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January 13, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-13

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The Weather
itain today changing to snow.
Colder in central and west por-
tions. Cloudy tomorrow.




Engineering Nuisance Fho lA
Be Stopped; Compulsory r .
T. C. Undesirable.



Decision Is
Expected On
Legal Status On Authority
Of President Is Given
By Attorney-General
Secrecy Pervades
Outcome Of Ruling
House Committee To Find
Opinions On Monetary
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. - () -
Great bars of gold lay at the center
of capital attention today, awaiting
for the circle of events to bring from
President Roosevelt a decision on
how soon and in what manner the
bullion would be brought from the
Federal Reserve vaults into those of
the treasury.
The attorney-general gave the
President a ruling on whether he had
the authority to order such a trans-
fer in the pursuit of his monetary
policy but the nub of the decision
was hidden by the husk of official
secrecy. Some have said legislation
would be needed; others said it
would not.
Should the President order a thin-
ning of the gold content of the dollar,
the value of the gold would increase
proportionately, greatly profiting the
privately-owned Federal Reserve
In the Capitol, while the Presi-
dent ponders the problem, arrange-
ments were made for the House coin-
age committee to marshall witnesses
before it to sift down the varying
opinions on monetary stabilization.
Dr. O. M. W. Sprague, who recently
said some harsh words about the ad-
ministration's monetary policy and
quit as financial advisor to the treas-
ury, was one of the witnesses. Frank
A. Vanderlip, the New York financier,
was another.
Crowding into the White House for
presidential attention during the day
was te National Recovery adminis-
tration's difficulty in finding a solu-
tion for the labor disputes in steel
companyowned coal mines. The
broad question of code enforcement
was involved, too, and the attorney-
general was one of those who called
at the White House.
Edsel Ford, whose motor company
was one of the outstanding organi-
zations to refuse to sign the recovery
codes, told the Associated Press in an
interview that the recovery adminis-
tration was bound to be a stimulant
to wages. He added that his company
expected a 75 per cent pickup in bus-
iness over 1933.
At 1:30 a. m. today the condition
of Prof. Thomas Diamond of the edu-
cation school, critically ill of pneu-
monia in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
was described as "still serious." He
had been reported seriously ill yes-
terday afternoon, but Dr. George
Nuehlit, the attending physician, de-
clared Professor Diamond's condition
better early last night, hospital at-
taches said. Professor Diamond was
admitted to the hospital Tuesday,
Definite Appel,

Auer Declares
Harvard Professor States
New Form Of Religion
is EasilyUnderstood
"University men have a definite
place in forming a nucleus of interest
in Humanism, a theory of religion
which, by reason of his training, the
university student can understand,
said Prof. J. Fagginger Auer of the
Harvard Divinity School, speaking
before a banquet session of the Lay-
men's League of the Unitarian
Church last night.
Professor Auer delivered a short
address on "The University Man and
the Present Crisis in Religion" before
the audience of 50, chiefly composed
of University faculty men.
Following his speech the meeting
was opened to questions bearing on
the general topic of this week's series,
Prof. A. H. White of the chemical
engineering denartment. the toast-

The 'Kingfish' Interviews The President

-Associated Press Photo
Senator Huey Long (right) of Louisiana stood on the steps of the
White House after an interview with President Roosevelt and told re-
porters he had put in an application to become a "boarder" at the
White House,
Sale Of Beer East Of Division
Gets Approval Of Prof. Angell

Serving beer in licensed establish-
ments East of Division Street is fav-
ored by Prof. Robert C. Angell of the
Department of Sociology, who de-
clares that under proper regulation
by the authorities sale of beer would
promote i n c r e a s e d congeniality
among students on the campus.
In refuting the objections that
have been voiced by some Ann Ar-
bor residents who claim that the
sale of beer near the campus would
encourage drinking by high school
students, Prof. Angell asserted that
the privilege of selling beer would be
so valuable to the seller in the form
of increased trade and the original
cost of the license, that he would ad-
here to the letter of the law prohibit-
ing the sale of liquor to minors,
fearing the penalty of the loss of his
selling permit. To augment the re-
strictions on sale of beer to minors,
Dr. Angell suggested that if neces-
sary the high school authorities could
impose penalties on students found
imbibing beer in public places and
that local police officers should be
constantly on the lookout to report
all offenses.

In respect to the more positive
angle of the sale of beer near the
campus he maintained that no harm
would result from students drinking
beer openly on State Street instead
of walking to Main Street. He added
that a spirit of good fun and friend-
ship would tend to grow in the Uni-
versity similar to the custom of beer
drinking in European universities.
Prof. Angell declared, however,
that it would be "desirable to sepa-
rate dancing, from alcohol," saying
that with the combination of the
two in some cases "it is hard to
keep a place from degenerating into
a dive." He is not in favor of al-
lowing restaurants like Chubbs and
The Hut to sell beer for this reason,
but recommends that a new restau-
rant be opened on this side of Divi-
sion Street and be allowed to sell
beer. Prof. Angell admitted that a
place of this sort without dancing
would not be patronized by couples,
but with the proper decorations and
atmosphere it could easily become a
meeting place for men students on
the campus.

