The Weather Cloudy today with light rain or snow possible; tomorrow cloudy and colder. Y it gar f VOL. XLIV No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1934 I _ U wmwllmm Six Planes Complete LongHop Navy Fliers Reach Pearl Harbor Aft er Longest Massed Ocean Flight Seaplanes Greeted Gayly By Crowds 2,400-Mile Flight Is Made In Total Elapsed Time Of Less Than 25 Hours HONOLULU, Jan. 11. -(')- Com- pleting aviation's longest massed nonstop ocean flight, six United States Navy seaplanes swept down from the sky today and alighted at Pearl Harbor at 12:30 p. m. Hono- lulu time (6 p. m. Ann Arbor time), wetting their hulls for the first time since they climbed out of San Fran- cisco Bay yesterday afternoon. The elapsed time was 24 hours, 38 minutes for the fight of 2,400 land miles. The planes, spread out in a high formation, the bright sunlight shin- ing on their wings, thundered out of the northwestern horizon and swept over Honolulu to Pearl Harbor. They skimmed over the end of the Waianae Mountain range, cut across Diamond Head, passed over Waikiki Beach and then cut down over the water front, flying low around the home stretch. Greeted by Din of Whistles As the planes roared across the harbor entrance, the siren atop the Aloha Tower shrilled, and every craft along the waterfront let loose a deaf- ening din of whistles. People lined the streets and crowd- ed the tops of buildings. The fliers shot past the city in per- fect formation and passed over the airport which was named for one who preceded them along the same route, Commander John Rodgers. Rodgers was the first to attempt the flight to Hawaii. The Navy planes were escorted from 15 miles north of Oahu by three planes from the fleet air base. Crowd Lines Shores A huge crowd lined the shores of Pearl Harbor as the squadron ap- proached, flying in a central V for- mation. They flew only a few hundred feet above the sugar-cane fields as they drew near the naval base. Steadily the motors roared as the big planes swept across the Pacific. The minesweeper Sandpiper, first of the six Navy guard ships along the route to the islands, was passed at 5:52 p. m. (Pacific time) yesterday, 300 miles at sea. Then in regular succession the seaplanes passed over the other surface craft. One plane, the 10-P-5, piloted by Lieut. John Perry, became separated from the rest of the squadron last night because of the obscuring fog, but later rejoined the flight. Half-Way Mark Reached At 8:32 a. m. (Pacific Time) the squadron was within about 600 miles of Honolulu, having flown 1,550 nau- tical miles. "Last night was overcast for most of the way, necessitating blind flying entirely," McGinnis said in a mes- sage. The squadron sighted the aircraft tender Wright at 8:12 a. m. Admiral A. W. Johnson, base com- mander of the Air Force, who was aboard the Wright, messaged to Commander McGinnis: "We are very glad to see you this morning. Good luck." Admiral Johnson sent a message to Pearl Harbor, saying: "Sighted Patrol Squadron 10 at dawn. All six planes in company passed over the Wright at 8:30 a. m., making 85 knots." Speed increased with the lessening of the load of gasoline, enabling the big planes to race as they neared the finish of the flight. Fair weather helped them on the final leg. $3,000 Set As Goal For Kiwanis Drive A goal of $3,000 has been set for the annual Kiwanis rummage sale, officers of the local service club an- nounced yesterday. H. S. Strawn, chairman of the general committee, Naval Airmen Complete 1Non-Stop Flight To Honolulu -Associated Press Photo One of the big ships which successfully completed a flight from San Francisco to Honolulu, the longest non-stop formation flight ever attempted. Under the direction of Lieut-Comm. Knefler McGinnis, the six navy planes completed the 2,400-mile journey without mishap. Above personnel of the squadron which made the trip. are shown officers inspecting the Funeral Rites To Be Held For Mrs.Buffington Former Dormitory Active In Local And Social Clubs Head Health The funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Buffington, former social directress of Mosher Hall, who died at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Knapp, will be held at 2:30 p.m. today in St. An- drew's Episcopal Church. The body will be cremated and the ashes inter- red at Mount Hope Cemetery in Chi- cago, Illinois. Mrs. Buffington took her position at the dormitory when it opened four years ago and remained there until she was forced to resign last Decem- ber on account of ill health. She was active' in the King's Daughters or- ganization, especially in connection with the educational work at the University hospital. She also par- ticipated in the A.A.U.W. work dur- ing her years in Ann Arbor and al- though not a graduate of the Univer- siay, was made a member of this or- ganization because of her deep in- terest. Mrs. Buffington is survived by Mrs. E. L. Knapp, a daughter with whom she had been living since the begin- ning of her illness; Mrs. Richard Sherwood, Maumee, Ohio; both grad- uates of the University; and her