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January 17, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-17

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The Weather
Generally fair today; tomor-
.row snow with rising tempera-


fr.ig an


Important Meeting For Fra-
ternities, Sororities; Alumni
Pass Good Resolution.





Says State Liquor
Bill Repealed Ban
On Campus Beej
Rep. Phil C. Pack Asserts To Puerto Rico
Old Charter Amendment
Has Been Thrown Out
State RestaurateursC
Can Ask Licenses
'Many Lawyers In State
Legislature Agree WithMoa
Me,' Local Man Says
Passage of the State Liquor Con-e
trol Bill repealed the east of Divi-
sion Street city charter provision pro-"
hibiting the sale of beer in restau-
rahts in the campus sector, and res-
taurants in that section may apply
to the Common Council for permits,
Phil C. Pack, representative for- the
Ann Arbor district in the House of
Representatives at Lansing, said yes-
"It is my opinion, and I have con- -Associated Press Photo
sulted with a number of lawyers in Gen. Blanton Winship, form
the Legislature, that the charter pro- Judge-Advocate General ' of t
vision, like all other special city or- Army, was nominated by Preside
dinances, was abolished by the bill," Roosevelt to be Governor of Puer
Pack said. Rico, succeeding Robert H. Go
Ann Arbor restaurant proprietors, who retired'
informed ofMr. Pack's opinion last
night, said they would make no ;at- U..Je Betn y
tempt to get permits for the saleUy
of beer from the council until that Nazis; Start Prob
body had come to some final deci-
sion concerning all liquor regulations
in the city. The council is at pres- BERLIN, Jan. 16 - (P - Unit
ent endeavoring to form laws for States Consul Raymond Geist pr
such regulation. Its ordinance com- tested to the Prussian secret poli
mittee is meeting with representative today that Max Schussler, a Je
townspedple so that the council may who formerly lived in Brooklyn, r
discover how people want to handle Y., was attacked and brutally beat
the problem raised by the repeal of by a Nazi storm trooper.
the Eighteenth Amendment. Geist said the State Attorney pro
Outlining the situation as it now ably will start proceedings automa
stands in this city Mr. Pack said cally against the trooper, a m
that if campus restaurateurs wished named Friedel who lives in a hou
to sell beer they should apply to the owned by Schussler.
council for permits. The council,
he said, would no longer be able to *1o sevelt Or
refuse such permission on the ground 4vOU
that it was prohibited by a city char-..
ter provision. RuinCoughin
The last time that applications
were made by State Street restau-
rant men, immediately after the law Warns IOUSI
permitting sale of 3.2 beer was passed,
the council refused permission on the (By Associated Press)
basis of the charter amendment. The The day in Washington:
restaurant men, a c t i n g through Activities of the Federal Housi
Charles Monk, proprietor of the New Corporation were halted by an opi
Granada Restaurant, asked for a ion from Comtroller General J.F
writ of mandamus against the coun- McCarl that the organization w
cil, but this was denied by Circuit unconstitutional.
Court Judge George W. Sample. The The Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, D
restaurant men carried their fight to troit radio priest, told the Hou
the Supreme Court and were again coinage committee: "It's Rooseve
turned down. or ruin."
If the council recognizes that the The government filed suit to st
charter prohibition has been re- an alleged code violation by t
pealed, it may still refuse beer ap- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey.
plications, however, Mr. Pack said, Federal Reserve approval of t
simply on the basis that it did not nationalization of gold was a
wish to grant them. But even then nounced by Gov. Eugene Black of t
it would be necessary for the council Federal Reserve Board,
to show cause why the applications Senate Republicans agreed to i
were turned down, he said. sist upon "adequate hearings" for t
monetary program.
Senator. David A. Reed, (Re
Adel hi Hears Pa.,) proposed, a veterans reli
ep amendment to the administration
BDean independent offices bill.
ean B rsey President Roosevelt arranged;t
maintain the Civilian Conservati
discuss RsCorps another year at a costc
Discus R$30s,0,000ooo.

