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January 07, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-07

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The Weather
Rain turning to snow, colder
today; much colder by tomor-
row with local snow.


it iga


Fresh Viewpoint
In Religion ..



Two Killings
Still Unsolved
By City Police
Woman, 33, And Boy, 16,
Murdered In Detroit
Mystery Cases

Wynekoop Prosecutor

Doctors Disregard
Suicide Possibility
Woman's Body Found Or
Highway West Of City;
Believed Slain In Car
DETROIT, Jan. 6. - (P) -Twc
mysterious deaths - those of a 16-
year-old high school youth and ar
attractive, 33-year-old woman-were
being investigated by authorities to-
Bound tightly by a cord in what
officials term was a "brutal and sys-
tematic manner" the naked body of
Charles Bertle was found lying on a
piano stool in his home. The woman,
Mrs. Virginia Gibson, is believed by
police to have been slain in an at-
tempted attack and her body thrown
out of an automobile to the highway,
where two or possibly three automo-
biles ran over it.
See Suicide Possibility
While police believe Bertle was in
some way responsible for his own
death, Dr. E. J. Knobloch, cor-
oner, said he did not see "how it was
humanly possible for this boy to have
strangled himself." The cord, which
cut deeply into the chest, neck and
groin, resulted in death by strangula-
tion, medical examiners said.
There were no marks of the strug-
gle in the room in which the boy's
mother found the body. No finger-
prints other than members of the
family were found, police said. The
boy was of an athletic build and
could have made a terrific fight if his
life had been threatened, authorities


--Associated Press Photo
Charles S. Dougherty, assistant
state's attorney of Cook county, Ill.,
will direct the state's attempt to con-
vict Dr. Alice Wynekoop for the "op-
erating table slaying" of her daugh-
ter-in-law. Trial is slated to begin
January 11.
Churches Offer
Many Services
In City Today
Harvard Professor Will
Be Guest Speaker At
Unitarian ChurchI

Evidence of Struggle
Mrs. Gibson's body was found on
the highway west of the city. It is
believed she was slain and then
dragged to the spot where the body
was discovered. Evidence of the
struggle was found several hundred
feet away. Her ring and watch had
not been removed from her finger or
wrist. An autopsy showed bones
were broken In every part of her
body. While the examination did not
show how she met death before being
struck by cars, the finding of foot-
prints at the spot where the struggle
evidently took place ledaofficers to
believe she was slain in an automo-
Mrs. Gibson, wife of a Detroit in-
terior decorator, left her apartment
Friday night, to go to a show, her
husband said. They were married in
1928. Mrs. Gibson, whose maiden
name was Andrews, was born in Tac-
tolus, N. C., had one child, ten years
old, by a former marriage.
Steagall Plans,
To Offer Silver
Purchasing Bill
Congress Committees To
Settle Down To Work
Following Recess
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. - (/Pg)-
The week-end adjournment of Con-
gress today was a signal for House
and Senate committees to get to
Chairman Henry B. Steagall, of
the House Banking Committee, today
said that he thought that silver
should be given more prominence in
monetary plans and added that he
was considering the introduction of a
bill for that purpose.-
Meanwhile, rumors continued that
the White House planned some action
soon to increase the value of silver.
Reports to this effect have been in
circulation several days, but there
has been no official confirmation.
Steagall said that he was think-,
ing of: introducing a bill to authorize,
or instruct the Treasury to purchaseI
a billion dollars worth of silver imme-
diately. Thereafter, he said, the bill
would call for monthly purchases
equal to estimated domestic produc-
tion for the month.a
Silver obtained by the purchasesa
at the market price would, under
his plan, be held as collateral for1
Treasury currency.
"When the price of silver went un."9

