'17, 1934 ___ _ _____ _____ _____ _ TJU CW2M GAN' DILYk Noted Fashion Designers To Judge Contest Friday Is The Deadline Set For Entrants; Sponsors Send Fashion Hints' Judges for the Young American Designer's Fashion Contest, which is to close Jan. 19, were announced re- cently by a bulletin sent out to the contestants. They are: Mrs. Edna Woolman Chase, editor In chief of Vogue; Miss Julia Coburn, fashion editor of Ladies Home Journal; Miss Rhea Seeger, fashion editor of the Chicago Tribune; Miss Helen Sisson, head of "Fashion Centre" at Mar- shall Field Co.; Mrs. Carmel Snow, fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar; Walter Dorwin Teague, noted de- signer; Mrs. Austin Young, fashion editor of the Chicago Herald Exam- iner. Entrants should have their designs. in at Miss Ethel McCormick's office in the League before Friday. Miss McCormick requests all of the stu- dents who have entered the con- test to suibmit their designs, whether they consider them good or not. The list of entrants from this cam- pus has risen to 15; the two new names are Dorothy Hall, '35, and' Betty Talcott, '35. Those who are participating in the competition have been receiving bulletins, from the sponsors on fashion tips. These bul- letins are sent to the contest center of every school having entrants. The contest is open only to college stu- dents. The latest "fashion flashcs" sug- gest that colors are at their bright- est now, that the silhouette will be long and lanky, shouldeils smooth, sleeves short, or none at all, necks nautical in design, and backs dar- ingly low in either a V or square. Navy and red patent leather belts are popular for sports wear, the bul- letin says. Jackets in flannel and novelty wool are also suggested. The designs to be submitted may be forL sports, tea-dancing, in fact any kindt of wear. The only requirements forP contestants are that they be regis--o tered students of some college." Tulane's All-Arneran Halfback Weds Chaperon List Announeed For Annual Dance Prominent Faculty Group Wi1 Attend Soph Prom Friday Night At Union The list of chaperones for the Soph Prom which will take place Jan. 19 has been announced. It includes President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthveri, Dean and, Mrs. Edward Krause, Dean and Mrs. Herbert Sad- ler, Dean and Mrs. J. B. Edmonson, Dean and Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Wilbur Humphries, Dean and Mrs. Alfred Lovell, 'Mrs. Beryl Fox Bacher, and Mrs. Jeannette Perry, assistant deans of women, Mrs. Henry W. Miller, Prof. and Mrs. Franklin A. Shull. Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Prof. Lewis VanderVelde, Prof. and Mrs. Berton Thuma, Prof. Paul Cucannon, Colonel and Mrs. Frederick G. Roger, Capt. and Mrs. Robert Lord, Lieut- enant and Mrs. Richard Coursey, Walter B. Rea, Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Sinai, Dr. Wil- Jiamn B. Bruce, Miss Ethel McCor- mick,. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walz, Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer. The flopr committee will consist of Edward S. Stagg, David Wink- wjorth, William Haas, Orville Cluck, and Edwood Morgan. The Prom will be held in the Union Ballrcom from 9:30 p.m. until 2 a. m., late permission having been granted women attending it. The af- fair will be forial, of course, as are all the large class dances, anid ac- coidinig to custom, no corsages will be wVorn. Miss Wiker Talks - A Lage Meeting -Associateca;Press Photo Donald Gordon "Flying Don" Ziminerman, Tulane's All-America halfback in 1932, and Mary Frances Buck, queen of the 1933 New Orleans carnival, were married at New Orleans in one of the most brilliant weddings of the winter season. The couple will live in Mont- gonery, Ala., where the bridegroom is in business. Members Entertain For Freneh Club At the meeting of the French Club, the last of the semester, at 8 p.m. yesterday in the Salle du Cercle of the Romance Language Building, Marybell Bouchard, '36, gave a brief talk on her