TH1E MIC7IGcAN DAILY TUESDAY, 1 lA !/ 111 1U'8'8 d. A.6D L 1. 17 iI to .i l.f a. Registration To Begin Soon For Next Semester uliiug Of Business Office Provides For Enrollment Even Though Absent Registration dates for the second semester, set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 8, 9, and 10, were termed "frankly an experiment" in the Business office of the University yesterday. They will remain fixed for this year as already set, however, and any stu- dent who expects to be out of town over the J-Hop week-end may have a friend hand in his registration blank and fees, it was said. Presum- ably there will be the usual fine for registering Monday, Feb. 12, or later. Registration blanks for students in the literary college will be available within a short time in the registrar's office, Room 4, University Hall. If these are filled out in advance, the student who wishes to leave town may find ,a proxy to go through the registration process for him. Since fees were formerly paid in September for the year, officials of the business office were faced with a new problem in setting February registration dates. These may be changed in future years in the light of the experiment this year, it was said. The cashier's office will be set up in Barbour Gymnasium during the three_ registration days under the same arrangements as for the first semester. Except for students in the Law and Medical Schools, who must pay fees in the cashier's office in South Wing at the time of regis- tration and classification in those units, all students will register in Barbour Gymnasium on the dates specified. Hours for registration and payment of fees will be 8 to 11:30 a. m. and 1 to 3:30 p. m Thursday and Fri- day, and 8 a. m. to 12 noon Satur- day YESTERDAY WASHINGTON-According to the report of Guy T. Helvering, com- missioner of internal revenue, the nation's income increased $62,110,- 181 during the year of 1933. WASHINGTON-The possibility that President Roosevelt might send a special message to Congress urg- ing ratification of the St. Lawrence Waterway Treaty was murmured about the Senate. KYOTO - Twenty persons were believed to have been killed and over 100 injured when a railroad plat- form collapsed while it was loaded with several thousand persons. NEW YORK - Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia sent a second plea to Gov. Herbert H. Lehman asking for a conference with the latter at which the question of dictatorial powers for the mayor could be discussed. 3 ".1i $ M WA S HI N G T O N-Alexander A. Troyanovsky, first ambassador to the United States from the Soviet Union, arrived at the Nation's capital. * * * PARIS - France agreed to increase quotas on American imports by 200 to 300 per cent. ROME - All Italy celebrated the L1st birthday anniversary of Queen Elena. who observed the day quietly from the palace. 4 Wisconsin Man UnloadsHimself'Of, A Few Real Ideas (By Intercollegiate Press) CLEVELAND, Jan. 8. - In an ad- dress here Prof. John Guy Fowlkes of the University of Wisconsin un- loaded himself of comments of an- cient educational beliefs and prac- tices. Among his conclusions were: Until we adapt what we know about breedingofhumanity, society will not make much real progress. Let school children learn some- thing about the rottenness of gov- ernment. Otherwise, how will they know what to correct when they grow up? It is a shameful fact that profes- sional educators have only been sub- mitting to commercial pressure and not thinking independently , about what educational changes should be made. That era is at an end. The future will see an abandon- ment of the stupid system of putting education on a chronological age base. The chances are that education will be extended up and down, but not stop at the same age for all pupils. It's Playine At Snowy Lake Placid For Femninine Skiers -Associated Press Photo Despite sub-zero blasts at Lake Placid, N. Y., many winter sports enthusiasts have flocked to this famous resort, where there is ample snow and plenty of fun. Doris White (left) of Greenwich, Conn., and Harriet Atwood (right) of Worcester, Mass., are taking their fun on skis. In the center is a general view of the playground. Religious Head Urges Students To Consult Him Dr. Blakeman Is Holding Personal Conferences In Capacity Of Counselor "As yet few students know that there is such an office as a Counselor in Religious Education on this cam- pus," stated Dr. E. W. Blakeman yes- terday in discussing the position to which he was recently appointed. "As a result there have been few calls. However, religion is a live and perti- nent subject and I am sure that as students realize the accessibility of such a service there will be plenty of work for my office to do." Dr. Blakeman's office is tempora- rily in Room 9 University Hall, where he holds regular daily student inter- view hours of from 11 a. m. to 12 noon and from 3 to 5 p. m. Dr. Blake- man welcomes any student who has any type of a personal problem he wishes to discuss. "But what is religion and why should it interest me?" is the attitude of many students, according to Dr. Blakeman. "They come to think of religion as synonomous with orders, creed, and sect. This is not a true idea of what religion is and it is a condition, part of which it is my duty to correct." The counselor pointed out that according to a recent study made in seven colleges and universities, inter- views with 1,810 students showed that 17 per cent of the personal problems of these students have their root in religion or are related to religious concepts. Dr. Blakeman indicated two groups, interest in which would take practically all of a counselor's time, if the students took advantage of the service. First, there is the problem of the entering freshmen who have many problems of spiritual as well as in- tellectual and social adjustment. Sec- ond, there is the problem of the 1,400 transfer students, half of whom have come from religious colleges and pre- sumably have tastes and interests which are worth conserving. As they enter the classroom and become ab- sorbed in the more critical and fuller life of a large University, their whole range of interests comes up for re- view. "To aid in this appraisal and to dignify the struggle for unity and personality is our job," Dr. Blakeman said. "Eventually," he said, "We will dis- cover the major problems, mobilize faculty persons in different colleges, and attempt to develop a good na- tured appreciation of s u p r e m e values." COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 8.