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September 30, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-30

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The Weather
Cloudy and warmer Satur-
day, possibly showers. Sunday
probably fair and cooler.




Special University
Lecture Series




NRA Official
Will Speak At
Press Parley
Donald Richberg Will Be
Principle Lecturer On
Tuesday's Program
Expect Vandenberg
At Regents Banquet
Address To Be Broadcast
Over National Network;
Meeting Opens Nov. 9
Donald R. Richberg, well-known
liberal labor lawyer and present chief
counsel for the NRA, will be the main
speaker at the University Press Club
Conference to be held here Nov. 8,
9, 10, and 11, it was announced yes-
terday by Prof. John L. Brumm,
chairman of the journalism depart-
ment.. Mr. Richberg's address will be
broadcast over a national network.
Prior to registration for the con-
vention, three editorial conferences
will be held. The first will be at 8
p. m. Nov. 8 in the Union, with a dis-
cussion of "Tariff and International
Relations," "Currency and Interna-
tional Relations," and "Trade and
International Relations." Dean Clare
E. Griffin of the School of Business
Administration and other faculty
members will speak.
First Meeting Nov. 9
The first regular meeting will be
held at 2 p. m. Nov. 9 in -the Union.
The general topic for discussion will
be "The Press and the Public" with
Lee A. White of the Detroit News
and A. L. Miller of the Battle Creek
Enquirer-News as speakers. Mem-
bers of the faculty are expected to
join in the discussion. In the evening
a banquet will be held in the Union
at which Mr. Richberg will be heard.
"The Press and the New Deal" will
be considered the morning of Nov.
10. Marlen Pew, editor of Editor and
Publisher, Arthur Lacy, a prominent
Detroit attorney, and Mr. Richberg
will be the main speakers. In the
afternoon Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department will ad-
dress the conference on "The Press
and Social Change."
Vandenberg Expected
Arthur H. Vandenberg, junior Uni-
ted States senator from Michigan, is
expected to speak at the Regents'
. Banquet to be held Friday evening.
Following the banquet a play, "Why
Print That?," especially written for
the occasion, will be presented at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Crime and Racketeering" will be
considered Nov. 11. Officials of the
State Penitentiary at Jackson are ex-
pected to speak.
Plan Reopening
Of Banks Soon
In Many States
Complete Reorganization,
Expanded Purchasing
Powers Announced
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.-)-
Pushing the Administration's plans
to reopen banks of the nation and
expand purchasing power, the
Treasury has completed details for
reorganization of 375 National banks
in 37 states.
The action followed the recent Ad-

ministration announcement that it
would hasten the reopening of banks
to release nearly $2,000,000,000 still
tied up in the closed institutions.
Announcement of the approval of
the reorganization plans was made
by J. F. T. O'Connor, comptroller
of the currency whose department
has been expanded to speed up the
reopening program.
O'Connor did not say how soon
the banks would be open, content-
ing himself with making public the
list and saying that plans for reor-
ganization had been approved by his
office. It is now necessary for the
banks to follow the plans as outlined
before they can receive licenses to
The Michigan banks to open are:
National Bank of Commerce, Adrian;
Old Merchants National, Battle
Creek; Farmers and Merchants Na-
tional Bank & Trust Co., Benton
Harbor; Peoples National, Bronson;
First National, Eaton Rapids; First
National, Flint; Hastings National,
Hastings; First National, Hillsdale;