stay in China. She at- tended school there from 1925 to 1928, and had many amusing and en- lightening incidents to relate. The rest of the program, which was in charge of Bertha Carry, '34, vice-president of the club, included a spelldown and the singing of sev- eral French folk-songs. Refresh- ments were served at the close. Haatvelch Will Le(Aur-e On University Expedion At the meeting Of Eta Sigma Phi to be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the League, Rolfe 'Haatveldt, Grad., will speak on the archaeological ex- peditions sponsored by the University in Egypt. The lecture will be illus- trated. All those interested in the subject are invited to attend. !s a i C b T t- '1 C. f Martha Cook Fetes Officers From League The officers and chairmen of the League will be entertained at dinner tonight by Martha Cook dormitory. Katherine Coffield, '34, is in charge of arrangements, assisted by Ed- wardine Hoyt, '35. Coffee will be served after dinner in the Blue Room, with Miss Margaret Ruth Smith and Miss Sara Rowe pouring. Max Gail's orchestra will play for dancing. The guests of honor at the dinner include Marian Giddings, '34, vice- iresident of the League; Harriet Jennings, '34, chairman of Judiciary Council; Ada Blackman, '34, League business secretary; Hilda Kirby, '35, reague treasurer; Billie Griffiths, '35, president of W.A.A.; Barbara Suther- land, '35, chairman of Junior Girls' .lay; Ruth Robinson, '34, chairman f Board of Representatives; Carol Ianan, '34, women's editor of the, Daily; Mary Louise Kessberger, '34,1 enior representative and chairman of Undergraduate Campaign Fund; 'uth Kurtz, '34Ed., senior member of Judiciary; K~athleen Carpenter, '35, Lrid Mary Sabin, '35, junior member of Judiciary; Margaret Beckett, '34, chairman of Point System; and Bea- rice Devine, '35, junior representa- ive. Swveate 'Takes On New Note Going rTo Teas And Dinners Women's Ulb Drama Group Pemsents Pla V | I Tre care and psychology of chil- dren was discussed last night at a As one of the highlights of the meeting of the Michigan Dames, or- year's program, the drama group of ganization for the wives of students the Ann Arbor Women's Club pre- on campus, by Miss Marguerite Wil- ker. head of the University Nursery sented a three-act play yesterday in jcheof the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in to" Cd place of the regular club meeting Hr c,: wC ren ,earn The play, "The Mystery of the Through Careful Verbal Direction," Masked Girl" was directed by Mrs. wa brought to the clu by the Child .askeil". Study Group, Mrs. Amand Di.iulM, D. . eike.chairman, at the society's regular, The cast of the play included Mrs. meting in the League. Allene Allmendinger, Mrs. Grace Plans were riade at the business Smith, Mrs. Mary Kessell, Mrs. June meeting following the talk, for a Bridges, Miss Edna Hewett, Mrs. Ger- Washington's birthday party to be aldine 'Cowell, Mrs. Marjorie iousel, held Feb. 21. The dramatic group will Mrs. Sue Greschke, and Mrs. Nina present a play at this meeting, which Gill. Mrs. Iska Morton and Mrs. will, it is thought, be a costume party Gretchen Barth had charge of prop- honoring the members' husbands. erties, and Mrs. Lillian Eiler was __ bookholder. The program also included a comic WESLEY PLAYERS MEET I sketch by Mrs. Mabel Young and;. The next production of the Wesley Mrs. Lois Pildinger, and a novelty Players, to be presented in about song, "The Hats of Other Days," with three weeks, will be decided on and Mrs. Jennie Johnstone, Mrs. Alma past at a meeting of the group at Dixon, Mrs. Lillian Iler, Mrs. Idah 7:30 p. m. today at, Stalker Hall, ac- Clemmons, Mrs. Ivah Howard, Mrs. cording to June Currie, '35, presi- Doris Bleekman, Mrs. Genevieve dent. Champion, and Mrs. Helen Judson. JORDAN HALL WINS CUP Eight Initiated By Dr. Margaret Bell presented Jor- dan Hall with the Outdoor Hockey Jodrnlafism oc iety cup at a dinner at the dormitory re- cently. Dean Alice Lloyd and Miss Marie Hartwig, manager of the team, Kappa