er 'W,.'eith Cloudy today and possibly local snows; tomorrow, possible snow or rain. i LY i q wt igtau vi . . I I N VUL. XLIV No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1934 I I I _ _ _ _ R.O.T.C.To Face Stiff Opposition Interdenomination Group Formed To Undertake Disarmament Action Hope To :Eventually Abolish Corps Here Will Hold Initial Session Tomorrow At Lane Hall; Plan WeeklyMeetings An indication that the University R.O.T.C. would encounter stiff and organized opposition in the future appeared certain last night when Gordon Halstead, Grad., announced that an interdenominational body to be known as the "Disarmament Dis- cussion and Action Group" has been organized and will hold its first meeting at 4:30 p. m. tomorrow in Lane Hall. Chief aim of the new organization, Hastead stated, was the abolition of University military training, whether it is compulsory or voluntary, not only at Michigan but in all college educational institutions. Will Attempt Action Hastead stated that the new or- ganization will not only discuss ques- tions of disarmament and the R.O.T. C. situation but will eventually at- tempt definite action toward the so- cial improvement of both widely dis- cussed topics, at least on the Michi- gan campus. To this end the group will train student speakers to speak for their cause at mass meetings here and at other universities. Lit- erary propaganda against military units at universities and colleges will also be distributed. "We do not intend," stated Hal- stead, "to; leave off where so many similar organizations have. We will not only discuss but will also at- tempt reform. One of our chief aims is that wre may eventually achieve enough power to cause the abolish- ment of all military training from Universities, and colleges whether it be compulsory or otherwise." Slosson To Speak The group discussions will be held at 4:30 p. m. every Monday at Lane Hall. Prof, Preston W. Slosson of the history department has been in- vited to speak at the first session to- morrow on the present issuessofndis armnament, but has not as yet ac- cepted. Refreshments will be served. At the discussion which will be held Jan. 22, the Rev. Paul Jnes, formerly bishop of the Episcopal Church in Utah, will address the group on some phases of disarma- ment. Reverend Jones was forced to resign his bishopric during the World War because he refused to en- dorse the policies of the war. He is at present student pastor of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, O. Toy Wants Inquest On Woman's Death DETROIT, Jan. 13. - (P) -Assert- ing that "there is a great deal of doubt" whether Mrs. Virginia Gibson "met her death as a result of a fel- ony or an accident," Prosecutor Harry S. Toy today asked that an inquest be conducted into the wom- an's death. Mrs. Gibson's body was found a week ago lying on a suburban pave- ment. She had been run over by at least one automobile, and some in- vestigators expressed the belief sev- eral cars had passed over her body. Among the first witnesses at the inquest, Toy said, will be J. Elwood Stowe, Ann Arbor broker, who has told of giving a ride to a woman, whom he has identified as Mrs. Gib- son, and a man who has not yet been found. Announce Winners In. Law School Competition From a competition in which ap- proximately 200 students entered, 16 winners in the Freshman Case Clubs of the University Law School were announced last night by a committee of the Case Club. The winners in each club, who will participate in final arguments shortly after the second semester be-{ Comedy Club Announces Cast For 'The Last Of Mrs. Cheney' "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney," a three-act comedy by the prominent British playwright, Frederick Lons- dale, will mark the first appearance of Comedy Club on campus this sea- son, when the play opens Friday night in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre, Sally Pierce, '35, business mana- ger of the play, said last night. Playing the title role of Mrs. Chey- ney, made famous by Ann Harding on the stage and Norma Shearer on the screen a few seasons ago, will be Frances Manchester, '34, who played the part of Topsy in "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Opposite Miss Manchester in the role of Lord Dilling will be David Zimmerman, '35, who also has ap- peared in a number of campus pre- sentations during last year and this year. The part of Lady Frinton will be taken by Ann Edmunds, Grad., while Billie Griffiths, '35, is cast as Mrs. Ebley, Barbara Van Der Vort, '34, as Joan, and Ruth Hussey, Grad., as Mary. Cast in the male roles are Birney VanBenschotten, '35L, as Lord Elton, Clarence Moore, '34L, Frank Funk, '35, as Hon. Willie Wynton, and Her- bert Milliken, '34L, as George. Others appearing in the play are William Wagenseil, '36E, and Wayne Toland, '35L. Lonsdale is well known among Eng- land's playgoers for his gay, light comedies about London's smart set. Best known among his works is "The Highroad," a play which attained great success long before "Mrs. Chey- ney" was presented. This play will be the last offering until next spring. Because of un- avoidable circumstances, Co m e d y Club was unable to offer a dramatic production of campus talent in the fall. Edwin Grammercy and his company from Detroit presented J. M. Synge's "Playboy of the Western World." New Deal' To Be Discussed By Preacher Dr. Frank Kingdon, New Jersey Liberal Leader, Will Evaluate Scheme Is Second Speaker On L. I. D. Series _ _ Auer To Finish Lecture Series For Unitarians H a r v a r d Professor Will Speak On 'Meaning And Mission Of Religion' Concluding his series of lectures at the Unitarian Church, Prof. J. Fag- ginger Auer of Harvard Divinity School will speak on "The Meaning and Mission of Religion" at the mor- ning service at 10:45 a. m. today. In the Student Discussion meeting of the Liberal Students Union at 7:30 p. m. Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology department will give a "Resume of the Auer Lectures." At the First Methodist Episcopal Church the Rev. Peter F. Stair as- sociate pastor of the church, will preach on "The Value of Prayer" at 10:45 a. m. At noon members of Stalker Hall will hold a seminar on Applied Christianity. They will hold a discussion on Jesus' teachings on _Service. At 3 p. m. the International Student Forum will hold a discussion on the League of Nations. T. P. Sin- ha, formerly on the secretariat of the League, will preside. Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson of the history depart- ment will address the Wesleyan Guild at 6 p. m. on "What Can Students Do to Plan a New Social Order?" "Jesus, the Teacher" will be the subject of the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn in the morning service at the Zion Lu- theran Church at 10:30 a. m. The Rev. Edward M. Duff, associ- ate pastor of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, will preach on "A Religion With a Challenge" at 11 a. m. At the evening "conversatione" for Epis- copal students of Harris Hall, Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the philosophy de- partment will lead a discussion, "The Place of Philosophy in Religion." At the morning services of the Presbyterian Church Dr. Norman E. Richardson, author of "Christ in the Classroom," will preach at 10:45 a. m. Dr. William D. Henderson, head of the University Extension Division, will lead the Student Forum on the subject, "This Changing World, Chaos or Cosmos." At the Congregational Student Fel- lowship the Rev. Harold P. Marley of the Unitarian Church will speak at 6:30 p. m. on "The Rehabilitation of the Coal Workers." Mr. Marley has long worked among the coal miners of West Virginia and is thoroughly acquainted with his subject. Armed Bandit Steals $80 In LocalHoldup Corbett Clothing Store Is Looted By Burglar Who Makes Escape The sum of eighty dollars was taken last night from Tom Cor- bett's men's wear shop, 116 E. Lib- erty, by an armed bandit who made his escape immediately after the hold-up. The thief entered Corbett's just be- fore closing time and asked to be shown a suit of clothing. When one was selected, he explained that he did not have enough money on hand and would have to go to a gas sta- tion nearby to receive the balance from his brother, whom he claimed was employed there. Upon his return 15 or 20 minutes later, the robber waited for the clerk to busy himself with packing the suit and then produced a gun. Corbett, the owner of the store, was checking over the day's funds at the cash reg- ister when the command of "hands- up" was given. Eighty dollars, which Corbett in- tended to give the clerks at the time, was laying on the counter. In addi- tion, several hundred dollars was lay- ing in the till. When Corbett heard the order he threw the money from the till into a waste basket. The thief grabbed the $80 from the counter and fled, Corbett said. At police headquarters, Corbett described the culprit as about five feet, eight inches in height; dark hair; and wearing a gray cap. Bishop Gets Leave To Attend Geneva Meeting In order that he may attend or- ganization meetings of an advisory committee for the League of Nations Library in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. William W. Bishop, Librarian, has been granted a leave of absence from Jan. 19 to March 1. Dr. Bishop is the only librarian on the committee. Dr. Bishop was also a member of the Library Building Committee which assisted architects in prepar- ing plans for the structure in Geneva. He is planning to sail Jan. 20 on the Conte di Savoia for Genoa, and will return from England shortly after the conclusion of the meeting in Geneva. Lecturer Long Known As Author And Magazine Contributor Dr. Frank Kingdon, minister of the Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church of East Orange, N. J., and chairman of the New Jersey Civil Liberties Union, will speak on "The Crisis and the New Deal" at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Natural Science Audi- torium. His speech is the second of the League for Industrial Democracy series, sponsored locally by the Van- guard Club. Adrian Jaffe, treasurer of the Van- guard Club, will be chairman of the meeting, and the speaker will be in- troduced by Prof. Bennett Weaver, Director of the Hopwood Awards in his discussion of "The Crisis and the New Deal," Dr. Kingdon will outline the causes of the depression out of which the New Deal grew, members of the Vanguard Club said, stating that a high light of the ad- dress will be his personal evaluation of the New Deal. Dr. Kingdon was born in England. He became interested in the Labor Party there and was early associated with it. His American education was at Boston University, Harvard, and Michigan State. He afterwards re- sided for some time in Lansing be- fore moving East. In addition to his ministerial ac- tivities, Dr. Kingdon has done con- siderable work along civic lines. He is chairman of the New Jersey Citi- zens' League, and was an organizer of the Social Discussion Group of the Oranges, a distinct contribution to the cultural lif ef that New Jer- sey section. He is known to many as the author of "Humane Religion" and "When Half Gods