son, Arthur J. Buffington, member of the advertising staff of the Detroit News. SpeechSeri es May Be Offered By New Council Program Committee Is Set Up To Plan Lectures, Forauns For Campus Probability that the Co-operative Council will sponsor some sort of a program of lectures and forums dur- ing the second semester was indi- cated at a meeting of the newly- formed organization yesterday. Lester C. Houck, Grad., Dexten B, Reynolds,C'34, and Martha Wagner, Grad., were elected to the standing program committee set up at the meeting. A committee of faculty members and student representatives of the council has been working on plans for distribution and use of funds to be raised in a Good Will drive next month, The committee will meet early next week to draft a definite program, it was announced. All campus organizations which wish to be represented in the council were asked to gain official University recognition from the office of Dean Joseph Bursley. A move will be made at the next meeting to assure that each organization which is a member of the council be represented by a permanent delegate. The Co-operative Council, formed in December by 23 leading campus organizations of a religious and so- cial nature, will play an important part in aiding the Undergraduate Council in the forthcoming fund drive and in directing the distribu- Here Is A 'Lion' Grief-Stricken At Columbia's Victory If Columbia is still cheering over its unexpected victory o v e r the Stanford "Injuns" in the Rose Bowl, there is at least one "Lion" who has become a grief-stricken student since the game. He had banked all his hopes on his school's defeat. Herman Wouk, '34, author of Co- lumbia's forthcoming Varsity Show had pictured the grief which would flood the campus when the team ap- peared at the short end of -a 40 to 0 score, and he saw in the expected de- feat the germ of an idea. The author of the show was all set to thrill the audiences with a graphic description of the Rose Bowl fracas- his coup de grace the narrating of the account in the "Alma Mater Song of Defeat." "Now they've gone and spoiled all my plans," he said, shedding a bitter tear, "Well, anyway, it was a good idea." Union Opens Campaign For Old Clothes An urgent appeal to students for donation of clothes for which they no longer have any use was. issued last night as the second Good-Will fund clothes drive was launched by the Union. Robert A. Saltzstein, '34, president of the Union, announced the appointment of Allen D. Mc- Combs, '35, student executive coun- cilman, to lead the drive, which will include an extensive canvass of all fraternities and rooming houses on the campus. The campaign is a repetition of that carried on last year which proved to be an unqualified success. However, there has been such a great demand on the large stock of clothes taken in that it is necessary to re- plenish the supply. McCombs stated that he was particularly desirous of obtaining suits and overcoats. He added also that provision would be made for the collection of arti- cles. Student committeemen will leave their names and addresses in the Union offices between 3 p. m. and 5 p. m. in the afternoon. It was stated past night that clothes are being given out by the of- fice of the Dean of Students with the co-operation of the Union, whose participation in the drive was re- quested by Dean Joseph A. Bursley. Many Sterilized At Home For Insane DETROIT, Jan. 11.-(P)- Charges that a number of patients at the Wayne County home for men- tal defectives had been sterilized over their objections resulted today in an order for an investigation and brought out the fact that hundreds of sterilization operations have been performed in Michigan institutions under a state law enacted four years ago. Auditor Edward H. Williams laid the charges before the board of county auditors. In reply Dr. Robert U. S. Senate enalizes War Debt DefaultersC Johnson Bill To Forbid Financial Transactions With Defaulting Nations WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 -() -] The Senate struck down one penalty7 for war debt defaulters today and immediately set up another equally, if not more, severe- Acceding to White House opposi- tion, the heavier tax that had beeni laid upon liquors from foreign debtI defaulting nations was removed from] the liquor tax bill. Hardly had thei voting ended when Senator Johnson,i (Rep., Cal,) called up a measure for-; bidding financial transactions,neither public or private th foregin gov-l ernnents whose debts are in default.