French Vote
Shows Faith
In Premier
Strong Vote Is Shown By
Chamber Of Deputies
On Camille's Pledge
Troops To Prevent
Dictatorship Threat
Mounted Police Massed To
Resist Threatened Roy-
alist Attacks
PARIS, Jan. 12. -P)- The Cham-
ber of Deputies tonight gave Premier
Camille Chautemps a smashing vote
of confidence, 360 against 229, on his
pledge to clean up the $40,000,000
Bayonne pawnshop scandal which
has shaken France to the roots.
The vote came on the government's
opposition to the creating of the par-
liamentary commission to investigate
the collapse of the institution, the
death of its founder, Serge Stavisky,
and the part several deputies had ac-
cused high officials of taking in the
The Premier insisted that such a
commission would not get to the bot-
tom of the charges. A second expres-
sion of confidence, 376 against 205,
was given on a resolution of faith in
M. Chautemps' promise to investigate
the scandal "personally" and "spar-
ing no names."
The latter resolution was offered
by former Premier Edouard Herriot.
Threats of a dictatorship earlier
today had stirred the Chamber,
which was in a virtual state of seige
while several thousand foot and
mounted police, behind barricades,
awaited further attacks by royalists.
The Premier himself warned that
royalist riots on Tuesday and yester-
day over the $40,000,000 pawnshop
bond scandal and the death of its
founder, Serge Stavisky, pointed to
a threatened coup d'etat to establish
a "directory."
Thousands of troos were in readi-
ness for action in Paris to put down
any serious disorder.
Reed Attorney
Will File Plea
For New Trial
The case of George D. Read, De-
troit fireman twice convicted here
for the murder of his wife last
spring will be appealed to the
State supreme court because of ex-
ceptions to the jury charge of Cir-
cuit Judge George W. Sample and
to the introduction of "gruesome"
pictures of the body of the slain wo-
man, according to Edward F. Con-
lin, defense attorney, in a statement
last night. Reed is serving his sen-
tence in Jackson Prison at hard la-
bor and solitary confinement.
Conlin said that according to the
evidence and testimony presented in
the case would not allow a more se-
vere verdict than manslaughter. In
all, eight exceptions have been pre-
sented in the appeal. Exception to
the judge's statement that previous
good character on the part of the
defendant would have no bearing on
the case, will be taken in the appeal.
In the event that the supreme
court reviews the case and grants a
new trial, Reed will be brought back

here for the fourth time.

Warns Japan
Against U. S.
In Statement
Vice Admiral Is Credited
With Publication Which
Cites Spying Attempts
Says America Now
Trans-Pacific And Other
Flight Attempts Classed
As Espionage
TOKIO, Jan. 12 - (/ -Japan
must prepare and is preparing to de-
fend herself against what appears to
be "America's policy of hostilely en-
circling Japan by every possible
means," said a published statement
attributed today to Vice Admiral No-
bumasa Suetsugu, commander of the
navy's combined fleets.
The statement was made in an
interview published in the widely-
circulated monthly magazine, Gendai.
Instances of encirclement, the in-
terview cited, were Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh's leisurely flight along thE
Kuriles in the summer of 1931 and
Harold Bromley's abortive attempt tc
fly the Pacific in 1930.
"I may be mistaken, but I thinl
it is possible they were spying ir
those islands," the admiral was
quoted as saying.
Claim Aleutian Survey
"Some time ago, an American lieu-
tenant hopped off from Japan on an
alleged trans-Pacific flight attempt
and turned back after flying we don't
know where. I think the failure wa
(This reference obviously was the
Bromley-Gatty attempt of Sept. 14.
"Then Lindbrgh stayed in the Ku-
riles over a week on excuse of bad
weather. The length of his stay i
grounds for suspicion.
"I think this means an American
policy to surround Japan with every
possible means in the event of war.
before the clash of the main fleets."
The admiral referred to the re-
sumption of Russo-American rela-
tions and the Soviet's "perfection" of
armaments in the far east, where
they have stationed a strong army
and a powerful air force.
'In the event of an emergency,"
he continued, "Russia will attack
Japan through the air from three
directions - north, west, and south
--while a powerful hostile fleet with
a strong air force will attack from
the Pacific.
Ice Hockey Team
Loses By One Goal
HOUGHTON, Jan. 12- (P)-01-
son, Michigan Tech star defense
man, cut loose in the final period o
a hockey game between Tech and
the University of Michigan here to-
night to score three goals unassisted
and defeat the Wolverines, 5 to 4.
Michigan was leading Tech, 3 to 2
at the end of the second period, the
Wolverines having scored one goal
in the first period and two in the
second. Sherf led the Michigan scor-
ing, getting two goals unassisted and
another on a pass from David. In
the last period David scored Mich-
igan's fourth goal.
There were 12 two-minute penal-
ties called. Two major penalties also
were called, one against Sherf and
the other against Henrickson, of


