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January 09, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-09

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Occasional light
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snow today
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By Borah
Our Foreign Policy Not
One Of Isolation, Critics
Told By Senator
Freedom Of Action
U.S. Goal, He Says

Women Members Of House Talk With Speaker Rainey

Suspension Of
Contracts By
State Allowed

Republican Leader
That We Remain
In Political Matters


NEW YORK, Jan. 8 - () - Sena-
for Borah tonight reiterated his
faith in the foreign policy of Wash-
ington and Jefferson and defied his
critics to apply the term "isolation"
to an aloof concentration upon
America's own problems.
"It is not isolation, it is freedom of
action," he said addressing the Coun-
cil on Foreign Relations. "It is in-
dependence of judgment. It is not
isolation, it is free government -
there can be no such thing as free
government if the people thereof are
not free to remain aloof or to take
part in foreign wars.
"People who have bartered away
or surrendered their right to remain
neutral in war have surrendered
their right to govern. In matters of
trade and commerce we have never
been isolationists and never will be,
In matters of finance, unfortunately,
we have not beefs isolationists, and
probably never will be.
"When earthquake and famine, or
whatever brings human suffering,
visits any part of the human race,
we have not been isolationists, and
never will be.
"But in all matters political, in all
commitments of any nature or kind
which encroach in the slightest upon
the free and unembarrassed action
of our people or which circumscribe
their discretion or judgment, we have
been free, we have been isolation-
ists. And this, I trust, we shall ever
"If there be any truth established
by the experience of nations, it is
this: that to accommodate your for-
eign policies to the demands or in
the interest of other nations at the
peril of your own security, is to in-
vite contempt, and it seldom fails to
earn a more substantial punishment."
For the leader of the nation, Borah,
ranking Republican of the foreign
relations committee, urged the goal of
an increased and intensified patriot-
ism instilling into the heterogeneous
millions of America a lofty pride of
country with its finer qualities di-
rected along high, honorable, and
peaceful lines.
Student Takes
His Own Life In
Rooming House
William Hallensleben, 33,
Strangles Himself; Had
'Persecution Complex'
Said by his acquaintances to have
been suffering from a "persecution
complex," William P. E. Hallensle-
ben, Grad., 33-year-old student work-
ing for a Ph.D. degree in German,
yesterday took his own life in his
room at 905 Sybil St.
Mrs. George C. Tryon, landlady,
discovered the body at about 4 p. m.
when she went to Hallensleben's
room. The student had tied a shoe
string about his neck and attached
it to the top hinge of the door, ap-
parently leaning backwards until he
In a note which he left, Hallens-
leben directed that his belongings be
sent to relatives in Germany but he
gave no reasons for his action.
Friends stated that he was probably
despondent over personal matters
and that this, coupled with the com-
plex from which he was said to have
been suffering, caused him to take
his life.
In his note Hallensleben blamed
professors and fellow students for
"discriminating" against him. It is
said Hallensleben believed others
thought him a Nazi sympathizer and
a "Polish spy."

A native of Germany, Hallensle-
ben is registered at the University

-Associated Press Photo
Women members of the House of Representatives discussed President Roosevelt's message and pro-
posed plans of Congress in this conference with Speaker Henry T. Rainey. Left to right: Mrs. Virginia
Jenckes, Indiana Democrat; Mrs. Marian Clarke, New York Republican; Mrs. Edith Norse Rogers, Mass-
achusetts Republican; Speaker Rainey; Mrs. Isabella Greenway, Arizona Democrat; Mrs. Kathryn Mc-
Carthy, Kansas Democrat; Mrs. Florence Kahn, California Republican.