Prospectus Of Buyers Union
Tells Co-Operative Advantages

Defends Seaway


Will Join


n's i

The prospectus of the proposed
house buyers' association is repro-
duced here:
The aim of this association shall be
to foster and maintain the co-oper-
ation and good-will of the merchants
dealing with local fraternities and
sororities by systematizing and con-
solidating institutional purchasing, to
the end that the overhead of the
merchants might be substantially re-
duced thus enabling the chapters to
get superior living accommodations
at lower prices.
The association shall help to estab-
lish continuity of good management
for its member-chapters so that they
will enjoy the benefits of a good fi-
nancial reputation.
The association shall procure its
commodities at considerable savings
in time and money by buying co-op-
eratively and according to analysis
and experiment.
The method of the association shall
be to ascertain the needs of its mem-
ber-chapters, then enter into agree-
ments with merchants preferably
local,for the purchase and delivery of
these commodities and services. Or-
dering will be done by the cooks or
Are Announced
For Senior B3all
Co-Chairnien Doty, McRoy
Select Seven Committees
To Run Senior Event
Appointments to the following
committees for the Senior Ball were
made yesterday by co-chairmen Wil-
liam McRoy and James Doty.
Tickets: Edward McCormick, chair-
man, George Knowles, Harriet Jen-
nings, and George Lambrecht.
'Decorations: Carol Hanan, chair-
man, Mary Brimijoin Arthur Gor-
den, Bertha Matthews, and Dean
Programs: Robert Hogg, chairman,
Samuel Ewing, and Richard Carbeck.
Invitations: Edward Woodruff,
chairman, Wilbur Bohnsack, Bethel
B. Kelly, and Stan C. Killian.
Orchestra: IQonald Lyon, chair-
man, and C. A. Morse.
Publicity: W. Grafton Sharp,
chairman, Albert Newman, and Gil-
bert E. Bursley.
Floor Committee: Carl Gladfelter,
chairman, Kent C. Thornton, Noel D.
Turner, Robert Mitchell, John H.
Skinner, Ray Fiske, Wesley McMul-
len, Franklin A. Park, and William
Lester Harrison will be chairman
of the budget, and Ann Story will be
secretary of the committee for the
Senior Ball. Robert Mreland is
the treasurer.
Liquor Rulings Passed
To Outlaw 'Bathtub Gin'
LANSING, Jan. 16. -(/P)-The
State Liquor Control Commisison to-
day took its initial step to outlaw
the home gin industry.
Chairman Frank A. Picard an-
nounced a number of alcohol rulings
designed to abolish the Prohibition
era custom of manufacturing so-
called "bathtub" gin.
Under the new rulings, a limited
amount of alcohol will be available
at State liquor stores but its price
will be boosted beyond any attractive
"If we can't curtail the practice of
"bathtub" gin by law, then we can't
by the price," Picard said.

stewards direct as before but the
merchants, mindful of the volume of
business, good credit, and prompt
pay, will give special discounts and
concessions to the members of the
co-operation. Bills will be paid
through the association.
Membership in this association
may be applied for by any fraternity,
sorority, club, or other non-profit or-
ganization, the membership of which
is drawn from the faculty or student
body of the University of Michigan.
Acceptance shall be based upon the
applicant's financi~al standing and
Direct control shall be vested in
the Board of Governors (direct) a
group of faculty and alumni and stu-
dents chosen because of their in-
terest in and knowledge of organized
life at the University, or because of
their technical knowledge in such
fields as law, purchasing, and ac-
counting. The board of governors will
initiate the services of the Associa-
tion with a cautious program, and
will increase the commodities and
services afforded by the association
from time to time as they may seem,
Gram Named
To New State
Plannng Body
Commission Will Plot A
Series Of Improvement
Projects In State
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, head of the+
ivil engineering department and di-+
sector of plant extension, was named
a member of the newly formed Mich-
igan Planning Commission yester-
day. Working in conjunction with
the National Planning Commission.
'he group of which Professor Gram
is now a member will plot a series
of improvement projects in this state.
Six other men were named to the
c ammission by Gov. William A. Com-
stock. They e.:^aude S, Carney,_
head of the department of labor and
ndustry; Burnett J. Abbott, secre-
tary of the state administrative
board; Paul F. Voelker, superinten-
dent of public instruction; George
R. Hogarth, director of conserva-
Ion; Murray D. Van Wagoner, high
vay commissioner and Dean H. I;
Dirks of Michigan State College.
The commission is expected to
ciame it chairman soon., The com
nission was formed at the request of
Federal authorities who promised co-
'peration with the State in the pr',-
motion of a building program, a ge.
ral revision of Michigan's transpor-
tation system, and land improv-
First Day Of
Clothes Drive
Is Successful
A generous response was accorded
the efforts of Union committeemen
in the first day of the Good-Will
fund clothes drive, according to the
report made last night by Allen D.
McCombs, '35, student executive+
councilman in charge of the drive.+
"Today's response was very encour-
aging, but we are in hopes that more
clothing will be contributed as there
is still a definite need for garments,
particularly suits and overcoats," Mc-
Combs added.
It was also stated that negotiations
are being made with a local cleaning
establishment for the complete reno-
vation of the clothes, and their co-
operation on the matter is almost as-

