six; THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1 Dutchman Is Beheaded In German Case Van Der Lubbe Executed For Firing Of Reichstag Building Last February Refused To Name Crime Accomplices Dutch Government Fails In Attempt To Obtain A Lighter Sentence LEIPZIG, Germany, Jan. 10.-- (P) - Merinus Van Der Lubbe, 24-year- old Dutch stonemason, was beheaded today for firing the German Reich- stag building in Berlin last Feb- ruary. He had repeatedly confessed set- ting the fire, but steadfastly refused to divulge any information as to whether he had any accomplices. Van Der Lubbe had been under sentence of death since Dec. 23 when the'supreme court convicted him and acquitted four co-defendants. Steps through which the Dutch government sought to gain a lighter sentence for the young Hollander were unavailing. Late Tuesday night Van Der Lubbe was informed by the Leipzig prison governor that justice must take its course, but the announcement failed to rouse him from the stupor in which he remained virtually through- out the long trial. Has No- Special Wish Van Der Lubbe did not reply to the question of whether he wanted a clergyman to attend him on the last walk to the guillotine, nor did he express any special wish. The guillotine was erected during the night by the official executioner and his attendants in the prison yard of the Leipzig district court. At 7:25 a. in. today, a few strokes of the prison bell announced to the outer world that a man was paying the extreme penalty. Few realized, however, that it was Van Der Lubbe, probably the most talked-of criminal in recent years. There had been no intimation until the last moment that President Paul Von Hindenburg would decline to pardon the Dutchman. At 6 a. in., the warden entered Van Der Lubbe's cell and told him his last hour had come. Without saying a word, he arose and after being shaved, was led by the prison governor into the court- yard. Witnesses Assembled There State's Attorney Werner, several physicians and 12 citizens "of good repute," in accordance with the law, were assembled. Without showing the least emotion, Van Der Lubbe with bowed head lis- tened as the death sentence again was read by Wilhelm Buenger, pre- siding judge during the trial. He silently shook his head when asked if he wanted to make a state- ment. Werner then said, "I surrender you to the executioner." The latter, Herr Goebler of Mag- deburg, dressed in evening clothes and wearing white gloves, laid his' hand on Van Der Lubbe's shoulder. Meekly, the young man ascendedt the scaffold where he was tied down.1 In 30 seconds it was all over. 1 A physician stepped forward and attested the death and, while wit-1 nesses signed an official document, the body was removed in a simple black coffin.I No Dutch officials attended. ; Children's Voices Harmed By Singing OfNational Anthem (By Intercolegiate Press hi NEW YORK, Jan. 10-Teaching a school kid to sing the Star Span- gled Banner may be a fine patriotic task, but it's one of the best ways in the world to ruin his voice for later vocal work. This, at least, is the opinion of Dr. Leo Kallen, New York University otolaryngologist, who thinks a good; many of the songs school children; sing may be responsible for malad- justments in their vocal organs. Not only, he says, do songs which have too wide a range on the scaly tend to ruin the voice for later sing-1 ing, but they often make the young- sters hoarse. "Only a minority of children can span the wide range which many school songs require," he says. "Such songs should be dropped. 'The Star Spangled Banner,' for example, has a range which taxes even an accom- plished adult voice, let alone the, voice of a child. Better no school singing at all than the sort which directly dam- Milk Strike Hits Chicago Area; Investigate Loop Fire; Confer On Budget -Associated Press Photos This tangle of milk cans was the result of the invasion of a condensery at Walworth, Wis., by Illinois milk strikers who damaged machinery and spilled 90,000 gallons of milk. Some independent Chicago dairies received milk shipments by airplane after pickets blockaded highways and railroads during the strike in which the Pure Milk association sought to raise prices. This shipment of 1,000 quarts was guarded by a cordon of police upon its arrival. Meader Wil Give Speech On Esperanto Linguistics Professor Is To Explain Significance Of International Language Starts New Con rse In Strange Tongue FERA Sponsors Free Class For Everyone; Taught By Dr. Onderdonk Prof. C. L. Meader's lecture on the significance of Esperanto, the inter- national language, at 4:15 p. m. next Tuesday in Natural Science Auditori- am, comes at a particularly fitting ime in accordance with the begin- iing of Esperanto courses at the Ann Arbor High School, according to Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk, who is con- ducting the courses. Professor Meader, of the general linguistics department, teaches