-- (Spe- cial) - Open revolt against Ohio State's 60-year-old compulsory R. 0. T. C. rule flared upon the university campus here last week when five students, who were later joined by 11 others, were threatened with ex- pulsion by President Rightmire un- less they enrolled for military train- ing. Final action upon the matter has been postponed for a number of days to give the students time to "change their minds" and enroll. The five students, who have re- ceived the support of a group of Co- lumbus ministers intent upon making military training optional, are Ed- ward Lepon, Richard Baumgardner, David Telfair, Donald Leach, and Carl Sutley. They have chosen Charles Hart, a "conscientious objec- toor" who was excused from drill a year ago by Dr. Rightmire, as their spokesman. The students called an "indigna- tion meeting" against the university authorities at which they said they preferred dismissal to mandatory drill. Hart was excused from military work because, he said, his religious faith forbade him to shoulder arms. Ohio State, always a battleground between pro and anti compulsory R. O. T. C. factions, has enforced military drill for all male students since 1888 when Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th president of the United States and at that time a member of the Board of Trustees, decided that "all Real Police Doggie Is Calmed Down By students shall receive military tramn- ing." Compulsory military training in the University started in 1873. but the State legislature placed it upon an "optional" basis for a time. Muttering Moguls Pick Preposterous Person An undercurrent of secret mutter- ings around the staff office of the Gargoyle yesterday meant one and only one thing. Preposterous Person No. 10 had been selected by the club moguls. Reporters were able to get no fur- ther information than that the sub- ject had been chosen and members of the Preposterous People Club were dusting off a new pledge pin. President Robert A. Saltzstein con- tinued the air of mystery by remain- ing noncommittal to all questions asked. He was discovered later in the afternoon, however, deftly whittling a paddle out of a barrel stave. Offer $50 Prize For Winning Student Poem A prize of $50 is being offered by the American College Quill Club for the best original poem or group of poems submitted by an undergradu- ate in any. American college or uni- versit.y The prize, which is known as the Ted Olson Quill Prize, is awarded every two years, alternating with the Edwin M. Hopkins Quill Prize for short stories. The winning poem or group of poems, which must be sub- mitted by March 31, will be pub- lished in The Parchment, Quill mag- azine. The manuscripts will be judged by poets of national repute or by well- known critics of poetry. Further in- formation may be obtained by writ- ing to Dr. L. J. Davidson, University of Denver, Denver, Colo In a recent number of the Amer- ican Medical Journal statistics were quoted to show that the general health of college students was falling from the standards of some years ago. Research over a number of years revealed that students health grew worse during the years spent in school. PRINTING-Reasonable Prices THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown -- 206 North Main Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013 WE SELL TYPEWRITING PAPER "4 4 Sixteen O.S. U. Students Launch A Dissenters' War On R.O. T.(C. Memorial To Late Professor Is Read A memorial to the late Prof. A. R. Crittenden of the Latin depart- ment was read to the faculty of the literary college by Prof. J. G. Win- ter, head of the Latin department, at its regular meeting yesterday af- ternoon. The memorial contained a resume of his life and the apprecia- tion of the department. Copies were to be sent to his family. The faculty also chose Prof. George LaRue of the botany department as representative on the University Council to succeed Prof. J. R. Hay- den of the political science depart- ment who is on leave of absence as vice-governor of the Philippines. Water, Boiling Without Heat, Creates Danoer Tests At M.I.T. Show That Cold Water In Pipe Of- ten Is Partly Steam i Fads And Frills Of 1934 School Defended By W. D. Henderson Bluecoats' CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 8.