Plan Parley Of
Committees On
Stu.dent Affairs
Rumor Indicates Meeting
Is Called To Consider
Liquor Question
A joint meeting of the Interfrater-
nity Alumni Conference, the Council
Judiciary Committee, and the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs has
been called by Nathan S. Potter, '98,
chairman of the alumni group, for
Saturday afternoon, and will be held
in the Union.
Mr. Potter could not be reached
last night for a statement regarding
matters to be discussed at the meet-
ing, and Dean of Students Joseph
A. Bursley stated that he was ignor-
ant of its cause.
A rumor, caused undoubtedly by
the direct similarity between the con-
ditions under which this meeting is
being held and the one held last
spring shortly before the legalization
of 3.2 per .cent beer, intimated that
recommendations may be made on
the liquor question.
At that time, the alumni presented
a list of recommendations to the In-
terfraternity Council which would
have prohibited the use of the bev-
erage on the premises of any frater-
nity house.
Action was refused on the petition
with but one dissenting vote, the
delegates expressing themselves in-
formally that they preferred to leave
the matter up to a vote of their in-
dividual national or local organiza-
Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of
the Interfraternity Council, upon
hearing of the impending meeting,
announced that the council meeting
originally scheduled for Wednesday
would be postponed until Wednesday,
Jan. 17, so that any results of Satur-
day's meeting might be presented to
the delegates at that time.
Comstock Sees Relief
As Issue In February
LANSING, Jan. 8. -- (N)-Gover-
nor Comstock today foresaw the
probability that welfare relief legis-
lation will be a mnajor issue at the
forthcoming special session of the
Legislature in February.
Announcing the receipt of a letter
from Washington demanding addi-
tional State and local funds supple-
menting Federal relief aid, the Gov-
ernor charged county road commis-
sions had failed to use highway funds
for welfare purposes as designated
under the Kulp Act. He attributed
the present emergency to the com-
mission and the Legislature.

Tugwell Appointed
To Position At Yale
(By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 8. -The
Yale School of Law has appointed
Rexford G. Tugwell, assistant secre-
tary of agriculture and professor of
economics at Columbia University, a
research associate for the current
academic year.
"In this capacity," the Law School
said, "Professor Tugwell will make
frequent trips to New Haven for the
purpose of consultation with mem-
bers of the law faculty and of such
teaching as his governmental duties
will permit in the development of
new courses in the school of law."
Prof. Tugwell is author of the
much-debated Pure Food and Drug
Law about to be presented to Con-
B R...'U
Million Loss in
CHICAGO, Jan. 8-(/P)-Dam-
age estimated at about $1,000,-
000 was caused tonight by a
spectacular fire that razed a
large automobile accessory plant
on the edge of the Loop, dam-
aged two nearby buildings, and
brought injury to two persons.
Authorities immediately began
an investigation to determine if
there was any connection be-
tween the blaze and an alleged
automobile theft, ring under in-
The fire started in the Warshaw-
sky Automobile Accessories Co. plant
at 1915 S. State St. and spread rap-
idly through the half block of build-
ings. The L. Fish Furniture Co. build-
ing and an annex owned by the auto-
mobile plant were damaged.
A stiff west wind carried embers
a block away.
More than 200 firemen played
streams of water before bringing the
stubborn blaze under control. It took
nearly four hours ,to quench the
For two hours at the height of the
fire, street car and elevated traffic
was tied up in the vicinity. Flames
attacked the elevated tracks back of
the plant but were finally extin-
glished. Electricity was cut off, how-
ever, and arterial elevated traffic
north and south was halted.
Northwestern 33, Minnesota 26.
Purdue 36, Illinois 21
Indiana 38, Ohio State 22.
Iowa 32, Wisconsin 26

