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January 12, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-12

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I,, 1934


Michigan Natators To wim In Open Handicap Meet T





'34 Season To Be
Held In I-M Pool'

Pucksters At HoughtonFor Mines Game Tonighi

Dunlup Pair Wins IDwI-Son Golf Title

Michigan, The
* * *

unforseen in a future as vague
and unpredictable as was the case
three thousand years ago, plunge the
United States into warfare again,
the war department would do well
to have a look at Michigan and gov-
ern the actions and province of the
troops from the peninsula country.
Michigan men are defenders, if
athletics at the state university are
any criterion. The headlong rush,'
the storming of a trench. . . leave
these to others, but if a bitter de- .
fense is desired call on the Michigan
The football teams which have
hung up so successful a record are'
a yearly negation of the ancient.
principle which states that "the best
defense is a good offense.' Watch
the gridiron team. They are down
on the ten-yard line in their own ter-
ritory. A power attack sweeps to-
ward the right tackle. He braces
himself, uses his hands to keep off
the end and tackle, and the center
or fullback comes over to back him
up. Against an immovable mount'ain
the interference piles itself up and
the ball-carrier is inevitably stopped.
This same Michigan team will
probably look quite impotent on the
attack, except for the seizing of some
defensive defect of the opponent and
converting it into a score. It will
punt on third down quite consistent-
ly . . all defensive tactics, but
they win games.
Yes, and the same thing has as-
serted itself in many of the better
Wolverine basketball teams. Almost
invariably, whether the courtmen
have a good offense or not, they can
pull a tight defense and hold the
score down.
THE HOCKEY TEAM is another
good example. The opposing cen-
ter, going fast, heads right for the
center alley between the two defense-
men. Unless he passes the puck,
they come together with a crushing
body-check. If he passes it to one
of the wings, a Michigan forward will
probably be there to intercept. And
besides that, the irritating tactics of
intelligent back-checking are always
on the Michigan book. But over a
period of years, there have been few
really great offensive stars compared
wtih the fine goalies and defense-
men turned out.
Michigan baseball teams are sel-
dom able to step up and lace the ball
along with conference opposition, but
still they manage to win quite a few
Why is this so? Are we raising a
breed of defenders? Or is it possi-
ble that coaches have influenced play
in that direction? Are the condi-
tions of life out here such that a
negative side of the nature is de-
veloped? Nobody, can give the full
answer, but anyway here's to "Mich-
igan, defenders."
Hold Tryouts For
Billiard Tourney
Several positions on the University
billiard team, which net month will
defend the title won last year in the
national intercollegiate tournament,
remain unfilled and interested stu-
dents have the remainder of the cur-
rent week in which to register for
the qualifying competition, accord-
ing to a statement made yesterday by
O'Neill Dillon, '35, executive council-
man in charge of the tournament.
Dillon stated that the squad will
include eight men, three of whom
are to serve as alternates. Play will

