THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,,. Established 1890 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session aby the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. sociatcd otrjiatt rez !93 (itiiwA .. cvcae) 134 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the sest Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmastr-General. Subscription during summeraby carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mal, $4.25. Of$ices:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Bbylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.H........HOMAS K. CONNELLAN CIT EITR..............BRACKLEY SHAW EDTORIAL DIRECTOR ............C HARTNSCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR........ ....ALBERT H. NEWMAN DRAMA EDITOR ...............JOHN W. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.' REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groeh, John Kerr, Thomas H. Klene, Richard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil- liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Ges, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn Rietdyk, Jane-Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ...........W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER ..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.................. ........................... CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-' trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- rdymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess. Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, James Scott, David Winkworth. Jane Bassett,: Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds.: NIGHT EDITOR: GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. IMPnortant Meeting For Fraternities, Sororities ... F RATERNITY men will have a chance to unite and save perhaps $2 per month per man on their board bills if they will give sympathetic hearing to the words of' Rolf E. Darbo, fraternity co-operative buyer from' the University of Wisconsin, who will tell of the new organization the Fraternity Buyers Co-op-' erative, which is being organized here. The benefits of the new plan will not be limited to fraternities which are members of the Inter-. fraternity Council, which is sponsoring the or- ganization. Professional fraternities and also the sororities have been asked to send delegates to' tonight's meeting to hear the details discussed. During Mr. Darbo's brief stay in Ann Arbor! much should be accompanied by the officials of the Interfraternity Council in order to bring about' the successful organization of the Fraternity Buy-1 ers Co-operative. If carried through to a suc-' cessful conclusion, this bids to be the best piece of constructive work every accomplished by any council administration. The meeting tonight will take place in the Union, and is scheduled for 8 o'clock. Good-Will Clothes Drive Ought To Succeed .. . T IS NOT A comfortable thought that a fairly large number of stu- dents at the University of Michigan need clothes. Yet that they do is attested to both by Union officials in charge of the current Goodwill Clothes Drive and by Dean Bursley. Here because even in the face of extreme financial difficulties they are determined to ac- quire an education, this group is possessed of one of the finest traits men can have. They deserve help if anyone does. Lots of us have clothes we rarely or never use, which we could part with at almost no sacrifice, and which would do those who really need them a great deal of good. All that is necessary to get them into the proper hands is a telephone request to the Union to have a messenger pick them up. Probably every fraternity on campus contains at least one suit of clothes which for one reason or another will not be worn again. If every fra- ternity on campus can contribute one such suit, the Union's drive will be a success. With the ad- ditional support of independents it should go eail ver the tots to "discredit the fraternity system and the Uni- versity." The Daily is in favor of the resolution; inter- ference in the interests of the University is not paternalism but self-protection. As long as the authorities confine themselves to protecting the good name of the school they will have no fear of offending honest student opinion. We are equally emphatic however, in the belief any University policy which would endeavor to make better men and women out of men and women. who don't want to be made any better would be paternalistic and ineffective, and should be resisted by students and alumni alike. Alumni interest is one of the most vital of the good influences of the college. Whatever the re- sults of the action may be, fraternity men may be assured that they will always have a sympa- thetic hearing from men who have faced student problems in the past. Screen eflection s LETTER TO ART CINEMA LEAGUE To the Art Cinema