To Run'For Mayor

-Associated Press Photo
Joseph V. McKee, independent
democrat, who yesterday announced
he would run for mayor of New
York City against John P. O'Brien,
Tammany Hall democrat, and Fior-
ello La Guardia, fusion-republican
Joseph McKee
To Enter Race
For N.Y. Mayor
Announces Campaign To
Fight Both Democratic,
Republican 'Bossism'
NEW YORK, Sept. 29 -(A. P.) -
Joseph V. McKee finally jumped into
the mayoralty fight today as an in-
dependent democrat, dedicating him-
self to a war on "bossism, both dem-
ocratic and republican."
Ending two days of uncertainty
which threw the mayoralty campaign
into a turmoil, McKee assailed John
F. Curry, "boss" of Tammany Hall;
John H. McCooey, Brooklyn demo-
cratic leader, and called Fiorello H.
LaGuardia, fusion candidate, "a poor
compromise by a faction of would-be
With McKee, mortgage banker and
former university professor entering
the three-cornered race, Tammany
backers of Mayor John P. O'Brien
and fusion strategists began formu-
lating plans for a campaign which
promised to become one of the bit-
terest in the City's history.
McKee's candidacy w as nade
known on the plaza of the city hall
-interpreted as' a further gesture
of defiance to Tammany and the city
administration. A few feet away,
Mayor O'Brien, refusing to comment,
sat with the Board of Estimate.
McKee, backed by Edward J.
Flynn, Bronx democratic leader and
close friend of President Franklin. D.
Roosevelt, and reported to have the
tacit support of Postmaster General
James A. Farley, launched into his
blistering attack on bossism and the
fusion leaders.-
"I now dedicate myself to the serv-
ice of the voters of this city who
want bossism, both democratic and;
republican, ended for all time; who
want honesty and intelligence to re-
place corruption and stupidity in
public office and who want the city's
credit restored," said the youthful
"To accomplish this is my sole pur-
pose in making this difficult deci-
"There is no real fusion in this
campaign," he said. "The so-called
fusion standard-bearer is as objec-
tionable to our republican citizenry
as he is to the vast army of demo-
crats who are disgusted with ma-
chine politics."
Asserting that he would be free
from political domination, McKee
said that he decided to run after be-
ing urged by many persons tired of
"an arrogant leadership of stupidity
and corruption unmatched since the
days of Boss Tweed."

Thetas Given
Penalty After
Rule Breach
Illegal Rushing Reported
Voluntarily By Group;
Rushees Were Contacted
Sorority May Not
Invite Them Again
But Girls May Be Rushed
By Others; Thetas Still
Retain Pledging Right
After voluntarily informing offi-
cials of Panhellenic Association that
they had violated rushing rules by
contacting freshman girls in their
rooms, members of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority yesterday were told
could not entertain those rushees
during the remainder of the rushing
It was reported, however, that the
rushees were eligible for invitations
to other sororities, and that they
would be allowed to pledge Kappa
Alpha Theta at the conclusion of the
rushing period if they desired.
Officers of the sorority concerned
blamed ignorance of the rushing
rules on the part of certain mem-
bers for the incident, adding that
officers of the Panhellenic Associa-
tion, were immediately informed of
the violation when a study of the
rules showed that illegal tactics had
been practiced.
Members of the sorority went to
Betsy Barbour House to invite sev-
eral rushees to their formal dance,
unaware that they were violating the
rules,maccording- to their rushing
The section of the rushing rules
broken by Kappa Alpha Theta reads:
"No personal contact between soro-
rity women and rushees may be had
at this time (Sept. 23 to Oct. 4) or
any other time during this period
of rushing outside of the allotted
dates, except in the case of sisters."
So far no violations of the 'frater-
nity rushing rules have been re-
ported to Maxwell Gail, '34, secre-
tary-treasurer of the Interfraternity
Plan To Visit
Here Sunday
A special train of Legionnaires,
their wives, and war nurses, number-
ing approximately 500 in all, will
arrive in Ann Arbor around noon to-
morrow for a short stay during which
time they plan to inspect the Uni-
They will be met at the station by
the University R. O. T. C. Band
and transportation for the group is
being arranged by the local cham-
ber of commerce. General planning
of the University tour has been
placed in the hands of Maj. Frederick
G. Rogers, commandant of the Re-
serve Officers Training Corps, and it
has been announced that members
of the party will be conducted
through various points of interest by
advanced students in the corps.
In all there will be about 300
members of the Legion, a number
of them accompanied by their wives,
and 60 war nurses.

Dr. Randolph Adams Will
Speak At Harris Hall Tea
The student cabinet of Harris Hall
has issued an invitation to all new
students to attend a reception and
tea from 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. tomorrow,
following which Dr. RarL Iolph G.
Adams, curator of William Clements
Library, will lead the discussion
group in the first of a series of Sun-
day evening conversations, it was an-
nounced yesterday.