Prof. J. Fagginger Auer of Har-
vard Divinity School, who speaks at
7:30 p. m. today in the Unitarian
Church on "Student Contributions to
Religion," appears as the only out-
of-town speaker today in local
churches. Here to open the Insti-
tute on Liberal Religion in the Uni-
tarian Church which continues
throughout this week, he will deliver
his first lecture of the series tonight.
In the morning service the Rev.
Harold P. Marley will speak on "In-
tellectual Honesty in Religion."
The Rev. Henry Lewis of St. An-
drews Episcopal Church will preach
on "The Significance of Christ for
Modern Thought" at 11 a. m, Epis-
copal students will hold their weekly
"conversatione" at 7 p. m. in Har-
ris Hall when Prof. Russel C. Hussey
will lead a discussion on "Special
Phases of Evolution."
In the First Methodist Episcopal
Church the Rev. Peter F. Stair, as-
sociate pastor of the church, will take
as his subject for the service at 10:45
a. m. "Authority in Religion." Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the
church, is in Florida, convalescing
from a recent sickness.
Stalker Hall members will inaugu-
rate a new series of seminars on ap-
plied Christianity at noon today. At
3 p. m. the International Student
Forum will meet, and at 6 p. m.
Harold S. Gray, war resister who
was jailed for refusing to partici-
pate in the World War, will speak at
the Guild Devotional Service.
"The Higher Loyalty" will be the
subject of the Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer
of the Presbyterian Church in the
morning worship at 10:45 a. m.
Charles Orr will lead the Student
Forum at 5:30 p. m.
An address appropriate to the new
year, "Wishing for Wings," will be
given by the Rev. Allison R. Heaps
at 10:45 a. m. in the Congregational
Church. The Student Fellowship of
the church will meet at 6 p. m. for
supper, after which Mr. Heaps will
lecture on "The Sign of the Cross,"
the lecture to be illustrated by stere-
opticon slides.
Changes In odes
Conisidered By NRA
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. - W) -
A general shakedown of the big code
structure erected by NRA will be
undertaken by Hugh S. Johnson next
month to correct inconsistencies and
injustices discovered in the several
months of operating experience.
He plans to call in the nearly 200
code authorities, industry's own gov-
erning groups, for a thorough airing
of difficulties, both within and be-
tween coded industries. From what is
learned then he hopes to achieve a
degree of consistency throughout the,
industrial-control machinery, which
was impossible so long as the experi-
mental phases of code creation domi-
nated NRA activities.
While Johnson was announcing
this board program, President Roose-
velt reaffirmed the Administration's
intentinn tn us the Federal 'Tradp

Two Students
Win Trial For
Frank E. Cooper, Wilfred
Sellers To Compete For
Rhodes Scholarships
Both Prominent On
Will Take Tests Before
District Committee With
10 Other Competitors
Frank E. Cooper, senior in the Law
School and former city editor of The
Daily, and Wilfred S. Sellers, '33, now
instructor of philosophy in Buffalo,
were selected by the Rhodes Scholar-
ship state committee to represent
Michigan as candidates for the two
year scholarship to Oxford University
in the mid-west district, including
the states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois,
Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan.
Each state will choose two candi-
dates, and from this number four will
be awarded scholarships by the dis-
trict committee.
Cooper, who graduated from the
literary college in the class of '31,as
well as being city editor of The Daily
in his senior year, was on the Gar-
goyle staff, was elected vice-president
of the Michigan Union, and won the
McNaught Medal in Journalism and
the Student Publications scholarship.
Sellers, the son of Dr. Roy Sellers,
professor of Philosophy in the Uni-
versity, was affiliated with Phi Kap-
pa Phi and the Acolytes.
Qualifications for winning the
Rhodes scholarship are based on the
principles outlined in the will of Cecil
Rhodes, British empire builder, who
.left the greatest part of his fortune
to found the scholarship now bearing
his name. Through his directions,
scholarship, personality, and interest
in athletics are the qualities on which
the awards are based. The stipend
of 400 pounds runs for two years,
with the scholar having the option of
accepting it for another year.
Prof. Auer Will
Open leligous
Institute Today
Unitarian Church Plans An
Eight -Day Symposium
On Liberal Tho t
The Institute on Liberal Religion,
opening its eight-day program at
7:30 p. m. today in the Unitarian
Church under the auspices of the
Laymen's League of the church, will
present as the featured speaker Prof.
J. Fagginger Auer of the Harvard
Divinity School, author of the book,
"Humanism States Its Case." His
topic tonight will be "Student Con-
tributions to Religion."
The Laymen's League is composed
of men in the Unitarian Church, in-
cluding some of the foremost edu-
cators of the University.
Daily lectures and discussions will
be headed by Professor Auer. As a
leader of the Humanist religious
movement in the United States, he
brings with him the experience of a
lifetime spent in such work.

