-
tion on a phase involving the history
of the intellectual relations between
the United States and a foreign
He is also the author of numerous
other books as well as a contributor
to several periodicals.
Alpha Nu, men's honorary debat-
ing society, will hold initiation exer-
cises at 4:30 p. m. today in the Alpha
Nu rooms. The initiation will be fol-
lowed by a banquet at 6:30 p. m. in
the Union. Prof. John H. Muyskens
of the phonetics department will'

Aldermen In Favor
Of Beer, However
Charter Amendment Is In
Fo r c e Despite Liquor
Bill, They State
The students' fight for beer east
of Division Street struck a serious
snag yesterday when a special sur-
vey of members of the Common
Council by The ,Daily revealed that
while in the majority of cases alder-
men were in favor of controlled beer
on the campus, the legal situation
stood just as it was before repeal.
"Mr. Pack is talking through his
hat," Alderman E. E. Lucas, coun-
cil president, said yesterday. "The
verdict of the State Supreme Court
upheld us on the constitutionality of
the charter amendment last spring
when the legality of the clause in
the Beer Bill was tested by local res-
taurant owners.
"And the new Michigan Liquor
Control Bill has no further jurisdic-
tion over the city charter. The clause
prohibiting liquor east of Division
Street was an amendment to the
charter and passed by the vote of
the people. It can only be repealed
by a five-eights majority vote."
"Can't Regulate Beer"
He admitted, however, that beer in
places regulated to the satisfaction
of the council would be acceptable.
"But you can't regulate beer," Lucas
declared. He went on to cite as ex-
amplessof badly regulated beer gar-
dens, several downtown places.
"People are turning against it and
are becoming disgusted with it. I
wouldn't be surprised to see an end
to legal liquor in about a year."
Alderman W. C.Hollands was defi-
nitely opposed..to Aeer near the cam-
pus. "I shall vote the same as I
voted before. Think of what adver-
tising coming from places selling
beer would do to the University."
Has No Objection
Alderman W. H. Faust said: "I
would like to see beer in the Union."
Faust, however, is a bit skeptical
about beer outside the Union, unless
it is extremely well regulated.
Alderman Donald J. Mayer: "I
have no objection to beer for stu-
dents in the campus area."
Alderman William A. Paton has
no objection , to beer for students,
but he would vote against it as long
as the charter amendment remained
in force.
Alderman Leigh Thomas: "When a
move to have beer east of Division
Street becomes legal I will vote for
it if the people want it."
Alderman Leigh Young feels also
tied by the amendment. He has no
great objection to beer if it can be
regulated properly.
Alderman Walter C. Sadler was
opposed to beer near the campus on
the grounds that such a move by the
council would be in violation of the
city charter.
All the councilmen interviewed
were firm in believing that no act of
the Michigan Legislature could ren-
der void the east of Division Street
clause, and that such act would have
to come from the people.
Striking Coal
Miners Reach
Verdict Today
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Jan. 17-
(P)--Striking hard coal miners meet
Thursday to decide whether they will
agree to end their walkout if the
National Labor Board replaces the
Anthracite Conciliation Board by a
representative body for investigation

of mine problems.
The plan is that of Msgr. J. J.
Curran, Wilkes-Barre priest, who
won permission from leaders of the
United Anthracite Miners of Penn-
sylvania to present it to a district
convention. The strike was called
by this new union in its fight for
Entering its third day, the strike
roll showed little difference from
that of the first. Strikers claimed
gains at some collieries and oper-