Wolverine Five
Defeats Chicago
Quintet, 34-18
Attack Led By Petoskey,
Jablonski And Allen As
Varsity Finds Itself
Michigan's quintet clicked for the
first time last night. The Wolver-
ines hit the boards with a fast block-
ing attack and swamped the Univer-
sity of Chicago five 34 to 18, with
Fred Allen breaking into the scoring
column for 11 points to lead the at-
tack. Captain Petoskey followed
closely with nine points, while
"Loose" Jablonski crashed through
for eight.
The Maroons opened the scoring
with a foul-shot by Petersen, center,
who hung up the point in the first
minute of play. That score was all
Chicago got until the final minute
of the first half when Petersen again
scored, this time a field goal from
the foul line region to the right. He
bkok- away 4ae-4 r the tally-and
made a long shot from the dead run.
Petersen's three points represented
the Maroon scoring for 20 minutes.
Chicago Cracks
Meanwhile the Maize and Blue
quintet cracked the Chicago defense
for nineteen points. Breaking fast
and working for block-shots, pivot-
shots, and close ones, the Michigan
five put on an exhibition of accurate
passing and deadly shooting which
surprised the spectators. It was a
complete reversal of form.
The second half was all even as far
as scoring was concerned, with Mich-
igan holding the edge on play and
the Maroons being forced to rely for
the most part on long-shots. Each
team made 15 points, five field goals
and five fouls, but Cappon started
his stream of substitutes at the end
of 10 minutes of play, Plummer re-
placing Jablonski. Rudness Oliver,
Ford, Regeezi, and Fishman followed
Plummer into the game, only Pe-
toskey of the starters playing all the
way through.
Following Petersen's successful
foul shot, Jablonski put the Wolver-
ines into the lead with a field goal
closely followed by Allen with an-
other two-pointer. Allen missed a
foul shot, but Zit Tessmer came
through with one to complete the
first five minutes of play. After Ja-
blonski broke through for another
two points putting the Wolverines
into the lead at 7-1, Chicago took
time out, but they were unable to
stem the tide. With eight minutes
to play, Tessmer took a pass under
the basket and counted, Allen scored
again quickly with another short
Rout Goes On
Another two minutes elapsed be-
fore Petoskey took a back-pass from
Allen, and drove fast to score on a
dribble-in. Tomagno hit the basket
for the first time a moment later,
when he scored one-handed from the
foul line, Petoskey followed with a
one-handed shot from the sideline
a minute later.
Petoskey opened the second-half
scoring with a long shot from far
to the right of the ackboard. Haar-
low of Chicago got away on a fast
break and scored from close in after
two minutes of play. A minute later
Jablonski tallied a neat tip-in shot
following an attempt by Allen, and
Allen scored a foul shot a minute
Allen scored a long shot after six
minutes of play and a moment later,
Petoskey pivoted and sank one from