Killer Of Premier

Fielding H. Yost Refuses
To Recognize Squad As
Official Varsity Team
Members Protest
Decision Of Board

Break Up Fencing
Team; Anxious To

Last Rites For
Mrs. Haisley
To Be At Niles
Pneumonia Victim W a s
Active And Popular Iii
Women's Organizations
Mrs. Harriet G. Haisley, wife of
Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of
schools in Ann Arbor, died at 1:30
a. m. yesterday following a short ill-
ness. Funeral services will be held
at 2:30 p. m. Sunday in Niles.
Mrs. Haisley was active in many
city women's clubs and organizations
and had taken an interest in edu-
cational movements here. She was
in great demand as a speaker atlo-
cal functions.
It is believed that exhaustion and
strain brought about by the contin-
ued attendance on her son, Robert,
who is recovering from an attack of
pneumonia contributed to her illness.
Apparently in good health, Mrs.
Haisley presided at a meeting of the
international relations group of the
American Association of University
Women last Saturday. It was learned
however, that her health was far
from normal at the time. She en-
tered the hospital Sun&ay where
pneumonia developed.
Mrs..Haisley was a native of Niles
and a member of a pioneer family of
that part of the state. She gradu-
ated from the University in 1908 with
a bachelor of arts degree. After her
graduation she taught English and
German in the Three Rivers High
She is survived by her husband,
the son, Robert, her mother, who
lives at Niles, and a sister, Miss
Jeanne Griffin, librarian at Kala-


Board $300

Ford Plays Martyr
Role In Protecting
Five Other Cars
The recent cold snap which coated
Ann Arbor streets with ice did not
have as calamitous results as those
noted by the University Daily Kan-
san. After a drizzling rain had turned
a hill on Fourteenth street into an
icy slide, a series of remarkable
events took place.
An unwary Ford first approached
the hill and turned out to be the
martyr or hero of the occasion. The
driver, on coming to the top of the
hill, gave one look and decided to
attempt the descent, but after getting
all four wheels on the slope his
brakes proved useless. He contented
himself with loops, twists, and tail
spins until he finally managed to
nose the car headlong into a friendly
Another driver coming to the top
of the hill saw the accident andde-
cided to step on it so as not to miss
anything. He came to his final whirl
smack-dab up against the unlucky
Ford. The Ford also suffered a se-
vere beating and battering in stop-
ping three other cars whose drivers
also thought rubber tires on ice
wouldn't slide.
A milk truck on its evening deliv-
ery made the pile-up complete, mak-
ing a sum total of six cars marooned
on the hill until a wrecker working
from the sidelines straightened out
the entanglement.
Austria Faces New
Crisis With Nazis
VIENNA, Jan. 12-- (P) - A new
crisis in the Government's struggles
with Nazi terrorism was marked to-
day when Fascist Heimwehr head-
ouaarters announced that the Hnme

-Associated Press Photo
This student, who said his name
was M. Constantinesco, was the as-
sassin of Premier Ion Duca of Ru-
mania. He was captured immediate-
lv after the shooting.
Life Of Evanston
Humor Magazine
May Be Stopped
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 12. -(OP) -
rhe Purple Parrot, Northwestern's
undergraduate humor publication, is
off color, the University board of
publications decided today and sup-
pressed the January issue.
More than half the material in the
magazine, it was announced, is "dirty
jokes and suggestive pictures." Ed-
itors of the magazine told the board
hey would rewrite it.
Prof. William Slaughter of the
journalism department said: "I do
not believe the undergraduate mind
is capable of producing enough clean
humor and irony to fill a monthly
magazine and make it sell."
There were hints that publication
might be suspended altogether.
Round Table To
Discuss Talk
By IWvaterman
General Invitation To Join
Group Is. Extended To
Students And Others
At the regular meeting of the
Freshman Round Table at 9:30 a. m.
tomorrow in the League, the various
groups will discuss the material
which was presented by Prof. Leroy
Waterman, of the Department of
Oriental Languages and Literatures,
last Sunday in his lecture on "Rela-
tion of Man to the Infinite in This
Changing World." Professor Water-
man will personally supervise the
Based On Lecture
Some of the principle points that
will probably be taken from the text
of Professor Waterman's lecture for
group discussion are first the state-
ment: "Our world is one in motion.
It is not the same today as it was
yesterday and never will be the same.
So it is with our institutions; they,
too, are in the changing world. They
are not the same today because the
world that they are related to is
changing." We sometimes try to re-
vive the old institutions, stated Pro-
fessor Waterman, but although it
may be atrevival it seldom is a pro-
gressive step.
Another salient point in his lecture
which is apt to be discussed is his
statement that all life involves
change, "We need to be able to
understand and utilize change if we
are to live well, for change is no end
in itself. If change does not go be-
yond itself, said Professor Waterman,
it involves us in a pessimism of a
most depressing sort. Existence be-
comes mere change, and is stupid,
meaningless, and futile.
To Discuss People
They will also discuss the two
types of people who challenge our
attention. First, those who claim to
know God so well that they call him