Case Chosen
For Russel
Museum Director Selected
By University Research
Club For 1933-34
Endowment Set Up
By Henry Russel
Fund Provides Additional
Compensation For Some
Faculty Members
Prof. Ermine C. Case, director of
the museum of paleontology and
professor of historical geology and
paleontology, was named last night
as the Henry Russel Lecturer for
1933-34. He was selected by the ex-
ecutive board of the University Re-
search Club as having attained the
highest distinction in the field of
Professor Case is recognized as one
of the outstanding paleontologists of
the nation at present and has con-
tributed numerous papers and nine
monographs, mostly on this subject
as concerning vertebrates. Dr. Case
received his A.B. and M.A. degrees
at the University of Kansas, M.S.
from Cornell University, and Ph.D.
degree from the University of Chi-
cago. He has been on the faculty
here since 1906.
Among the numerous societies to
which Dr. Case belongs are: the Ge-
ological Society of America, the Pa-
leontological Society, the American
Society of Mammalogists,,the Ameri-
can Society of Naturalists, the Mich-
igan Academy of Science, the Amer-
ican Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, Sigma Xi, and Phi
Delta Theta. He is also a research
associate of the Carnegie Institute
of Washington and a member of the
Washington Academy of Science.
The Henry Russel endowment wa
establishedby bequest of HenryRus-
sel, A.B., '73; A.M., '76; LL.B., '75
Mr. Russel's will stated that the in-
come of the bequests was to be used
to provide additional compensation
for members of the faculty.
Later the Board of Regents de-
cided that $250 of the income fror
the bequest should be set aside an-
nually to provide for the Henry Rus
sel Lecture, to be given under the
auspices of the University at some
time between the Spring vacation
and May 30. They also provided
that $250 of income from the fund
be likewise set aside for the Henr
Russel Award, to be announced a
the time of the Lecture and to go t
a junior member of the faculty fo
outstanding work and promise for
the future.
Physicians Endorse
Birth Control Bills
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. - () -
The "Birth Control and National Re-
covery Conference" today enjoyed the
backing of a resolution voted by 50
attending physicians, indorsing pend-
ing birth control bills.
Hearings will be held Thursday on
Capitol hill on the identical bills of
Representative Pierce of Oregon and
Senator Hastings of Delaware, which
would permit dissemination of con-
traceptive information by physicians.
James H. S. Boussard, sociology
professor of University of Pennsyl-
vania, also raised before the confer-
ence another question: "With relief
and other social welfare expenditures

as high as they are, is it not time
that the program of sterilization of
the unfit should be considered
"At the present time there are such
laws on the statute books of 26
states," he said. "They have been but
little utilized."

* . *
Gives Recital
Russian Pianist Composer
Of Many Noted Operas
And $ymphonies
Appearing for the fourth time on
the Hill Auditorium stage, Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Russian pianist, will
give a concert at 8:15 p. m. tonight*
on the Choral Union series.
Rachmaninoff was born in the port
of Onega on the White Sea, in the
former province of Novgorod, and
studied at both the Petrograd and
Moscow conservatories.
Early his creative ability asserted
itself, and on graduating from the
Moscow conservatory he won the
gold medal for his one-act opera
"Aloko." His first concert tour as a
pianist established his supremacy in
this field.
In 1897, after he had already
gained fame as a concert pianist and
composer, he was appointed conduc-
tor of the Moscow. "Private Opera"
His own work, "Aloko" had already
been produced with success at the
Moscow opera, and his piano pieces,
songs, large secular choruses and or-
khestral works were beginning to be
recognized by critics and performers.
An invitation from the London
Philharmonic Society to appear in
the three-fold capacity of composer,
Conductor, and pianist afforded
Rachmaninoff his first great success
outside of Russia, and his perform-
ance in England established him as
no longer a Russian, but an interna-
ional, artist.
His first symphony was played at
a concert of the Royal Philharmonic
Society in 1909, with Arthur Nikisch
conducting. The story of his career
-ince these debuts as composer, pian-
ist, and conductor has been one of
-umulative success in three fields,
and when he made his American
lebut in 1909, he already occupied
he distinguished position he holds
today in the music world..
His three previous appearances in
Ann Arbor have been on the Choral
Union Concert series -in 1920, 1929,
and 1931. Therefore he is no new
figure to music lovers here. His pro-
gram, which appears in full on the
editorial page, will include Chopin's
"Marche Funebre," to be played by
the artist as a tribute to his friend,
the late Albert Lockwood, head of the
piano department of the music school
for over 30 years.
High Class Hard Liquor
Will Be Available Feb. 1
LANSING, Jan. 17 - (M)- High
class liquor in ample quantities will
be available to the public when the
State ushers in the sale of hard
whiskey and wines by the glass about
Feb. 1, it was indicated today.
The State liquor control commis-
sion began placing orders for $250,-
000 worth of bottled in bond liquor.