Supreme Court Decision
Indicates Approval Of
Congress' Action
Judgment On Law
Ends Long Dispute
Selection Of Morgenthau
For Cabinet Position Is
Approved By Senate
The Supreme Court upheld a Minne-
sota law today in a ruling that was
immediately interpreted in the cap-AH
ital as auguring well for the wide va- Orit
riety of emergency legislation en-
acted under President Roosevelt's To BishoI
The decision upheld the right of a BBihop sun
state to suspend contracts in an uletn ssue
emergency, such as was provided by
the depression. The law, which the
court held valid, extended the time University Librarian Cited
in which mortgaged property sold For Scholarly Activities
under foreclosure might be redeemed.
The right of contracts and of the In Numerous Fields
government to set them aside in an
emergency was debated with some William W. Bishop, University li-
acerbity last April and May while brarian and head of the department
several of the bills of the President's of library science, has been honored
emergency program were before Con- by having the latest issue of the Bul-
gress. letin of Bibliography, a bi-monthly
The decision was one of a wide va- magazine, dedicated to him, it was
riety handed down by the court dur- disclosed yesterday. A full-page pic-
ing a busy day. On either side of the ture of Mr. Bihepis used as the
court in the capitol building, Repub- frontspiece in the issue.
licans in House and Senate were In describing the many attain-
gathering fuel with which to ligh rnents of Mr. Bishop that have led
the fires of dissension. to his being selected for this honor,
Despite this, however there was a he accompanying article said in
striking unanimity shown in carrying part: "In honor of his world-wide in-
out the one presidential recommen- terests, international activities in the
dation that was acted on during the fields of bibliography and libraryship,
day. The Senate, with but one dis- scholarly attainments in numerous
dsubjects, accomplishments in library
senting voice, approved the appoint- science and education, and stimula-
ment of Henry Morgenthau, Jr., as ting leadership among his fellows, we
secretary of the treasury. salute this gentleman of the old
school and of the new."
G.O.P. Plots Attack Among the many offices listed
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 --(P)- which Mr. Bishop has held are the
The fuel that will provide the fires presidency of the American Library
of dissension on Capitol Hill during Association, five years on the execu-
this session of Congress today was tive board of the same body, and
piling up. membership on many other boards
Bit by bit, in measures demanding and committees of the organization.
reinstatement of many of the vet- The article closes with the state-
erans' benefits that were cut at the ment: "Tribute is due to the recog-
emergency session, asking the rea- nized leadership of a stimulating ad-
son for a drop in hog prices during ministrator in progressive librarian-
the last two months and calling for ship, a scholar in his own right, thor-
a report on how the collection of oughly at home in any intellectual
processing taxes on farm commodi- gathering,"
ties was proceeding, Republicans be- Mr. Bishop graduated from the
gan to press old issues to the fore literary college in 1892 and from the
and seek for new ones. Graduate School the following year.
In the Senate Arthur R. Robinson, He has received honorary degrees
of Indiana, a Republican who lost from Columbia University, New York
few opportunities to assail the Demo- University, Miami University, the
cratic Administration during the spe- University of Western Ontario, and
cial session, stepped into the first Oberlin College.
day of Senate debate with a speech
calling the President's message one T
of "glittering generalities" and his Righltmirel OAct
budget recommendations as "amaz-
ing." He drew an immediate reply In OMelee
from Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkan-
sas, the Democratic leader. COLUMBUS, 0., Jan. 8- (R) -
I The cases of 10 "conscientious ob-
ONE FOR THE CWA jectors" to compulsory military
BAYFIELD, Wis., Jan. 8. - (/.) -J. training at Ohio State university
M. Gordon is wondering how a large were put squarely up to President
silver souvenir medal of the Colum- George W. Rightmire for decision
bian Exposition came to be under a today when the Board of Trustees
huge rock he had removed from his declined to act.
yard. The rock, five feet in diameter, After conferring with Dr. Right-
was removed by members of a CWA mire, the board announced it would
crew. Under it they found the medal leave the decision in the hands of the
which had been struck off 40 years President - a move which may spell
previously. dismissal for the 10.
Cannon Must Stand Trial For
Violating Election Laws In 1928

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8-- (/) -
In unequivocal language, the Su-
preme Court today told Bishop James
Cannon, Republican, that he had to
stand trial on charges of violating
election laws while opposing the
election of Alfred E. Smith in 1928.
Miss Ada Burroughs, of Richmond,
Va., who was treasurer of the "Head-
q u a r t e r s Committee Anti-Smith
Democrats," will be tried also on the
same charges. Cannon directed the
committee's work which helped put
Virginia, Texas, North Carolina and
Florida in the Republican column
for the first time since Reconstruc-
tion days.
The court today did not pass on

Old Time Political Feud Back
Of Kemp-Sanders Election Fi lit

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -(/P) -
Back of the battle between Mrs. Boli-
var E. Kemp and Jared Y. Sanders,
Jr., over the sixth Louisiana congres-
sional district seat lies a heritage
of bitter factional politics with Sen.
Huey P. Long the storm center.
Although she denies having been a
"Long candidate"- in her disputed
election of Dec. 5, Mrs. Kemp had the
support of the Long organization,
which, she says, "always supports the
strongest candidate."

tion in the district fought the Long
forces without success in an effort
to elect their candidate, Paul Borron.
The Sanders feud with Huey Long
dated far back of this local election.
Sanders' father, a former governor of
Louisiana and a former Louisiana
representative in Congress, was one
of Long's first and most bitter po-
litical enemies. These enemies grew
rapidly in numbers after Long be-
came governor in 1928 and began or-
ganizing his political machine.
Young Sanders, now an anti-Long

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