Fencers May Carry Out
Schedule And Finance
Own Expenses
Fencing, along with cross-country
and gymnastics, has been discon-
tinued as a Varsity sport, Director of
Intercollegiate Athletics Fielding H.
Yost said last night. Fencing will not
be financed by the Board in Control
of Athletics, he added.
Director Yost also intimated that
no team composed of University
members in these sports can be class-
ified as a University of Michigan
team and that members of these
teams will not be awarded Varsity
The board recently decided to save
$300 this year by withdrawing its fi-
nancial support from the fencing
Football, which attracts not many
more players than does fencing, has
an annual budget of approximately
$50,000. It is expected that the foot-
ball budget will remain substantially
the same for next year.
The fencing team, undefeated in
seven dual meets last year, was an-
gered at this treatment, held protest
meetings, and decided to finance the
sport itself. The team argued that
50 athletes, a number more than that
which takes part in most Varsity
sports, were engaging in fencing.
"The treatment accorded an ath-
lete apparently depends on his earn-
ing power," a member of the fencing
team said last night. "Football men
ride in private railroad cars, baseball
and swimming men are provided gas-
oline for transportation, but I guess
fencers are expected to hitch-hike."
About 20 members of the Varsity
fencing squad had agreed to finance
the burden of transporting the team
so it can maintain a full schedule
and Coach John Johnstone, who also
supervises boxing and tennis, ac-
cepted the responsibility of turning
out another winning team.
A schedule of six dual meets has
been arranged but Director Yost will
probably cause the meets to be can-
celled. Otherwise a team other than
that having the authentic title'of the
University of Michigan will partici-
Men leading for places on the fenc-
ing team at present are Hyman
Maas, '36L, Howard Malloy, '34, Ed-
ward Begle, '36, Robert Nahrgang,
'34, Robert Merriman, '5D, and Wal-
ter Buhl, '35E.

Embryonic Lawyers Triumph
As Noisy Motors Are Stopped

Alumni Council
Undecided As
To Discussion'
Probable Topic Will Be
That Of Keeping Liquor
Out Of Fraternities
What will be discussed when the
members of the Alumni Interfrater-
nity Council, the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs, and the council
Judiciary Committee meet at 2:30 p.
m. today at the Union is still a prob-
"A general get-together," was the
phrase used by one of the alumni
members of the committee, while
others have been even less definite.
Nathan S. Potter, '98, president of
the alumni group, who called the
meeting could not be reached last
night for a statement.
It was intimated last night that
the question of excluding liquor from
fraternity houses might be discussed,
and that a resolution might be pre-
sented similar to that which recom-
mended to the Interfraternity Coun-
cil that they oppose permitting fra-
ternity houses to serve the newly leg-
alized 3.2 beer on the premises.
Mr. Potter was a prominent mem-
ber of the committee of student and
alumni leaders who met and drew un

Few medical students have yet per-
formed an actual operation, few en-
gineers have built a bridge, and few
"dents" have done any oral surgery,
but some 75 lawyers-to-be have won
their first case --the roaring motors
will be turned off in the future at
6:30 p. m.
The motors are, of course, the six
that are being tested by the engineer-
ing research department and have
been running at a speed of nearly
2,500 revolutions per minute, accord-
ing to the lawyers, for the past few
Thursday night, with the extempo-
raneous aid of some extra-legal
methods, the above-mentioned group
"captured" the automotive laboratory

drew a revolver, and conflicting
stories of what followed were told
yesterday. One of the "pajama raid-
ers" said that a student thrust the
blunt end of a wrench into the back
of the guard, the revolver (which
turned out to be empty) clattered to
the floor, and the guard's hands went
high. Others said that he merely sur-
rendered the weapon, but this was
denied by many as it failed to make
as good a story.
The next actors to appear on the
scene were the local police, and upon
their appearance the vocation of the
students began to assert itself in
truth. Arrest was threatened and 75
voices raised more noise than the of-
fending motors as "False arrest!"
"ovu hae no im-isdition!" and

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