League: The Wuerth Theatre has just completed a pic- ture worthy of your attention. "S.O.S Iceberg" is one of the best educational pictures from the standpoint of photography, authentic setting, and realism that has been here for some time. The setting, in the icefields near Greenland, has a dynamic atmosphere about it that moves an audi- ence and at the same time appears educational as well as artistic. The photography of the giant icebergs cracking up, the excellent shadow effects, and the shots of specific interest rank among the best of the year. Aside from these two points is the striking realism that the production has throughout; a touch that will bring home many new points to the person who hasn't any partic- ular knowledge of what goes on in the frozen north. The plot, subordinate to the qualities men- tioned, adds to the tense excitement and makes for a fine all around production. Shows like this would make excellent Art Cinema fare. - R.E.L. GARBO'S DISGUISE By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 12.-The disguise that the elusive Greta Garbo adopts for shopping is so obvious that she deceives very few. Here's what she was wearing the other day in a Wilshire bou- levard store: low heeled sports shoes, bluish-grey trousers, a shaggy tweed coat of brown, dark glasses and a "jockey cap" with a white celluloid peak fully six inches long. To 12-year-old Marybeth Luddy, to whom I was showing the stars and sights, Miss Garbo said when asked for her signature: "I never do that." And without a smile. I fear Miss Garbo has lost a very enthusiastic fan. The Al Jolson film "Wonder Bar" is costing a few dollars more than Warner expected it would on account of a trained deer. There is a Busby Berkeley-conceived "number" staged within a mirror-encircled stage. A score of chorines in this enclosure appear, when photo- graphed, to be several hundred girls. The trained deer has something to do with this sequence. He wouldn't perform the first day he was put into the mirrored compound. He just stood still and stared and stared. He seemed to be wondering why there were so many of him. Then the scared deer fell down and stayed in that position until his keeper rescued him. Whereupon it was discovered that he wasn't ex- actly scared. He'd been drinking. Just beer, but enough of it had been given him to make him a little goofy when he discovered there were hun- dreds of him where only one should have been. The following day the scene was shot -with a sobered-up trained deer. It's Done With Mirrors Composite photography, which has long been used by the movies to fool you, has been adopted for a unique purpose. When you come to Hollywood hereafter, you can have a photograph made of yourself with your favorite star. The picture, to be taken home to impress the folks, will show you in a very chummy pose with the star. Trick photography is the ex- planation, of course. Speaking of trick photography, this is how a battle between a mountain lion and police dog -the highlight of a recent animal film - was staged. The mountain lion wrestled with a dummy dog and the dog fought only a dummy lion. Lion an. dog never were on the set together. By means of clever photography and adroit cut- ting, the faked battle became very realistic on the screen. Musical Events - TWILIGHT ORGAN RECITAL Tocca on "Stalve Maris Etella........ Dupre Cortege et Litanie ................... Dupre Fugue ...........................Honegger Concerto in A-minor..........Vivaldi-Bach Allegro - Adagio - Allegro Pastorale in F-Major ........ Roger-Ducasse The Mirrored Moon (Seven Pastels) ................Karg-Elert Allegro (Fifth Trio Sonata) ............Bach Three Chorale Preludes................Bach "Lord God, now open wide Thy Heaven" "In Three is Gladness" "Hark, a voice saith" Tocca in F........................Bach CARL WEINRICH, one of the important organ- Bach, although the major portion is devoted to that man's works. There are moderns also here, chiefest of whom is Karg-Elert, on this program, represented by a set of his famous pastels, the seven called "The Mirrored Moon." Two modern Frenchmen, Dupre and Honegger, give an inter- esting variety to the recital; the former is the leading French organist of the day, while Honeg- ger is renowned for "Pacific 231," an orchestral piece. The Theatre FREDERIC LONSDALE'S "THE LAST OF MRS. CHEYNEY" Gentlemen crooks with a lady accomplice who is pure in heart and defends her more technical purity at the risk of her reputation are ingredients used with a careless gaiety by Frederic Lonsdale in his sprightly comedy "The Last of Mrs. Chey- ney." Any theatre-goer who enjoyed Lonsdale's "Aren't We All", as well as his "High Road" will find al- most an overbundance of good comedy in "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney." To others it will still re- main an engaging and lively play with an in- teresting and well-told