Eight Faculty
Lecturers To,
Be Presented
Handman, Sellars, Curtis,
Guthe, Jones, McKenzie,
Barker, Case, To Speak
Choose October 26
As Inaugural Date
Purpose Of Series Is To
Acquaint Students With
Leading University Men
Eight of the outstanding members
of the University faculty have been
chosen by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
chairman of the committee appoint-
ed by the president to arrange uni-
versity lectures, to deliver a series of
lectures beginning Oct. 26 in Natural
Science Auditorium.
The men chosen are Dr. Heber D.
Curtis, Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Dr. Ermine
C. Case, Prof. Howard M. Jones, Dr.
Roy W. Sellers, Dr. Frederick Mc-
Kenzie, Dr. Max S. Handman, and
Dr. Ernest F. Barker.
In explaining the choice of the
eight faculty men, Dr. Robbins said:
"Ordinarily there have been during
the academic year a number of Uni-
versity lectures by visitingescholars
from other institutions, both in the
United States and abroad. The fact
has possibly not been fully appre-
ciated that Michigan's own faculties
contain in their membership experts
quite as authoritative as the lecturers
who have come from other institu-
tions. The present series has been
organized with a view to permitting
the University community to become
acquainted with some of the leading
scholars among the faculty, and also
to present a series of lectures which
is in general designed to bring before
University audiences accounts of the
present status in certain general
fields of thought. This is an innova-
tion which is prompted by sugges-
tions which frequently have been
made by members of the faculty and
others in the past,
Tentative Schedule Made
For the series planned for the year
1933-1934 the following schedule of
lectures has tentatively been ar-
October 26- Dr. Heber D. Cur-
tis, Professor of Astronomy, Chair-
man of the Department of Astron-
omy, and Director of the Observa-
tory: "Aspects of Modern Astron-
November 16-Dr. Carl E. Guthe,
Director of the Museum of Anthrop-
ology: "North American Archae-
December 7 -Dr. E. C. Case, Prof-
essor of Historical Geology and Pale-
ontology, Director of the Museum of
Paleontology, and Curator of Verte-
brates: "The Modern Biologist's At-
titude Toward the Problem of Life."
January 18 --Mr. H o w a r d M.
Jones, Professor of English: "Liter-
ary Scholarship."
February 15-Dr. Roy W. Sellars,
Professor of Philosophy: "Present
Trends in Philosophy."
March 1-Dr. Roderick D. Mc-
Kenzie, Professor of Sociology and
Chairman of the Department of
Sociology: "The Territorial Organ-
ization of Society."
March 22 -Dr. Max S. Handman,
Professor of Economics: "The Amer-
ican Standard of Living: Illusions
and Realties."
April 26 - Dr. Ernest F. Barker,

Professor of Physics: "Modern Con-
ception of Matter."
In arranging this series of eight
lectures for the present year the
committee hopes that by continuing
the series in subsequent years still
others of the prominent scholars
among the faculties may be intro-
duced to the general University audi-
ence, Dr. Robbins said.1
Other members of the committee
arranging the lectures are Dean G.
C. Huber, Prof. DeWitt H. Parker,
Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit, and Prof.
James K. Pollock.
Band May Have 100 Men
For State Football Game
One week from today the Varsity
Band will march its full strength-of
100 if Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone gets
the additional tryouts he expects to-
day and tomorrow.
A half-dozen places are still open
in the following sections: clarinet,
baritone saxophone, tenor saxophone,
drum, oboe, and bassoon. These will
be filled from tryouts to be held from
11 n m to nn . and f'.m-1 n m +

HAVANA, Sept. 29.-(A)-FPront-
door deliveries of news stories seldom
occur, but employes of the Associated
Press in this city "enjoyed" that ex-
perience today.
In the midst of the fighting be-
tween soldiers and communists, the
scene of the most intense activity
shifted twice to the front door of the
Diario de la Marina newspaper build-
ing, in which the Associated Press
office is situated.
Soldiers barricaded themselves be-
hind stone pillars under the windows
and balconies of the building and
opened fire on snipers with rifles
and machine guns.
The noise of the firing was deaf-
ening inside the building, and it was
almost impossible to carry on tele-
phone conversation.
Bullets peppered the stone walls
with nerve-shattering regularity.
Inside the employes moved about
in a half-stoop and when the fire

became heavier, reporters dropped to
the floor where they sprawled out
and wrote their stories in longhand.
Others crouched behind desks
checking injured lists at hospitals
over the telephone.
They were virtually prisoners in
their offices because owners of the
building had barred and locked all
but one door and it was in the very
center of the battle.
Machine gun and rifle bullets flat-
tened themselves against the doorway
but now and then some workers
slipped out and surveyed the situa-
One civilian fell wounded in the
doorway and comrades, working
under heavy fire, tossed him into an
automobile and rushed away.
An occasional lull would restore
the normal office routine but most
of the time the lulls were short-