"lays Here Tonight

Pass Plan
Ten Houses Feel Inclined
Toward New Association
For Co-operative Buying
Hope To Save Up
To Five Per Cent
University Of Wisconsin
Buyer Here To Present
Details Of Plan
The success of the Fraternity Buy-
ers Co-operative was indicated last
night when 10 house managers said
they were favorably inclined toward
the organization and would join if
they got the approval of their re-
spective chapters.
At a meeting held last night under
the auspices of the Interfraternity
Council, the house managers of the
following houses said they were def-
initely interested: Beta Theta Pi, Chi
Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Sigma Alpha Mu, and Theta Delta
Chi. Others asked about details. Rep-
resentatives from Alpha Phi and Zeta
Tau Alpha sororities also indicated
that they were considering member-
"The showing at this preliminary
meeting practically assures us that
the board of governors will see fit to
become incorporated and start the
co-operative in operation," Bethel B.
Kelley, '34, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council, who has been ac-
tive in helping to form the co-opera-
tive, stated after the meeting.
Hope To Cut Costs
The new organization will effect
its savings, possibly of 5 per cent, by
a reduction in the costs ofmarket-
ing and distribution rather than by
cutting down theretailers' profits,
Prof. Dudley M. Phelps ofs the busi-
ness administration school told.the
representatives. Professor Phelp eis
a member of the Proposed board of
governors of the organizationrthe
other non-student members being
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley,
Prof. Robert G. Rodkey of the bus-
iness administration school, and Her-
bert H. Upton and Paul Icerman
local business men.
Besides Kelley and Maxwell T.
Gail, '34, secretary-treasurer of the
council, who will serve on the board,
two other student members were ap-
pointed yesterday. They are Fred-
erick F. Jones, '35, house manager of
Phi Sigma Kappa, and Joseph R.
Bailey, '35, Sigma Chi.
No Compensation Paid
No compensation will be paid the
members of the board of governors,
it was stressed last night, but a buyer
will be employed by the association
to devote either full or part time to
running it. How he will be employed
and how much he will be paid will be
determined by the board after it has
considered the number of houses
which will participate, Kelley said in
explaining the point.
Rolf E. Darbo, buyer for a similar
association at the University of Wis-
consin, who has been brought here
by the council to assist in launching
the new co-operative, was present
last night to answer questions which
were raised. Mr. Darbo has said that
he will be in town for the rest of

the week to tell any house the details
of the plan. Gail and Kelley have in-
dicated that they will be glad to tell
any prospective members full partic-
Applications for membership, ac-
companied by $25, which will be used
for initial operating expenses, were
received last night from some houses,
and others are expected to join soon.
Seventy-five dollars, to set up a
trust fund to guarantee member ac-
counts, will be required upon the ac-
ceptance of the application. The sum
will be used, it was stated, only to
pay off the bills of the house con-
tributing it in case that house should
fail to pay its bill before the 10th
of the month, as will be required.
Authorities Make Final
Plans For Gibson Inquest
DETROIT, Jan. 17-(A)-Au-
thorities tonight made final plans
for the inquest Friday into the death
of Mrs. Virginia Gibson, 33 years
old, whose body was found Jan. 6
on the Ford road west of the city
14 m 4 c

Possibility Of 'Youth Revolution'
Pointed Out By Y.MC.A. Head

'Unit Set' Stage Planned For
Comedy Club's New Production

NEW YORK, Jan. 17. - (Special)
- Unless the millions of young men
who are annually graduating from
this country's high schools and col-
leges find it possible in some way to
make a decent livelihood, there is the
danger of a "revolution by youth"
in the United States, Walter T. Diack,
general secretary of the New York
City Y.M.C.A. declared yesterday in
his annual report.
"The serious problems of the de-
a~wn~r~n 1~i -- l * ri * - +14 .1-** J*****

taking thought of the morrow for
the youth of our country and endeav-
oring to adjust the economic struc-
ture so that it provides equal oppor-
tunity for all."
"In the past our country," the re-
port continues, "has afforded such
bounteous opportunities for the gain-
ing of wealth that by the slipshod
method of trial and error men man-
aged to achieve a comfortable posi-
tion in life, many of them doing work

For the first time in its history
Comedy Club will use the modern
"unit set" plan for the four changes
of scenery in Lonsdale's "The Last
of Mrs. Cheyney"nwhich opens to-
night in Saginaw.
The unit set plan uses one basic
set of back and side flats which com-
pose the walls of the various rooms
where action takes place. Such a plan
has been used by a number of pro-
fessional companies, and was recently
shown in Ann Arbr ~during Robert

To obtain the desired effect of por-
traying two different parlours which
the script demands, a bedroom and a
breakfast room, a complete change
of furniture will be used, in addition
to a change of drapes and curtains.
One side wall and a panel in the
back of the set will be shifted to
produce doors and windows. Also, the
lighting will change on each scene.
Following its opening engagement
in Saginaw, Comedy Club will pre-
ca4f "ThT'1,Ta4 f f Mrc rpvnvt

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