Humanism, according to Prof. Roy
W. Sellars of the philosophy depart-
ment, one of the members of the
committee arranging for the insti-
tute, is an effort to consider religion
as a purely personal matter, not a
dependence on "orthodox doctrine."
Earl Bailie, Assistant
Treasury Head, Resigns
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6..-(/P)-
Earle Bailie, special assistant to Sec-
retary of the Treasury Henry Mor-
genthau, Jr., today resigned, effec-
tive at the Secretary's earliest con-
venience. Bailie, a partner in the
Wall Street brokerage firm of J. and
W. Seligman, pointed out that he had
accepted the position only on a tem-
porary basis.
Inasmuch, he said, as Henry Selig-
man, one of his senior business part-
ners, died two weeks ago, he felt that
he should now devote his entire at-
tention to the affairs of his New York
In accepting his resignation, Mor-
genthau expressed regret.

Effect Of Vew.Deal
On Journalism Is
Topic At Meeting
I (By Intercollegiate Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 6. - The effect o
the New Deal on journalism was dis-
cussed here last week at a conference
of teachers of journalism.
Among the speakers were Dr. Wil-
lard G. Bleyer, head of the depart-
ment of journalism of the University
of Wisconsin, and Carroll Binder, ed-
itorial assistant to the publisher of
the Chicago Daily News.
Said Dr. Bleyer, in part:
"Whether we move to the right to-
ward Fascism or to the left toward
Socialism and Communism, we shall
still hold to the right of newspapers
to furnish us with the news of the
day in as complete and accurate
form as possible.
Binder told the conference:
"Newspapers which have not seen
fit to support all the policies of the
government have performed real
services to the administration and
the people by calling attention to
abuses and fallacies."
Schools Plan
To Appeal For
Federal Help
To Ask Government For
Financial Aid To Prevent
'Collapse' Of Schools
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.- () -
Educators are preparing to request
immediate action by Congress to pre-
vent what they term "collapse of the
American public school system."
The Joint Commission on the
Emergency in Education, represent-
ing the National Education Associa-
tion and the Department of Superin-
tendence will ask that money be
appropriated at the earliest possible
moment to reopen schools already
closed and to prevent the closing of
The commission reports that a'
total of more than $40,000,000 is
owed to teachers by school districts
which will be able to provide only a
few more weeks of schook hi-year
for their children unless substantial
assistance comes from the Federal
With the school term in one out
of every four cities shortened this
year and the terms in practically
every great American city one or two
months shorter than they were 70 to
100 years ago, the commission con-
tends that the nation literally is
stepping back into the educational
opportunities of the early Nineteenth
Educators point out that one out
of every four teachers is being paid
now at a rate less than that estab-
lished for factory hands under the
blanket code of the Administration,
while children are being herded into
school rooms under conditions in
which individual instruction is im-
Twenty-five thousand teachers
have been dropped from the schools
while a million more pupils, largely
as a result of the child labor ban,
have been enrolled.
A major provision of the proposed
legislation calls for immediate appro-
priation by Congress of funds for
opening of schools already closed.
( o. P. Begins

Of '34 Budget
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6-- (A) -
Republicans began their promised
bombardment of the Roosevelt bud-
get today as the Senate and House
took time off and prepared for the
contest to come.
With both houses in recess until
Monday and committees and lead-
ers busying themselves for next
week's wrestling with liquor taxes,
the St. Lawrence waterway treaty,
and appropriation measures, a mid-
west senate republican gave the cue
to the opposition's plans for fighting
huge additional outlays.
In a lengthy formal statement,
Senator Patterson, (Rep., Mo.), said
President Roosevelt's estimates of a
deficit of more than $7,000,000,000
this year made it obvious that "we
are travelling along the road to fi-
nancial ruin."
"Both branches of congress are so
overwhelmingly under the control of
the administration," he asserted,
"that only an aroused public opinion

Indiana TakesI
Over Michigan
Quintet, 29-18
Kehrt Heads Hoosiers By
Piling Up 13 Points;
Wolverines Erratic
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 6-(P)
- Indiana University opened its Big
Ten basketball season here tonight
by overwhelming an erratic Univer-
sity of Michigan quintet 29 to 18.
The Hoosiers mixed some accurate
long-distance shooting with some
clever under-basket formations to
run up the score.
Willard Kehrt led the victors scor-
ing, netting five baskets and three
free throws for 13 tallies and high
point honors of the game. Coach
Dean used reserves in the last half,
after the regulars had. run up a 29
to 8 lead on the visitors. The of-
fense of the visitors was led by Ja-

blonski, center.
Indiana (29)
Kehrt, f ...........
Dansinger, f .......

