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September 30, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-30

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Senators Beat.
Yanks; Braves
Defeat Dodgers
In the only two games played yes-
terday, the Washington Senators
evened their present series in New
York to-day by defeating the Yank-
ees 8-5. The Braves held Brooklyn to
six hits and bunched their hits with
Dodger errors to win by 4-1.

New York......
St. Louis .......

98 52
90 58
78 70
75 74
73 79
65 83
61 85
55 94


Captain Stan Fay has apparently
proved to be the answer to the ques-
tion of who would be quarterback
of the Wolverine eleven, as he has
been chosen to start in that posi-
tion from now on.

Friday's Results
Washington 8, New York 5.
Only game scheduled.

Scrimmage To Be Public
Coach Kipke also announced that
today's scrimmage will be open only
to students who shall be required to
show their coupon books to effect en-
trance to the stadium. This an-
nouncement is a sort of a surprise
because the scrimmage was originally
intended to be hidden from the eyes
of the public.
With the exception of Fay at quar-
ter, the rest of the lineup will be the
same that has been used all week.
Bernard will hold down the center
position, Kowalik and Savage will be
at guard, Wistert and Austin at
tackles, Petoskey and Ward at ends,
Heston and Everhardus at half-backs
and Regeczi at fullback.
R~egeczi As Passer
The squad yesterday went through
an extensive drill on signals and
plays. In preparation for a passing
attack when Renner is not in the
lineup, Regeczi was being groomed
'to provide for therthrowing element
with Petoskey, Ward, Everhardus and
Fay in the receiving places. How-
ever, Regeczi's passing did not show
up as well as has Renner 's in the
Dauksza Out
Added to the list of the injured
on the varsity squad was Tony Dauk-
sza, the most promising of the soph-
omore candidates for quarterback,
because of an infection in his left
arm. Malashevich appeared in uni-
form yesterday for the first time
since his late injury.
The freshman squad, in prepara-
tion for today's battle, were kept
busy at work on the Michigan State
plays which they are to use. Coach
Ray Fisher has not determined upon
the starting team and will probably
make use of all of the first two
Carl Hubbell, Giant twirler, is
known for his screw ball, but his but-
terfly ball is said to be an even better
fooler. It flutters right up there to
the plate and sets the batters heart


Five Big Ten '
Teams To Play
Openers Today
Five of the Western Conference
football squads will have an oppor-
tunity this afternoon to test out new
plays and new formations as well as
new lineups when the curtain is lifted
on Big Ten football for 1933.
The most important tilt of the
afternoon will occur at Soldier's
Field in Chicago where Northwestern
will meet Iowa in a game which
should test both elevens to the limit.
Coach Hayes' Indiana eleven draws
Miami for the opening contest.
The first game is usually con-
sidered somewhat of a "soft spot"
but Miami will have an experienced
squad which may prove a Tartar for
the Hoosiers. Bob Zuppke at Illinois
will have an opportunity to look over
his vastly improved grid team against
Drake. Drake has already played one
game and some of the roughness will
be smoothed out of their attack.
Out in Minneapolis, Bernie Bier-
man will have another big Gopher
eleven to stack up against South
Dakota State. One of the mainstays
of the Minnesota line is Dick Smith,
a 210 pound, six foot tackle, and his
showing against the Dakota outfit
will go a long way toward showing
what kind of a line Bierman has
this year.
Michigan, Ohio State, Purdue, Chi-
cago and Wisconsin will not play
their first games until n'ext Saturday.
A game which will be of import-
ance to Michigan fans takes place
at East Lansing where the Spartans
meet Grinnell in the inauguration of
the 1933 schedule. Bernard McNutt,
star fullback, may not see service due
.to injuries.

New York ........
St. Louis ........
Brooklyn ........
Cincinnati .......