Tau Alpha, national hon- were also present. orary journalistic fraternity, initiated -_- _ ___ __ the following seniors Monday eve- ning: Doris Campbell, Ilene Peters Marjorie Beck, William Brownson, John Field, Kenneth Olson, E. Je- rome Pettit, and Parker Snyder. The F in a l ceremony was held at the home of Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the journalism department. Membership in the fraternity is on the basis of scholarship and moral character. Following the initiation, there was an election of officers, necessitated by the graduation in February of Paul Conrad, president of Kappa Tau Alpha, and Nadine Lewis, secretary- One Group t tary-treasurer. Mark Alger, '34, was elected to the former position, and Marjorie Beck, '34, to the latter. Fs Discussions by the various groups will concern the year's program of j activity, with special consideration of meeting the needs of the present school emergency. The major effort of the year so far has been assist- ance on the school fund problems. Among the prominent guests ex-1 pected are Mrs. Thomas McAllister, Grand Rapids, state legislative chair- man; Miss Marie Sayles, Flint, treas- urer; Dean Marian Gray, Albion Col- lege, educational chairman; Mrs. Frederick Steinhilber, Jackson, first vice president; Miss Mercy Hayes, Detroit, chairman of fellowship; and Mrs. C. H. Brand, Saginaw, chairman of scholarship. Mrs. Earl Wilson, Saginaw, member of Michigan board of education; Mrs. George Cannon, Battle Creek, chair- man of publicity; Miss Marjory Dela- van, Lansing, editor of News Letters., 'are expected. Tryouts Announced By Child Theatre Group Tryouts for the "Pied Piper of Hamlin Town," Children The- atre production, will be held from 4 to 5 p. m. today and from 7:30 to 10 p. m. tomorrow. First Lady's Gown There is nothing quite as collegiat( as the always practical sweater ant skirt combination. They are to bi seen all over campus and seem to b just as popular for classes as fo: active sport wear; in fact, they arE often so beautifully befrilled that wE expect they're about to go tea danc- ing or out to dinner after a late class The most popular skirts are dark colored and in sturdy, warm fabric, and worn with them we usually fin sweaters that are brighter thar bright. Very soft wools, angora o: brushed are used, and lines are be- coming softer and more feminin too. Lacy weaves are all the ragE and the geometrical designs which we first discovered in the new prints are very appropriate here. Of course, the suit idea is always the thing, and in suits brighter colors are often used for skirt and coat, The three-quarters length coat is best this season, though of course the short-jacketed suits are still seen. Working in admirably with this idea and providing a little extra warmth is the twin sweater, which, it seems, is with us to last. Now and again, we find sweaters with a tiny metallic thread running through the fabric, thus keeping up with the metallic note which we find in more formal clothes. One charm- ing outfit seen teaing at the Hut con- sisted of a dark rust colored sweater shot with a gold thread. It was worn with brown skirt and hat. Another attractive sweater 'which we saw bending over a blue book and helping out the trying situation considerably, was of a green lacy fabric with a dainty ruffled jabot draped about the neck. You can't go wrong in a sweater learane of DRESSES and School. Where .Go Dancing: Stunt Night at League Grill Room, Hut, Dixie Inn, Preketes, Joe Parker's. Mltion Pictures: Michigan, "De- sign for Living" with Miriam Hop- kins, Gary Cooper and Frederick March; Majestic, "Flying Down to Rio" with Dolores Del Rio and Gene Raymond; Whitney, "Unknown Val- ley" and "Soldiers of the Storm" with Anita Page. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p. m. Values to $29.75 'II= One Group o DIISSES for all occasions Pi One Group of Smart, Fur-trimmed Coats Better Values at ! TYPEWRITING SHORTHAND STE NOTYPY ACCOUNTING /C) MEW."~ I IV A IIIII s ! ;ICI