story. Mrs. Cheyney is a most attractive young woman who desires to get "in the swim" with the social set. The easiest way was in developing a strictly business association with a gang of highclass crooks. Happily enough for the plot of the play, in doing this, she does not impair the virtue re- quired of a high-comedy heroine. Her own en- terprise and association with these crooks lead her as a guest to a country home of one, Mrs. Ebley. There she meets a dull and pompous Eng- lish lord, who offers her an honorable marriage, and a younger and much more clever English lord to whom marriage is only the remotest of the alternatives that he has to offer her. Mr. Lons- dale's clever artistry in handling a highly amusing, but none the less difficult situation leaves the audience highly satisfied in the denouement. The original Broadway production, presented a few seasons ago was the starring vehicle for the glamorous Ina Claire, who recently appeared as "Marion Frouds" in S.S. Behrman's "Biography." Miss Claire has the unique reputation for never having appeared in a flop -even in these days when a stage manager is apt to call Crane's store- house at the end of the second act. The Mrs. Cheyney in Lonsdale's play offered Miss Claire one of the liveliest and wittiest characters to work with. This talented actress is particularily gifted in portraying acid wit and irresistible charm, a rare combination to be found in any playwright show. Supporting her in the broadway production were Roland Young and A. E. Mathews. In the movie production of three years ago, the title roles were played by Basil Rathbone and Norma Shearer. The "Last of Mrs. Cheyney" is a fast-moving tale of the sort that it can be truthfully said, "Never a dull moment." - Analyst Collegiate Observer The following advertisement appeared in the De Pauw Daily: "Lost, strayed or borrowed, one copy of Darwin, Origin of Species. I am paying ten cents a day to the library since Tuesday before vacation. Please return if you think I have paid enough. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES "Vice Is nice But Kappas - Think twice ." - Indiana Daily Student If you're a sappa, Hang your pin on a Theta You'll never be happa. -Daily Illini * * * At Marquette University the football squad members stated in a survey that one half of them read the sport page first, one fourth glanced first at the headlines, some liked the comics at the beginning - and - one even starts with the ed- itorials. A professor at the University of Chicago was giving a series of lectures on Gothic. Just beginning to speak one morning at the begin- ning of the semester he was interrupted by a student raising his hand: "Is this French 2?" the student questioned. "No, this is Gothic," said the professor, re- suming his lecture. Again a few minutes later the student raised his hand. "It says in this booklet that French 2 is given in this room at this hour." "Can't help it," replied the professor. "This is Gothic," The student raised his hand again about ten minutes later. "What now," asked the professor. "Are you Miss Simmons?" The professor then discontinued his lecture and had the student marched out of the room. Because college petters parked their cars before his home, and because they brought along heaters to keep them warm, a professor at New York Uni- versity asked trustees of his suburban town not to have the snow removed from the roads so that he could spend some peaceful evenings. There is a story going around at Oregon State University about a grad of that insti- tution who named his son "Sears Roebuck" and, when asked why, said because the off- spring was of the "male order." A survey of fraternity living costs at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin re ealed that the average I ~.1 Luck NOw is the time to rent those vacant rooms for next semester. Classified advertising is the best means of con- tacting the student body. Call 2-1214 or stop at the Daily office in the building on Maynard St. CASH RATES I1c a Line CHARGE RATES 15c a Line 2I1214 M HDAILY Ki~eep r Shirts Lookiin Like New!o A SHIRTS look better and last longer when sent to the laundry. There are no frayed edges, lost buttons or wrinkles to break down a neat appearance. Phone 2-3 123 L y F C LieryatFit 44 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS Protect your Papers and Books from the Elements u f CasesZiper as Our stock is-complete and the prices are still the lowest in many years. ----- - AHW OOSOE STATE STREET "Buy With Confidence" MAIN STREET i' ii AC4HMANNOFNF IN PIANO RECITAL Thursday, January 18 at 8:15- P. M. Hill Auditorium - Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Choral Union Concert Series LILY PONS, MONDAY, JAN. 29 i- - - THE ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION has the pleasure to present Air Commodore Fellowes Leader of the Houston -Everest Expedition and The Official Motion Pictures of