Varsity, Ineligibles, And
Freshmen To Swim In
First Appearance
Nine Events Listed
Robertson-Cristy Duel In
200-Yard Free Style To
Feature Program
Led by Jim Cristy, captain of the
Varsity swimming team, the Wol-
verine natators will be on parade
tonight at the Open Handicap meet.
The meet will take place at 8 o'clock
in the Intramural pool, the doors
being open at 7:30. Admission
charge for th activities will be 25
cents for adults and 15 cents for
The entire tank squad, including
freshmen, Varsity, and those who are
ineligible during the present semes-
ter, will participate in the meet that
is expected to show some of the best
swimming and diving talent in years.
22 In 50-Yard Free Style
Nine events are listed on the com-
plete program, with the 50-yard free
style drawing the greatest number
of entries with a total of 22. The
50-yard breast stroke is second in
the total number of competitors
with 14.
The 25-yard free style for boys,
which will open the activities, has
four entries with Gordy having the
best time with a mark of 12 seconds
for the sprint. Fries is second in
the time trials with a mark of .14:8.
Of the 22 entries in the 50-yard
free style, Ogden Dalrymple covered
the distance in the best time of 24
seconds. Frank Barnard, yearling
star, and Bob Renner of the Var-
sity follow Dalrymple with marks of
.25 and .25:9 respectively.
The best mark in the breast stroke
is held by Miller who covered the
distance in .31. Lawrence and Young
are tied for second in .34.
Of the eight entries in the 50-yard
back stroke, Becker, Batter, and Mul-
ler have the best times, swimming
the distance in .32, .33, and .33 re-
Lawrence Leads Medley Entries
Bob Lawrence leads the parade of
six entries in the 75-yard medley
with a mark of 50 seconds. Ben
Grady and Capt. Cristy covered the
distance in 51 and 52 seconds, re-
One of the most interesting races
of the program should be the 200-
yard free style. Tex Robertson,
sophomore candidate for Cristy's
distance crown, holds the best mark
of 2.07. Cristy and Barnard are tied,
just a second slower than Robertson.
Seven teams are entered in the
100-yard relay, the fastest time of
43 seconds being hung up by the out-
fit of Robertson, Lawrence, Dalrym-
ple, and Renner. Only two pairs are
entered in the double-oar race, the
two VanderVeldes and the team of
Boice and Selevan.
Four Dives Required
Th front-jack, back-jack, plain
front, and plain back dives will be
required of the entries in the high
board event, with three optional
dives completing the roster.
The complete program follows:
1. 25-yard free style for boys; 2.
50-yard free style (heats); 3. 50-
yard breast stroke (heats) ; 4. 50-
yard free (finals); 5. 50-yard back
stroke (heats); 6. 200-yard free style
(heats); 7. 50-yard breast (final);
8. 25-yard double oar; 9. 50-yard
back (final); 10. Diving; 11. 200-
yard (final); 12. Medley; 13. Relay;
and 14. Water Polo.

-Associated Press Photo
The George T. Dunlaps, Sr., and Jr., were easy victors in the father
and son golf tournament at Pinehurst, N. C. Young George won the
national amateur title last summer and before that, as a Princetonian,
was national collegiate champion.
Tennis Coach Not Surprised At
Outcome O Tilden-Vines Match


"It was just what I expected," with the recent line of players end-
said John Johnstone, tennis coach, I ing with Big Bill Tilden.
yesterday when asked for his reac- In that period before the War,
tion to the Tilden-Vines iatch Wed- from 1900 to 1914, young players
nesday night in Madison Square were developed more slowly. They
Gardens, New York. picked up the fundamentals gradu-
ally and mastered each stroke or
"It seems only natural to me that court maneuver in a leisurely sort
a man possessing experience, all the of fashion.
various kinds of shots in the game,
and the all-important ability to place Youngsters Learn Too Quickly
the ball where he wants it should Now, a young player wants to mas-
defeat a youth, practically inexperi- ter all the fundamentals in one year;
enced in indoor play, and depending he wants to get a forehand, a chip
a great deal on merely speed and shot, and a backhand as soon as
stamina," said Johnstone. possible, consequently the old line of
Predicts Future Tilden Victories stroke masters has passed, accord-
ing to Johnstone.
"From what I read in the news- Cohntes
papers," he continued, "Tilden out- College tennis, admits the Michi-
foxed him most of the time and wore gan tennis coach, doesn't do the
him out with well placed shots. I young players much good. In the
think Tilden will win most of the ,pring, when the netsters should be
remaining matches in the~ series; in' practicing as much as they can, the
fact, I'll say he wis average about; Michigan squad is busy playing off
fiveut I' syix."ra bua strenuous schedule of competition.
Tilde and Vines.It would be better if all matches
"I hope to get Tilden and Vines in were played in the summer, said

Ann Arbor while they are making
their tour of the country. I have
written Tilden already and expect a
reply soon. Tilden was here last
year and was booed by the stands.
I am not certain how much that in-
cident will affect him," said John-
In discussing the younger ama-
teurs of the present day, Johnstone
expressed admiration for the poten-
tialities of young Frankie Parker, but
said that none of the amateurs of
today seemed to compare favorably


Exacty twenty-seven thousand
yards of adhesive tape and six hun-
dred yards of gauze have been pur-
chased by Louisiana State University
for use on its athletes during the
coming year.
Clyde Devine, center on. the Ore-
gon State eleven, played through
seven games without giving away to a
substitute or calling for a time out.



Good news for all of
you "Sport-shoe-all-
winter" fans. Now
you can warm and
style your feet for
almost nothing.
Johnston & Murphy
Heywood Shoes
Walter Booth
See the prices!

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