Rus- sian and is familiar with over 100 other languages. It is said that he once learned the Dutch language in one day. He has been called "one of the very few, truly great lin- guists." An Auxiliary Language Esperanto is not intended by its advocates to supplant existing lan- guages. It is meant rather as an auxiliary international language for the use of all peoples in commerce, science, medicine, literature, and so- cial causes. Invented in 1887 by a German doctor, it is composed of features drawn from many languages and easily learned by a person in any country. Simplicity is the outstanding fea- ture of Esperanto, Dr. Onderdonk says. All of its essentials have been included in a small booklet of less than 30 pages. There are only 1 rules of grammar to learn. Its sim- plicity was exhibited in a recent ex- periment at Wellesley College. A group of students studied Danish and Esperanto at the same time. After a short period of instruction, it was found that the students progressed much better in Esperanto than they did in Danish. Many Magazines A great many Esperanto magazines dealing with subjects as diverse as medicine and poetry, are published in Japan, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, England, the United States, and other countries. Some of these periodicals are bilingual, written partly in Esperanto and partly in the nation's language. Esperanto has progressed to a greater extent in Europe and the Far East. Due to the many languages, the need for a universal means of communication is felt more keenly, Dr. Onderdonk says. It isused by the League of Nations for the pub- lication of various reports. The In- ternational Union of Wireless Te- lephony has recommended that ra- dio stations broadcast for 15 min- utes each week and announce the name of the station daily in Esper- anto. Dr. Onderdonk's class in Esperan- to began January 8, and is to con- tinue for 16 weeks. The course meets at 7 p. m. Mondays and Wednesdays in the Ann Arbor High School. It is taught free of charge under the Federal Relief Administration pro- gram. 4 This was the scene as flames swept through a big auto accessories concern on Chicago's State street, causing damage which Israel Warshawsky, head of the firm, estimated at $1,000,000, but which firemen said was less. Warshawsky was questioned in officials' attempts to account for a series of explosions which spread the fire. Representative James P. Buchanan, (left), Texas Democrat, chair- man of the powerful appropriations committee of the House of Rep- resentatives, as he conferred with Lewis W. Douglas, director of the budget, on the government's huge spending program for the coming year. Dean Bates Upholds Court In Minnesota Mortoage Decision Educators Predict Closing Of 20,OOQ Schools Before April 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.- (1') Research specialists of the National Education association estimate that by April 1 closed schools in the United States will number 20,000 and the children affected by their closing will total 1,000,000. It is this prospect of further re- duction in already drastically cur- tailed educational facilities that has prompted educators to seek action by Congress to prevent "collapse of the American school system." The most recent data compiled by the research division of the associa- tion show that nearly 2,000 rural schools failed to open last fall due to lack of funds. Some 18,000 rural schools are operating for less than National Guild Of Lawyers Is Being Planned CHICAGO, Jan. 10 - Speaking be- fore the annual convention of the Association of American Law Schools here, Prof. Karl N. Llewellyn of the Columbia School of Law, urged the formation of a national guild of law- yers which would govern the profes- sion in such a way as to lower the the fees and raise the standards of lawyers. There must be something wrong, he said, when two-thirds of the population of the country could not afford to employ lawyers and when half the membersaofythe bar were "driven to unethical practices to make a living which they could not make otherwise." The guild, he suggested, should advertise, develop business for its members and certify competent law- yers to the public. six months, 700 of these being open less than three months. Changes in the public school situa- tion between 1930 and 1934 show total enrollments up 3 per cent; high school enrollments up 24 per cent; number of teachers and principals down 5. per cent; average salaries down 2 per cent; total expenditures down 24 per cent; capital outlays down 74 per cent. There are approximately 860,000 teachers, principals and supervisors in the public schools of the country, some 450,000 of whom are in rural areas. This year, according to the survey, approximately half the rural teachers in the nation are receiving an annual salary less than $750 and one in every five is receiving less than $450. Salaries Held Low "Many city teachers