Student committeemen will be sta-
tioned in the student offices of the
Union every afternoon to make col-
lections, and anyone wishing to con-
tribute to the drive need merely call
there or leave his name and address
with the switchboard operator.
R[uthvens Arrive
Here February 8
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will land in New York City Wednes-
day, Feb. 7, and will immediately en-
train for Ann Arbor, arriving here
she following day, according to in-
formation received from the admin-
istrative offices in Angell Hall.
The Ruthvens left here Dec. 12,

* * *
Vandenberg, Lewis
Argue On Seaway
WASHINGTON, Jan, 16- ()-
Replying to a speech by Senator J.
Hamilton Lewis (Dem., Ill.), that the
St. Lawrence Treaty would give Great
Britain a "military avenue" through
the United States, Senator Arthur
H. Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.), told
the Senate today that England and
Canada have every navigation right
on the Great Lakes now that they
would have under the new pact.
"If the King can move on Chicago
under the St. Lawrence treaty, he
can move on Chicago under the ex-
isting treaty," said the Michigan
Senator, referring to the treaty of
"Therefore, if there is any men-
ace from a British invasion, that
danger exists today under the treaty
of 1909."
Rachmaninoff Tells
How He Apportions
His Day Of Music
Sergei Rachmaninoff, pianist, who
will appear here on the Choral Union
Concert series tomorrow at Hill Au-
ditorium, recently explained how he
apportions his time among his activi-
ties as composer, pianist, and con-
"The whole time of my musical
career, some 24 years, might be
roughly divided into three periods of
approximately eight years each, of
composing, concert work, and con-
ducting," he said.
"When I am concertizing, I cannot
compose. When I feel like writing
music, I have to concentrate on that
- I cannot touch the piano except
for chording. A poem, a picture,
something concrete, helps me im-
His mention of poem and picture
is significant, as some of the com-
poser's most noted works were thus
ispired - "The Bells," for chorus
and orchestra, a musical interpreta-
tion of Edgar Allan Poe's poem, the
"Island of the Dead," a symphonic
tone poem inspired by Arnold Boeck-
lin's famous painting, and "Prelude
in C-Sharp Minor" is said to have
been suggested by the bell-tones of
St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.
His C-sharp Minor Prelude is his
best known single composition. It has
been played in symphonic, jazzed,
and solo forms, and living down the
ever-recurring composition has been
one of the problems of the artist's
It isn't that he has no regard for
(Continued on Page 6)
Hospital authorities last night re-
ported that Prof. Thomas Diamond
of the education school "seemed a
little better" although little change
had been noted. His condition was
very critical, they said.

J-Hop Drivers Must
Have Parents' Consent
Permission to drive automobiles
for the J-Hop period will be
granted only under the conditions
which are prescribed by the office
of the dean of students, Walter
B. Rea, assistant to the dean, de-
clared yesterday.
"Last year many driving per-
mits were given out without the
signatures of the applicants' par-
ents, the license numbers, or other
required information. This year no
relaxation of the regular rule can
be allowed," he stated.
Applications for permits should
be called for at the dean's office,
Room 2 University Hall, early
enough so they may be sent to the
applicant's parents and returned
with the proper information, he
Warburg Sends
A Sharp Reply
To Fr. Coughlin
Tells Radio Priest That
Money Is Not Scarce, But
Distribution Is Poor
NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-()-There
is no famine of money, but there is
a "maldistribution of wealth," James
P. Warburg said in a letter today to
the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, Detroit
priest, in reply to statements made
by the priest in an address on Sun-
Mr. Warburg, vice-chairman of the
bank of the Manhattan Company
and former adviser to the American
delegation at the London conference,
asked the priest if he "really" be-
lieved the World War was started by
bankers, or that bankers pushed the
government into selling the "bloody"
bonds, and asserted that when he at-
tacked holders of the bonds he was
not attacking t h e "racketeering
banksters" but was attacking the
"whole American people."
"And when you say that there are
only some $46 of currency per capita
in the country," the letter went on,
"and talk about a famine of money,
-what about bank deposits, savings
accounts, and marketable securities?
"We have no famine of money, -
we have a maldistribution of wealth.
Making two dollars out of one dollar
will not cure the maldistribution of
wealth. It will not enrich the poor
any more than calling six inches a
foot will make you any taller. You
will be twelve feet of high instead
of six, but you will not be able to
reach what is out of your reach now."
gargoyle Out Today;
Caricatures Featured
n. host of interesting and humor-
,us features, including several Pow-
ers caricatures and a striking cover.
&re to be found in the January num
oer of the Gargoyle which will be
Jlaced on sale today.
tanong the popular departments ar
Preposterous People, O u r O w
clothes Horses, Sophisticated Lad,
and Modern Music. In addition nu-
merous amusing incidents of the past
month will be exposed.