90 60
85 67
84 68
82 69
82 70
64 87
59 91
53 92


Big Eastern Teams
Meet Minor Elevens
In Seasonal Debut
Football opens up in the East this
afternoon with the majority of col-
leges of gridiron repute taking on
set-up engagements with minor
Cornell University, which will be
in Ann Arbor October 14, takes on St.
Lawrence at Ithaca. Dartmouth plays
Norwich at Hanover, while Fordham
tackles Albright at New York. Holy
Cross and St. Michael's will battle
at Worcester. Lafayette runs against
Muhlenberg at Easton, as Lehigh and
Drexel oppose each other at Bethle-
hem. Georgetown University opens its
season with Mt. St. Mary's at Wash-
Navy should find a tough oppo-
nent in William and Mary at Anna-
polis. Other good games will likely
be Temple and South Carolina at
Philadelphia, and Washingt n and
Jefferson at Pittsburgh.
And Iowa Meet
This Afternoon
In one of the headline games of
the nation today, the late vacationers
at the Century of Progress will be
treated to a swell encounter on Sol-
diers Field between Northwestern
and University of Iowa. Since Mich-
igan meets both of these teams in
Conference games near the end of
the season, the outcome of today's
battle will be closely watched by the
boys who know, think they know, or
want to know their teams.
Iowa's Team Heaviest
If weights mean anything, and it
is suspected they should, Iowa will
have practically the heaviest line in
the country to put up against the
Wildcats. The Hawkeye line aver-
ages 210 pounds - their little fellow
being Capt. Moore, center, at 188 lbs.
and the heaviest atackle, Hoffman,
at 270 lbs. The backfield is some-
what of a contrast, averaging only
185 pounds. Moffit, the quarterback,
weighs 180 -lbs., Crayne, fullback,
190 lbs., and the halfbacks, Haltom
and Fisher, 185.
Wildcats Average 185 lbs.
How ever much drive and stamina
Northwestern may4 have, they are
certainly the underdogs on the scales,
with a team average weight of 185
pounds. The line itself averages 183

Cantlon Takes
Major Race At
Fair Grounds
Poor Track Limits Cars
To Maneuvering Tactics
In Four Slow Events
"Shorty" Cantlon, the Los Angeles
speed merchant driving the same
Miller Special with which he com-
peted in the Indianapolis races,
swept through to two victories out
of the four races held last night at
the County Fair Grounds in the pre-
mier of night racing in the state. A
crowd of over 4000 attended..
Cantlon won the first elimination
heat over Russ Snowberger, in his
Studebaker Special and Bert Karnatz
driving a 16 valve Hispano Special,
and won the 25 mile feature race
that concluded the program when
Harnatz, who had been pushing him
up until the 35th lap on the half-
mile dirt tracAe, was forced out with
a plugged carburetor.
Ten-Mile Thriller
The only race which furnished the
spectators with any amount of thrills
was the ten mile race for those cars
which had qualified in the elimina-
tion heats. Cantlon, who held the
pole from the start was beaten in a
thrilling home-stretch duel by Kar-
natz, whose attempts to take the pole
away from Cantlon on the turns
brought the crowd to its feet repeat-
George Bailey, of Detroit, drove the
lone local entry, Bill Yahr's Miller
Special, to a fourth in the ten mile
race and a third in the 25 mile free
for all. Sammy Ross, of Ann Arbor
driving Bailey's Miller, failed to place
in either the elimination heats or the
final race.
Russ Snowberger, also driving the
same car which he had driven in the
Indianapolis Memorial Day classic,
failed to come through as had been
expected. He finished third in the
elimination heats, third in the ten
mile race and second in the free-for
all only after Karnatz had been forc-
ed out.
lbs. compared with Iowa's 210-lbs.
forward wall. Bill Riley, 235 lbs., at
tackle tops the weight list, and Lind,
center, is low score at 152.
In the backfield Coach Hanley has
a promising, 200-lb. fullback in Du-
val, a good, 170-lb. quarter, Augus-
ton, and Olson and Potter at 178
lbs., with the latter calling signals.


Fountain And Pond
Today's Concensus
* * *

OUT IN Chicago there is a com-
paratively u n k n o w n Michigan
.shrine. It is located in Grant Park,
just south of the Art Museum, and
there happens to be a fountain near
the consecrated spot.
This locality is th site of 'Mich-
igan's first football game, which,
thanks be to all the powers which
rule gridiron destinies, was a victory.
The score was an impressive one,
1-0, and Racine College was on the
short end. The contest took place in
the spring of 1879.
Here is how it happened. In the
fall of 1876, some of the bewhisker-
ed gentlemen in attendance at Ann
Arbor procured a rule-book and de-
cided to have a crack at this here
new game of football. By spring
they felt that they were ready, al-
though we are led to suppose that
few of them had ever seen a game
before. Racine was scheduled, and
the game played on the site de-
Michigan's team, knowing little of
what actually constituted good foot-
')all tactics from a practical stand-
point, invented a good many of its
plays as the battle progressed, learn-
ing new tricks from watching its op-
Finally, the Wolverines scored . . .
the first touchdown, which was des-
tined to be followed by a long line
of Michigan marches to scores down
through the following decades. The
name of the man who scored the goal
(touchdowns were only worth a point
in those high and far-off times) is
Irving K. Pond.
This prominent alumnus is very
much alive, and despite his seventy-
nine years, he enjoys excellent
health, being quite an acrobat. He
and his prother, A. B. Pond, design-
ed the Michigan League building and
the Michigan Union.
The touchdown was at a spot about
a hundred feet from the site of the
fountain in Grant Park, we under-
stand. T. Hawley Tapping, Secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, who
tells this story, says it "is a standing
joke that the landmark for this his-
toric event shouldn't be a Fountain,
it should be a Pond.
BELOW is a list of the major
gridiron games scheduled for this