also are below these levels but the number of such is not known at present," says a re- port of the research division. "However, it may safely be said that of the entire public school teaching force at least one in every four is receiving annual wages below the minimum provided for factory hands under the blanket code." Non-payment of teachers' salaries was reported from cities and counties in 14 states, the total amounts owing to teachers ranging from $2,400 in Clayton, N. M., to $22,000,000 in Chi- cago. While city schools have not been hit as hard generally as rural institutions, the median reduction in teachers' salaries between September, 1930, and June, 1933, as reported by 363 cities, was 13.7 per cent. Norman Anoell Cites Need Of Mass Education Bridge Also Complicated If Taught In Manner Of Economics, He Says (By Intercollegiate Press) CLEVELAND, Jan. 10 - Great-3 est need in the United States today is for the education of the masses toward an understanding of the is- sues at stake, in the opinion of Sir' Norman Angell, English author and internationally known economist, who visited here last week. "The American efforts toward re- storation of economic well-being are experimental," he said. "I hope they succeed. For if they don't succeed some other 'control experiments will' have to be tried. "This is not a struggle between' capitalism and socialism. There is some socialism in capitalism and there is some capitalism in socialism. "The greatest need today is for: education of the millions toward an understanding of the issues. "Teachers say it is too compli- cated to explain. So would bridge be if taught like economics. If we tried to teach bridge through ab- stract exposition, a lesson would run like this: "The game of bridge is played by the distribution of 52 discs, divided into four classes or denominations; these separate denominations con- sisting of disc of an ascending scale of values, the whole distributed by players in rotation." (Continued from Page 1)j will continue to hold a liberal' view- point." Views Cases Separately The Supreme Court has always re- viewed each case as a separate and distinct matter. The Minnesota mort- gage moratorium act was considered as such and the Court undoubtedly had no intention of indicating through its action upon that case the stand it might take upon future is- sues. Those who say that "there is grave danger that it will establish a precedent and give rise to innumer- able unconstitutional laws under the pretext of an emergency" are actually the ones who have taken a "radical" stand on the case, according to Dean Bates. Chief Justice Hughes, in uphold- ing the law, was careful to explain that an emergency does not create power nor increase granted power, nor remove restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved. He did note, however, that "while emergency does not create power, emergency may furnish the occasion for the ex- ercise of power. The constitutional question presented in the light of an emergency is whether the power pos- sessed embraces the particular exer- cise of it in response to particular conditions." Explains Court's Position This portion of the majority opin- ion should serve as ample explana- tion of the Court's position on the, matter, Dean Bates stated. The phraseology is obviously interpreted as an indication that the Court un- dertook to commit itself to no more than the particular case under con-' sideration, reserving the right to weigh each issue on its merits as it comes up for decision. Furthermore there is no reason to believe that the Court will have to pass upon many of the recent meas- ures referred to as "emergency legis- lation." The codes of the NRA which have been called "radical" and which are classed as a usurption of powers by the government, were in most in- stances drawn up largely by the in- dustries themselves and the question of their constitutiopality is not as grave as it might seem, according to Dean Bates. The Court may have to pass upon some of the recent actions of the President and Congress but the Minnesota case does not serve as an indication of the stand the tribunal will take, he pointed out. "And certainly that body will not sanction any legislation which would in any sense cast a shade upon the Federal constitution." A ®i t --___ __ ._ . --- _ Fly'1 RESERVATIONS Flight Instruction LocaliPassenger Flights Special Charter Trips ANN ARBOR AIR SERVICE .111 unicipal Airport 4320 Bout State - -Night Phone 779 RED HOT SPECIALS!. 50c Chamberlain's25c Woodbury's SOAP HAND LOTION New Giant Size 37c 3 for 55c HALIVER OIL CAPSULES BOXES OF 50. All Brands.c Help Keep Colds Away. PER BOX . The NEWEST and BEST in Fiction and Non-Fiction 50c Squibb's TOOTH PASTE Large Size 29c Corrects Mouth Acidity 50c Tek TOOTH BRUSH 60c Watkins Mulsijfed COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 39c A Fine Hardwater Shampoo 25c Dr. West's DANCING EVERY NTGHT. . I