- 'AGE -FOURJ H- M-1CHCIGA N D-A-1 LY .STUJRDAY, $SEPT. 30, 1933 _ . ..= THE MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 ,.. ; ~M 1c Pr I f -,Y - Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. zsoeiate (foil jhtt ft'ess 933 NATIONAL -. . 'EIAGE 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are " reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special- rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 24214. Represen tatives College Publications Representatives, Inc.; 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL S TAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY,'EDITOR.................. ... BRACKLEY SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...............C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR .................ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOMEN'S EDITOR...........L..B.CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vleck, Guy M., Whipple, Jr. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Elanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan, Marjorie Beck. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, ,Marjorie Western. REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving F. Levitt, David G. MacDonald, S. Proctor McGeachy, John O'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D, Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks. WOMEN REPORTERS: Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Hannier, Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Laine, Kathleen Mac- Intyre, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, .Mary O'Neill, Jane Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........W. GRAFTON SHARF CREDIT MANAGER..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S.BUSINESS MANAGER................. ............. .......CATHERINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Willard Cohodas, Van Dunakin, Carl Fibiger, Milton Kramer, John Mason, John Marks, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, Richard Schiff, Robert Trimby, George Wil- liams, David Winkworth. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1933 Special University Lecture Series... school-ma'am tweeds, takes up her interrupted trip, and faces frustration and old age, Attempting to make the Cass Theatre this win- ter the center of a true festival, in music and dance as well as drama, Robert Henderson has arranged through the National Broadcasting Company of New York, a series of concert at- tractions through the season. The first will be a Saturday morning recital for young people by Guy Maier in one of his delightful "Musical Journeys," which have won him the title of "Pied Piper of the Piano," on October 7, at 10:30 a. m. Again on Sunday, October 15, with his partner of twelve years, Lee Pattison, Mr. Maier will present one of the two- piano recitals in which this team are the most distinguished artists in America. Shan Kar and his troupe of Indian dancers and musicians who won great success in Europe following their introduction at the French Colo- nial exposition, will appear on November 12. Vic- tor Chenkin, Russian diseur, and Harald reutz- berg and Ruth Page in a joint dance program will appear at later dates. These concerts will be at the regular theater prices. Screen Reflectons COMING TO MAJESTIC TODAY - "I LOVED A WOMAN" Beetle-browed, slavic Emmanuel Glctenberg who is better known to moviegoers as Edward G. Robinson, is coming to the Majestic today with Kay Francis of the dark tresses and many dresses in "I Loved a Woman." This latest starring production of the actor who scored notable successes in "Little Giant," "Silver Dollar," "Five Star Final," and "Little Caesar" is borrowed in part from the life history of the lately departed (for Greece) Samuel Insull, Chicago public utilities magnate whose firm crumbled un- der him after he had ruled in his field by fair means and others for so many years. Robinson portrays a meat-packer, whose early idealism which prompts him to trade in only the finest meats is ruined by a shrewish wife (Genevieve Tobin) and the inordinate ambitions of his real beloved - an opera singer (Kay Francis). Robinson incurs the enmity of Colonel Roose- velt during the Spanish-American War when he delivers juicy red meat -sprinkled with for- maldehyde -to the American troops. Roosevelt resolves to prosecute when he has the power, so meat-packer Robinson and others in his line scheme to evade such action by having T. R. run with McKinley. The assassination of McKinley makes Roosevelt president and Robinson is tried for manslaughter and acquitted. Robinson's wife won't divorce him and. his other love casually explains one day that she has other lovers for inspirational purposes. Angered, Robinson quits them both and sets out to corner world markets for some judicious profiteering in World War necessities. Then - Insull-like climax. J. Farrell MacDonald. Henry Kolker, Robert Barrat, and George Blackwood round out the cast. Alfred E. Green directed.