Interfraternity Council To
Receive Bids At 8 P. M.
Tonight In Union
Wisconsin Agent
Will Explain Plan
Similar Co-Operative Has
Saved $2 Per Man Each
Month At Wisconsin
Application for membership in the
Fraternity Buyers Co-Operative, a re-
cently formed campus organization
which is being sponsored by the In-
terfraternity Council, will be received
at the council meeting to be held at
8 p.m. today at the Union.
Questions concerning the plan will
be answered by Rolf E. Darbo, buyer
for.a similar organization at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, who has been
brought from Madison by the council
to help the new organization get
The method of operation of the co-
operative, as explained in the pros-
pectus, "shall be to ascertain the
needs of its member chapters, then
enter into agreements with mer-
chants, preferably local, for the pur-
chaseiand delivery of these com-
modities and services."
Wisconsin Successful

Fraternity Buyers
Group At Meeting

The savings at the University of
Wisconsin has been shown to be
more than $2 per man per month,
Mr. Darbo declared yesterday,'citing
the fact that the organization at
Wisconsin has grown in membership
from 10 chapters last year to more
than 20 during the current year. The
term of the agreements by which
houses join has been renewed for a
three year .period, he. said, showing
increased confidence in the plan.
Sororities, professional fraternities,
and other similar groups have been
invited to send delegates to tonight's
meeting to hear Mr. Darbo discuss
the plan. Applications will be re-
ceived from all groups, and accept-
ance will dependt solely upon the
credit standing of the applicants.
"The co-operative will be able to
afford to analyze all products which
are under scrutiny because it will be
buying in large quantities," Mr. Dar-
bo said. "The large quantities bought
will enable the co-operative to gain'
its low prices.
"An improvement of the credit
standing of the houses in general is
the result of such action, and should
be hailed with relief by the local
merchants," he continued.
Not Radical Change
The profits which will accrue froih
operating the organization will be ap-
plied to the members' accounts on a
pro rata basis figuring in the amount
of business which has been trans-
acted through the organization, the
plan states.
The establishment of the new plan
includes no radical change in the
present set-up of fraternity manage-
ment, except that the stewards will
not have to determine which of the
wholesalers he shall buy from, it has
been explained. The association will
do that for him, eliminating un-
necessary duplication of services, un-
necessary deliveries of goods, and
other expensive features of the status
quo. n
Among the houses in the member-
ship of the Wisconsin co-operative
are the Madison chapters of the fol-
lowing fraternities: Alpha Chi Sigma,
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi
Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi
Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Sigma Phi, Theta Delta Chi, Tri-
angle, Zeta Tau, and Sigma Chi.
Ramsdell Will
Be Foresters'
Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
has been appointed the representa-
tive of the Society of American For-
esters to attend the conference on
the lumber code of the NRA, which
is to meet with Secretary of Agricul-

Louisiana women contested ti
election of Senator John K. Overto
an ally of Senator Huey Long.

The conditions under which beer
is sold in Ann Arbor are more im-
portant than the places, Dean Joseph
A. Bursley told members of the
Adelphi House of Representatives last
night. This statement was in answer
to a question concerning the dean
of students' opinion onibeer east of
Division Street.
Dean Bursley was guest speaker at
the organization's last meeting of the
semester in the Adelphi Room, An-
gell Hall. The honor system, schol-
arships, University rules and "pater-
nalism," the traditions and spirit of
Michigan, the obligation of a student
to his University and the advantages
he receives from it, were all discussed
by Dean Bursley in his informal talk
on "The Relation of the Student to
the University."
"Paternalism is all bosh," he said,
discussing the rules the University
imposes. "As a matter of fact, it
seems to me there are very few rules;
the automobile ban, the law that a
,A)nt founnandnblicly intoxicatedi

Princes (Of A Red R epublic!) On Trial

To Hold Benefit Rummage Sale:
For 5,000 Crippled Children,

Five thousand crippled children -
many of them separated from their
parents for the first time, the great
majority of them State charges
whose fathers and mothers are fi-
nancially unable to send them the
most insignificant plaything or token
to make their lot the least bit hap-
pier - are cared for annually at the
University Hospital.
The local chapter of Kiwanis,
which for many years in co-opera-
tion with other chapters throughout
the state has devoted time and money
to alleviating the misery of these boys

otherwise dreary hours. Books-
story books, books of adventure and
travel, scientific books, books of every
description- have been purchased
for boys and girls of all ages.
Toys, too, have been provided in
great numbers-dolls for the younger
children and girls, mechanical toys,
construction g a m e s, educational
games. Playground equipment has
been provided for the hospital roof
to assist in the recovery of strength
of those who are strong enough to
use it.
Members of Kiwanis are asking


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