Stout, f ....
Huffman, c
Coulter, c
Weir, g . . .
Porter, g..
Walker, g



Busse Hal Kemp

. .
. .
. .

.5 3
,0 0
.2 1
.2 0
.0 0
.2 0
. 1 1
.0 0
.12 5

. . . . . . . . . .

Totals . ..... ... . .


Signed For J-Hop Bands;
Tickets Reduced To $5.50

Michigan (18) FG
Fishman, f...........0
Plummer, f ..... . . ....0
Rudness, f .,... . ...... 0
Jablonski, c-.......... 2
Allen, c .............. 1
.Tessmer,. g... . ..ยข,......0
Tomagno, g ...,........0
Oliver, g .............1
Petoskey, g ............1
Totals ................ 5
Score at half, Indiana
gan 8.


18, Michi-

Personal fouls: Kehrt, Dansinger,
Stout, Huffman, 3, Coulter 3, Porter
2, Walker 4, Plummer, Rudness, Ja-
blonski 2, Tessmer, Tomagno 2,
Oliver, Petoskey 3.
Free throws missed, Stout 3, Huff-
man 2, Coulter 3, Walker, Fishman,
Plummer, Rudness 3, Jablonski 2,
Tomagno, Oliver.
Is Asked To Aid
In Dry States
Anti-Saloon League Puts
Forward Demand For A
Strict Enforcement
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. - P) -
Employing five consecutive adjectives
to describe the drive that led to re-
peal, the Anti-Saloon league today:
put forward as part of a renewed
prohibition campaign a demand that
the administration make good its
promise to protect dry states,
The effort that downed the eigh-
teenth amendment was termed, the
"most intense, sustained, wide-spread
concerted and simultaneous attack
ever waged upon a governmental
These were the words of a report
by the league's legal and legislative
department, prepared for presenta-
tion to the organization's twenty-sev-
enth national convention beginning
here tomorrow.
"With depleted resources," it stated
"the league was compelled to wage
a campaign along all fronts at one
Speech Societies Are To
Debate On Wednesday
For the first time in their history
Alpha Nu speech society and the
Stump Speakers Society, unit of
Sigma Rho Tau, will meet this week
in a debate, it was announced yes-
terday. The debate, scheduled for
7:30 p. m. Wednesday at the Union,


German Visitor Will
Change Name Of Levy
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Jan. 6.-
()-Mrs. Johanna Levy Zorgnitto
won court permission to drop the
"Levy" out of her name because she
is going to live in Germany for sev-
eral months this year.
Mrs. Zorgniotto wanted to alter
only her middle or "Maiden" name.
In fact, she wanted only to reassume
her true name.
Her father, Harry Lapsapp, came
to the United States from Germany
30 years ago, and changed his name
to Levy for "Business Reasons."
Now her husband is going to Ger-
many on business and Mrs. Johanna
Levy Zorgniotti got permission from
County Judge John B. Coyle to
change her name to Mrs. Johanna
Lapsapp Zorgniotti because she's go-
ing with her husband.
Fischer Namned
On '34 Walker
Cup Golf Team
Will Leave School To Join
Squad Which Will Go
To England Next Spring
Johnny Fischer, '34, captain-elect
of the 1934 Michigan golf team was
named yesterday as a member of this
year's Walker Cup team and will,
consequently, leave school at the end
of the present semester in order to
sail with the team for England some-
time in April.
Fischer said last night that though
he hates to give up the opportunity
to lead his Conference championship
team during the 1934 season, he will
be back in school next Fall and, thus,
will be eligible for the 1935 team.
The 21-year old Cincinnati youth
who has attracted nation-wide atten-
tion by being medalist in the Na-
tional Amateur tournament two years
in a row, setting a new record last
year, said, "I just heard about it a
few minutes ago. There isn't much
to say except that I'm very happy,
of course."
Along with Fischer on the re-
vamped squad which will invade Eng-
land next spring are two other sen-
sational young stars, Johnny Good-
man, national open champion; and
Lawson Little, of San Francisco; as
well as another newcomer to Walker
Cup ranks, H. Chandler Eagan, who
won the National Amateur in 1904
and '05.
Other members of the team are
George T. Dunlap, Jr., Max R. Mar-
ston, Gus Moreland, and Jack West-
Besides meeting England's best
amateurs in the team match May 11
or 12, the members of the United
States squad will stay in the Isles
long enough to compete in the Brit-
ish Amateur which has been set for
May 20.
Theloss of their star will dampen
the Wolverine's championship hopes
which were very bright, with Mark-
ham, David and Sweet returning
from last year's team. Obserers are
hopeful that Chuck Kocsis, sensa-
tional young golfer from Detroit, who
has returned to school this year, may
be eligible for competition this spring.
Round Table Group
To Hear Waterman
Dr. Leroy Waterman, head of the
department of oriental languages
and literatures, will speak before the
Freshman Round Table group at
9:30 a. m. today in the League in the