- - G. M. W. Jr. By HUBBARD KEAVYj HOLLYWOOD-Ann Sothern (the name you'll know her by) has a role almost every "unknown" in town wanted, the lead in "Eight Girls in a1 Boat." Her story is bounded by "ifs."r Far-fetched as it may seem, the romance be- tween Sally Eilers and Harry Joe Brown, which has just culminated in their marriage, had much to do with launching Ann on her career. If Harry1 Joe hadn't called on Sally while she was working, he might never have met Ann. And if Ann hadn'tt happened to be in Sally's dressing room when1 Harry called, she might still be an unknown. Well, Ann was rehearsing a scene with Sallyf when Harry dropped in. He listened until they1 had finished, was introduced to Ann, was im- pressed. After learning from Sally that she was a bit player, Harry phoned her to take a test for the role he was trying to cast. q It was a walkaway for Ann, and when Brown and other executives of his company asked Ann where she'd been all the time, she told them about her stage experience. She's been in a dozen of plays in a nearby community playhouse, but movie scouts apparently never saw her. Her ambition still is the New York stage, even though Hollywood does trea her right. She's just past 21, she has spent some time in Europe, she was privately tutored and later attended a private school. HISTORY OF A NAME If you've ever wondered how movie players are rechristened, this will give you an insight into thel strange business. A "name conference" followed the signing of the Sothern contract. She had been using "Mary Mason," the latter her step- father's name, on the stage and in one or two pictures. Ann agreed with the directors and others that a new name would be appropriate for a fresh start. Soneone suggested "Mary Marlowe," but since Betty Ann Jenks is her legal name, she wanted to retain part of it. Marlowe brought the famous names, Sothern and Marlowe, to someone else's mind. LADIES FIRST An act of professional unselfishness that has. just come to light has Warren William in the hero's role. After witnessing "Lady for a Day," he asked Columbia to put May Robson's name st. It may mean that "Muzzy Day," as Miss obson is known to her friends, will get star bill- ing in all pictures from now on. Editorial Comment COLLEGE JOURNALISM " Much has been written recently concerning college publications. The writers blatantly declare . ,. _ .. _ . , :,:.:. .. .. . ... q .}b. {®«.. -...!.w....y w.°,U h . _.... Y . ..x .. .. ,. . x ?"".1 r$ , K x .. THE SPOTLIGHT NEW AND USED By LARRY KING AGAIN THE season for All-American freshmen is with us. Ben Bugbee, latest aspirant, had a date to go to the Beta house for dinner. Re- turning to his rooming house, he laughed because all the silverware at dinner had Sigma Chi in- signia engraved on it. Must abe quite a fraternity to have borrowed silverware, he decided. "Where," he was asked, "is the house at which you had din- ner?" "Why," he said, "directly to the left of the Union." .* * Another freshman went to the Sigma Phi place and asked Arend Vyn, business manager of the 'Ensian if he was president of the house. Vyn replied, "Why, yes," and the freshman said, "Oh, I always thought they gave that position to upperclassmen." S** * * JOSEPHINE McCAUSEY, b e a u t i f u 1 Pan-Hell president, has the sororities scared to death. One Sorority girl remarked the other day that in French class she was sitting next to the darling- est freshman, my dear, but of course she hadn't spoken to her, and one house, having read that sororities were not to use favors, asked if they might put a Life Saver on each place card. * * ' But the men aren't so particular. One rushee asked a man in a house he was being rushed by how to get to the D. K. E. House. The fraternity man gave him elaborate direc- tions, including the University Hospital in the itinerary. EANETTE DETWILER, very blonde Alphi Phi,' has been getting anonymous letters for some time from an undisclosed admirer who signs him- elf "Chicken-Hearted." Rather, we should say "Chicken-Minded." i F f i FOR ALL DI PARTMENTS TEX- ---AT -B WAN .R'S UNIVE RSITY BOOKSTORE )OKS 0 316 STATE STREET Was hington Off.TheRecord. Ili1 THOSE WHO have attended Univer- sity lectures in past seasons must have occasionally wondered why Michigan's own experts were never called upon. They will wel- come Dr. Robbins' announcement that this year's series is to be composed entirely of our own men. Students and faculty members who are really interested in Education will anticipate with a great deal of pleasure the opportunity to glimpse the campus' outstanding personalities and their subjects. The list includes Prof. Heber D. Curtis, of the astronomy department; Dr. Carl Guthe, director of the museum of anthropglogy; Dr. E. C. Case, director of the museum of paleontology; Prof. Howard Mumford Jones, of the English depart- ment; Prof. Row W. Sellars, of the philosophy de- partment; Prof. R. D. McKenzie, of the sociology department; Prof. Max Handman, of the econom- ics department; and Prof. E. F. Barker, of the physics department. Th he Theatre HENDERSON PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK "Autumn Crocus," the romantic success by C. L. Anthony which introduced Francis Lederer to Broadway last year, will be the third bill at the Cass Theater, opening October 2, with Edith Barrett and Rollo Peters in the leading roles. Mr. Peters has won much renown in romantic roles, and his portrayal of the dashing gentle- man with Gay Braces, inn keeper in the Austrian Tyrol, is bound to be good. He has been associ- ated with America's leading actresses, and was one of the founders of the New York Theater Guild. He was in Detroit last year as Peter Ibbetson, and here last spring with Jane Cowl in "The Lady of the Camillas," As The Lady In Spectacles, an English school teacher who comes out of a cocoon when she removes her disfiguring glasses, Edith Barrett will be irresistible. Her Broadway successes include "Mrs. Moonlight," "Marie Rose," and "Michael and Mary." She also played in Mr. Henderson's festival last year, as "Candida" in Detroit, and in "Another Language" in Ann Arbor. C. L. Anthony is, in reality, Miss Dodie Smith, a London stenographer who recorded in her first play her impressions of a summer spent in the Tyrolean