Newspapermen Get An Actual
Experience Of Cuban Warfare

Expect Crisis
Over Arms At ,
Germany Will Insist On
Arms Equal To Those
Of Other Nations
GENEVA, Sept. 29 -(A. P.) -
League of Nations circles believed to-
night that the real crisis in the dis-
armament situation would come with
the return to Geneva of Konstantin
von Neurath, German foreign minis-
ter, who has gone to Berlin to con-,
sult with his chief, Chancellor Adolf
The departure of Herr von Neu-
rath and Dr. Joseph Gebbels, Reich
minister of public enlightenment and
propaganda for the capital was ac-
companied by a noticeable stiffening
of the German attitude, openly voic-
ed in German circles.nOne declara-
tion was that the crying need is the
disarmament of Germany's neigh-
The foreign minister told German
nevspaper correspondents before his
departure that Germany will insist
on the right to possess arms at a
level to which neighboring countries
eventually would descend. This was
joined with the understanding that
Germany would be entitled to begin
construction of these arms when any
agreement drawn up begins to func-
If this German attitude is adopt-
ed, it was recognized in League cir-
cles as meaning pressure would be
brought to bear on France to begin
the destruction of big guns, bombing
planes, and light categories, in addi-
tion to reducing the number of men
under colors.
Some of the English delegates in-
sisted tonight there should be no re-
armament of Germany.
Meanwhile, Dr. V. K. Wellington
Koo, Chinese minister to France, told
the League of Nations assembly
"ominous clouds are arising on the
far eastern horizon."
"The race for armaments has be-
gun with the huge naval and air
maneuvers, fleet concentration, the
fortifying of bases, and enormous in-
creases in war expenditure," he said.
He criticized the Japanese invasion
of Manchuria and mentioned that
country's continued defiance of the
assembly's report classing it as in
violation of the pact of Paris.

Striking Mob
Storms Gates
Of Steel Plant
Deputies Are Helpless As
Crowd Practically Takes
Over Town
(By Associated Press),
In the third offensive within a
week, a mob of nearly 3,000 striking
coal miners made a "big push" into
Clairton, Pa., yesterday, storming
gates of the Carnegie Steel Co. plant
and virtually taking possession of
the town as deputies stood by help-
Meanwhile, as Governor Pinchot of
Pennsylvania arrived at Hyde Park
for a conference with President
Franklin D. Roosevelt relative to set-
tlement of difficulties in the strife-
torn area, the President announced
that agreement had been reached by
NRA officials to bring mines owned
by the steel companies under the
terms of the coal code hour and
wage provisions.
The President, prepared to approve
the agreement if provisions were sat-
isfactory to him, said he expected it
to bring strikers in mines and steel
factories back to work by Monday.
At Clairton the strikers charged
the plants were using coal imported
from the South due to the mining
"holiday" in Fayette county. Strikers
ripped clothing from sonre workers,
roughly handled some others, and
shouted threats as police stood by
fearful that intervention would cause
Since Wednesday the strikers
claimed 10,000 persons had joined
them to shut down plants of the
Wierton Steel Co. at Wierton and
Clarksburg, W. Va., and Steubenville,
Officials of the Ford Motor Co. de-
clined to comment on reports that
pickets from the eastern assembly
plants might make a drive on the
huge Detroit plant. There was no
comment on the walkout and clos-
ing of the Chester, Pa., plant,, or
walkout at the Edgewater, N. J., and
Richmond, Calif., plants.
In Cincinnati, announcement was
made that a board of 16 had been
chosen to administer the coal code
in the West Viginia district exclu-
sive of the northern part of the
state, eastern Kentucky, Tennessee,
and Virginia.