- This, however, probably will be voted on again by the Senate.1 The Johnson measure struck di-1 rectly at the flotation in this coun- try of bonds of those governments, chief of which is France. Removal of the debt restrictionsI from the tax bill clears the way forI House agreement to the half -million-, dollar money measure and plans wereI made for calling it up there before adjournment today in order to expe- dite the effectiveness of the tax. + While the House was embroiled in dispute over the rigid method of pro-] cedure worked out by the Democratic+ leaders to secure speedy enactment+ of provisions to continue the pay cuts and veteran's allowance reduction for another year, two senate commit- tees were digging into the Detroit+ banking collapse and turning up deep furrows across the air mail contract' field. Gar Wood Is Uninjured As His Plane Crashes ALGONAC, Mich., Jan. 11. - () - Gar Wood, holder of the Harms- worth trophy, escaped injury today when his airplane nosed over while he was landing on the airport at Marysville, between Algonac and Port Huron. Wood was piloting the plane and was alone in the ship at the time of the accident. Ashhe taxied the ship over the field the wheels struck a puddle and went through the ice1 coating. The impact caused the shipI to nose over, breaking the propeller.+ Wood went to his home at Algonac after the accident and announced there that the damage to his plane was slight. Ohio President Expels Seven In R0.TC. Case COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 11--(P) - In the face of protests from min- isterialgroups throughout the state, President George W. Rightmire to- day suspended seven Ohio State Uni- versity students for their refusal to participate in military training. He left a loophole through which they may return to their classes, Plan Student. Faculty Group Relationships Professors And Students Discuss Closer Contact In SpecialMeeting Hobbies Would Be Placed On Display May Have Sports Program Between Faculty Men And Upperclassmen A means of bringing about a closer relationship between the professors and students was discussed at a spe- cial meeting of faculty members and campus leaders held last night in the Union. Robert Saltzstein, '34, president of the Union, called the meeting, and] the proposed plan will be carried outi through the organization of the Union. The keynote of the plan is to bring about the relationship through infor- mal contacts which will tend to break down the somewhat hard and prosaic classroom veneer which is un- consciously affected. Various plans for forming a closer student-faculty contact were sugh gested and discussed by members of the special committee. It was sug- gested that social meetings be held at the Union where students major- ing in a department or a group would meet and talk with professors con- nected with that specific field. To Provide Contacts To provide a contact in the form of recreation on a non-academic basis, a sports program between upperclassmen and the more agile members of the faculty was pro- posed. Definite plans were not drawn up, but it was indicated that it would include most of the intramural sports. Other suggestions include a plan to] have .thie faculty ember. placee- amples of their hobbies and crafts- manship on display. It was also pro- posed to have faculty men visit fra- ternity houses every week to meet in- formally. Plans Not Definite No definite plans were made at the first meeting. A committee will be appointed by Saltzstein and Prof. James K. Pollocknto draw up plans for a better student-faculty relation- ship, and it will report back to the general committee which is composed of Professors Russell C. Hussey, Henry H. Higbie, Preston E. James, Everett S. Brown, Louis Strauss, Charles F. Remer, Lieut. Richard R. Coursey, Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni relations, and Stanley Walts, manager of the Union. Student members of the general committee are Edward McCormick, '34, secretary of the Union, Wilbur Bohnsack, '34,"business manager of the Gargoyle, Thomas K. Connellan, '34, editor of The Daily, Richard Mc- Manus, '34, president of the engi- neering council, Albert C. Borst, '34, Union committeeman, and James Cristy, '34, president of Michigamua. New Humanism Is Explained By Professor Auer "Inasmuch as Humanism doubts the validity of the Holy Scriptures, it does not accept its information," declared Prof. J. Fagginger Auer of the Harvard Divinity School when he spoke last night on "Humanism - The Swing away from Fundamental- ism and Modernism" before the fifth meeting of the Institute on Liberal Religion being held this week at the Unitarian Church. Professor Auer, in showing the dif- ference between Humanism and Theism, or the belief in a science of God, stressed the fact that the for- mer is first of all concerned with man's capacity to know; that it does not pretend to know the unknowable, God, as Theism does. He pointed out that Fundamental- ists considered the Bible infallible, in the face of the abundance of contra- dictions in the Scriptures. "Yet," he said, "whatever is infallible cannot be contradictory. The point is that Fundamentalism reads into Scripture its own views." 