Go," and also edited "The Significance of Jesus Christ in the Modern World." The L. I. D. lectures are planned to cover questions of national and international, interest. Persons of prominence have been secured by the organization to interpret these ques- tions. To stimulate discussion at the lectures every holder of a season ticket is given a pamphlet, "Looking Forward," which contains bibliogra- phies and outlines for group discus- sion. The next lecture of the series will be given by Paul Jones, Monday, Jan. 22. Four subsequent lectures are listed. Season tickets are priced at $1.00, while individual tickets are on sale for 25 cents. Campus Sale For January Gargoyle Begins Tomorrow Sleepy-eyed students will awake to their work with a new vigor tomor- row morning when the January is- sue of the Gargoyle appears for sale throughout the campus. Gargoyle this month is packed full of new features and sparkling humor, all of which are expected to go a long way toward brightening up the lethargic examination period. New building plans for use in con- junction with the CWA project now being carried on in Michigan are in- cluded, The types of buildings illus- trated are certain to cause comment from the most artistic of readers. The tailcoat, the dinner jacket, and other forms of formal male attire will be fashioned by four sartorial stars in the popular Clothes Horses feature. In siddition, Sophisticated Lady, portraying the latest in wom- en's styles with accompanying illus- trations, will be included, Poetic souls will receive delightful sensations from the many verses to be featured. As a fitting climax, the Modern Music column will contain notes on the most popular of Amer- ican dance orchestras, if campus opinion goes for anything. Local Attorney Attempts Bond Restraining Action Fencers Have No 'Workable Budget'-Yost Says Captain Presented A Budget Totaling $300; Calls It Uncalculated Athletic Board Has Not Acted Recently Coach Johnstone's Salary Partly Included In Last Year's $1,200 Budget "As soon as a workable budget of $300 for the fencing team is pre- sented to me I will be glad to present it to the Board in Control of Ath- letics for their consideration," Field- ing H. Yost, Director of Intercol- legiate Athletics, declared in a state- ment yesterday, "but so far no such budget has been presented." Coach Yost stated that the fencing team was cut from the intercollegiate schedule at the meeting of the Board to decide on the budget last spring at the same time that the gymnastics and cross country teams were elim- inated for economy reasons. Last sea- son the expenses of the team were $1,277.73, he said. Shortly before the Christmas vaca- tion the captain of the fencing team presented a budget for the team ac- tivities for the year totaling $300 which had not been carefully cal- culated, Coach Yost said, and it was recommended that the proposal be reconsidered and when a feasible plan was presented Coach Yost said he would send it to the Board for their consideration. Such a plan has not yet been offered. Coach John Johnstone, who coached the tennis and fencing teams last year, has been retained this year as coach of the tennis team and as an instructor in physical education. Part of the fencing budget for last year, Coach Yost stated, was a portion of the salary of the coach which was' attributable to coaching the fencing team. The question of an appropriation1 for the fencing team has not been presented to the Board in Control of Athletics since the decision to elim- inate it as an intercollegiate sport was made last spring, he said, in refutation of the statement that the Board had turned down the proposal of a $300 budget. Co-Op Association To Meet Tomorrow A meeting of the board of directors of the proposed Fraternity Buyers Co-operative will be held at 7:30 p.I m. tomorrow at the Union, Maxwell1 T. Gail, '34, secretary-treasurer of the Interfraternity Council an- nounced yesterday. On the program for the meeting is the drawing up of the articles of in- corporation of the association. An ap- ' plication has been received from the1 State, Gail said, It is possible that Rolf Darbo, fra- ternity buyer for a similar organiza- tion at the University of Wisconsin, after which the Michigan plan is being closely modeled, may be pres- ent to tell the board members some of the problems which they face and to show them sample accounts and contracts. Gail said that he could not get in touch with Darbo last night and was therefore unable to say definitely whether he would or would not be there. Will Not Condone WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - (IP) - The government was in full cry for liquor revenues tonight under the policy that tax liability -rests not only on "the little fellow but on very large and powerful corporations as well. The first points of attack were the United States Industrial Alcohol Co. and the United States Industrial Chemical Co., which the government contended owed taxes of $8,140,514.88 on 1,271,955 proof gallons of distilled spirits it claims were diverted for beverage purposes between Jan. 3, 1929 and Jan. 1 , 1930. Commenting on the case which was filed in the federal court for the district of Maryland at Baltimore, Attorney-Gen. Homer Cummings said there would be similar suits brought against others for large amounts in the near future. Coincidentally there came words from Guy T. Helvering of the Bureau of Internal Revenue that all persons holding distilled spirits, including al- cohol, rectified spirits or wine, must take inventory of such stocks and file them with revenue collectors