Havana Is
Scene Of
Gun Fire
Widespread Shooting As
Communists Are Routed
By Large Cuban Army
Wound American
Cameraman In Leg
Students And ABC Lend
Aid To Heaviest Patrol
Ever On Havana Streets
HAVANA, Sept. 29.-(I)-Wide-
spread and heavy firing thioughout
Havana started late today when the
Army set out to disperse thousands
of communist demonstrators. It re-
sulted, according to a preliminary
check, in the killing of four persons
and the wounding of an undeter-
mined number.
Among the wounded was an Amer-
ican, Joe Gibson, 46 years old, Uni-
versal Newsreel photographer, shot
four times in the leg.
The clatter of machine guns and
the firing of rifles and pistols re-
duced Havana to a scene of the wild-
est disorders as students and ABC
radical members joined the heaviest
army forces ever to patol Havana,
streets. An army tank with machine
guns was rushed to the scene of
action, and cavalry galloped through
the streets.
Demonstrate For Student
The early outbreaks of shooting
centered along Reina Street, where
communists were reported to have
sniped at the soldiers from the top
of the Anti-Imperialist Leaguehead-
quarters at Reina and Gervasio
The communist demonstration was
in honor of Julio Antonio Mella, a
student leader killed in Mexico in
1929, whose ashes were brought here
this week in tin boxes.
Early reports indicated that one
army captain and four soldiers, in-
cluding one nachine-gunner were
among the wounded. Capt. Hernan-
dez Ruda was in a critical condi-
Later in the afternoon heavy firing
began around the Diario de la Ma-
rina Newspaper Building, where the
Associated Press offices are situated.
Persons entering the building said
that a number of persons were killed
or wounded in the volley of shots.
Soldiers Destroy Obelisk
The demonstration was to have
been climaxed at a brick obelisk in
the park, where Mella's ashes were
to have been buried. The soldiers,
however, stopped men working on
the memorial, destroyed it and then
posted guards to see that no one
Three hundred soldiers had been
called out to patrol the streets,
but what started the shooting could
not be determined immediately.
As rifle, pistol and machine-gun
fire began popping from a number
of points, thousands in the streets,
including throngs of curious not as-
sociated with the communists, rushed
for cover. A general strike called by
the National Confederation in con-
nection with the Mella demonstra-
tion had closed virtually all doors,
The firing started soon after the
communists, carrying banners at-
tacking the Ramon Grau San Mar-
tin Government, United States Am-

bassador Sumner Welles, "Yankee
imperialism," and Chancellor Adolf
Hitler, of Germany, left the head-
quarters of the Anti-Imperialist
League at Reina and Gervasio
Alumni To Meet
In Chicago For
Annual Banquet
In order to insure the presence of
a large number of students and grad-
uates, the annual national banquet
of the University of Michigan Alumni
Association will be held the night be-
fore the M i c h i g a n-Northwestern
football game, Friday, November 24,
in a Chicago hotel, it was announced
Thomes I. Underwood, a former
Union president, is in charge of the
dinner, which this year is being
sponsored by the University of Mich-
igan Club of Chicago. Mr. Under-

Fair Weather, 95 Students Help
Make Biological Camp Success

About People Only
University of Michigan graduate, is not concerned in the
slightest with the weighty problems of the government
machine. It tells you nothing about tariffs, budgets, or execu-
tive orders - but it gives you revealing glimpses into the per-
sonalities of the people who make the Capital.
A tV..--- - - -tAA-- ._. - -A- I - -

An enrollment of 95, including 67
graduate students for the twenty-
fifth session of the University Biolog-
ical Station held from June 26 to
August 19, at Lake Douglas, Cheboy-
gan County, was reported by Prof.
George R. LaRue, director of the
"The session was a distinct suc-
cess," Professor LaRue said, "both
because our enrollment was increased
over last year, while many of the
units of the Summer Session showed
a loss in enrollment, and also be-
cause the weather was most favorable
and the students had little difficulty
in their field work."
In addition to the academic work,
several outside projects were com-
pleted, including the construction of
several miles of fire lane and a num-
ber of miles of road for fighting fires.
This work was directed by Prof. W.
F. Ramsdell and Noman Munster of

"The reason for this construction
of fire protection equipment," Pro-
fessor LaRue said, "is that we find
it advisable to safeguard the 600,-
000 pine trees which have been do-
nated by the State Conservation De-
partment and set out under the di-
rection of the forestry school in the
past few years, in addition to other
valuable timber on the University-
owned tract of 4,000 acres."
"The high point of this year's ses-
sion was the celebration, August 5
and 6, of the twenty-fifth anniver-
sary of the Station's founding," Pro-
fessor LaRue said.
Visitors at the camp during the
summer included Seymour Hadwen,
Dominion Biological Service, To-
ronto; Prof. R. M. Strong, depart-
ment of anatomy, Loyola University
Medical School; a former member of
the station staff; and Dean Davis,
of the University of Illinois Medical

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