mountains. She tells, in the simplest terms of love at first sight, the story of the little teacher, touring with a sister teacher, who stops at the inn for the night, and falls in love with the innkeeper. The innkeeper likes her imme- ADMIRAL M. H. STANLEY, chief of naval oper- ations, in a city of tumbling precedents, is joining the parade in his own mild fashion. He is the first chief of naval operations to face the world unprotected by some form of mustache. However, Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swan- son carries on the tradition with the modified "handle bar" variety. THE BELIEF among some citizens that the "new deal" means a modern version of the rain of of manna can become embarrassing at the White House. One man wrote personally to the President tell- ing him all about his plan to open a canning fac- tory in the south as soon the President sent him $25,000. The correspondent enclosed mortgages and other negotiable paper as security. He ended with, "Please let me hear from you by return mail." -I SOME TIGER in French Indo-China probably will bite the dust on October 29. Then he will be headed for Washington to decorate the walls of Representative George Holden Tinkham of one of the most famous apartments here. Massachusetts is in the orient indulging in his favorite pastime, big-game hunting. He has shot everything from jack-rabbits to water-buffalo. But he has no tiger. And since October 29 is his sixty- third birthday he plans to celebrate the day by adding some striped trophy to his collections. A MYSTERY developed when Secretary Woodin and Mrs. Woodin returned to the capital. They were seen arriving at the station. Then no amount of telephoning could locate them. Their maid was firm with the constant callers. "They ain't here," she said, "and it's the truth I'm telling you." The Woodins finally were found at the White House. The slender shaft of the Washington monument shortly must undergo the indignity of repair work. Some faulty stones must be replaced and some mortar reinforced. These are the first re- pairs done on the shaft since it was started in 1840. HOLLYWOOD should have this story, but it "leaked" in Washington. Will Rogers whisp- ered while he was here. It seems that the "Missus" recently installed those new, glass en- closed showers in the Rogers Hollywood home. Will elected to entertain one of his cow-puncher friends. They were making the rounds of the house when they arrived at Will's -bathroom. "What's that thing?" asked the cow-puncher, pointing to the glass shower. Will told him. "Thunder!" said the puncher, "they don't trust you anywhere any more." MOST of the "new deal" appointees have to struggle only with a new job. But M. S. Szymczak is faced with carrying on a personal education campaign on how to pro- nounce his trick when he was comptroller of the city. But now that he's with the federal reserve board he hears a queer assortment of sneezes and wheezes. "If you're really interested," he says wearily, "it's a 'shim-chack.'" news writing experience to any of the students," as one writer says, but, strange to say, there are many alumni of college journalism who are en- Religious Activities First Methodist First Baptist Zion Lutheran C Episcopal Church hur State and Washington Washington St. at 5th Ave. 512 East Huron E. C. Stelihorn, Pastor R. Edward Sayles. Minister Howard R. Chapman, Ministers 9:00 a. m.-Bible School. Minister for Students Frederick B. Fisher Peter F. Stair 9:00 A.M.-Service in German 9:30 - The Church School. Dr. A. J. Logan, Superintendent 10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon- 10:45 - Worship and sermon by Mr. Sayles. Subject- 10:45-Morning Worship. "Jesus, the Comforter" "Go Deeper and Go Farther" "Is There a God?" 12:00-Students meet at Guild House Dr. Fisher 5:30 P.M. - Student Fellowship and with Mr. Chapman. Topic, "Recon- Supper. structive Forces in Religion." 6:00 --Stu~dent meeting at Guild House. William Hopkins, '35, School 6:00-Student Guild at Wesley 6:45 P.M. - Dean Joseph Bursley will of Forestry, will speak on the line speak on "The Ethics of University of the college song, "'Twas There Hail, adjoining the Church. Students." Long Friendships First Began." St. Paul's LutheranSel (Missouri Synod)S * TheFel QwShip West Liberty and Third Sts. Episcopal Libea Rei October 1st Division at Catherine Street SUNDAY PROGRAM (Unitarian) Service--German ....9:30 a. m. State and Huron Streets Service-English...10:45a.m. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Sunday, Oct. 1st, at 10:45 Sermon by the Pastor- 9:30 A.M.-Church School "Paul Prays in Prison" 11:00 A. M. - Holy Communion and Old "King" Coal Sermon by the Revernd Henry 5:30 PM.-Fellowship Supper Lewis A discussion by Mr. Marley of his 6:30 P.M. - First Student-Walther observations in the coal fields this League meeting. The pastor will be HARRIS HALL summer. the speaker. Corner of State and Huron St. 7:30 P.M. - Evening worship with 6:00 P.M. - Tea and Reception for 7:30 P. M. - The Liberal Student's sermon and Holy Communion in students. Union will sponsor a discussion on English. "The NRA --Will It Work?" C. A. Brauer, Pastor 7:00 P.M.-"Conversations" Led by Mr. F. E. Ross, a member of Res. 1005 W. Washington Ph 2-2341 A liberal discussion on a live topic the local NRA cornmittee. Freshmen! Sophomores. JUniors! Seniors! SPEND $1.00 NOW AND SAVE $2.00 $1.00 Now on Campus $1.00 by November 15th at the Student Publications Building $1.50 by December 15th at the Student Publications Building -- or - Full Payment of $3.50 Now Thus purichasing the Michigan Yearbook which will later be $5.50. 1934 . . I