within 30 days. The Baltimore suit was the outgrowth of a three-year investiga- tion by the Department of Justice during which the United States In- dustrial Alcohol Co. was indicted in 1930 and assessed the maximum fine of $10,000. EDUCATOR STILL IN DANGER Officials reported a "slight im- provement" in the condition of Prof. Thomas Diamond of the education school at 1:15 a. m. today, but said that he was not out of danger yet. An alumnus who is on the com- mittee but who did not attend the meeting, when approached last night said he did not care to define the "misconduct" referred to in the reso- lution, stating that "everyone knows what is meant by the term." Fraternity alumni have been active in the past in helping the fraternities to combat "University paternalism and control" and have been credited by many with the discontinuation of the deferred rushing rules which al- most ruined several houses in the year 1931-32. Against 'Hell Week' In another resolution, the alumni recommended to the office of the dean of students that fraternities de- siring to have freshmen live in chap- ter houses during the second semes- ter should agree to abolish certain objectional features of "hell week." Destruction of property and interfer- ence with studies were cited as the objectionable features to which the resolution referred. These resolutions, together with others which were not divulged last night, will be brought before the members of the Interfraternity Coun- cil Wednesday at the regular month- ly meeting. Abbott Demand Stirs Members House Group Representatives R e s e n t The Democratic Leader's 'Graceless' Telegram WASHINGTON, Jan. 13--(R) - A telegram fromt Horatio J. Abbott, Democratic national committeeman for Michigan, to members of the State's delegation in the House de- manding they support President Roosevelt set off a veritable bomb- shell today among the congressmen. Rep. John C. Lehr of Monroe im- mediately reported in a letter to Ab- bott that he not only "has unquali- fiedly and absolutely supported the program of the President" but that the demand "comes with very poor grace." He added that "my 38 years of un- selfish support of Democratic prin- ciples makes it unnecessary for me to take any order from one who has been so blind to the best interests of Michigan democracy as have you." The telegram was signed by Ab- bott, W. Alfred Debo, chairman of the State central committee and John W. Canfield, secretary of the State's central committee. Replies similar to Lehr's were sent by Representatives Harry W. Mus- selwhite of Manistee and Carl M. Weideman of Detroit. The text of the telegram from the party leader follows: "Michigan Democracy insists that What To Do With 16-Year-Olds Vexes Federal Education Head Rachmaninoff Called One Of The Most Popular Of Concert Artists WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. -e)- What is to be done with the 14 to 16-year-old boy or girl who. has completed school attendance require- ments and still is too young for wage- earning employment? That problem, says Dr. J.C. Wright, director of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, is the most serious that has arisen in the field of education in the last few years. He points out that while the period of compulsory full-time school at- tendance has been extended in some states to 16 years, with provision for part-time attendance beyond that age, in a majority of states there is a gap between the age of release from compulsory attendance and the minimum age of employment. The minimum age is fixed in child labor legislation in NRA code or de- "It may be assumed that the mini- mum age policy written into emer- gency codes will be continued as a permanent policy in order that 14 to 16-year-old boy or girl will not enter into competition withi older workers," he added. "There is no economic necessity for employment of these young workers and society at last has determined to eliminate the evils of child labor." Under the Vocational Education Act, one-third of the Federal funds provided for trade and industrial education, is expended in the states, must be expended for part-time schools - that is, schools providing instruction during a part of the reg- ular working time for young workers. Dr. Wright says it would appear that these schools in the future must By OGDEN DWIGHT Rising from comparative obscurity to the position of acknowledged su- periority as a concert pianist, Sergei Rachmaninoff, who is to play here next Thursday, is one of the most popular musicians on the concert stage. Within easy recollection, Mr. Rach- maninoff in America was but an oc- casional Russian name upon concert programs, the composer of sundry "favorite" pieces that even other pianists included in their recitals, and of various songs that audiences heard gladly as often as appreciative sing- ers ventured them. Now audiences flock to Rachmani- noff's recitals several times in the same city, and programs blossom fellow Russian, his playing is an exact mirror of the chosen composi- tion. Finally, according to the usual course of his programs, he passes to the numbers that his audiences are most eager to hear - his own com- positions. Then his hearers know how an illustrious composer may trans- figure his own music when he is also an illustrious pianist. Sergei Rachmaninoff was born in Novgorod, Russia, 60 years ago, and, studied in Russian conservatories, winning a gold medal in 1891. He has been musical director of the Univer- sity of Nebraska. His American debut was made in New York in 1909, following which he made his first concert tour in this