7,L-, irn mparton 1Vfnidcrni'sm.Pro- A proposal to allow students who have successfully completed five years of college or university work to be sxempt from the provisions of the auto ban was approved last night by the Undergraduate Council. The pro- posal will be submitted to the Board of Regents for its consideration at that body's next meeting.. The Council also approved an amendment to its constitution to provide for the election of a Council president and secretary-treasurer at a join't meeting of the old and new councils to be held during the latter half of May. The two officers will be Selected on a merit basis from among the junior applicants. The amend- ment provides that the president must be a male student, that he shall "keep up the morale of the staff and secure sufficient and competent try- outs," and that upon retiring he shall ;ive a summary of the work of those who are candidates to succeed him, making any recommendation he sees fit. The Council's auto ban relaxation petition to the Boatrd of Regents commented on the recent student straw poll which showed strong senti- ment in favor of modification. There is a large number of students on campus with sufficient maturity to warrant their free use of motor vehi- cles, the petition said, adding that Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley has "signified his approval to a pro- posal of modification submitted by a special committee of the Undergrad- uate Council." Fitzgerald To Seek G.O.PI Nomination LANSING, Jan. 11-(j)-Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of state, for- mally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for gov- ernor Thursday night. The entrance of the only Repub- lican survivor of the Democratic landslide of 1932 came as no sur- prise. Some time ago his friends let it be known he would run. The an- nouncement, however, cleared up the much discussed point as to whether the candidacies of either Fitzgerald or former governor Alex J. Groes- beck would depend upon the other. The Secretary of State declared flatly: "I am in the race - to stay until the finish." Rumors were circulated in Lansing that Groesbeck has definitely decided not to seek the office of governor again and that he will support Fitz- gerald. Gates Of Hall Of Fame Swing Open For Youth Nobody knows what sort of pe- culiar ideas the people in the Gar- goyle office can think up. Witness: the preposterous person who ap- pears in the January issue. He - for it is a man, since the sacred By PAUL J. ELLIOTT The old rivalry between engineers and lawyers broke out again last night when approximately 50 law students rushed the Automotive Me- chanics Laboratory, intending, if necessary, to forcibly stop the motor testing which the Engineering Re- search department has been carrying on for the last three weeks. Claiming that the almost contin- uous din prevented them from study- ing and sleeping, the students, some of them in pajamas and other rather inappropriate garb, finally brought matters to a head by entering the test building and demanding that the engineer in charge, J. D. Dietiker, Grad., shut off the motors. Dietiker, since he lacked the neces- sary authorization,, refused, and the students then appealed to campus patrolmen who were present, asking them to take action to prevent a "common nuisance." The students claimed that they had appealed to various University administration authorities but had received nothing but promises. They had then taken their case to the Ann Arbor police, who did nothing, but whom the students quoted as saying that "the University had no more right than anybody else to conduct a nuisance, and that the University police had a perfect right to stop it." Dietiker, who by this time was rather nonplussed, finally called Prof. W. E. Lay of the Engineering College, who is in charge of the test. The lawyers had grown insistent and threatened to shut off the motors themselves if Dietiker did not. Professor Lay, when called, told Dietiker that "he might as well shut it off for the night," but he prom- ised nothing further. Prof. A. E. White, director of en- gineering research, whose department is conducting the test, was in Detroit and could not be reached last night. Dean Herbert C. Sadler, head of the engineering college, refused to make any statement regarding the matter. A decision regarding the continua- tion of the test at night will probably be reached today, it was thought last' night. Head Coaching, SelectionAt aleDelayed NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 11.- (P) -The first break in the tense foot- ball coaching situation at Yale came today with the appointment of Ivan Williamson, captain and star end of the 1932 Michigan Wolverines, as freshman end coach. Some observers immediately seized upon the selection as a sign that Yale planned to break with tradition by calling on Harry G. Kipke, who taught Williamson his football at Michigan, to take over the head coachship held during the last sea- son by young Reggie Root. But from Malcolm Farmer, director of athletics, came the assertion that the appointment had no bearing on what Yale planned to do about the rest of its coaching staff for the strenuous campaign it has mapped out for 1934. Williamson's appointment was an- nounced by Farmer on his return from New York City where during the past few days he has been striving to reach some sort of an agreement on coaches with an advisory graduate committee. City Airport Lighting Is Refused CWA Approval