opening session of this month's pro-
gram. His subject will be "Man's Re-
lation to the Infinite."
In discussing the plan of the
speech, Professor Waterman said:
"Man finds himself part of an in-
finite universe. How shall he adjust
himself intelligently to his total en-
vironment? We shall discuss various
attitudes, and their effect on char-
acter and personality. We shall try
to point out the kind of adjustment
most conducive to development of the
higher values."

Custom Changed So As To
Provide For Two Bands
Of Equal Prominence .
Decoration Plans
Are To Be Drawn
Nationally Known Radio
Orchestras Are Now At
Chicago Cafes
The orchestras of Hal Kemp and
Henry Busse, both nationally famous
radio and recording bands, will vie
for honors when the doors of the
Intramural Building swing open on
the night of Feb. 9, for Michigan's
"biggest party of the year."
Varying from the custom insti-
tuted in former years of having one
famous orchestra, supplemented by
a band of lesser importane, to pro-
vide the music for the annual J-Hop,
the committee in charge of the 1934
function has announced that two
musical units of equal prominen e
have been selected for the dance.
Tickets Rcdued
Ticket prices for the 1934 J-Hop
have been reduced m alt e r i a 11 y
through the efforts of committeemen
in their attempts to place the party
within the reach of as many students
as possible while retaining the many
traditional features which have be-
come a part of the dance itself. The
tickets for this year's dance will sell
for $5.50, as compared with former
prices which went as high as $10 a
Contracts for the decorations have
already been signed, Philip A. Sin-
gleton, general chairman of the 1934
J-Hop stated last night. A Detroit
concern will convert the huge gym-
nasium into a ballroom, following
plans which are to be drawn up this
week. An artist's sketch of the plans
will be on display n the window of
a State Street store in the near fu-
ture, Singleton said.
Now In Chicago
Both of the orchestras which have
been secured for the occasion are
now playing in Chicago.Hai Kemp's
band, famous for its rendition of ex-
cellent dance music rather than be-
cause of unusual publicity or fea-
tured novelties, is now engaged at
the Blackhawk restaurant in the
Windy City. Henry Busse's orches-
tra is under contract at the Granada
Mr. Kemp, who works out his own
arrangments with the aid of mem-
bers of his orchestra, has the repu-
tation of presenting many good vo-
calists, the famed Janis and Ennis
beingmembers of his organization.
Graduating from the University of
North Carolina, where he started his
first band, Mr. Kemp made a sensa-
tional success in London and Paris
before returning to this country to
earn a foremost position in the world
of American dance orchestras.
"Best Trumpeter"
Henry Busse brought a 17-piece or-
chestra to Ann Arbor two years ago
to play for the Frosh Frolic of the
same class which has now engaged
him for the J-Hop. In 1932 he was
at the Netherlands Plaza in Cincin-
nati, where he also played regularly
over radio station WLW. Mr. Busse
has the reputation of being the "best
jazz trumpeter in the world" and the
members of his organization are all
recognized as leaders in their re-
spective fields.
Tickets for the dance, which will
be on sale next week, are to be sold
this year by the elected committee-
men of the J-Hop, Singleton an-
nounced. The committeemen and
their respective positions are as fol-
Charles Hewitt, vi e-chairman
Gale Stirling and John Garrels,
tickets; Charles Brownson, secretary;

Ruth Kaser, invitations; Sidney
Frankel and Ann Dunbar, publicity;
James Eberly and Bill Wangner,
floor; Sam Hazelton and Don Cook,
booths; Carl Marr, chairman of the
decorations committee; Bob Kraft,
Stuart Swanton, and Larry Wines,
decoration committeemen.
Military Training Case
Comes Before Trustees
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 6.-

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