- -() - Cold steam, an enemy to power production instead of a servant, is revealed in a glass-windowed water pipe at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The window shows that cold water, running through a pipe at high ve- locity, is not always all water. Part of it may be steam, formed without heat, as cold as the water but able to drive holes in the hardest metals yet devised for utilizing water power. Super Speed Trouble The window pipe was set up to study cavitation, a phenomenon causing erosion of metal by water when it runs around a corner at high speed. Cavitation attacks the blades of turbines and the propellers of fast naval destroyers. It does not bother other shipping, for it is a super-speed trouble, a threat to blades which move too fast. The water flows at speeds of 50 to 60 miles an hour in the window pipe, driven by a centrifugal pump. As long as the flow is in a straight line this speed does no harm. But when the water passes over a hump in the pipe a white plume forms, not at the hump but some distance down stream. Photographs Taken The plume is cold steam. How it gathers is shown by "Tech's" high- speed camera, which can take 2,000 pictures a second. As the water passes over the hump its particles separate, like the boy tossed off at the end of the line in a game of crack-the- whip. SENIOR EDUCATION DUES Senior class dues for education stu- dents may be paid in the University High School at the entrance of the Elementary School. Officers will be stationed there daily from 2 to 3 p. m. to collect the 50 cent dues. Students are urged to respond as soon as possible in order that grad- uation will not be hindered, said Hil- ton Ponto, '34, class treasurer. "The New School and the PTA" was the topic of the radio address given by Dr. William D. Henderson, director of the Extension Division, Sunday afternoon, as the parent program re-opened the University series. Sunday programs will go on the air over station WJR at 2:30 p. in., instead of at 6:30 p. m. as they formerly did. "Due to the depression and the consequent breakdown of our tax system, education in this country is today in a more or less disorganized and chaotic condition," Dr. Hender- son stated. "Our teaching force has been reduced,, teaching loads have been increased, school terms have been shortened, and important sub- jects have been eliminated." Pointing out the detriment to the, student, Dr. Henderson defended the so-called "fads and frills" of edu- cation, declaring that some people objected to such sanitary necessities as drinking fountains. In discussing the "New School," Dr. Henderson first stressed the im- portance of efficient teachers, and an economic administration of school affairs. In relation to the school curriculum proper, he held the opin- ion that our present grading sys- tem is far too strict and that it lacks the flexibility necessary to the re- quirements of each individual child. "I think that we have too many 12-grade schools," the speaker said. "This does not mean that I would cut out the 12-grade school, but it simply means fewer schools in which the upper two grades are offered. In this day of easy transportation, there is no reason why every hamlet should have a 12-grade school." Great attention should be paid to the first 10-grades, because it would carry the child through the legal age at which he has t~o be in school in Aged Parents Edit Letter To~ H101( Fal To ther FRANKFORT, Ky., Jan. B. - ;AP) - The 13 children of Captain Ben Mar- shall and his wife are in little danger of losing trace of each other like many large families widely separated. The aged parents write, edit and publish a weekly news letter here and send copies to all their sons and daughters in far-flung places. The letter duly records all the family news of mutual interest as gathered from what each writes home. most states, Dr. Henderson declared. This school should be a cross between a junior high school and an old- fashioned district school, he said, and should teach five subjects through the entire 10 years. These subjects should include reading, writ- ing, English, arithmetic, and health. General science, sociology, and the cultural subjects could be included, he said. Dr. Henderson advocated a strong- er PTA association in every school. "This is a time of crisis for our schools. It is a time when the friends of education must stand together," he said, "for in union there is strength." Dr. Fredrick Rand Rogers, dean of Boston University's department of health, declared that the beautiful chorus girl is almost certain to be intelligent; that catch phrases like "Beautiful but dumb" are merely su- perstitions and that in the long run good things tend to go together e Are Continuing... CLEA hANCE SALE Additional purchases have been made to meet- the heavy response to Coaxing MONTGOMERY, Ala., Jan. 8. -(P) - A stray police dog bent on making trouble seemed to prefer just what his name implied when it came to choosing associates. "Come quick! We're in the house and can't get out, and the rest of us are out and can't get in," was the frantic call that came to police head- quarters by telephone. Two officers hurried forth and found the great dog blocking the doorway of an apartment house. "Nice doggie. Come along, doggie," theyicoaxed, but doggie answered them with growls and bared teeth. "Aw, can't you see we're police- men?" they cried in exasperation. The words seemed to work like magic. The dog wagged his tail in friendly manner and leaped into the back seat of their automobile. They took him to headquarters and, having made friends with all the policemen, he refuses to leave. this Annual Event. Come today, while there is still a good selection. NEW SHIPMENT OF FICTION COMPLETE, NEW ASSORTM AND NON-FICTION BOOKS ENT OF WRITING PAPERS. Al I General Books, One-Third Off i Leather Notebooks 1-3 off Writing Papers 1-2 off i STARTING TOMORROW - TWO NEW SPECIALS At FRATERNITIES and SORORITI ES Have group pictures made now. Only two weeks re- main in which to have it done. Separate Tables of French, German, Spanish . .cat 19c Special Table of Translations . . . . . . . . . , at 29c Daily Additions to Our General Reference Tables Priced at 39c, 29c, 15c Novelties . . . One-third to One-half Off Fine Bindings . . . . . . . One-half Off -- Manv Other Remarkable Raroains 11 I