afternoon through the country. The
teams listed in black-face type are
those picked by the consensus of the
junior staff to win.
Cornell vs. St. Lawrence.
Dartmouth vs. Norwich.
Iowa vs. Northwestern.
Fordham vs. Allbright.
Holy Cross vs. St. Michaels.
Indiana vs. Miami U.
Temple vs. S. Carolina.
Duke vs. V. M. I.
W. & J. vs. Pitt.
Navy vs. Wm. & Mary.
California vs. Cal. Aggies.
California vs. Nevada.
U. C. L. A. vs. Stanford.
U. S. C. vs. Loyola.
U. of D. vs. Ypsi.
Drake vs. Illinois.
M. S. C. vs. Grinnell.
Minnesota vs. S. Dak. State.
S. Methodist vs. Texas Tech.
St. Marys vs. San Francisco.
Tennessee vs. Virginia Poly.
Tulane vs. Texas A. & M.
These selections are nworthy of
a great deal of comment. Most of
these early games are set-ups for the
larger institutions, and these larger
'institutions have been favored by the
staff. There were few dissenting
votes. Notable is the fact that North-
western was unanimously picked to
win over Iowa in the first confer-
ence contest of the season. Iowa, it
seems to us, should give Northwest-
ern a game if the Hawkeyes do not
succeed in doing anything else.
Watch for upsets this time!
Grove's Pitching Lead
Topped By Yank Hurler
CHICAGO , Sept. 29 - (A. P.) -
Russell Van Atta, of the New York
Yankees, took the lead in the race
for the American league pitching
championship today when a victory
was removed from "Lefty" Grove's
string and officially given to his
teammate, Emmett McKeithan.
The loss of the game cut Grove's
season record; to 23 victories and
eight defeats for a .742 average. Van
Att's official record was 12 and 4, an
average of .750. Earl Whitehill, of
the- Senators, also had a chance to
win the pitching title. He has ;von
21 and lost 8.


Friday's Results
Boston 4, Brooklyn 1.
Only game scheduled.
Golfers Start Play
For Championship
Preliminary rounds for the Uni-
versity golf championship will get
under way this morning at 8:30 at
the University course when golfers
start the first 36-hole grind. Thirty-
six holes will be played off today, 18
this morning, and 18 this afternoon.
The title decision comes next week,
after 36 more holes are completed.
Friday afternoon, Oct. 6, 18 holes
will be played off, and the next day
the final round is scheduled. The ten
low men in this 72 hole test will re-
ceive cards for a weeks play gratis.
The eight low freshmen will win a
like award.
All men scholastically eligible may
enter the tourney. Upperclassmen
-vho are first-year men on the cam-
pus will be classed as freshmen in the
links tournament.


I 'I



eAdwertisin ; and e1iui~



Tobaccos grown in
this country are "seasoned
with tobaccos from
Turkey and Greece
T 1OBACCOS to taste right in a
cigarette need to be flavored or

IT has been shown by careful test that raising the
level of illumination in a show window causes as
much as 65 per cent increase in the number of
persons stopping to view the display. Improved
illumination-both in show windows and show cases
-exerts a direct influence on sales. With the dark
autumn days not far off, this is the time to prepare
your store and window lighting for maximum effec-
tiveness during the fall and winter selling seasons.
The successful merchant treats his lighting in two
parts - (1) light for seeing and (2) light for adver-
tising and selling. Are you making full use of the
advertising and selling power of the light you
are paying for?
Are your lamps the proper size? Is the size and
spacing of your lighting fixtures correct? Is your
general and spot illumination adequate to stop
customers and help the merchandise sell its qual-
ities? Are your walls and ceilings properly painted
for maximum effective use of the electric lighting
you pay for? These are only a few of the questions
our lighting engineers will answer for you - without
charge or obligation of any kind. And our engineers
do not have fixtures or equipment of any kind to

seasoned just the same as you might
season a steak or a pudding.
No tobaccos hive ever been found
that equal the spicy aromatic tobac-
cos of Turkey and Greece for this
purpose. That's why we send 4000
miles for aromatic tobaccos from Sam-
soun and Smyrna,Xanthi and Cavalla.
When blended and cross-blended
in just the right amounts with Chest-
erfield's mild ripe Domestic tobac-
cos, the result is a rich flavor and a
fine fragrance.
W Chesterfields are seasoned right-


they taste right.
you try them.

May we



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